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, �. <br /> ,� <br /> ! . :� <br /> � � <br /> �"�`- U 4313� <br /> MtkRTCACE � <br /> � htox�rrnr,L�ca�*�Nn. �L_22,679 -- <br /> lrcriow�[�LM�r�sr�r�+FscPR�.ssN�ts:rt��r Jens W. Rc�je►rski and Janette A. Ro,�ewski, �ech in Ms <br /> ��"�" and her vran right antl as spause of each oth�r <br /> ^' Alortgagar,w4�ukher oixe ur mare,in cransidcrntiun oS thc cum nf <br /> 3 Sxxty-five Thousand and Na�100_�_ __--- ----- ----- ----- ----------- --- --'��c�LcnKs <br /> 3 _,.._.. - ._____-- ' `_`,�-- <br /> loaned lo said nuartgegux by Tl�c Equiiabte kluilding�nrl Lziyn Assuciatian of G ran�tstand,Nchrosl�n,fi1orsga$co,upon fi 50 thares�f stack of <br /> � � , said.AS5E7C1,+\TION,�ertiCrcate No.L �2�67� ,duhcreby grant;conv�y and martgago unta thc said e15SOCIATION thc tolluwing <br /> d€scribed rea!esaate,situnYed.ia ilati C:ounty.Ne6rmska: <br /> ? ' THE NORTHERLY THIRTY EIGHT FEET (N 38') OF E�pT NINE (9) AND THE SOUTHERLY F�RTY TWO FEET ` <br /> � ' (.5 4�`� aF'L07 EIC�HT (8) IN BUHRMAFV SUBDIVISION; AN'ADDfTIDN TQ TNE GITX 0� GRAND ISLAND, <br /> � . ryE6RASKA. <br /> '� !.f)T FfJl1R (�4} IN &LOCK SIXT£EN (I6) IN ASMTOi�d PLRGE ,QN RDDITION TQ THE CITY t�F GRAND I5lAND, <br /> ,:.;� ttALL COUNTY, NE�RASKA. <br /> � ; Lt7T TNREE (3) IK LiCOCK ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THREE (123) IN UNION PACI=IC RAILWAY COMPANY'S <br /> : x SECOND ADDITION TQ THE:CTT1' OF GRAND ISLAND� HALL COUNTY, NE6RASKA. <br /> A.- . . . . . .. . � �. � . . . . . . . <br /> ,'� � .. � . . � . . . .. . . . .. . . . � .. <br /> '� . . . . . . .. . . . . � <br /> � ��'.. . . � � � � . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . <br /> X.� .. . . . , . . . . . . . <br /> (; �.' � � . � . . . � � � . . . � . � . . <br /> ,n, .�.�: . . . . . . . _ <br /> tO�ether<wiil� all the tc�emr__n1s�li �l,t_rr± + 1 � . � ,��;;,�;e � ...,,. �y� ��w �.. ���v .:auc� ��.a� wuiiiJw auccna,. <br /> 5 w�ndaw shades,bLnds,storm �vindu�vs,a�+�nings,hestin� .ur cunditwmrag,�and pluinbing�ind wutcr equiprnent uad�ceessuries¢hereto,pumps.stoves, ti,; <br /> refrigeeatiirs,'and+uthc�fixtures and cquipmezit nnw ur J�ereuficcattached tt�or uxed 'exa conucction with said real estule. <br /> �° ftnd wlieress the said mqrlgagor has sgreed and do�s hereUy agrce tfiat the m artp,agor shx11 snJ will paw aU lares anc3 asses.�mcnts fcviad cr <br /> 3 assesstd upbn said'pcemixcs and upon this muriga�e and the 6crnd secu�ed therebp taetoce tlie sanie stiull bec�me dalinquenx;to furnish approvcd <br /> � insucuncc upon tt�c buildiaigs cart said pre�mises siuiated in she sum of S 6$���Q.�D payablc tai said ASSO(:IATIUN and to deIrver �o said <br /> � �. ASSOCIATION ehe poliars�f`or said ins�ranc�:and riot�o::onunit.ur perniic utty wasi�-adwr abuut atid�premises: .���. . . �� � :� . <br /> [n case uf 3efault in thc petforxnance of any of the trrms and cundidons ut zhis murtgn�c csr tlic band securei3 herebv,SI19 111pYt�e$C0 SI18I1, <br /> '� � ��on de[nand«�.be�c�ttitled tu�imaucdiatc possessiun ul thc iz�ortgaged premrses and Yhe mortgagerr �hereby assiy�ns�.�{r'anstrrs� and sctr�nver to tliq �. <br /> , martRagec all tlie ients,rrvenuqs snd incoma to be dnrived frum the muztgngnd preinises�turing s¢ch iime as U�e mortKage indehtedness shull remain <br /> �p�'.",.�. unpaid;und tht�murtgagec cl�all li•rve.the power.tu appc�inc uny ugent ur a�ents it mau�Jesire�'for ttxc purgose.a!repairing ssid pnmise5��antl renting�- <br /> ,r [he same attd cottecting.the rents,re�•enu�s und incomc,and ic m�y pay out of sai3 iaicome-u{L expenses uE' repuiring snid precnisex nnd necessnry ' <br /> ti � <br /> cutcaYnisswt�s�and.ex{�enses�incw�red in renting and mann�ing Uie snmc.a_n3 uf.cellectnig.rentsis th¢rcfrom; ihc'halance rcrnuinnt�,�if nny-,to be �. <br /> 3 appTied tqward t}sc dischurge��(said murtgage indebtrd»ess;these rights af the murtgagea msy,be excrcised at any tinre during the�xistcnce of such <br /> q ', default,irrespective eiCax�y tempumcy waiver uf ihe same. <br /> , These Pr¢sestts,howc�cr.qre upon tl�e Candition,T�wt if the said hlurlgagor shall repay sxid luan un ur bCtbn tlar maxarity uF suid sSa�rns by <br /> ,� p�yrnent;pay monthly td uid:ASSOCIATIC.�N uC al�e sw�a specitled in c3�e Nun�!secured licreby rs inrernsr an3 principat on siiid bun,wn o�before - <br /> '-�the.'" of cach and evety m�ntli,wuil s�id loan is fulfy paid;pav all taxes and assessme��es Icvied u�ainst daid�prrraises anJ un�.�this Iv#urr�aga.� � <br /> � and the$ond secured thcr�by,bafore del'utquc�acy;turnislz appcoved insurance upon[hc buililin�s thereun in thc sum ut�S (rj��QQ.QQ pay�blC <br /> �.to�said.ASSOC1ATfQN,tepuy.�to�said-ASSCICI aT[C)h upun demanJ all raionrp by it puid 1'or such t��ns;assttssments and.�insurance wiih intsrest at�.�. <br /> �-�(�,��� �Q�e�anaxinzum laga!ralp.chcre�n�l�rum�1ate ot puymcnt all of whid�flqrt�rgorliefeby��rees io puy;perrnit s�ct wasieon said}�rernises;krep nnd cJmrly�� �� ' <br /> � witta all lhe agrocrnenls and coi3Jitious o#'ihe 13cand far S (5�QQd (]C]ihis dry given by the said Mortg�got w s2id AJSQClA17QN;vnd �roa�ply <br /> witl3 atl lltie requuements of the(unstilutiun an�i I3�•�[aws qC said ASSO�lAT10N; thcn these presents shnli Uecome nult-and voi�i.utherwxse they <br /> shal}i°emai+�in full forcr a�id ivay be tprtctused at itu c�ptfon�»tNe aaid ASSt?C'FATION �iftcr failure for ihrca niozsths tn mxku any o(suid <br /> payrnnnis or be thrr�months in arrears in making said monthly paymenxs,or tr�krep ai�d cumpiy witli thn agreeinents;ind coitditicans af sztid I3oqd; <br /> � � and A9url�agor a�recs la hnve�a rec,�river�p�uinted Porthwi�h in suclr torncloswe proceedin�s. <br /> S <br /> if therc is�chruige in uwnecship uf tha�eal estale mortgagcd herein,by sule or uthenvi�e.then the entiro remaiir'tinf3 u�dcbtedntss hnreGy <br /> � �� secured.;ItaU;at ihc�s.c�f'The Equiishlc liuildinb and Lban Asse�ciati�on of Grand Island�,Nebrxsl:s,become inm�eJistely�3ue and payxble witlwut- <br /> furt3aer nutice,and the umount remaining duc under saiai l�ond,and nxi��other bond fnr xny additional advances made thrceunder,�tta11,fivm Ihe <br /> d:itc oi"exexcise o2 said option,bcar interest at ehe anuximcam Ic��l r;iic,xnd this mc�rt�a�;e may [}aea�Ne foreoluscd cn s�tisfy tfie amo��nt due un said <br /> El <br /> txand,and any ut}acr bond for addiUona2 advsnces,tugeihar with all sums�aid Uy said '1'ha Equitsbix Buildin�,and Loan Assocantion of Grand lalnnd, <br /> Nebzaska't'ar insurancc,tu4cs and aasessmcncs;a�id absiractinger.tezisi��o charges, wieh inierest ilurean, frc�m dnta uf payizeent nt tho m�xtnmm <br /> .� ]ega.1 rata�.,� � .. �. .. � . . .� . � . <br /> ' a: As prov�t�e3 in th�,$ond secured�tieretay,�whilc lhis marigagc.rrmains in cf'f'c�e tha mort�,tag�c rosy heresfler q3vance sdditional sums ta the:�� � <br /> � ' .- mukrrs uC szid Bcand,ihairassigns i>rsucccsscars in inte;est,which sumssfc�ll be within fhe securi[y t�f'this mortgage tlie same as tha funds�riginally <br /> `sectsred 1here6y,thc�.Wtal:aez�ount uE principal debi ncst tcs excecd xi ony timn che ori�inal amuunt of this mortga�a. . <br /> z <br /> ;,,pai�a tn� 3rd �y<�x� June :�,n.,iv 77 <br /> �;, t �� _ ,� ' <br /> . . .� . <br /> v.s ri:;�....-. <br /> ; J' ette,.A. RoJewski <br /> , � <br /> STAT�OF NEBF2ASKA, day nf <br /> F ss: On ihis 3rd June iq77 ,bet=ore me, <br /> COUNT4,'K>�HALL� g <br /> � � � � Ihc undrrsiv,ned.a Nota.ry'1'ubtic in..uid(qr said l"c3untY,}hrsanafly camc �""�"�"• ' ��.. ' <br /> Jens W. R+a�ewsici and Jar�ette A. Ro3 ewski, eaoh 9n hi s and her awn r��ht and as s�o� e �� a � �_" <br /> ( e$s �v S are pers i�:� y�iuo cu <br /> ],;,,;, o�lpa t�' xacs��' w};��nema S ��e aff7xed ta tlie abova icistrument as mortgagor,,,c arx<i �hey scverally µ�'�� <br /> a�p�s�aR��d' xz�ment la ttc vc+luntary nrt and dced. ;�;� <br /> � tr,j �. .�. '�',.� ��m'N hsnd snd IVoxazael��e�..[ho�detr atarewu¢. .�' <br /> � iVGTr'1S`.'Y "� �.�..�1��.t� '� h <br /> '��= COM�iS�#O�NY�- .an expirea �, ��+�� 1 r xi� �,�� <br /> " EXi'f RES _ i:\.. ��.^•+ i�� <br /> �„� . . Not �Public <br /> . .i�0, �t! 't� '�,t' .. . . <br /> ., � vy*',.....�•• . . <br /> *O,T�r���Qy''�P <br /> � .,:� . �..., � <br />� , <br />