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, �, <br /> � <br /> � - �� <br /> �_ . .. . � <br /> noGextesad cir �>oatpone the ciue dnte ol tfie mt>nt61�� � rr..tslhncnta cefr�rred co �ir par:��ra��kiti 1 nnd 2 hereof or <br /> chaingethe areaount of such instalt�ent�. <br /> ' -' 10. BorsawerNotR;aleased. E:�tension oti the tiix�e� ior �>syment oc m�iificacion of amortization of the eurnaz <br /> � eaecured by t�is '.�IorGgage qrantecf Ucz'.I,ender to anv �urressor in intere:;� oi Barro�r•�r shull not .onerute to releaee, <br /> � �rt aa� ixrans�er, the tiubiiity of ihe t�ri�irsut Borrowr.r ancl Eiorroner 4 s��ceessors in interes[. I.=ender shalt r;at be <br /> ` ' r,.� r-equired to cornmene� proceeciings agninst sucli. s�r.ce�ssor or rciuse to ext€ncl cime fnr nayment or otherwise modify <br /> ' � amartiz�tiaa of the aums aeeured by ttxis lIortga.�e by reasan of ang rie-mand niade hy the ori�„inal Borrower und <br /> ��' Q €.iorrowez's ea�ecessora irs intereat. <br /> �.� il: ForSearcmce b7� Leader .Nart c VVaiver_ . : Any for��earnnce by 3E,ender in exerciaing a�y right ar remedg <br /> x � ' taerennder, o�. otherwise afforded by a}a�licable la.zv, slzal3 na#. I,�e s waiv�r oF or preelude the e�c+ereiae of suy right <br /> `p" g. � vr remedy hereunder. Tbe procurement of insura.nee ar the �?ayment of taxes or ot}Fer liens or charges by Lendes <br /> �, � , �^., �hall aot be �i waiver af i,ender's ri�lit to accelernte the ma.turity of tli�e indebtedn�ss secured h}T thSa Martgage. <br /> �w;„ �;� " 12.; Reiaedias Cumir2ativa. <Alt remedies prnvidect in tt�is \fortgagc si�e ciistincst and cuuzu�ative f.a any o�her <br /> �` ;'+� z��ht or r�em�dy :ltnder th'ss liortgag� or nffordert f�v luti�• c��°, equicv, and 3nay Le exeeeiseci cone�xr�entty, indegend- <br /> "�' �� eaitTyorstiecesexvely. ' <br /> , y � 13. Successors aad Asaigas Bo�ad; Ioint �i} SevezaI Liahility; �agtions, The covenan�s and agreements <br /> � , � }�erein eanGsrned shs1F bind, nnd the rights liereunder shatl incn�e to, thc r�speetive suecessors an�€ assigns of Isender <br /> �, ;� t�nd 13orrowes, $ubjeaG ta the provision� of j�ara�ruplt 17 t�ereaf. :�1t1' cav�:nants and ' z�greemenis of Borrower shell <br /> s ' Fre joint, and �everaI. The r.aptions arztl3ieadings �f- Ylre �7ara�rnjihs of thi� _llortgage sre for contienience onIp and <br /> n� , n3e not tq be -used to inf,erpret or define the iarnvisaons lrereai; <br /> �,'a ' 14. PTotice. ; ,4riy natice ta Bnrrower pracid�t for in t:lris 3fortgagc si�att t�e giti-en by ma:iiin� tiuch notiee by ` ' <br /> 1 cc.rGified 7nai� uadresseti -to Borrawer at tlic Propeity _�ddres� �tated ; t�el�ow, eacept foi• aiiy noi;ice required under <br /> � �� p�ragrapiz 1S t4ereaf to bt �iveti to Borro�vez• in ilae �naEiner preycribed t�y ;rt��3alicnble lt�w. �Aa_y notfpe provided � ' <br /> � fc�r zn this l¢ortgage bhall lie deemeri �o liuce beeri �;iven io Barro�ver cvhen gi��en in z he iiianner �lesiguated herein, <br /> ,� � ]S, :Unifomi Mortgage; Cavemimg Law; Severability., 'Phis iarn� 4f morcgage cambines unifornz coti enants <br /> �-�, � fornatianal case �nd non- t�niform eoHenants cvitlf limiteri �•arintions by ; urisdiction t.o consti�ut� a uniform secu- � <br /> � � rfty 9r.strurn�t covering real �aroperGy. This 1lortgage sna11 lie goserne� t>y the ia�v of the jurssdiction in which <br /> S � Gi�a Yroperty is located; in the evenc thuti ariy fsrovision or clause oi t�is 11ort�age .or the ilTote conAiets �vit6 <br /> ��,, ,, <br /> ' app3ieable 2aw, suah confiict shail na-L �ffect other l�rovisions oi this :llcartgrsge or the Note ' wk�ich can be given i � <br /> > . � eH'eot without tI�e conflicting provisio�, and to tliis end the px�ovisions of tlie Zlortgage and the �Vote sre declared <br /> r ; tQ beseverab�e. . " ` ` <br /> ,`t� � 16. Bonowers Copy_ �iorrower shali be furnishec9 s co�tormed oopy of this 3�L�ortgage st the time of execu- a •- <br />� , :a oiun ui. x�iie�' r+zcornxiion nereoi. ; °� <br />�'`rt � 17. 'TzansEer of the Property: Assumpiioa. T,; alt or any part of t}€ e Property or an interest therein is sold "�`� <br /> � or- t�ansferre� byBorroiver �vithaut Lender's priar ivritten conseni; excluc�ing {a) che creatias o£ a lien or encum- " ,t <br /> � � � ' b�anee subordinate to this liortgage, (b) ,tkie creation of a'purchuae .nio�eyccsecurity inferest for IiouseHold sppli- , <br /> � Araces, (c) s transfer by devise, descen-t or by o��erst.ion oT las+- u��on ihe cieath of a jo'trt tennn� or (d) the grs}nt of , <br /> ' '� ursy leasehold interest of 'three os leas not containing an option :io p�rcttuse, Ler3cder raay� �,� Lender's aptian, <br /> ' ? � dEclare alI the sums secured bv this Y�ortgage to t>c immediacely due and payable. Lendcr shti.11 finve }vaived such <br /> r� � option to. ace�lernte iT, prior to t[�e saie a• i,ransfer, Lender isiad tlie paerso� to rwhom �t.he Property is ta 6e sold or <br /> + � traasferred rescl� agreemei�t in ivriting thnt i}re credit oi sucli }mrson is aatisfactory to Lender anc� that the interest } d ' <br /> c <br /> � ` �F� p�yable"on th<e sums secured by;this i1<Iortgage shall be at sueli rate as I,ender shallsequest. If Ifendec has �aived <br /> ,i tk�e opfaon to accelerute provided in tlris paragrap2z 17 and if 33orrower's =uccessor in inferest has exeeuted a writ- ; <br /> e A te� assumption agreement aceepted i`n writing by F�en<ter, Lencler shall release Borrow er from a11- .obligations under <br /> , � �' � � � :� <br />� t . thia MarEgsge and the No%e. <br /> � _� If LendeF exereises sucli option to nccelerate; Lender slxail !�iail k3orrower notice of accelerat�on in accordanae ' � . :':' <br /> E�� rvtth paragraph 14 Y�ereoi: Suc1� notice shall }�rovide n pc:ri�ct of not less th�Yi 3U days irom ttxe, daio thc notice ;is <br /> r ,',� mailed .within mhich 73orrower msy px}� the sums declared dae. Ii ' 13orraleer iails to �ay such sums �rior tn the ;. ' , � <br /> � � ' ex�imtion of such periad, Lender znaty, tivitizout iurtl�er notic� or detnand on Borron�er, invoke ra.ny remedi�s per- <br /> h � miEted by paragruph 18 hereof, . <br /> zj � :�io�-ITn�n�ai GovExnxTs. Bvr�•o�ver and Lendei� furtlier cc�venant and a�•ree ti5 £n3lon�s : � <br /> � ,� IB, Acce3erafioa; Reasedies. �acept- as pro��ide�l in pisnigra��ti 17 liereof, u��o�a' 13orrovti•er's hreaeh of any� ' � <br /> � ,:� cavenant or agreement of '�orro�cer in this ltort�*agc, 'rncluclirsg tiic eo�•en �nts to pay iv)ien d�e an� sums �ecured <br /> � ;� by tk�is Rlartg�ge; Lenciet• 3uior to ucc�ler�Gion ah�:Il m.nii -notace to: f3orra�vnr as j �ro4iclui in pa,��KrapFt 14 liereof <br /> � r�` , specitying : .j2 ) #he bresets ; (? ) tha :�.etion requis-ed to cui•e �uc�h bre�rli ; 13j u �iat,c; not iess , �l�an [hirty' days <br /> t '� irvm Lhe daie tl�e notice is maiieci to I3urrsa�.�er, I )�" i\'Illl'I1 8Li@It bre;ieti n3ust tie cured ; anii (4 ! tl�at #aifw•e to cure <br /> �t�;;:,� �uch breach on o�� betore cl�e dste 5pecifieti iu ilir� notice xuxv rzsiilt in a.eceleracion �f the su�ns secured hv ihis <br /> ' ^ �toiLgage and- sale of tihe Property. lf zhe breaei� is noG cured on or beforc the ciate sXsecified ica tt3e< notiee, Leader <br /> r ��' �t I.ender's o�itian nasy r�eclare ai1 of f.he sums secured l��' tiiis \4ortg:tgc to l�e iminedintely ciue r�ad p�y �tblc <br /> '' '�" wi�hout further den�and and may f�rec�ose tl2is liortgage tsy j �x�iicial farocecding. Lender shali I>e ent�tlec� to auilect � <br /> 4 +� in sueh ��;oceeding all eiep�enses of foreutoaurc, inclucl9ug, }:ut not timxted [o, costs of docurmentary evidence, <br /> abs4racts and title reporty:' <br /> 4� . . . . . . . . : . . . .: . ' � . �� . � �. �� <br /> a 'f, 19. ,Bczzoaiver's Right to Reiasta�Ee. , Notw•itl-iei:+ndine Lender's ixccelcration of the .uins seoure,j by this <br /> �V,,, :'�Icartgage, $or.rower shatt taave tlae sig�t 2o hai�e raay proceecli��;s be�un kr1•-J.ender tv enforce ihsr �IorG�mge dis- <br /> ` �'f oozstinued at a�y'time prior to entryo uf a judgmc>nt enio�-ciqg this :1-1ori�age if : �: a;l Borma�•er pe.ys Lender all <br /> 'fi� �� sur�s which wo�id be then>due under t2�is :�lort�u�e;: tlie ?�*ate sanei notec: sc�.curin� F'ti#u�c �dvanees, iC any, harI no <br /> �?� # xcceleretion aecurred , ( �i) Borrow-er c-wre� all brearhe; of :�ns: ather co��e�n;3nts or s�recn�esrts o3 $orrower con- <br /> � ,p iaimed i�r tklis �Tort�sge ; �cj $orrower �avs a!1 re<�onai3le espense� incurr�ri by I .endc.a in ��ntorcine the r�o�-enant,� <br /> � ..� and agreements af Borrower contained in thia 1lortgu�e Knd i�a rnfo�rin� I.enucr:s rei-�x�die5 x� pg��ided in �rara- <br /> ; ; v 1$ henea�, including, but not lim�ted Go, reasc3nabJe aYiornev'c ieeµ : 3nti ! dT F3orro�ver #sek<� such uctiGn ns <br /> m <br /> t ��. Leader me,y r�asopa6ly require ko s.�s�re that the lien of ti�i�= �tort�a€e, l,encier'� ir_tereet in tt3e Prt�perty sind <br /> � �"� BozrQwer's oblagation to '�ay the snxns secured h,v Lhis \ slxaii eur�tinue uninrpaired. L7pna� such payss2ent <br /> �� :+, snd cnre bp Borrower, this :°44ort.gage ax�d the obiigatiou� secuned irereb�- sf�al] remain "sn full iorce and efiect as if . : ��,.,� ; <br /> x �'� na ScceleratSnn "had occurred. y , �, ., , <br /> 20. A,asi�sa�at :of Re�►ta; .Ap�aoiatment of Bsceiver, Lesder ia Pvs�essioxx. A:sadditiana3 security here- �'� � " <br /> ;� �, ' un�$er, $otzow�r liereby ass%gna t.o i.end,er !he rents of tlae Pro�eii��. ��ro��id�r1 tl,at Borr+oic�er shall, �rior to seceler- `; � �� <br /> � , <br /> � stzmn ua+der pa�gtnp}i „t8 her�.wf or sb�donmenL a# tha 1'ro�x-rty, has=r, t!r=e rig9it to r,ollect and r�tsii� such re�nts �� <br /> ,� ,,�., . po� :�.�le�e �d pa3sable. <br /> » s� k�� ix�m� �dn <br /> ..� � � �. . 8t343l3 lt11S�QY �l&iB.YZ!'�9'�1 � $ �SYT2f?f @S' Phgrar7�w±snnmf nf rhn V �„- "'e"t , T . . .a4. . ...; j A?2'G9Ci, v' m'mi2� ,�,a, � � <br />�` �' ur f�Y �wliaci�4ll?Y2 a.�Pointed z�eoeiver.sha3! bca entiti�� -to rrif.ey�- �r{xrn. tiilce jxi��+x, raf a�r��i �nann�� thr Yr��w�i� <br /> �:,�. <br />� ' :axtc� tflr t�l�et �ae ren#s o� �he �'rvgeat�, snctuding �hpse �ast c1ue. �li re�r:ls ca13e:�teii Lx•�ier or ihe receiver �� <br />� e sha�l be ap}31ied &=et to psvffient of t2ae �osEs o# tnauagemez�c of the Pro;>env anci callec�ion of rei�t�, inrluding, twi <br /> e' � not limiGed #.a, recgiver's i,ees, ��miuzns on �ecr'tti•er `s boxuir and reasonabl� xttarney's feee. sad t,tsen to ihe hums <br />,. � . � src�arad �y shis ?�'Iongage. Zeender a�d t�e reaerver �sil hc 2sab3�e to account onl,v for t,ti.ose rc�r�ts ac tu�it}• rece':ti�Pd . <br /> e . _ �. . . . . . . . . � . . <br /> � . . � �_ <br /> .�. . . �... _,: <br /> �:=` � � . . .. . < . � . � � . . � . <br /> � <br />