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<br /> J t�iEBRASNA t�UCUMEh11`l�.H'"Y
<br /> STAt�tP 'i'AX
<br /> �
<br /> ;, I(J�.� ..�1�77 `
<br /> E�CUTORS t DEED
<br /> k $�e� ,�,$
<br /> p 'THIS DEED made and executed this �.� day of Octob�r,
<br /> `- I473, b� and between HAROLD RIEDY and R�DDNEY ENDERIE, Executors
<br /> " undea the :Last Wi�.l and �estame:nt of Edward C. Riedy, �eceased,
<br /> ' ` ',late< af Caf.ro', Hal1 County, Nebxaska, Parties of the -First Fart, i
<br /> `„ " and>BERTIL"A. OLS�N and GERALDINE D. OLSOP3, husband and wife,
<br /> ParC3es af the' Second Part,
<br /> i : tit��in`� Xt'Ti��
<br /> � W I T N E S S E T H: ;;
<br /> � That the,Parties of the First Part, being the duly appointed,
<br /> qualified, and acting Exacutors of the Estate of Edsuard C.' Riedy,
<br /> Deceased, under 'his 'Last `Will and Testament, which �s of record
<br /> rY ,i�n tYie Coun-ty Gourt o£ Hall Cpunty, 'N�braska, under and by virtue
<br /> 7 � of ttze power and avthority granted to them as Executors under
<br /> ,; such -Wi11, and in consid�ration of the susn of SIX T�-IOUSAND 'IWO ! ' ; :�
<br /> , ,� ' HUNDRED FI�TY AND NO/i00 DOL�ARS ($6,250.0�), ta '- . :
<br /> ����r psid by
<br /> y the Parties of the Seconc� Part, xeceipt wl�ereof is fi�z��ay :
<br /> ` acknowledged, °do, by these presents, grant, baxgain,, sell, remise,
<br /> � ` release, _convey and confirm unto the Parties of the S econd Part
<br /> : as jvint tenants w3th the right of survivorship and not as tenants ,
<br /> � ` in common, �he following described real estate situate in the
<br /> � ' �ounty of Ha11, StaGe of Nebraska, to-iait:
<br /> j � . � � . . � . ' . .. . . . . ..
<br /> � The Sout� Ha1f (S'�) a€ Lot_F3ve (5) and a�.1
<br /> ' ; of Lot Six (6), B1ock One (1), Second.Add3tion
<br /> , � , to the Town of'�airo, Hal1 Cc�unty, Nebraska,
<br /> e.w,,.r >
<br /> � - together with .all the tenements, hered3.taments, and appurtenances
<br /> � thexeunto belonging or in any wise apgertaining,thereto, and also
<br /> � � alI af the_estate; right, title, intersst, property, possession,
<br /> � clauu and demand w�atsoever:which the said Edward C_ Riedy had in
<br /> ;; his lifetime'and at the t�.me of his cleath and which: Che Parties.' ' `
<br /> " of ti�e First Part tiave, by vi�rtue of s�uch'Last Will and Testament
<br /> � ar otherwise, of, �n, or to the above granted premises and every
<br /> ,= part `and parcel: thereof w3th the appur�enances.
<br /> . _� :
<br /> TO HAV�-ANID` TO HOLD �he above described' premises together
<br /> ;s with all tenernents� hered3taments and apPurtenances thereunto'
<br /> belonging unto the Second Parties and �o-their assi:gns ox to
<br /> '; ` , the heirs',and assigns of the survivor of them, forever.
<br /> 9:3d *::e, ?�:�eZ� ?tiedy and Rodney E�derle, each for'ourselves,
<br /> t otar k3eirs, executars and administratcsrs, do covenant, promise, and
<br /> �` i agree, to and with the Par�ies of the Second Part that we are law-
<br /> , ,
<br /> ' fuiTy the:Executors flf the Last WiZ1 a�d Te�tament caf 8dward C.
<br /> , ; Riedy, Deceased, ar.�d that as suclz Executozs we are Iawtully seized
<br /> of sa3d prernises, that sa3_d premises are free from, e-ncu�razeees,,
<br /> � ; and t�at we have t�ie powe� to convey`as aforesaid aned have acted , `
<br /> b � ia th� makin�g of; tiais canveyance in pursuance of th� authority e
<br /> gra�t�d in' �d b;,s such Last kTilZ and Testament, sn� that we have "�° ° "'�.
<br /> nat made, d;c.+ne or suffer�d any; act, matter or thing -whatso�ver �,,; ���
<br /> ..�; as Ex�ecutors whereby the above �ranted pxemises or a�y part thereof °`���
<br /> , will, shall or ma.y be impeack�e+d, charged, or encumbesed in any '.��°
<br /> ma�ste� wk�a�soever. "�`�,
<br />,. � , �
<br />� �
<br />