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<br /> � �
<br /> �7_ U031�1
<br /> M012TCAC.E
<br /> n�or��cac�i.owra;vo.. L 22,683 _
<br /> KNOWALLiA�fENBY7'F{FSEPRESENTS:That �flbe!"� L. Dudek ar�d Mary J. Dudek, each in his and her
<br /> 3;,� orart right and as spouse of each ot�er,-
<br /> Mortgagor,whethar one ormore,in cunsid.eratlon oi the sum of
<br /> , � , ��� � ' �
<br /> a ; Eig�st Thousand Five Hundred and No/100--------------------------------------------
<br /> p0 LLARS,
<br /> loarccd to said mprtgagor by The Equita6lc Bullding and Luan Aasuciatiora of Grand IsEand,Nebras4a;Mortgagee;upan $5 shares af srock of
<br /> „ � said ASSOC'IAT1(?N,:Certificute No. L ZZ�683' ,�o hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIF►T[ON the Eollowing
<br /> desceibed real estate,;sizuated in Ha1F Cn.�ney,Nc6raska:
<br /> Y . � ' . . �' . . . . ..
<br /> . � .:.� . . . . .. .
<br /> �
<br /> �,� 9 4x#EST OF 3HE 6TH P.M., HAL! COUNTY, NEBRASKA.
<br /> ,�
<br /> �
<br /> %
<br /> ';� Sub,�ect ta a prior mortgage to the mortgagee herein in the '
<br /> -� pri ncipal amount of $20,000.�0 dated Apri 1 26, 1974.
<br /> `q _
<br /> '�
<br /> ,
<br /> �,� togetPier with���all i�c�tenements,hereditamez�ts�atxd�appurtenances thereunto belonging,incli:ding�attachecl tic�uc.c.ocerings,�.�aL'w•nd:,.tv.sccecm,
<br /> window shades,blirnds,.s[orm windqws,�awnirzgs,heating,air conditioning,�and plumbing and water equipment and�accessoxies�[hereto,pumps,s[oves,
<br /> � '� retri�raiors,and o[3�er flxtures and�equipmensnow or hereaftar attactted ia or used�in cunnectiun with said real�estate. �� � . �� ��.
<br /> t,�� �...� And wltereas the.said mortr�agor.hns agreed aad-does�hereby�agree�2hat�the�mortgagoc�shail�and will:pay.all�taxesand assessmeats lcvied or
<br /> assessed upon said premises,and upon this mortgage and thc bond secured therebv befare thc same shall became dciinquent�10 furnish agproved
<br /> � f insutanceuponthe�buildiztgs.ansaidpremises.situatedinthe.sumofS8�5��.��� payable tosaidASSOCIATION�and.[odeliver..iosaid �.
<br /> ASSOCEATION the policies for�said insurance;and not to commit,or pernit any waste on orabout said premises; �
<br /> `- � In case of de£�u!l,in the pertonnance of anyof the termsand conditions ut this mongage ar the 6ond secured hereby,xhe mortgag�e shalt,
<br /> 9 on�.demand,be ent.ided�to immediate ossession ot tlie mort a ed� r�rnaxs and. the mort a or� 3iereb � assi s�, transfers arad��sets ower� to.fhe. �
<br /> a P SS P ' S'B Y Sf=
<br /> �,i� .��muttg2gre alI the.rents;revenues and.income�.to�be derived from the mortgaged�premises during�suc.h time as the snortgage�indebtedness��shall��remain'.�
<br /> unpai�;and:Yhe.mvztgagce.shall tsavaihepowerroappoinx any agenToragertts iC�may desire for the�purpose of zepairing said�prextuses.and renUng
<br /> .,� .the:�sameand�colleclingtherents..ravenuesandincome,ane�..it may�payoizt of�said in.come a3l.exganses bf.repairing�sxid�prernises and��necessary , "
<br /> { commissions and expenses incu�red in renting and managing ihe same and of cotlectsng rentais [here&om; the balance remaining,if any.to be
<br /> _,'3 � �applicd toward�the.discharge��of said mortgage indgbte�ness;these rightsof the moitgagee�may be exercisedat any,time:during�t#ie�,existeace ofsuch '
<br /> ,.:{ default;irrspective...�f any,temgoiaey.waiver of the same. .. � � .. � . . . . . . . : � `- �� . .: , " �`
<br /> .s �� These:Presents,however,:are upoa.the Condition,�That if the:said blortgagor shall repay�said fnsn on or before the matur"siy of said shures by
<br /> .! paym-nt:pay.monthly�fo said ASSOCIATIO�oflhe.sum specified in tha E3ond secureJ liereby�as interest�and principxlbmsazdloan,on�or�beforo -
<br /> �'%�! the.-Twenlieth day o�each and��every month,ur�til said�Inan is fuUy paid;pay alllaxas and assessment§��levied against said premises and�.on this 1+9ortgage -
<br /> „� and�.tl�e Bond�secured�zhereby,�before delinqucncy;fumish approvnd insurance upon th�buildings thereon in the.sum of 5 �$�5��.����.. payabla �
<br /> ',� to said ASSfJC1ATi�N;repay to said ASSQCIAT101 upon da�uand all maney by it paid fur sudt caxes,assesmsencs aad insurance with interest at
<br /> � the as�ximumJegal rate thereon from data af paynienx aIl of which Morcgagor liereby agaees to pay;permit no waste on said pracnis�s;keep znd camply
<br /> ;� with a31 the sgreements and conditions of the Sond for5 $ SOO.a� ���s day givers by the said Mortgagor io saidASSOCl/�TION,and sx�mply
<br /> with atl t4e requirernents of the Gonstitution and By-Laws of'said ASSDC[�A770N;thera these presents sliall become null and v+�id,acherwise tfiey
<br /> shaU�..sc�nain"vi full �force.and�m�y�be foteciosed�et the ogtion�of the sasd ASSOCIA'TION�sfter :failure.far.tlaree months�to make any of said .
<br /> ,�� paynlents or be thcee�munihs in arrears in making&xid moratlily payments.or�[o keep.and compJy�with.the agreen�enls and oonditions of sai3 Bond,� .
<br /> and'NfarY�agor.agrees.t�have�a�receiJer appoinced�forthwith in such forecLosure proceeci.'vigs.
<br /> �� If ttiere is any ciixnge in ownership ot the reai es[aie rnortga$ed heiein, by saie or otherwisz, :han the aniirc rcmaining i.z—idebtadness'tiereby
<br /> secured s}�all,at the option of The.Equitabie Byildirig and.Loan Aswcuttion of Grand lsiaad,l�ebrask:t,become imn�ediately due�nd payahle without�..
<br /> � ,� furtfiex nutice,;and the amounr semaining due under said bond,ersd any uther bonc�for az�y additional advances matle chereurider,stiall,from the
<br /> ,� date of exereise of said opiion,bear interest at the maximum tegal ratc,and this mortgaga may then be fuieclosed to sacisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bo�d,an�l any`other bond for ad�iitionat adv�enczs,together with aII sums paid by said The Lyuitable Building and Lc�an Associatson ot Crand laland,
<br /> '� Nebraska�for insurance�,ta�ces artd�.assessments,and abstracting extension c3urges,with interest�.thereon,from date uf paymerft a[the.maximum �.
<br /> �� � legal`rate. . .. ... . . � . . . . . .
<br /> ? As provided in the Sond secured fiereby,white this morigage remains in efiect z.he mongagee may hereaft�r xdvance additionai sums to the
<br /> `�` s � ��maktrs of,s,aid�Bc�nd,their aasigns or suecessors in interest;+vhich sums shall be within�tfie security of thir moRgage the ssme as the funds osiginaAy �
<br /> { �-'secured.thereby,�2he lntal�amouni oCprincinal.debt not.xo exceed at any�tame the original amouna af this mortgage.� . . . �
<br /> it: , . . - . . . .
<br /> :�ga�ac+z� 7th/�../^} a�yor June a.p/..'��s77
<br /> � G�..e���.�.L_.d"1--ce�. . ��Yf� }�L. �4�"�,�,�� � .�
<br /> � �abert . Du e ""-- ary �3�e c-
<br /> .-....�... � . .
<br /> .: �4 . . . . . . . . .
<br /> �
<br /> ? 5TAT`�OF,I�BI2ASKA,� ss. On this �t h daY�f J une 1 Q�� ,befoze me,
<br /> 1 Ci)UNTY 4F H,AL4� � , ,.,
<br /> • ti±e uade ned,d?�ota Public ir.• d for s:tid Cuur sy, ersona v c
<br /> ,. � Ro brzr t L. fl u de k an� t�lary 3. fl u de k, eac h in his an d �ier own r�g h t an c�as spouse o� eac�i o�'�ier, ' ,a�
<br /> _ �. . �. whu are Fsersonally icncswn�[o "' '� �
<br /> �'�y�,
<br /> � � •c�perocsn g whosc name g a� affixed to the ahove instrwnent as mortgagor 5 nnd #hey sevrcrally `�,�'���,
<br /> �' ittetrumenY tio be th(.'T i^ vo3swta�y aM and deed. �V':
<br /> � :�`i '��.»:Wi' ' my hand and Atlo`caz�ei Seal�n ciate eforesxid. �� . 1 � :
<br /> �'� CLY�t�Arss�#[!M � nmis�can espires ��1 i,,,-1J,.�� '�1 , '� [�Y••^ 1 � �!A �`�t /``
<br /> U E:�rv r
<br /> E7+�"F3iE� : : ' ��
<br /> : ry Public
<br /> �9„•�{�� -��J f� � . . . �
<br /> ..���� ��� .
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