<br /> � _`�
<br /> � �
<br /> 7��f"�p��7� JOTNT TEIS�NCY WARItANTY DEED '
<br /> C0�3RAU A. SCHNEII]ER and CARQirYN W. SCHNk:IDER, husL�a�d and wife, each
<br /> ,, in h�i:s and Iz:sr own nau►e and ric3h� and as.spous� ot each ather, Grantors,
<br /> ��r in aonsiderat3.on o� FORT'Y THQUSAND D07xLARS ($4�,000.0�} received from
<br /> Grantees, grant, bargain, se11, convey and 'con�irm unto STEFTiEN K. '
<br /> SEZBGJI�D and 7r1II�IA �, SEIS[�LD, h�asban:d and wif�,, as joint teza.ants ane3
<br /> �';. °' not'�s,tenan.ts in comman� Grante�s; the follow�.ng des�crihed rea2 estate
<br /> in Ha11 Cauxs.ty. NeYsraska:
<br /> k;.'.:. � .. . . � . . � � . . ��•
<br /> £' Bart of the Southea�st Quarter of .the So�Stheast .Quartes (SE� SE�) `
<br /> ' i af Scction Twenty C20) , in To*�rrisl�ip E2even (I1.] North, Range Nine (9)
<br /> i' ` Niest; af the 6th F.M.,, in F3a11 Caunty, Nebraska� more gaxtiaularly
<br /> i described as £ollovrs: Bec3inning at a point on the so�therly Tine o€
<br /> � `Del N&onte Avenue, .wrhich point is Eour Hundred �caenty-�Hro Feet {422.Q')
<br /> r� ' soutFxwesterly;from Zot One (l� , B1ock Five (5] � Be1-A�.r Addition ta, . '
<br /> ; the City ,of Granc� Zsland., Nebras?�a;. running svutheasterly along and
<br /> ugan':a line �arallel with' and Four Hundred Twenty-Two Feet C4Z2.0`)
<br /> x south�westerly fzom the sauthwesterly Iot lin� oE said Lot,Qne (7} ,
<br /> '., ' Blocl� Five {�) ; BeZ-Air Ac3,dition,, for a distance o� Osie°�1'uizc�ad
<br /> � Tv�enty-Si,x: F�et (12 6.0') ; thence running southtiaesterly aZcing and
<br /> � ;upon a line parallel with and One Hundred Twenty�Six` �'eet (126:0')
<br /> "� soutl�easterly fsom -the sautherly line o� Del rzonte Avenue: �or .a
<br /> +-.� dista�ce of Sixty-Eight F�et (6S.0'}; thence running. north.Fresterly
<br /> along and upcan a line parallel erith and Four Hundred �*Tzne��;€��t
<br /> � (490.'D') sou-thwestesly �rom the southwesterly �.at lin� o�:����'`�ot.
<br /> ,
<br /> ? One �1), Bio+ck Five' (5) , Se1-Rir Addition, fox a distance�i c�r,���,.,f.?zl�-, °.
<br /> � �un�dis-�d �'w�rty-.S,X Faet; {i�6:4'� tQ +�hA ��,�tha�l� �, e o�;:,�4s �cr.te �
<br /> �- Auenu�; thence running northeastarly along and�'upori�t�e soutHesl�,r 1%ne
<br /> o� De.1 Monte Avenue tor a distance of Saxty-E3„ght Fee-� (.68.0 ') `Go t�.e -
<br /> 9 point. of heginning.
<br /> ��� �:;; � � ,
<br /> •� TQ 3iAVE AND TO E30S,D the above describad prem,i:ses together �c�rith a11
<br /> � tenem�nts, h�reditarnents and appurtenances the=eto be3onging unto
<br /> = the �santees as: joint tenants.
<br /> �
<br /> � Gr��±tors cc�venant with. C-rantee� �s j�int te;zar.�a e � �
<br />� 3 �
<br /> ` 1. The real estate is �rae from encumbrance. �
<br /> ,� 2. T3ie r�a1_ estate is conveyed subject to covenants, conditians,
<br /> � r�stxictions. x�sexvations, easements oP racord anc3 visible :
<br /> -r easements, if any, and zoning laws, rules, regulati.ons. asad
<br /> � .� _
<br /> � � osdinanc�s.
<br /> 3. Gsantars are lavrfully seised o� the real' estate, �aave good rigkzt �
<br /> � and 3aw.f�xl authority to cvnvey the real estate� and��rarxant and
<br /> - � w�.3.1 def�nd the title to the real estate against t e��6fa�9C��t;�f'iJ�,%;��;�q}��
<br /> :" claims o� a31 persons. `'�'��`�'��"X �
<br /> G
<br /> � Dated. ,.�?�v-zz ,3 f , 1977. g;,��`r� "� ��� �
<br /> - �_o _ �
<br /> � �----�`:...�...aY �
<br /> _
<br /> ; � �
<br /> . � , , ,
<br /> - �� l,- ,, -- �' /1 �' - "� r' i
<br /> � , f
<br /> { `�°i-�x��..�.�� ,.o�`� ��T ./ �.� S��_.4 .,... � t if�{ J� ����.,� J '�......:�. .sr... 4 tf`L. �7(k C ..{L J`^� . .
<br /> .�"-^�+C'�
<br /> -,`„ ,y (Conxad A. Schnea,des) C�a', lyn W_ Schneider)
<br /> � �
<br /> ,,
<br /> The forego�..ng in,s�tacumesat caas acknawlec3ged be�ore me this %•��'.� y1 .`/ ,
<br /> ,��; ;19�_TP,:.'°°by Cc:x�,ra� A:,�Schneid,e����arad �Caroly�rs� i].� ScYs:m�is�.�x#� hus�band ��'and�wife,� � � � .� . . .�� �
<br /> � e�ckt :-�n his and her 'otan- na�ne and ra:g3�t and as spouse oE eaah other, w
<br /> as t,�ir volvntary act and deed. �'°�
<br /> ^���_.
<br /> �., ;�-�
<br /> „ . . ,
<br /> � �
<br /> � ` ... ,. : .;C" , ,;+ �.. " :,'"„"w„a""'',,;��5.ffi^,".'f:�^x.^,.r'r�.�..».,.�..�-� u
<br />�, •'�c.,r—r�-.—.._-... . . .^_. . . ..yS1t)f'IQTi1'fti 1'i.7kii�tSSf t� � . �,.' .
<br /> NDtar�* Pub 3.i �.c�nr�.�:.�..,..:_.0 ',i..:....:
<br /> �' ^^�- _ +„ ._1
<br />�, .
<br />�
<br />