, �A
<br /> ;�
<br /> 1 �. _��`�'
<br /> _ �
<br /> � if undec parngraph 18 hereot thc Yro��erty is solc2 or the Pror>r,rty i., nther�risr� ac�qc� irr,d by (.ender. I.cirder �
<br /> ahall apply, no later th�n immedintely prior to thc sa3c o( thc F'ruF�rit}' or it, r�ic�ui�itian by Lrnder, nny Funds
<br /> � held by Lender at tlie tiive of up��licnLion a� a cr�-diz ug;ainrt t (ie .urn� r��uree9 1�� rh�s �Iortga�e.
<br /> d 3. Aprplication of Payments. Unlc�s <ipplicabte I�L�S' ] 7{ {)Vidcs nthrrwi�r, i�li payxn�nte received by Lencier
<br /> uxsder. the Note und �ttragruphs 1 nnd 'l hereof sLall hc u���itied t,v I.ender first sn �rayment of arnoursfs puy�ble to
<br /> C , Lender 6y Bprrow.er uncies T>aragrutali 2 hereof; theex t,s7 inte�rest ��aqatrlc vn thc Note .rncE on Future Advances, �E
<br /> ' O any, and Giien tp the principal oi the c'�Iote. snd to tire �uincipuLof Future Aci� �.nces. if any;
<br /> , , ; C,a� 4. Chcrges: Lieas. Soi'rower sha11 pa}�'nll Csxe:;, assessmenYs and ottter eharges , fines si�d impasations attrib-
<br /> Q utable 'to �he I�ropex^�y which zn.ay attuin :a. priority over this 1,;�Iartgage, alnd ground rents, if mny� at Lender's '
<br /> � 1j optian in tlie manr�er p:qvided under �aaragru�h 2 izereo� or by L�orrmver rurss.king g�nyment, when due, directly to
<br /> ' ;� . Q? thepayee thereof. Borrower sha21 promgtl}* iixrn'xsia to L.enticr a31'notices oi� arnounts due tiinder this paragrap�,
<br /> � � and in:the eve[tL Barsocvgr shaik raiake payrx�enb directly, I3orrower shszll Iararsar�tly Curnish to Lender reeeipts ev5- :
<br /> r � ' ilencin s�ch a ments_ Darsuwer shall rorn �tl discEattr e an Iien �uhich txnF riorit over this VEort ¢ e ; pro-
<br /> $ P Y P ( Y � Y P Y S 8
<br /> vided, ths� Borrower shall nut be required to diecliar�e nny sucb �icn so long as I3orro�ver shalt agrca in writin� t,o
<br /> a; ;' ; tlie gay�u�vt of :Ehe ak�ligation eecureit Gy such lien fxt :L manner aeceQtable to 3�ender, or sh� ll in �ood faith eontest
<br /> � ' " such lien bty, or'defend enfarcement of such lien in, iegsl pi•oeeedings �vhictr o�ernte to prevent the entorcement of
<br /> r ` the li�n: or forfeiture of Che Property or any part thereof. `
<br /> � � r � S. Haz�d Tn�urence. Borrower shail 3ceeEa tlie icnprawements no�v existin� oc� )iereaiter ereeted on the Prop-
<br /> � ':, � erty insurexl sgeinst loas by fire, hnzurds inciuded'�vit,hin the term "extended covernge", and auch otiser' hazwrds ss
<br /> , .� Lender snsy requise and'in suclr amounts and ior sucli g�eriods as I.en�ler inay: require; provSdcKi, tha� Lender shall ; < c =:
<br /> ,� , noL require that the a3nount of such covertcge exceed tlxat uteount of cnverage requii�ed to pay the suxa�s secured"ksy
<br /> +r � this Mortgage. ' ;
<br /> , � The insurance cs.rrier pravic3in� cI�e insurttnce shali bc chosen by Borrazver subject to ugpravsl by Lendes;
<br /> "* provided, tliat such approvat shaLi not be unreasonubly- �4 ithheld. A!l premiums on' insurance uolicies shal! be`_ pa�tl
<br /> ,` ; at iender's option in tl�e munner provided under pa.ragraplt 'l l�ereof or by I3orron�er making payment, when due,
<br /> ° ' t' direotly to the"insurance cnrrier. _ ,
<br /> ' F In the event anp policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lend.er, to prote�ct � '
<br /> t � ? ' its interest, may procure insurance on the improvernents, pay the preasiums and such sum shall become
<br /> � immediately due and payable' zvith interest at the rate set forth im said note until paid and shall ' 3�e >� r
<br /> � .` ;� secured by this Maatgage. Failure by Borrower to `comply rnay, at option of Lender, constitute a defanit
<br /> 4 � : under 'the tezms of thie Mortgage. ` ' " '
<br /> " } All insurdnce paticies and renewnls thereof stiall be in iornr ,xrceptable t.o I.ender iind shall include a standard
<br /> ; ' p mortgage elause in favor of and in form accept.abie to I,ender. I.ender chall liave the right to liold tl�e policies and
<br /> <r '� , y renecvnls ti�ereof, anc€ Borrower shull piomptly furnisli to Lender `all renewal notices aud sll' receipts of paid pre-
<br /> ; � miums.: In the event of : loss, I3orrower-shall give ��rs�mpi notice io the insura.nce carrier and Lender, and Lender
<br /> �" . may mske proof of loss if not made grompicly by Borrower_
<br /> � � Unless Lender andcBorro�ver other�cise agrce in �vziting, inscu�ance �2roceeds sha11 6e applied to reatoration or � � ;
<br /> ` ' '; repair of t�e Property damaged ,; pro�•ided s:uch resioratiar or repair is econoiiiically fea�ible und t}ae security of ` `
<br /> ' °� thia iviortgage is not thereby impaired. Ii suc6 restar�tion or repair is not economically ie�sibie or if ihe security • '
<br /> '" " E of this 1Rortgnge �v�ould be impaired ; the insurnnce proceeds sliall ��e a�plied to tl�c sums seevred by this DZortgs�e, ` , �
<br /> 7 tivith the excess, if any, paid to Borrowei•. If tlie Y:•ot�et•vyis aUanctoned }>y Borrower or ii Borrower F3ils to respond
<br /> � to S,ender �vitliin 30 cZmys after noticc by Lender to Borrower tl�ai the insurance csrrier o€fei•s'to settle ! a claim for
<br /> � insurance �ienefits, Lender is autl�orized to aolleci and a�piy tha insurance, proceeds at Lender's option either to
<br /> 9 restcrati�m e: r�p�ir �f !he Pragezty e* te-tt�e .ums secured i�y- nlaia \tort,gage. ,
<br /> �� Unless Lender ar�d Borro�ver othenvise xgree in �vritina, any such appliention of proceeds to principal shail �
<br /> , • � net extec� or post�o�A tlie dtte d2:te of the L*aoa±hly iastal3ments rePerreti to ir. paragranh,s 7 and 2 herzof or ct�ange ; �
<br />�+ s the amounst of such ir�tallments. �
<br />� ; Yf unc3er paragra.ph;18 herea{ Ehe Property is aoquired by Lender, nll right, title nnd interest oz $orrower an
<br /> i and to any insurance policies and in nnd 'to tl�e proceeds thereof �to tl�e estent oi tlie sums secured b}c this 114ort- '
<br /> ' gage ammediately prior to such sule or acquisition j i•esulting irom damage �o the Yropei�ty priar to the sale or
<br /> � ` � � � �cqu�tio� shalt pass to I,ender. � � � ,� � �� � , �
<br /> t` & Pzeservation cmd Mmuten�ce ot Propertyb Leaseholds; Condomiaiums. Borro�ver shail keep the Prop-
<br /> , � erty an good ropair and sl�all not }�ermit or c.omn2it waste, impairnient, or deu.rioration oi' the Propertv and shsll
<br /> ' ' - '- - , ., r _ . . . . ' .;
<br /> , ; q i,:(lIT1h�V :W7t]1 i.}ff_- ns'.nv iajnnc nf nn� �IAn_en jf �t.i;;y� �4 �„� +nG�^�,^�L. 7S 0,:� A iEfiataivlu. �Li �C11S' '.\703'L$3gC' IS OIl � 3 COIIdOTTll!]lU£Il � .
<br /> unit, Borrowersl�all �erform all oi Borrower's obligationa under the declaruiion of condoininium or master deed,
<br /> ' "` � the by-lavets and'regt�ations oz ifae copdominium project and constituent dqeumenis.
<br /> ? "' � 7. Pro3ectioa cf I.ender's 5ecuzity. If I3orrower £ails to periorm thc covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> ° Lhis �'Iortgsge; or ii �ny actian or ��roeeeding is commenced tivhicii nzr�teri�tlly alYects Leiider's interest in the Prop-
<br /> , . : � erty,- including; but not ]imited to, einineni domaia. insoh�encc�, code enforccment, or arrangements orproceeca-
<br /> inge,invoi�.ing a banlcrupt oi• decedent, then Lender ui I.enaer's option , upun i�otice to Borroµ•er, may make sueh
<br /> , � appearances, �3isburse sucli suins xncl tske sach aciic�n as is necessary to proiect Lender's inEerest, including, buL
<br /> ' ` ' aot limited to, disbursenient of zeasonable aU.orney's fees nnd enti�y� upon the Yropert�• to inake repairs. Any
<br /> ,` '. > amounts disburseci Uy Lender pursuunt to this pnragrapl� 7; �vith Snterest-thez^eon; sHall hecoine uddi#�ionai indeht-
<br /> '� - � �d�iess qf $orrowersecured by this �icrtgage. Unless Sorro�s=ea ur:d I.euder agree to oiher terins oi payment, suc�
<br /> ^ amounts s�all be payabie upon notice from I,ender co Borrawer requestiog p�.yment, tUereof, and sl�alt bea;r inter-
<br /> ` i est from tlae date oi aisbursement at the rate staf,ed in the i�Tote unlese paymeni of inLerest at such rate �could be
<br /> ' oontcs�ry to apptieable 1a1�•, in tv2�icti e�•ent such amounts shall bear interest at the ]tighest rate perinisaible by
<br /> f applicable law. Notiaing con,G�ined iAi this naragrapli 7 sl�nil i•ec�uire Lender to incur uny expense or do any scL
<br /> ' herev.nder.
<br />� ^ � S. Ins�ection. Lender may anake or esu�e to t>e xti�a<1c reasone�ble entries upon eind inspect,ions of the Prop-
<br /> ` ��-�Y, Yivv�ie�i aiiai. i�n�ier cnxii yive isorrc,u•er i�oii�� �xrior ter �riiv �u�i� in �pertio�a ���eciYvin� reasonsUle rause
<br /> �., _ . _
<br /> �herefnr re�:ated to i;es.:.der's inter�t in t]�e Yrap�rts•.
<br /> � ' 9. Coademna#iaa. 'Fhe praceeds of uriy a�vaml or clflim for dsmages, direct or r,onsequent,ial; in connsetio�
<br /> u�ith zxn}� saondemnat'son or other iuking of t:�e Yra�>ert}�, oe i��rt ihereoi, or �m• com•eyanse in lien of condemns-
<br /> tion, are hereb,v assigned and shall bo, paid tv Lendea•_ x
<br /> ; In'#he event o# a total taking of the 1'rog�ert,y, the � �roceeds �ixal} be; o-�pytied to t.lie surns seaured t�y ihis Mort- �
<br /> gage, ivith the excess_ ik any, paid to Borrorver. In t3�e event oi a partial iaking of the Pro��crty, unSess Sorrow*�r �m� � " "
<br /> ' sud T�ndea. pther�vise ,agree m n�riting, ti�Ere ehall Ue Fsp��lie,d to zl�e suivs secured uy ihis 1lortgage such propor- -�- Mrr�
<br /> � , tion nt the proceeds as is equsl ta t�aL �ar�portion wlaic+h t1�e a�notisnc of the, suins sacured by tiiis �3o�tgage unme- i` " .
<br /> ��� �
<br /> � diate3y,gri�r t4 'Ghe date of #aking bears to Li�e faix n�arket �Falue of tlie YroperLy imnaedia#.ely prior to the date af ��s-�
<br /> r � �sking, w�t�the ba.�a�z�ae of the proceeds paic� to T3oirower. ;� " �
<br /> ` ' I# t3le �t'opert.y' is a�aandoned by Borrov�er or it :3fter nvtice by Lender to Borro�ver t3sat. the condemnor offer� �"�•
<br /> . . - �
<br /> fi�a rutiiie ai:. �a.a�'ea•u Ur eait�le a ulu"su� tur usaun►gen, I3ori�c��v,ar isiin 4� i ua�ouu w i.au:ier s� it;i�in o0 usty� ui i1�e dat.� : �.'; . '
<br /> :.
<br />� . . �f sueli :iu�ice, I.er3�ic;:�:. 3s sullzorizecl to-4:oI2..+.t anel ti}���:1 tlie. �r�ce�do :.t I,i:nd��'a o;;t�a�, �iLher i�o -- � '
<br /> � �Luration o_
<br /> repair �i Llae Prope�y or tc� 4i.a su�ns secured b,v tliis _19c3itgaga
<br /> i?njess Lettder arad Borr,awer othervise sgree iQ �v3iting, any such application oi Caroceeds t,o princinal sha�1
<br /> , .
<br />� � „ I
<br /> . �
<br /> r �„,.- •,�..-.
<br /> F �, }
<br />�,
<br />