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� � <br /> � <br /> t �. �� <br /> �� _,. .�„n "'""7 <br /> ' t <br /> no� exte�od aa �7oat�one x.he eiue dsate oi ti�c r��ontlii}- tsi�txl}nu-nt� rrierrec! to an para�ra�h; I und '� hereoi ur <br /> change the azraaunL of xc�ch instali�nenta. <br /> +►� t0. Haas�ower NW $el�as�i. Extension of tt3e tirne ior ;�svrfient or modificstion of aaAortization of the suma <br /> �.J Secured Ery ttsi8 11ort�� granted hv 'i,ender to -nn}� �ueces.�or in interest oi Barro«•ee chall nat operate to releaet, <br /> Mirs .sm� �as�ner: t}t�a liab'rlit,y ot' the ori�inaf E3arron�er and 13ormycer's succe�sar_a in intereas. I,ender s�sall not be <br /> i= . requ6ze�t to cc�mmenee proeeedin�;s �ga�xist" �;tc1a auecesnar or reiuse to e�cten�f cime far payrn�st or a�;}�erc�rise madiEv <br /> � , a�rsortiastion -tff the sum�c securecf hv� thix \Lortgage Ird� reusa�z oi ar:�� c9eman<1 msade by the originai Baarower artd <br /> <a <br /> � � � Bua^ma�as'e a�c+esooas� in�Caereat. <br /> � ; �' 11. Fosbaeosmco b�r Leader I�Iot a Wai�eear. ; Any forbearnnce by I.ender ia� exercisin� �ny right or remedy <br /> , s � �ereustder, or otherwise : sdToided by ak�rlicable �n�i, shuli naf, he a �aavcr oC or preclude the exercise �s€ aqy righL <br /> ; � ac xeenedy hereunder. 'L'E�$ �roeuremrrnc of in5urance or the }�ayxAenc �f taxes or other liens or ¢harges by Lender <br /> r� � :�hac11 nat be s. u aiver oi I,en�er's right Eo aceel+etate the :naturity of the indebte�lness securecl by this biortgage. <br /> ', 12: ,8eat�dies Gumuta4ive. ' . �1kl.remedies �:.sci id� in �hi.a �larig�ge are distin�t and c$zmulstive tcs aay aCher ' <br /> '`� _ > rig$�t oi' reme�dy under ttc�s �Lartgs� ornffarde�i' lr1• Inu� ot- ec�uity; axui m3c� be exereiscd cx�ncurrentiv. independ- <br /> ' < � en�3p or successivelv: ', <br /> �, x I3, ' Succ.essozs �d :Assigas Bovnd; joini �and Severcal I.iabiliiy: Cagtiozxs. Tiie covenant�5 und -sgreements <br /> herein cuntais�ed shall Tivad, �n@ tihe �ights lrereu.nder �liul! inurc to. :itxc; resperLiuc successara and assigns of Lender <br /> ,� - ;� uuci Borra�wec, 'Subjeet to� the prmr•i,�aous of �7ts,.s•a5nxt�li 17 tiereat. :11t �eoveaathtc azi� agreemsents af $orrower tsT�aI1 <br /> r� be joii�L and �:veral. The caPtions �nd lieadings oL i,iae �ruragraphc ot �liis \fnrtgage'are For convenience only �nd <br /> ' � xre naE to be nsecE ta inte�pret or defirn tl�e pror•zsion. Iaereo€. <br /> ` 24. �+7oticae: rkny nu�tice ta Barroi�•er providct3 ior in t�iia 1}aM�a�e sli:il] }�e gi��rn b;� �ail�ng ;ue)s natice by <br /> a <br /> ;; ccrcified mmil �ddressed `io Barro�ver nt tt�e Pr��ert.y :lacireas atsteri �C�etoti�• . e�re�t ior �n3* notiae reqczzred under <br /> � paragr,aFrh i$ hereoi to �se ,r,iren to Borro«� er i:� chc �uanixcr >>rescribed I�r a}>��=irahte Is�cF _ Anr natic� proti:iriec: , ;' <br /> � . far in this �3a3t�age shsia hc deen)�c? to lia�•e k�cen gmen t.a Borrocc•er w-hen gi�•en iu tlie Ftzaxaner desi�;nr�-�ed herein. r . , <br /> t: '� 15: LTniiozm Mortg¢ge: Gaveraing �verabikity_ This iorni of niorzgagc co�nbis�es uniform cnvenE�nfs ` <br /> ex ; . . . � . . . . � <br /> f�ar :a�ta��sl t¢ae �iaci aaoic—nnifozm ccrz�enants tvicli limiteci varisiions b� -jurisdictson to constitvte a uni�orm seou- <br /> r" t rityr instrume�t covering reul ;aroperty. This :liorignge sha�.l bc goucrs7ed b�- the la�v of the jurisdiction ii� �vlsich , <br /> � 1 f,he .P.roperty islocateci. In the eve�t tl�et any �7rovision or clause, ai t!»s _llor�gage or ttae Note co�flicts mitlt <br /> " ` apgliC8b2e ls�c, sucl� �on33ict shal,! not affecc ot�ler ��rovisionE of tliis \Iortgage or, tlze Note which can 6e giti-en ' ,' - <br /> 7u, ra• effee�, pvithaut the con�ia�ing pravisi+on ; aUd ia t��is end the -�iroeisions ot tlxe \fort6age and the Note' are decYared <br /> �t, � tci be severable: <br /> � IG:. Borrawer's Copg. $orrower shall be f urnislYed u conformec3 copy of this tilorigage at the time of execu- <br /> 3f'' ;z . . �� uIv`u� GZ &i''a2i i.:C6I"�..�...^'.�C:'�Cf.: ' � . . �. . . . . . .: ., , <br /> �' � 17. Tr�ssfez o# the Pzoperty; Xssumption. If alC or any� part oi the :Propertc or An interest therein is sald ' <br /> � �` ' 4r traneieared by Borros�er withouc I:ender's �rivr tirritten conseni; exc3uding (aj the creation of a liea- nr encum- : - - ' ` <br /> r' � brance',subordinaie to thia 1lorigage. (b) the ereaiion oi a purclzas,e moae�� :seauritv interesL for l�ouse�aold ap;rli- � ' <br /> � s. anees, {c} a #ransfer by cievise, tiescea�t or by oi�eeaiion oi 3��r uj>un ilt� daath o; � j�int ��n3:nt or (d ) ttse grant of ' � �', � <br /> � i ` , , ��� <br /> r, , .::;; 3es�e�o?� :nier�i; of :�liree years or leas not. containing an optiori tc+ purchase, Lender msy; at Lend�r's option, r � <br /> ciec3nre'aii the sums secursd b3� 'tEiis '�1lortgage tcs 6e iminedistely: due and E�ayable. Lender ��iali ha��e xeaivea sucn <br /> ' ' opt3on to secelerate ii, �riorto f,ize sale or transier, Levcier and f3�e person cv w-hom tha Property is to be soid ar <br /> �_ � � - � ^ �� <br /> s ` • ' trtinsferred resch agreeYnsni in �vriti�� tl�at Elie eredit of such sjcrson is s�ti,iactorv to Lencie3 and tl�at ��e intesest ' �. ^ � <br /> '^ a , ' gsiyable o;x ih+e sums secccrec� b�t this l4oi'�ga�;e s��all be at suc13 rate 3s I.ender shall request_ It Lender Yrus waiued ` , , ,; <br /> ;.3 ` the ogtion to sceslesate:��ovided in this paragrscpli i7 �nd `sf Borroxrer's succ�sso� in intems�c has exeeutkd u writ- <br /> � � � ten assumptia� agreensenE. accepi,eci isi writing �>L I ,enr�er, :L�:nr.ier sha-11 aeAense Borrn3ver ��rn z�ll �li(agzctz�ns Yander } ' ' ' <br /> �'�' z* chis Ivrortgage _and the iVs�te. <br /> ` ; Tf Lender.exercises b�cli option to accelerat�, Len�3er si�uld sinaid . B�orro�ver noLice of acc�leratian in .aecordauce <br />� , wir.� paragrapir34 herec�i Sucli aioti�c i��l1 7yro��ide u �ieri�d uf iiot 1��, ttian 30 da��; #rom the date it� e no#:ice is �* <br /> , <br /> �ae . _.. ..._ 1 .,t �. '�. � . . ..' ' 'L ., �..._..,� . .... .. �. .. {._.- �. ..i.. ..n.] 1 <br /> � ��- xaaa�zaCu��,.rsa1'+iaa. .diaiCli �.+3isvai'Ei au&L � oi �,�a�u au�a�5 �. .(�iwiaaca.c uuC. ii � auivarv�r���. �...iS .A y : �:3C3 ��...., '. '-iY. ln� t � iti� ' ¢;: <br /> � Gf � � �Xj37S2,f;.1pA Of �ll4}1 �1ET30�.� L:CI1.t'SC!'�:TIIB.V, ��"2L�30112 f171'[i]L'i' . t70L3Ce �OD' � t�t'It?�ItC� � OR fiOt'fOIFCZ. 12iY��iY'. &I3}` IeIT.1C(�1CS� .�2P- � � ,�.. � � �� � <br /> �� '� � �� mat�ed�:�by pars�raph 18'Fiereof. ; � � � � � ' �. * , <br /> � , � �; <br /> � . a,� � a , , <br /> � - <br /> �a ��; <br /> , y � \'o+-i±»�2Fottn� Co�FVA�.�. �3ot•i•o�sei� and i,ender furtlier eovent�n�, and a�i-�ee au folla«�s : ; <br /> t> ,� � <br /> 18;; 'Aeee�3eratioa Raemedies. Ezae� at .i� F�r�+, ieled in parti�;rr�7 +ia 17 !icreof_ u�Sun Bor�u�.+�er's bre�.ch of ahy <br /> �� � �t ; cov�enani. or agreement o3 Borrotiser in ihistifart�;rige, itnelucling th� envenanr� to �i;ay tii•lien �lue any surr�s secureci <br /> � ; �, by ahis ;l'Sprt�age, Leneie:z �rior tu aecce,leratioa� �li� 31 xiuiil zxoticc tu SorrotE-er as 3�rc>videci in �xu•a�;rafzis 1�! �creof <br /> ,`'°�^ < spesaifying: { � } the t�r�each : �,21 tlae action rcquire�t xo cur� uc3i ±�rt �ch t3D a ciate , noL Icss tlitin .ti's�irt�• ciay�s <br /> , <br /> '' � ' frcia� i33� �iat� tlre notice i� rit:�iieii tv liort'c�eie}•, _ ;}� ,tl:fcl� si:. i , i�. e.: .^! . . .i:,st E:e etcz�ed � =: net ? -�1 flt�t , #ailt=s'c to �ttre � <br /> �i � � <br /> �., � �ut;sr #�reaoh u� or beioce tl�e dace s�ccitied in t3ie. iioxicc: rii.iy reauic :�i uccc�eruLian oi t}ic su�ns .secur�d by this <br /> ` ;.'� '�lvrtg�ge and sale a[ the Pro�,eriy. 11' the breacDa is nat curc-<{ c�r ar beion: tiic ��a:e sp�cifieci in tiie iaotiee, T.ender <br /> , " at €.cnii�r's o_r�tion njity c3cclan: :sll e�f Clie urns secu.^ed i��s zl�i� \lorcgagc to ir� inunediaaely due anaj puyal�lti <br /> • s u•iz.�out iunherc3emanc� a.nd �r.a�• for�close tt3 �s .�Iartguge t��- audiciuF �zroceedin�. �.ender �ti:�? i tie etrtitl�.� to eollect <br /> ' itr :;ucli ;�roce�eding sli: �xpeci�e� •,i foreclostar�_�, inclu�lin�, tsiit not '. iitsitec9 tca:< costs of c:tmuir�e�3karr ei�icer.ce. <br /> � <br /> a ; � ab��racts and ai41e repvrt�- <br /> , . _ �ums 5eaureci bt• L;�is <br /> ,,. '� i �� 19.' .Sarraewruis �g.Ez4 to Heussfata < � "� c�tw�f3�stsnd�m� i.eutiaz-'� :�ceel�erxtiaii of the � �� <br /> � :: P�Ictrigagp, Borrower shatl have tiie rzght t.o 2aa�•E, uily ��roceK�diug� i>e�,nsn 'riy i,enci<t- to eniorce cili» :�iartgage ciis- <br /> ; contirtued st apv time :P�-ior Y+a entry qf a juci�n.ment enfrnrutg x;i�is �Sortga�e ii _ Inl Barrv�cer >>sys T ender sll <br /> '�'. : a sunaswliich ^�ac3uld be;the� c�ue under t3�is �Ic�rxgage, tlse �ose .�nci aiate� securir�R §^uiure .3dc<unce., if sasy, had' �a <br /> i '. ; , ac:e.�ierataun acrurx�3 ; fk� } Borrower curtes �1I- isa•eacdre� cia a�7v oilie:• eovenant� crr a�*rcErc3�cx�r�.- of Bori-z�wcr ean- <br /> ,'` " r.3irxd ;in this '.9Sort�;age ; :�E e) Bc+rraw+esr (asti's 3i.i r�:k,onaLic eapc:nscr; ancur:ed !ir T,endec :n �rSorcin�; ifae, eo�•ensnts ' <br />�, �st<i agx�semteu� sri $�c+rro*�rer eontetau�i in ti�aa ��urt�,a�;� :ii�u �s� � r.ic» t �n�; Lt�iiuer .� :•c�3�ecise� ac �>ruti�ide..i i.n ��xara- <br /> t graph 18 �ere�i, ineludiug, 3�ut not limit�� tc�, re�sunxi,Je az-tcszairti� "s kc� . ar��:i � ~3 i i3urruayer tz�l�es nucix acLiou ns <br /> ,'k ,: � < I:e.tul�r may neasouatzl3r ;�91ui;e to aarure slx�r tl�e i�e�� ot � haa Jiort �.age, I.eir�3ea�'s interesc ir: the 'rra;neriy ana <br /> F 6 - �3orraxer's ab�iigatio�c t,o �.+ny the suaas seeured ts�• t1�i, 1lar-�gu�;e eluil ec�ntixiue +:auix+�F�� ireci_ I.'�i�tr sueta �>ay'aizen4 � <br /> ^, � snd cure tr� Banisowsr, tli� 1torLgage a�id Ll�r. uu�igaxlic�ie_, sc<evreci l�rre�a� •lia:.l i•ruaaie� firi Iuli fc�rce anu rdTeei rss iF � - ,,� . <br /> � ho acaeleratiora hsd oceurred. , ` Y <br /> 2Q:: Aasu�caeait:o# ��: APl�+ritmea3 oE Receiver. r3.eudEr. ur ,�oasessioa. .4s additional fiecu�atv hem- '� ' , � <br /> � �: �' � , <br /> r ' s . ' u�ix3�er, $oaraxvaer-3�er+eby" a�igns to`L,ender #.he i-ersts of the i'ropen ;t^. }�ru��edcr! thut �tvrro�rer �hall, ��rior to acce�er '` + <br /> ,a�� ; ' attit�ap undxa' p�?'a�raPh At�- hereof or a.uandonresen# uf i,l�e Yrc�perl�>, syx��e tlre aighc to cotleci :and retaic s4acl� renfs <br /> r q' . yr �as #Jaep �li+ecaat�'dus �ztd ,I�a3 able. '; � � � � � � � <br /> � a -< - , t'apottac.c�:iernLiou u�dset �+ara�}th �S 3ie,reaoCor mfaxnRsonxnent oi tt�e Fro}3erd} .' I,ender, iii qaersoxi;. Lt� agesi� � "."� <br /> � <br /> „"'". , +c+T tr^Y 'gus�?eia��.i' ?�RF��ttx� re�eivert�&ll t>e �ents'¢tead 2� rr�t�r nX�crn. 2z�kg �wt:�e��ir_+n uf' anci �riana;re the k'mrieriy <br /> «�� .: arud t� c+al1�+ �:he rents=c� YmPraty> iael�xdw,.;�� those :par�sL �ue. Azt rencs coilect�r! .t�ti• i_yen<ler ar Ess� recerver <br />�u ` �ha� be s�glied &� ta ps.�ent uf t#�se coeiRe af ss�oagecnenz oi tl�e Ya,aperty �vd colli�czvn o; re�»tc. incl�dm�. I�iit ,� . <br /> not �i�m� ♦ike� ta, z�eceiXer's €�♦e�. �, {3s�ernivans o�a: neeeiwea'n lwndti ar� rrx,�rtat,ie xtLorxac�� � see�. �nd c�ien xo tt}e 4unrs <br /> . .�bt'4idlls'4i��Fk �13b �O1'��L�C� asCl]i��?S� tuius. t�,tirci"acS ci�uii 2.v, sw:l:t a�i o..a�n�...u.�� .i' :1' �OI Y�lssaa ac�. -:�-: a..tU.iiil" IlC(�.I+i:(.. . . . <br />�¢ ' . <br /> . <br /> B ��. . . . .. . . . . . . . i . . . . . . J . . <br />� � � . . �� . . � � . . . . � . <br />