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�. � <br /> � .:�'� <br /> � � <br /> 77. �o3o4s <br /> � MORTGAGI'a�'� � <br /> � � 22.$$0 � MG�C <br /> i'. ;����•�:�onr�n�c�-.._ <br /> ;�� �crrawAt�iM�rr�rTrf�s�rR�sENTs:Tnac 7heodore 0. Tenski, a singte person <br /> �r <br /> �� ^___Murtgsgor,wh�ethsr Une u_more,in��anslderatian of tht�um ut <br /> Thirty-one Tha�sand-Five Hundred and No/1�0----- - --- - � '*,�t,�:4xs <br /> •y. � _..___ . <br /> � loa�ted tn suid mortgugo�by The Equitu�le Building and Lonu Association of G rand Islund,Nebtaska,blurtg:eg�a,upon 3];5 shares of stat:k�f <br /> ��,y yu�d ASSOCIATI�N.Certiflcute Na. L 22,�$0 M�iZQ�ltareby grant, convey and mc7rtgagn unto shu said A5S(3CIATTON the t'ollwwing <br /> u <br /> �'` dtsi:ribed ceal estate,'situuted in tlail Cauiity,Nebrnskn: <br /> S <br /> � A PART OF THE NQRTH£AST QUAR�ER QF TKE SOUTHt�fEST QUART6R OF SECTION 24; TOWNSNIP <br /> � ? T 1 NORTH, ,RANGE' 10 �IEST 0�' THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNFY, NEBRASK}I: 'DESCRIBED AS <br /> FQLLOWS: BEGINNTN� AT THE NORTNEAST CORNER QF THE 50UTHWEST ,QUARTER (5W�) OF <br /> i S.4ID SECTfDN 24, T133JNSHIP 71 NORTH; RANGE 70 1�ES7, RUNNING TNENCE SaUTN OP! TIiE . <br /> ERSTERLY LINE `OF SAID QUARTER SECTIOi� A DISTANCE OF S0 fEET, THENCE DIiE WEST <br /> r PARALLEL 'T0 THE NOR7H LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, A QISTANCE OF 163 FEET, <br /> J { , 7HENCE DUE NORTH PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER SECTIQN A L715IAivCE ur= ;� <br /> 90 FEET TQ THE NORTkI LINE.OF SAID QUARTER SECTION, TNENCE �UE EAST ON THE NORTH <br /> � LINE OF SA�Q QUARTER SECTTON A DISTANCE OF 163 FEET TO THE NORTFIEAST CORPJER OF <br /> , <br /> � SATD SOUTHWEST QUARTER`WHICH I5 THE PLACE OF SEGINNING. <br /> �;'; � � � � � � � � <br /> � � <br /> *•s <br /> � <br /> ' together w�tli alt tlie tenemcuts,herac3tturoccits nnd appurtenune.ea Uiuewito belon�ing,incCuding attached t7uur covcrings,ati winduw screens, <br /> � �winduw sltades,btinds,.stornf�vindows:��awnings�,heating,uir cunclitioning,and pluml>ing aud waterrquipmenz anduccessqricsthere[o,pumps,stoves,��.� <br /> .y- rel'rigerators,and atlier C'rxtures and equipment now or�lzereufter nttxched ro�or.used in connecli�n�with.said�tc:al estatc: �� <br /> ,,,^� AnJ whereas-thc s�id mqztgagor kv+s agreed tmd daas lGcrc6y agrce Uiat thc mort�;agur �izall nnd will pay atl taxes and usses,mmts Jevied or <br /> „`� aesessed upon ssid prexnixs and upun t�is lnortgage ar.d ihc hund securod diereby 6efon ihe same shall becom�dcllnquenti ta furnish a�proved <br /> '�} ..�inswance upun the buitdings.un said.premises.situated in thc sum ui 3 �31,5QQ,.QQ�� payablo to said�AiS50CIATIUN�anQ to deliver tu said .'� <br /> z AS50CIA71GN the pc>{icies fur said inswance,and not[o cummit ur gerrnit any wastu mi or about said premisra; <br /> ��� In csse oP de(¢ult in ttic perforrnance of any oY the terms and candilions ol' ttu�mortbstge or ilie Uund secured ltateby,'tl�c mort�n�ea shull, <br /> _,� on demand,,Uc entitled tq iwmediake posscuion of th�murt$aged Fzxemiscs and the tnortgagon c�reb�• assigns, a3ns£crs und sets avcr In the <br /> .murtgagre.all'the rents,revenues an�i it�:con�e tq�he derived from the mortgaged�premises du�ing sudt time us�ie m�rlgage.inde6(ndness�.�all remain � <br /> '� un ui�;anr3 lho mo�t a ee shall have'thi� awer t�u oint an v enc or a ents it mo Arsice (ur fl�a iir �se oF rc n�rin �iJ mrnises snd rantln <br /> .} }� tC B P pP Y & B Y P P P � F� 6 <br /> . ( thc same and rullecting t!u renis;revrnucs nnd incvme,and it may pay nut oF said incvrne sti expenses of repyiring said'prenuses and nscossxry <br /> � y cuu�missiorzs and expenses incurreJ in renting and manag'vig xlie saane anJ of coitecting reutsls therefrqm: thn'balane,�e semaining,if� be <br /> '{ applied t<�ward Ihe disch�r�,e nf'saicl me�rtgade iudebteSness;these rights of the marlgagee tnay be erercised at unyXuna during the existance ot such <br /> �� def'sult,irrespective of any tempurx�y waiver of thr samc. <br /> f These Prescnts,hqwcver,ere upor the Ganditian.1'l��t if tlxe ss id hiortgagur sl�all repsy s:�id luan vn or belbro tiZe mrlurity oC ssid shares by <br /> r� puymcnt;p�y,nwnthly to said AS5GCIATION of tlxe sum specified in the Huu�i secured hereby:�s interesl and princzpal an saiS luan,un ar bcforn <br /> �� the Twcntietlt day of each und cvery mo:uh;untit satd Iv�n n tully p.i�d pay�ll taxes and asse�sntents I�v�ed agxmst snsd premasus and on 8vs Mortgngr <br /> �`� <br /> and the Bund ucwed thereby,brfore delinqucn4y;t�na�sh npproved vtsurunce upon thu buticiangs thereun m tk�o sutn uf S 31,S�Q.Q[} paYable <br /> to said ASSQClAT10N;repay to said ASSUCIAT'I�N upondemand all nwncy 6y 'rt pai3 foK such tu�es,assessrnents and insurance wit3t intecest at <br /> the;naximum lega!rate[hereun lrom dnu of payinenc ull uf which Mcrrtgngc�r hereby agrees to pay;pennit nu wasteon sa6d preuiises;kcep and wmply <br /> r'N wit3z alt the agreexnnnts arid cunditions of the l3ond for$ 31�50Q.00���u clay given by i he suid Mortgagar ta sai�i ASSUCiATIUN;arad cumply <br /> with all fhe requirements of the Consiitutiai and 73y-Luws of svid A55UCdAT10N: then thesc presents shall become iwi!as�d �vld,ottierwise tlie.v <br /> �shall.remairq��in full Co�ce und may be i�ureclo�ed uk��the�oplion�of tl�e said ASSO(:IA'1'ION •riter (uilura lor three.rnoaiL?ie to:muke arny uf suid�. <br /> ?� � .payments cs�r�bz thrce cttonths in urreurs in making said rnunlhly payn�ents,or.W�keep and somply wit.h the x�rezntents and rbndi[iohs i±G said l3ond;.�� <br /> and'htortRagar agz�es tu have a receivenappointeci tbrthwitii in such foreclasurr praccedin�3s. ' <br /> ;j if ther�<is uny aha�age iii awnership uf thc reul estate mprtgaged licrein,by s�la or otherwise,thon the cntirc rcmaining indcbtndness hare�y <br /> securnd sha21,:�t thc optian of Tlte HquitrUfe Buiiding ursd Loan Asse>ciution of Grssnd island,SVebraska,btaume immcdisxrly due aitd payable wuhout <br /> furiher nacice,nnd thc amount reinaining due under saiJ bond,and uny other bond fc�rany additional adva�nces myde tlsereunder,sl�aU.t"som c11e- <br /> ,i dule of excrcise o(sriil,option,bcrc intexcst utlht maxintumlegal rato,and t}�is mortgage tnay then be fotectuSeJ tU suiisfyJhe nmyunt due on said <br /> bund,and uny other band for additional s�dvances,logether with all sums paid by sai�i 1'he Gquitxble Builciing und Lx�arx Ass�uciatiox�uf C;rand lx4and, <br /> u;.i Nebraska fnr ii»uixnce,tuxes ttnd assess�nerus,and s6strncting c�tension charges, wilh intnrest theraon, frorn date of�aaymenC at the ma�imtu�r. <br /> f fegul rate. <br /> �; As prc�vidod in the-Bond szcurud he,reby,while this moitgage remvins in eftqct Ihc mort�agee may herea{tet xdranc�uddieiunnl-sums!o thr <br /> mnkecs of suid Do�id,4hair ussigns or suc:cessoi�s in iuterest,wliich sums shnll be within U�e secwrity of tliis mostguge the snmc na tlao funds origirtalt,y <br /> .; f secur�d thcroby,ihc tot:►1 amuunt af principal d�b�n�i to excced at any time the vcibinni amount of this inurtguge. <br /> ' na��a,�;r 3rd ���,ur / �une �.n.,��> 77 <br /> � � ��.�. -� K .� � <br /> , ��.,���,'�`J. �' } <br /> �° � Tt4� �iv �� r�ns , � �, <br /> � ,•� � �� <br /> y:,,k . . . � . . .. � . <br /> y <br /> � &TATE�F N68LiASKA.� ss. On tlus 3t'd day ol' �)Utl@ 79�� ,before me, <br /> � COUNTY OP HALL <br /> � �the unde�si�ned.a h'otary Puhlic in and fur snid C'ounl,y,Persc�nsilycnm0 ���:v'"� �. ���� P�"' . <br /> � � 7heo�rls�r- -.'f�nsk9, a s�i�g9e perso:n " '�' <br /> wlio� l 3. per�anuaAY knuwia�ta� �� <br />�'x� �C�l��1� <br /> �.b��r' ti n w3iose nante T 5 afl"ixed to#he abova instrument as mortgngur and �ryg �wwYg A i � <br /> � , cic�nSIR�Y�r�d ihC•��i�x8t aut fU be �ft21 T'. vuluntary act and deed. ' '"t <br /> � . 'CM7"4�`' iy hand and Nutariai Seal.t:3in dace aloressiG:�.� . . 9�.. <br /> W; NQTAR. I � <br /> � �QMtvf+a$��m 'on expiras fy �•;-[ <br /> f.%1'1;RES'-� ��!.{��� ���-.�L�`A-`a:,� � . <br /> +'��: 83�1���� ���k�Y��,� � 1aryPublic <br />�` . . b' 'o"�'.�..+.....' . . � . .� . . . �__..._.�__..__�._ <br /> y`���'N����� � . . .. � <br /> � <br /> ,, � <br /> . „- . . ... . � <br /> . . . . . �.. � _��� <br /> . . . . . . . . . . . ��� � '� <br /> C <br />