� .a;.
<br /> .. . . �� � ., ... . . . . . .. . . . . ! �YW.�f�� � .
<br /> � 77= tJ03040 �(
<br /> PBLFOFAI7TAI.�.oarc xo....�.099,T 31 ....,_..
<br /> ��°�i�txwp�x^�u�.E wtfix�ys�xx,ca�a�T & E CATTLE COMPANY, a hebraska corporation, F�aving its
<br /> reg�5tered affice in Grand Island; f�iebraska> and Toa� Baxter, also known as Thomas Baxter
<br /> ar�d Thdmas S. Saxt�r, and:E'�izaheth Baxter, husband and wife, �`
<br /> �`'
<br /> at" ({d���'� C`aunEy, Nsbraeka, hvrain��tallr,d A4Ca2T(7A4�nR.:in cnrtsicleration�nt t ��. .�4rJ����Q:.f�� .��. in �and.. s�`;
<br /> ;.� ysid;doee 6ereb�Rrgat,barKaia,eell snd`oonvey to Tt3G PItADE3dR'(AL IN�URANCF. CC>b[Pdi�T1r' C1F:AhSEIiICA,n oarporskion
<br /> N� ���. 'o!�fs Btatq Qf New Jersey.Ixaving its pristcipst ofHoe ia tfio f:itp a3 Nawark,i,7ew Jereep.'uore�a aalled 1�'iORTC3AC'r2�:E,ity eucoesnora ,r _. s ,.
<br /> y
<br /> � a,n�3.��A��S�f�re�rnr,tho.failowiug deueri6eid raat estinLw nitu�terl in}��,.� �: . ){� ' � t+ �'.
<br /> ,� jj�.j'� . OuuntF. Netiraaka.to•wit: ' `��i
<br /> ,.
<br /> a�z �
<br /> �.� � " The.S€�uthwest Quarter `{SW 7/4) of Sect�on 73, Township 17 Nortt�, Range 30 , � , �
<br /> '� . W2st �f the 6�h P.M_, k1a11 Cour�ty, Nebraska, except tracts of '�and conveyed
<br /> '� to the Ci ty of Grand Tsl and by deeds recorded =�n Book 'E 12 at Page 1 i 1 and � ' � `�
<br /> �� ;
<br /> y�� � , 'i�n Book 1�53 a�. Page 35'�.� � � �
<br /> yx�� �. .' � ��. .. . ... ��. � '�� � � ��r.
<br /> f� Tfie East Na1f of the fVorthwest Quarter (E T/2 NW 1/4) of Sectia�n 15, �,�
<br /> �`: Township 11 North, Range 10`YJest of the 6th P.M., Ha7l County, Nebraska_' '
<br /> � a�
<br /> ,� � � r � r� �
<br /> , :
<br /> � Tfie Southivest Quarter (SW IJ4) ofSect�on 9, Te3wnship �1 North> Range it)' � !
<br /> "� # . West of the 6th P.M. s ;�-lall Caur�ty; Nebraska. ,+d
<br />�� �
<br /> ;� Inc3uding a11 irrigation and water rights, irr�gation wells, pumps, irriga- `
<br /> s tion equipment and accessories thereto. ;, ,;: ? :
<br /> � #
<br />� �
<br /> Subject to eas�ments a# record and to existing roads and highways. ' ' ' '�`
<br /> � � � �� � ;,
<br /> rt °
<br />� , � � � � .: _ �
<br /> � � � �
<br /> �r� Containing in all 390:00 acres, more or iess_ ,�,
<br /> � «;
<br /> � d�,
<br /> � � . � .. � . . �., 4 X�'
<br /> �� 1
<br /> �
<br /> � ,1
<br /> p ..�
<br /> C�r.�,''1y . . . �. .. � . .
<br /> 1 'd � . . � � . . . � �
<br /> ��� � � � � � 1 ,� �
<br /> � �
<br /> �� ��
<br /> �. . ` �
<br /> �"�x tqgetber with sI3 tHe a urta�ancea t}sen+vnto belon ' �or in a�y� wiae rtain' � � �
<br /> y�,..i � PP . &in� pe mg.thereto_Mortgagar reiin4�iixhea atl�.:righte oi:hvme� `. ,i' ..` i
<br />� : _ . . " � �,:
<br />� ;�p" etead a¢d all:oL�er contingent interest in said.premis�.�`Fhe Qoav�yaace o[�ia-e promisea�:above descri,bed���together v�ith a11 f.b.a:renta, ;,�
<br /> i ' ise�qee and.profite thereof ie mad.e to seeure the repavment at s.loan mada bp the 1Yfortgagee,Y.o the 3vlor�or,�s evidenced by e.psomis- r.'
<br /> f . .. . . . . , :
<br /> eorp raote of even dete herewith;in the Pr�a��8t 8um or Four 1-iundred F7fty Thousand Ar� NO/��0-- -------
<br />� g , �.,
<br /> a , ''. ^_--'--�--------------��----------------------------------"--�-�----------------^-`-----�-�llare � t � �..
<br />� � ' (� �,���QO�.(�Q .. )+�.executed���:by the MarxR-agor��and payable�Uo tbe order�of the Svlartgm�goe,.�witfi sntereet at Lhe rate � .:, ,� T�
<br /> i 6 � �.
<br /> . . . . -. ;.� � .,.
<br /> Cherein set torth.Lhe prinoipai sad inLerest payabie in a000rdance with tha terta�of sadd procrussosy note.:snd 8xaallq mntuiz�q,OA
<br /> F � . J31'.lUBY'�/ � �:� �..19 93�.:��All sume�due sh,ill�bear is�term�a afcer�chedue date a�x che:race ot �$Ta Per saaum.and wath s
<br /> 1F
<br />�r� , reasoanble siLoraey'e fee as vaay be determiaed i�p the CourL. ���. � . ��
<br />��;"s,�� � Mortgagor�erebp expressly mven.aavs and agre� with�.Mortgsgee,as foll,oxre: �� � � . � �.� .: -
<br />�� �.,_ 1.hSortgagcax,ia tawfully aeized of an�indefeasible estate.in fee�aimpie free-from encum3�rances.and has.good right un$pow�r tu
<br />�u � con�ey an abaahate titie,in fee simple, inc3uding ail the ritihts oi homevtead;acid will warcant and defersd the title to che azxme against
<br />�{ � all Iswful claims_
<br /> a� � 2_Tfl pay s11 sums herehy seeurecl.mhen due.
<br />��r �. 3.To pay vwLen due a1,1 taxes and assessme.ncs�oi e�very.type or.nature levicd or as.ses.ne�d against saad�roperty,Qa.�upon the:�ort�
<br /> v
<br />�r � gagee�interesc therein,and azao,to pey araY daua,lien or encumbranee xgaisast said gmpehy whieh may be or Uecome prior and s�nior
<br /> �' to t3e lien ot:this mortgage_
<br /> r ��� 4. 'Co keep sll buiidiags on the�nartgsg�sd property�insur�d agai.nst�loss and.�damage�by fare,aladstarzn aad othe.r hxzsrds,with such � � " ��" �
<br />�c '$ salv,erat insurancs eompaug:or�compsnies:�and��in'such�.amounts. us�are sasisiactory writh�the A4ot4gagee. and.with.the.praceeda.of.l�s.w.. .�
<br /> 3^� u PeY$����'��Q�BQB��its i�terest muy appear:-.;The pulicies of�i�nsurar_ez,::ans3 abstracta�and.nther evidence�af title,.:�hall be.3eiivered .
<br />.
<br />��,;,k to asid Leld by^the,3ytortgagee x'ithouc liabiiity,and vpoa forecl9sure of th�s morLguge,or acquixiiioa of.the real estate ar.any par[Lhereof, �.
<br />� :� insnqotLer�:;�,m�nmr.�shail:bectsmethE��.sbsplute�,prop�rty-of.t2�e�Mortgagee.����:T6eSasa��.��rcaceeds-:(less...Qxpensea�:otcollection)�siM33,at �
<br />� � ,>,�v:,�,ob„oa;,��,,,��y,�„a arp!''.�:.:,-, � nv,cb.e3:—,x�,waeZi;ur uue urnoc, or io ine restaza,ti,nn ot ihe ixz�provements,ot all ar any purt
<br /> thereaf maY 3�neleased bY I�iortSagee.+In erene oE iaractosure MarzBaBar autharizes and emPox�ers-hioatgugee ro eflecL insuraace upon
<br />± LL��°�. 'the�.Pz'���':'������ounts��sioresaid��#or a period:�:coverinB���the�tixne�ni:redemption�#ram.foreciosure sa3e,�and if�neeessary therefmr Lti.�� �. �
<br /> d .:. . � . . � . . . . : . . . . � .� . � � �
<br /> � z eanceD any ar sll e�dgtaaS finsssrance Policies.
<br /> i 'i �� �� 5.'�«�1'tg�sS�t;iy�qs�313 ae# te�nre c*�:t€emoliss�r.or slter the decg��e!struc[iirAl rharartsr oi any t�uititing��now�or heresfter��rnrt�ci � �
<br /> y :,a , . . .. . . � . . . . .
<br /> E vRazi t6e premiaca stAless M0A�B88�������'�k eanaent�hereto in waitiag; (ii)w-i11 mainGain�the premises�in brood�eondition�and repair;�
<br /> 4 � � _' . � � . ..
<br /> x" �u)will taoL:caaamit or suffer waete thene�mrt:fiv3 R'i11 uot cut<ar reaapna nor sut€er the cutting or remnvsl af any treos or Limber on t&e
<br />� grg�esse��(excep'�for tEnmeetic'Putpoaes?�.witfio¢s.�:.y¢or�'.�'s a:;wan�.canseut:.,{vj�will�.�e:om.plq:.a-ith..�a3i laK�s, urdina.ncea�regulaL'aans,. �
<br />� , . . .. .. . . . . � . . . . .. �
<br />,� cov�easwta,cAm.diat�9a+s and n�staicstiona adecLiQB L�e Pre.ruiGae[c,and will'not su$er c+a Wrsnit+anY'violation t3a�eeai.
<br /> ec i
<br />� ,� � �. 6.Ia the tls%et�L Mott£aSA+:$ails La PaY aRF o]aim. liau or oscuwl�rauoe ar the Uaxes ar a�sosamente ahove menisaneil, or pa4�tl�s � ;, � ,.�`�.,,�'� �
<br /> � premiume afiiascitsaae;az#ossP eaid Pre�s�m in repafir. or ehall eoasm.it or permit t6e aommiacioa.�of svt'S'-�+ceate.�or�s�all default ia:E'tle. . . *+��,;` ` ..:�. .. °' ���
<br />�¢
<br /> c�� pa�qnnsnao�t+t.su.4 vt�',the t�erms�:oov+�na�x�nfe snd-agreama�ik-af the Promixsory���nmte aeoeared by t3sie mortgage,or ot t�his mortga�ne,vr:
<br />�"�,, it�a M.�"fgagar shsll:sbautirin'said proy+e�r�C9.or.:it th�e��dort8agt�e a�ai.�be m:ade a psrty in sa9.suik:on acoouni.u�tha e�ateaoe of .
<br /> r t�is morteage�or�•fuvoiaviag t�e kitia ta esiui resl�essate.�he M,ortSeg,ee me�5 P�F seid daims.liaus.onoumbraaces.tsx�s�a,aeasmeacs,or r.
<br /> or S � fi
<br /> r: . . �miwrmrr;�vr.iid<<��iK�t..�t:��kr�a�r►Idwu-�E`auuveuuder,w.u►r�ice.te�pa`r�,,c�r�:pucxwrw�,e Lai..tiLie.,rn<:tauy.�ruuure.aawL xLacrxcts nP tdt.:o t;r . ��`'"�' �
<br /> .. ..
<br /> ��. �ol�x-�vidsnoe mi tdUs���an iL uu�wun�wry.uc awy u.,urL e�.wia.�r.rul�.ai'i aurr.e.:w+.yr13...��iS.l:iLt�w�wZ sL tL.s u.yu:u,.:.iu iuw,:::us-at.:a "� ���;.;,r, . �.'
<br /> s� ';: by'�w�e)tasllbeeoase s i�'t ol rhe in&�t�redams.hsre3�+g seoured.aa�d sleo td�e�hn1e� tihe iadebtedn�»saaur+ed herebx shntl bemome `'' "* '
<br /> i..�. snd.?la+imme3ia�0ei,T�dun and��qgsble-st:S�e opiaQn:�at �the LfLa�cLgaBee�:�with�>ut�.�.saoEwe ar:�-de�a�d. whicka sre.h+ereby eucgresalY a-aiyed, . . . . . .
<br />� ,: s.oai#�i5a raiir3B+�iucy Y+a�r+:awloxerl.
<br /> �.
<br /> .... � t � �
<br />