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<br /> ��.
<br /> w
<br /> ....�
<br /> " � M �
<br /> w 7��- [�U3038
<br /> SLt�?DI'TISIOId At;a,Er.hT�:NT
<br /> }j IN `.LciE C IF'S' C"r' �=RAf7b IS*�.l�ND. ��t�A.iKFt
<br /> „'' s
<br /> 7 Y ,Jahnsnn i.yaax�d �'�mpsny, a Idebraska csorporation, k�ereinafter calle3 the Subd�uider,
<br /> � r as o�ex eaf a tract oP land canaprising a p�rt csi' the F�est Half of the Plartheast Q,uarter
<br /> ;^, a` (t3z�d'F.�� �s�' Sec�ion Tu;ersty-t��ro (22), T�c.�-nship E].:even (12) North, �an�e 33;:ne (9) 4u`est oi
<br /> s :
<br /> � , th� u�r � :`., City .' :;Tr�':u isLa:na, iia.11 Cvuuty, Nebrac;�ca, snd more p��ieu2arl.y des-
<br /> ,� i
<br /> eribe� as f'�22aws:
<br /> ;
<br /> i E�eginnin� s.t the southwest carner af �leasant View I'ifth Subc3�,visi�sn,
<br /> City of rranc3. -Island, Nebraslca; ihence ranning suutherly alang �he
<br /> �ast lir_e o� Plewsani: View Urive a distance ai two k�uzidred seYTe�ty
<br /> n ^ (270) feet; t�enee rur.nin� es.sterly �ara�1.e1 �o tkip suuth Iine �f saic�
<br /> .; ?'leasant View- F'ifth S-ubdiuision a riistence'of one'fiundre@'twenty-five
<br /> ; ; (].25� feet;. thence ru^.Tmin� southerl;� �ars11e1 to the sast line of' �leasa.nt
<br /> ' > View Drive �: dista.nce of' f'orty (�;0) feet; thence rvnn3ng eas�er3y para.lZe1
<br /> to t�e south line o� �leasant View :'if'th�Suod�vision a'distance of ei�t
<br /> hundred twenty-three t823) feet to a �ioint on the.prolougat3.or� ci�' the .aest
<br /> line or Sun �lalley Jrive; uhence_xunn3ng s�utY�erly a2�r�;�he pr�ilange��on
<br /> y- �f �i3e west line af San 1%a?ley Drive a; distance aP eZeven and fort;T-fi ae
<br /> ''S .; h�znd��edt�s (Zj..45) fe�t; thence de�leetin� le, t QOa +'70' and running
<br /> '` i '> east�rly a distance o�'oae hun3red ei.�hty-six and twe3ve hundredths ; " :,"
<br /> ;' ' (186_12) feet to a. �o�nt on tne east �.ine of said Wes� Ha;1f o#"-�he �" + -, ,;
<br /> :-• ; ; iVort�east �ua:rter {W�idF',-�„l; thenc� r�lning northerTy a3ong the east li.ne "
<br /> ` of sa.id;t'est �Ia1f af the Nortnar�et iauarter (I�7-,���-P3E4:) a distance oi three
<br /> � � � ,
<br /> � ?:v.r_dre� sixty-one and eighty-�i�ht hundredths (361.$8) xeet ta the sau�}�east
<br /> y _
<br /> cornflr c� Lu� 6, Blocr, 2, Ple�sant i�i�w Fourth Addii:.�n; th�r.�� r,z..�ni:..g
<br /> .�; ` . 7
<br /> , westerly alons t.he'so�zth line of' said Lot 6 a�d its prolongatian a diswance , '
<br /> „ r�*" �n_e huzidrA�i eig..htu-fi�e �ri� fez�ty--itte ht:r=crei3ths {1�5:��) �'eet to a
<br /> .point on the �aest lir_e ot Sun \�a11ey Drive; th_ence ,ru.xzning soixtherly a'�ong
<br /> � = the px�langataon of the west line oi Sun 'Ja1i�y Drive a distarxce or fo�ty ` ' ' ,: ,
<br /> : e ' and �'orty-thr�e hundredths (4fl.43) feet to the southeast carner of PZea.sant
<br /> ; ' . ':
<br /> Jiew �'ii`t,h Su�divisian; thence runnir� uesteriy aiong the scut�: ��ri�
<br /> r;�
<br /> Plea.sant zliew I'iftih Subdivisi�n,a dis'�ance o�' nine hxa�dred _orty-eight
<br /> (,��+8) fee� to the p�i�t oz beginnin�, a.nd containing t3:175 acres, more
<br /> j c�r less; :
<br /> ', a. _
<br /> desires ta-have suY�divided-as a subdivi�ion the above descr=bed tract of 'tan3 wh�ch is
<br /> a. ' 1oca�e�d within the corgorate'1i�:its af �he'City oi'r�raxid Isi��d, Nebraska, and hereby `
<br /> submi�cs to-;the L'ity Cauncil o� such Cit;�* f'er �ecepta,nce as provided'by 1aw an accurate
<br /> ma,p a,tf3 piat ox' sucr proposed subdivisi:�n t:a be 3cnc�,m as nleasaazt View Seventah Svb-
<br /> divisi:�n, des��Atin� e�licit3y the ?a.ad to be laid aut and partictzlar3,y describin�
<br /> �c�e lil�cks, 1oi;s, si:ree�s, :and easemen�s belon�x�ng to such suudivisian, tai:th �otis artd
<br /> ;' b�asks desi�ria.ted by �uinbers, s�.reets oy siames, a;nd ease=nents �y dimensi�ns, and propos�s
<br /> tc eau.�e th� p1:at o� su�h sub�ivisi�n ;aY1en fi�a:L'Ly a�nx•ot�ed by v3e Ae�ioiiai rlriui_ir�,
<br /> Commissian and fhe'Citq C�uncil to be aeknr�wled��d by sur:h cywr_er, ePr^ified as t•^
<br /> accur,�,.:.s af sii_�^-*eY �y a re�ister�.d i.r�d �izrve��r, and t.,7 contair a de3icE.ti.on of the
<br /> ,.
<br /> sLreets io the �ase o#' tYas pnblic, and of' the easements �a �ublic util.ities forever. • 3 � ++�
<br /> �, . � . . .. . . . .. � . �.k .. :,k. �
<br /> � � . . . . . � . .S �;ir: :�
<br /> In aorasi3e�^�.�ign nf i:Yae acce�ta..*3.ce of trze plat �a�: said P�easr�n� "diew S�venth aub- :�x,i
<br /> �.,., �;s�.
<br /> :'�a�`�
<br /> ,4;
<br /> ��'���'��
<br /> �. - �
<br />�
<br />