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<br /> ���
<br /> ' , .:,.�:�
<br /> � , �
<br /> +: � ��''`� Y :c 1�7"T
<br /> �T- (1t�3fJ37
<br /> svB�zvz�zc�rr �u;tt��r�-�
<br /> sjLtJCH [`3 COI�1.'INx'�VT�'iL C�AR3}�a[�I3
<br /> n �r'
<br /> ` 1� A� lldditian to the City o£ L;'rand Isla.nd, Nebraska
<br /> M:1d-Ce�ntinent Eriterpri:se�, Sne.,, a 19ebrs:ska corpar�.tion, hereine.f'tex re�'erred ta
<br /> as the Sub�iviQer, as owner nt thc- �oZla�ring descrih�d rea.1 e=tate:
<br /> , , 1� �rsct of land coraprisixs� a par� af Iat �zie (1) of F"raction�..l_
<br /> :.; ,Sectian Saven (7)„ :and a, �art cf �he :vest TIa2f of th.e Ncirthw�st
<br /> ' ? G�uarter, (W�NW�) o� Section Eight t,�), a11 �n Township Fa1n_ven (1.1)
<br /> � ` z7axth,'�tr�nge Nine (�) Wes� of tYae Fath P.N. ,. Cit,-�r af' Gr�ixsd Ss3a.nd,
<br /> � -� ' 31�ebraska, and mor� particc:z2sr2y described as follows:
<br /> $ �eginnin� at the northwes� corner of :�caclernny iieights Subdi�trision;
<br /> �. �� , ,
<br /> � �nence S (70° 4�' Gs0" Tr7 (assumed b�aring j a�ong the :w-est lirie hf
<br /> said Sizbdivisian a �ists.nce o.� 325.5 #'eet; thence i�t�q� 1S' ��" W
<br /> � <�. distance of 75 �eet; thence S O,�° 1��+' fl0" W a dis-�ance nf �.�0 ;'
<br /> ` , -�"eet, +herce:I4 R�� ?6' O�`' tid a distanee �f ?..50 fee�, thence S OQ' �4' C1e7"
<br /> + : F� a flzsta�ce af a7 reet; �hance S 58" 10' �4" W a distttnce o� 180
<br /> ` =eet to;a poin�, on the easterZ,y right-of'-way line i�f.' Rve fle Collage;
<br /> � thence on a curve to 'r�he �eft (ci��rd bearing I+F 38° �1f 25" ;+T, radius ' �
<br /> ; =" �e=ng 3S� �'ee�) an arc d_�taneP ot� f�`�;5 f���t to a ��int �f e<,,�p;,r;;�,� r.
<br /> �� curva�ure; thence on a caarve -co the ].e�'t, (chord oear3n� id 67� 57' 27" �
<br /> T�, xadius bein� 63� Feet� a,n arc dista,i�ce af:�}88.59 feet t� a point
<br /> ' oa" tar_gency; tihenc� S 90" OQ' �JO" "r7 alang +-he^northerly ri��t-af'-way
<br /> � line of F?�za de CoLege a d istance: <�i 76 �e�t tU a pa int �n -E.he west
<br /> ' � 13:1e ^f �,i.a. Fr��e,.ctioT;a.1 SGc�icn 7; �-�..'1e:!Ce I'7 00° rJ0' rJ0" E along the
<br /> � �rest 1:ine of said �'raci;ior3al"Sec�i�n 7 a d�s�ance of 2�+ f'eet� thence '!
<br /> � �T 8 ` " �eet;,th�nce N OQ` Q3' ZO" E a,
<br /> 9° 55 05 'E a d_stance`�i' �+5C3
<br /> �ista.-Tice �fl 3SR.75 f'ee� +c a po:.�i on the narL'h 2ine cf s�i3 Sec�iGn
<br /> £3; theztce S 89° 1S'` 00" E a3.or�g the north �ine a�said Secticm $ a
<br /> + f ciistance �f' 608.22 feeb tc �:ne 'poi.zit oi' begitzning, ancl �anta=nin�
<br /> ... ' 7:492 acres, more �r 1ess� ` "
<br /> ��'` des3res to �iave subdivided as a subdivision -the above described trac�. of land �r3�i;ch
<br /> t ,. ;
<br /> s � .
<br /> k� �� . . .. . . . , _ : ,.
<br /> x,�. , i,s located within t�e corp�r�,te liasits of th� �ity ox' Gra,red Is�.and, Nebraska, a�ci
<br /> ,a
<br /> u h ' her�eby suYimsts to'zYis City G�u.ncil c�' sueh C:ty f'or u.ecegtanee as provided `by law
<br /> � - -
<br /> ; an �,ccurete' u�,p a,nd plat oF sucn provc�sed sa�divis:ior_ tb be kn�vrn as 'F3Zock 8,
<br /> �
<br /> � ' Con-t3:nenta� Ga,rdens� i�es:i.gr_a-ing ea-nlicitly uhe land -�o be laic3 ou� anr2 particularly
<br /> p., _
<br /> j �, describing �he b1flcK by number, the easements by:dimexasions, and tl�e"sf.ree't by raa.me,
<br /> ._� � + <.. �.;
<br /> rv � - and proposes to r_�use the plat o�' sucla s��diuisicn when �ina11,� appraved by the �
<br /> = R���.cnal s�1:pn.nir.g Ccr�.,�issior_ e._�d the r�ty c��.�n�li +.r, �A a„knt�:.?edged ��r such r�.��e'r,
<br /> cer�iPi=d as to aecuracy oi s�+�vey b3r a �egistex•ed 1a��d surueyc3r, axad to c�nt�.i� a
<br /> :.E �
<br /> ,.��
<br /> ,-�" ded�:cation o£ th� easements io tne use of public utilities and: the' stre�t to `he use
<br /> 4
<br /> t ' oP �he �ub3.sc farev�x. In eGnsidera�ifln af �lie acreg�ance o.' the plat n�' said t�loc.�:
<br /> .;.
<br /> � •,,..a� ,, .
<br /> �� r�nt ._..._.�_� .�.y»_n�, :.:�e '�ubd_��,�,=� l.;re�� ...,.sent; a.^.3 a�;r�e� ni�w': wYe Cix.y
<br /> , - Gr�d island, Nebraslca, that i-� wil2 ins-�all at >its e�ens� th� ±ollcrwi�g :i�provements:
<br /> ,
<br /> ; ].. '',ra.ter. Th� pxaper#.y �o�r�t;ec7 in *�� subdivis�o,n m�,y be cvs.nected,to the
<br /> .� `��
<br /> � ' C3.t wa,�er asait� ioc»te8 in i2s�e:de C�?�1� e, aci acent ta the suociivision with szo � `' �"�
<br /> �
<br /> 3� � e J � g�', :,;�
<br /> f
<br /> i�� ���CL>�£C'G�.fll�. �"4'2. . . . , . . . . .. . . . ���a.
<br /> f..':, ':'. .. .... .. .,. .. . � . .. . .... . . . . . � � . . � .. . . . . . . � . .. '.�;::,}.(`n.,;...
<br /> .�Y.`": ._ . . . . � . ,. � - . . . . . . . . ::'!!,^ :
<br />�. � � . . . .— . . . . � � �
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