<br /> ��:.
<br /> � .
<br /> � �
<br /> , �..�. ;�
<br /> 77`. f.)Q�3 U�f3
<br /> ;�t���:t�z:��e�r t��;,��,�y�rr
<br /> �.,.,.
<br /> �>�.t�E :���,y :�t��rarsxc�N
<br /> Ih tl�e �i� wt' �x�r�3 Ts�.snd» Nt:braskn
<br /> t��i.d-ftmexica'Co., a Aiebrssis� c.<�s-pc>r�,t�.c���, ��ex��iaxc�fLe.r c.alled tht tau'�div3der„ tts
<br /> vwwYaaer taf a: '�rr�t, ot` :i;tvad c.c�m�ar3s3�z� 23 �aart c�t �,�at, i,n� (1i, 'iwrcy l�) , '3'hxe� t3), ttrid
<br /> �"e^ur, (i°ii� at' }2i.�exside s�'t�rm Subdi.visi.c,n at �r�t cij° �;he E3�'�utY3e�.st C�u�:rter (:;};�-) �y
<br /> Ser.�s.o�n 'ltr�nty—nine t29), �`�imsh3p .k;:Leves� {1�1 N�rtkz, ='�n��z Nine (�1 "r7t.sti c,.i` t.2a� �ith
<br /> P.R4,, �i.ty; �x' Ctrand Ts3t�nd„ IT!z?.1 Cc�usz�y, P7�b.r4�ska„ snci mU.r� c�arzi.ciil:.�r1.;y aescrid�ed �.�
<br /> �
<br /> } f'a3.l:cws:
<br /> �3�ginnir� z�,t ¢� ��c�izkL- c�n th� TM�orth li�e ox' sL=id I,��t t;3n�� {1}, sraid nc�in�
<br /> bein�''t,wa hur_dred �:':ii'i;,y-cine {251.) fe�t e�s't vY t;k'ae n<>rthw�st cc�xn�r
<br /> wA ��i3 i�.ot i�x.e (�7; tPiesice �unriir_� �zisterl,y �Ztrn�; ihe ncirtiz 3xne n�` `
<br /> s�id y�t, f�e (1) u d=stanee r,f;n�.ne �tznflred sNventy �z�d sa:x-t�.tiths
<br /> ��?7C�.�) �'eeU� tu a v<>snt ;,ls��.t i: e�ne �ui:idred �'e.eb (1Qt�) wt±st oi tlxe
<br /> , ��� , � ' :, � , ' �
<br /> �. ; nnx•tize�;st c:�rn�r ur said:Lat One (1); i:,l�euc� rwznin�; scaui:i�erl,y �nd ,
<br /> - �ir�xa11e1 t� �}ie east ].in� �f eai3 S�a-t<�n� {2;� .: t�iis��sice �f az2e hundr�d ; �„>
<br /> �;lOt?i �'eet, tt�encc :rt.znnin�{ eissterLSr -a distance c�:t' �n�: huncireci (30c7� t ;�
<br /> iee� tci a, p��int aai c:�-!c et�.s� ?.ine c+� snid Lo� t�nr. (1); s�zi� ����nu bei.z"�
<br /> t�ine �undred (110� ic�t sou.#,h oi t,ti� ncrthcas G currier of s�id �ot C7n�
<br /> (11; thence riznnin� southerlv al�re�r,, tihe ���s� line ��i' T_,ot� .1ne (1),
<br /> ,� �: � ��Twe� {2�, ".'hre;� {3),��rand ,�'��ur (�+) �.� a3��L�tce c�.f c�ne ,��chc�usand o�ae �hiaildr�.d ` � �, � :
<br /> � f:orty-five �,rd nine--entl:s (�,14�.j) i'ee�t i:r, a pninz �-,hat is seventy-
<br /> six �..nd!rivz—teri�hs. (7w�.S1 f�ei; nortn c�i' t:ne, sou�heast. �nrtier c�f' .��i.d
<br /> i.o� r�ur (4)n'thence xiatu�ix�.; westerl,y .�,nd pai:allel'tu tl'ie souvh ;l,ine
<br /> .,,, �� �f ua.id �ot i=`our ('�') a dis��.�ez c>#' uzae Chc�usm>nt� t:�rec hznel_ed f'cux a,n� ' ;;
<br /> ; sev�rz-teiaths '(1.,�C�+.�\ '_:eet �c�� �: pnt.rst thr�L i:� tYzirty—thr�e (ti3i) fe�t
<br /> e�,�b oi' the i.�esi� 7.ir,e �P s�,ic3 �,ot :�aur (�t); �::henee ru�znin� nt�rt.herLy
<br /> w.:on�,,s line thirt,y-tliree �3'3) 1'eet cy,�sl-. of.�sad gt3ral�.�l to tYae west
<br /> , ; ' lins qf Lots::'��u.r (�-), '�91ree t 3?� 1`,ac� (�'), :�z�i� G�n� �1) � a'sst�z2ce of` ; ;
<br /> . .:t7n�' �.�}?�?if.'-.�f�t3���.�..3'ept,�:_±',.A:.:.�.nd�.�ii::e-t�Yl-'t..'hs �1.,���.,�:S,�.l..rp�-e�. #;+J:�.a r�?�i3a:i t.hs7;t.,.
<br /> is t�sa hundre3 (�OC�)��'eet, svuCh-r�f' tZ3e narth line 'of s�,id Lot {1ne (1}�
<br /> ='..henee rtxz'aniX� e�,ster.l�- �uid �a�xt�3_lcl 'to tha zzorth li.ne_ of said Zut �ln� �
<br /> (3j a r3ist�xice of t;wc� hundred e.i�311te�xi (c^1£�) ir�et; t2ze�1ce`i-u,nzzin�
<br /> , � �� n��tYzerlyr a�d 3s ta.nce oi��iro 3-1und.red ���ra)-�eE� tc� i3he }�c,int a* �be�iz'iY�3:n�, ' . . ,
<br /> and cvni,e.inixi� 35.�-�?.a aeres„ m�re ox Less;
<br /> desixes �Gp hav� subdivided c3s � subdiv�sion i;he ab�ve ciescribec3 brta,et or :1.ttrad wl-siclz is
<br /> locateti wi�hin �E,he corpc7rnte limits of' tk�e Czt�j <at' (.rratx-�i Sstarxd. Nebras��, �and t�ertby
<br /> submits �bc� t,h� t'ity C�u.�ici1 c,,' sucYz Ci�y f'�r ar_ce;pt.azice :�.s ;orovic�ed by 7..aw �.n secure-i.e
<br /> map e;nri pl€t �� suah �ro�c�sec� subdivision t;o t�� :knowz7 ::�5 U3:d� .`�ii13.,Subd�.visic>n; das�.�e- ` ,
<br /> �;
<br /> nating e�Zi.cit;7:;v r.he lt�nt3 tt; 1>e 1�i�3, ��ub anr3 �a.rticulasl-y descri.t�ir�, t,he 1ot�, bli>eks,
<br /> streei;, an3, �asc,ments tael.cin�;in� t,a sueta subd3v�s�.oza, wa.�.Ya 'L.c�t4' r�,nd Ulocics �3�si�;nat�d
<br /> � by rAu�)��rs, street•s Uv' =�tsmes, a.nci �a�eraFni;c t+,V �9im�nsi:>�s, r�nd ��rr�pc�ses t,r; cxus�_ t,2�ra
<br /> :: _ p1�,t t>a .uc.h su�divisica�x wheri fir�tliY GPF'ruu�aa li,y tYee :�;��icui�,l F'J.at�rzi.tiF3 (;onuriissa.:�Lz ez.�zd;
<br /> ' t,he C.3ty Ct�.unci3 tc� Ue� z�ck�'�c�wled�ca rv suc.h �wr_er, cc�ri 3f'ie�i as �.c> �,r,c:arz�r,y caJ ::iarvc:�v
<br /> �, � � � � � �
<br /> :.
<br /> � by c�'r�gi�'z��red l.eind; susveyor, �zd tr3 c�stata.at� �. dec9:ication uf tkae st,re�t:s t�, �.ki� �ar.�b�.ic �, r ,;;w
<br /> � � �� �
<br /> 4 - and caf tb�* ea�s�an�nt� -r,c, public uti:liti�s 1'c�z�cv�r. In ct,nsit3er.z�c:i:c�i1 c>t' t.he ��.cce�r�:aitc� ;
<br /> r
<br /> �,. ��,
<br /> .�`
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