, t ,.
<br /> �a .
<br /> � ;,��
<br /> � � . �
<br /> � �tvG �nctc�:i nr poa�C}aonc tiu� duc ciotc� ot tz�; tr montiity � ,icx � llu�a�nt . r-cicrt�d �s� ��i K�mra�;cn4sh�, I unef '2 hereol or
<br /> at���e ti�c nxnount of sueb in�caUmrnta
<br /> 3A. Bonawer t�ok R�:wrs�d. E:acteruxicsr� of tl�c tim� (or � �ati•rnrrst ��r n7odihcaEtiou r�f srnorti2aLion of tho aums
<br /> ; aecured bythia ;1fnrLgage granced Uv l.end�r to �i�y N�ir�ec�sor irt intrse�t oi E3arre3wer .�haii not operate to reFenae,
<br /> - in II[1�7 L798AIICF� the liabitit�* a£ th� originaF Borrowcr r�nd 13on•mcc�r 'y aucet�sors i�z iretere�t_ I.encie� stxalI not ioe -
<br /> � � requirtr2 to eammence procet�ciirYgs xgainet .cach euc�ceeuor or rciu�e rn extencf time iar {�ayment or atherw3se modify
<br /> �,i � atuorsisation of the sunrs secured by tttis � Iortgagi� i�y rciteaii oi r�nv deni�n�1 rneic�r bc• tPte originrsl Borrower and
<br /> , �7 $arrower'n suaeeseors in interea�.
<br /> +�''� 21 . Forbrasm�ce by Iwader Not a Waiver. �ny iorbearance 6y I.ender ir� exercising nny righC or remedy
<br /> (' O hereuntter, or otherwise afforded by applica3�le law, s6t�11 �iot !�e a �v3.iver oi qr preclude the exereise of any right
<br /> ;: � - - or rernedy hereunder. Z'he praeuxement oi ia�surance or the papment of tuxes or other liens or char�eis 1�y Lender
<br /> i- i ' sha11 noL be u wuivex of Lender'a' right to a.ccelerate th� �naturity of the indebtedneea secured Uy this Mortgage.
<br /> : I\ 12. Remediea Gumuletive_ • AII remedies ;provided in this �lortgage are distinct and cuxpulative to any other
<br /> ^ , ' � `h right or remedy under this Jlortgage or affordcd hy ia�v im equzty, anrl i�iay be exercised concucrently, independ-
<br /> ;� ently or successively_
<br /> 23. Suceessors rmd Assigas Bouad; I�t and Several Liability� Captions. The covennnts and ssgreement�
<br /> �' herein con£niaed aha3l bind , ancf the rights herew�der sha�l inare to; thE respective suceessors and nssigns of Lender ;
<br /> and Borrower; subje�et to the provisions of {�nrsgrnpl� 17 hereof. All roven�,nts a�ci agreementr bf Borrower shal!
<br /> be joint and several . The captions and head "an�s of the i>aragraphs af this \Iort�alr�e are for convenience only and
<br /> 5 ' sre not to be used to interpret or de6ne tl�e p �•ovisions fiereoi.
<br /> 14. Noticei Any noGice to 13orro�ver provideci im� ir* ttu, \J ureg�. ge sltall be �icen by mailmg eucli notice by
<br /> certified inail addressed to Iiorrawer st tlie Yroperty �iddress �txited �.�elow , except. for an,y notice required under
<br /> = Einragrs�ph 18 ltereof to be given to Borrower in the rnariner presca•itxed by applieakde laav. .9ny iioiice ��rovided
<br /> � for in this 1lortgage shall be deemec! to lia��c beea given to Borrower 4i�hen given i�i thc manner desi�nated herein. ` t `
<br /> � � 15. Uailozm Mrs:tgage;, Governing Law; Severability. 'I'his forn� of anortg�.ge combines uniforrn covenants
<br /> , '`?' for national use and �ion-uniforrn covenants witli limitec.i �-ariations by jurisdietia�n to constitute a uniform seeu-
<br /> f rity instsument cove=ing real pr�perty: This \ Iortgage sazuIl be goverr,ed by the T_aw of the jurisdiction in which , ' `
<br /> , the Praperty is located. Iit the event tliut any provision or c1a.Use oi tl�is 1�Iort�age or t}!e Note cont7icts witih
<br /> �' = k applica,ble law; such confiict shall not affecc other provisions of this J'lurtgage os� the Note which can be given
<br /> � ' ; effect wichout the con(iicting provision, and �o i.his end tt-ic pravisions of the Zlortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> _. , to be severable.
<br /> 16: Borrowar's Copy. Borrowershnit be furnisl�ed z conformed cop}• of this ��lortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> � ` tion or after recordataon hereof:
<br /> 3 17. Transfer of t1�e Property; Assumption. If all nr any IfarG of the Property or un interest therein is sold
<br /> '„,-0 or transferred by BorroweT withaut Landec's ��rior writien conseni, exe3uding (�, j the crea£ion oi a iien or encum-
<br /> � brance subordinate to this Diortgage„ ( bj the creation of a }�urctiuse moiiey securi�y interest for household appli-
<br /> , ; ances, (c ) a transfer bydevise, descent or by operation of law u��on the deitth of a joint tenant or ( d) the grnnt oF
<br /> � ` � " '
<br /> ; any leasehold interest of three years or lesc not containing .�;n option to purchssse , Lender mac , at Lender's option, `
<br /> , � � declare aIl the suxns &ecured by ihis Mortgage co be immedisiely ciue and p�.yable: Lender sh�l! hc�ve : �!-s�;ved s���h
<br /> $ option =to accelerate i #, prior to tlie sale oc t.ransfer, Lender anci tlie peison tio whom the Property is to be sold or -
<br /> ' _, � traaeferred reach agreement in �c riting tl�at tne credit of s�icl� person is satisfactory to L+ender and tha6 the interest
<br /> ' � pnysble on the sums ' secured by" this il�ortgage shxll be at sucli rate as Lender sha11 request. Ifr Lender hss �vaived
<br /> � the .option to accelerate provi3ed iu this nnrzr.grapli 17 and if Iio!•rower's successor 3n interest has executed a'�vrit- "
<br /> � ten assumption agreernenl; �ccepted in writing bv Lender; I,ender. shall rcicase Bcrrower from all ok�ligstions under '
<br /> :., : � this 11�Ioztgage and th� Note. _ �
<br /> , .� If Lender exercises such option to accelerate, Lender shniLanail $�rrotrer nat;�e- of xeceieraiion in a,ecordanee Y " < . r: ':
<br /> , . . ,
<br /> 3 with paragraph 14 hereof. Such noiice �lu�ll �roaide i� ��es�od of not l��a than 30 days from ihe date the notice is ` ; ' <
<br /> muiled within which Borrowei� rnay �>ay the sums declared due. If 13orrorver fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> kexpiration of such period; Lendea• may, �vitl�oi�t Turthcr notice or dcrn�nd on I3'orrower, invoke any remedies per- , ` , : ' '
<br /> � y initted by paragraph 38 hereof. ' ;
<br /> ,+ .. � NoaT- UxiB<�ccaz Covt;xArxs: Rai•ro�ber and Lencier £uf•tlier eo��entint and agi•ee tts folloi�•s :
<br /> F 16: Acceleration:. Remedies. lixce��t an prot•idec3 in ai,u•ugrti��l� 17 hereof, upoi� $prrower's breacl� of ttny
<br /> � cavenant or. agreemer3toi Borrovicer in tl�is �+�ortg�Ka; inctutiing tlic co��exianis to � �sy w3ien i9ue euic suins secured
<br /> �� ; � � � � by this � "�3ort�a�e, .Lea�cier� � �rior �to �accelerutioii shall � m.�zil i�oUce� .zo Boi•rowcr �as providecl in� F>nragrnpli 14 hereoi � �
<br /> r speci[ying: ( 17sthe k>reach ; (2 ) tlie iiction roc�uire<! to cuce such brcacli ; ( 3) a elatc, not. tess t6an thirtv days
<br /> # Cron� tihe datethe notice is msiled to Iiorron �r, by ���I�icti �iich }arcach znust l�c r�n•�.1 ; nnrl ( 4 ? tlixit: faLilurc to curc
<br /> ' � .uah' breQ.ch on o�• before il�e dste sl�ecified in the noticc may resul[. i� acceleraiic3n' ot tlie suina secured 6y ihis
<br /> ' ;�Sorcga�e snd ssle of tlie Property. If il�e brench i� not cirreci on or befm�e tF�e date tipecified in ti�e notice; Lender �
<br /> � at Lendet's option may cieclare all of thc sums sccured by thiG \1or� gage to Uc ' immedixteiy due and paya}�le
<br /> , , � without:further demand snd may Poreclose tLas :�lortgage by ju<iicial pror,ceding. Lender s!iall ?ie c�.;�!e:? ..a .;c:Ie:t
<br /> , '„� . : in such ` �rocee�ing s�.11 expenses of foreclosurc, iziclucling, but not iimited io, eosts of documeniary evidence,
<br /> � abstraotS and tiLle reparts:
<br /> 19.' Bonower's 8igbt to RBinstate. : !�*otts•ith�tanding l,ender's .xccelei•blion oi ihe surns secured I�y this
<br /> ` , � Mo�.gage, Borrower s�all have the right t.o ha��e an,y proceedinKs beguai hF� Letu�cr t.o e;iforce i17is 1-fort�;age dis-
<br /> { . � continued at any time prior to entry of u j �d�ment enfv„r.ing this :_liortgn�e if : � u ! Borrow-er pavs Lender sil
<br /> , ;
<br /> a � sums which woial�3 hQ r.hen ���a ��e. t!:.s \.cri�age, �;ic :.ote iiaiu noies securing S�uture AdvanCes, if any , had no
<br /> r , acaeleration occurred : ( 1�) Borrower cures sl i t:are�cl�es oa � nc oiher c:ovcnants or +igrc einent:s of Borrower con-
<br /> � tained in this D4ertgave ; (e) Bor^ocver paps u_1 reasonubie ex7ac is4s incurzed bc T <t=der i=i cn#orcing tlie eo� euantc
<br /> ;
<br /> � � and sgreeanents of Borrower contained in thi� \ iort�; zge ,ind n2 enfo� cinh I,en�ic� 5 rcinedies as prorided in para-
<br /> „ fi..,r.�, _� ye.�a.`, ;:,�tu;iug, buu n�t ,aniieu f o_ reasonabte aitorne�- s tee. : anii � ci ) liorrower takes such action as
<br /> � � Lender msy reasonab3y require io assura 1h:3t the lien of this \Ftirfg•age, I.eniler's interest in tLe. 1'k�operty und <
<br /> �� u Borrower's Qbligation to"pay the sums secured t�y tt�i.� J4artguge �linll continuc un3mpnired. L?pon such �ayment t
<br /> � . .� andcure "by Borrower, this 11Sorf.gageand the obli�sfions r-.ecured herebv <hatt re�naan in full ior�+e and effect �s if "'��� " ' :�`� '
<br /> a
<br /> no acceteration had oceurred. - �l� ; ''
<br /> ,' � .rt � � 20_ 13saiqmment, o! .Rents; A.pPointaaeat of Rsceiv�erv Leadez in Poasession. As additional security here- ��* - r '
<br /> ,f � under, Bormwer herebg� sssigns to Lender the �ents of tlie Propert}-. �i3•os•ideit that I3orTo�ti-er shall, prior to acceler- `� '
<br /> '�; � ation vnder patagraptt 1$ hereof or abandonuaent of f,he P�oT�ert,y, l�a�•� the i•i6iit fo collect and retain such rents �' �� '
<br /> �x � as they neco��due snd p&Yable. � � � � � � � � ��� '`t
<br /> ; L`�'ion aaeeierxtioa� under #�n.x-agraµL 18 ;e+ereoi o+- xlassucic�nu�ent �9 ahe Yro}�ea•c �:, Lender, in ��erson , vv xgent •�^°
<br />� .�, .
<br /> or by judi�ially a�poisted at�ceix-zr-shall 7x; ��titlacl Lu e�rinr u�c�a�, , t�ks, �r�s�e�niotz a, tind ii.a:nage tiie F'ro{�crt,y
<br />� ; and to ca33tct the renk-e of; the Prnperty, inclxadinK those rsasi c3ue. Ali rent� eallecGecl b� I,undcr or the mceiver "" :
<br /> shall be s�plied tt�st tn paymerst �oS"the costs o� i�3arzage�nent of the Pro�}ertt� and cot3ection of r�:nts, inciudin�, but
<br /> C' .� = nat Ii�niLe� t�, rP�vivPr'A feP�, t�r�rtiwqm+; �n r�-e�iver's Aorni� �nc? rr>nsonsh3e attorne--'� tces. anci tlicr. ta t �^c sums
<br />� ` ` seeured by this iv[ortgs�e. Lender and the rer.e�ver shall irc� di�'61e t-o xrcount onl�- f�r tho�e renf� a��tuall�• i•.ecei�•iKi.
<br />. � �
<br /> ,� . .
<br />