„� �
<br /> `�� :
<br /> ,�
<br /> �
<br /> ; :� ,
<br /> � ��. c�a�U2i �
<br /> The [�QUITABLE Life A�surance 5ociety of the United States ,��
<br /> TH�S MORTGI►G:E,dated u of the....... l�t..,.........day of...........�'�Pr,i1........D�i:t3�i�.T.»7..�k��' c�'t�Y'g� D.
<br /> Allszty .Ir., and Deloris J. Allan (�lso known as/�oiores . A �.`an), each
<br /> ; � in h�.s and li�r awn ri�ht asad as spouse of the other,
<br /> whoae �ust o�i'ice a�f:dccu ss t,irxact Ri.ver, �tabraslca 68883
<br /> , ..,..., ........ .._............ .. ....... . ....... ..._.... ....._. ........ .......
<br /> _....... .......
<br /> y heccina£tec calicd "tklorJ�egar” anc3 THE �QU3TADLE LiFE A5SUR1�IVCG SUCIETY Ok TFfiE t7N7T�1D STAT*S a Ncw York
<br /> ecarpon� tinn,havin,�iks pr�nc�pal offsoe and post ot�ce address at 1285 A��rncae of the Arn+ericas,New Ynrk,New Yock ioo�9, hecernafccr
<br /> ', rallcd"1lfortgm�grr';
<br /> y ��..WHER�.eSS,th� hforkgagor is�uscly ra-dcbtcd to the Martgagee in thr sum of Tt,�n:liundx�d I�ifC�,r ai.�itit 1'ft�usand....,
<br /> .,..... .
<br /> i v4_.k�?h�.1�K�...�14�..kI4J.�7.Q{�.__.,:.Uc�ltan (S �$,-SK,I::Q i1Q ) with�ntecest sli as sea torch in his cettaia p�nissorp ncika
<br /> '` (••Note")nC evra daae hercn!ith m�turing. ., . ,A3�rclt 1� ... .... 20U2.._,�3.......,
<br /> ; NC2W,T'liERE£'C}1tE,THIS b£ORT.Y"rAGE WIT'NESSETFi thar,M s�eevre the�ayrnent of the �irincipat oE an:!interest an the htote
<br /> und the�erfor,mance aoE tkie e�venants thcrein ao�$ hercin rnne:a�necl, and in considrrntion af the premisea,tl�e P.sortgngur Uy tlsrsc prescats
<br /> !' docs grant;bargaia, setl, amvcy, tr.ansfer, us.sigci, mortgage, 'p1ed�:,w•arrant anc� confitm unta tEae his�rtxa�;ec all the pra�e,cty ('"tlse
<br /> ;- �Sorigag�cd Prnptr•ap") hereictaPter�cxcibed.tu-wit:
<br /> � �. � Fia�ll
<br /> { I. 'I'!re followins*described rea�'pmpertp tocared in the�ounty of .................... ..............�.................,..... ,,.,.,. ,........ ....._....
<br /> •, G. . Skate.Of ,,..,......�!f.,?e'�'r.�4`���:.:.,.... � � ......�.........,Lo-n•iC . . . , , .:.
<br /> � North HaT.E a� Che Northeast Qu�rt�r {N�NE'�) af 5�ction '�wenty-one (21.) in
<br /> � � ' Tawns3Yip Terx (>10) No�th,, Rang�,Turelve (12), West of the 6th P.i�t.; °
<br /> � ,
<br /> ,r
<br /> A traoC of Isnd comprising all of the East Ha1f af the South H�.lf af the
<br /> � Southwest Q,w�rter (E'-�S�SW�) of Section Sixteen (1&), Township '��n (10} North� ,
<br /> { Rsnge 'Zt,telve (12), W�st of the 6th P.M., �nd contsining 39.87 acres, more or
<br /> '� ; Zess; and
<br /> � EasC �{al€ of the Northea.st t�uarCer (E�NE�) oE SecCion Twenty-eighC (28)s;
<br /> { > �Tawnsiiip Eles:�en (il) North� 12ange Twelv� (12), F1est of the 6th 3'.M. ;
<br /> g: , �
<br /> „
<br /> , + `
<br /> �:�.J .. . . � � � . . . . . � . . . .
<br /> _, �`, ' 13�#ault by Che mort��c�or:under mny oci-sor instrr.unenc securi�x� zh.e d�bk' h�reUy :ecured shgtl2
<br /> �., consti.tute u d�tault und�r this i�strw�-tent.
<br /> p ,
<br /> ',.,:. ' _ .
<br /> �
<br /> ..,�" :
<br /> �
<br /> " TT. 'I1ae i�tartga�;ut's interesk a� Icssor in aI1 lcases (including bue zaot limitcd tv,oil, gas and niineral leases) nuw or hrrcafter
<br /> �' affrcting thr ataovr-dcrscr�bed real pcapert}ox any part thcceaf.
<br /> �:
<br /> Tv.rt',riiiiER w f'E'cL t;xr tents sssurs, and �pro6ts thereaf, resen�in� howc�cr (uniess othecwise pro��drn hercin ar�n a scparatr
<br /> � . _ : ; :`:,,. ... , -r ...�.,. p ^
<br /> ai�siiwi.rciii ui..:u5i}+,zuaYcnij,tinitia.cnc i.ivrigx�or :nc nqni. �raUr(v.:lily uc�naii �� u�c puync��. v � 4� .•r�: �� u a^3 ��
<br /> � '� a�rten�cant hereunder„to cutlect cind rrtair� sucli reuts, issues, ait�prafit�a�thcy bca>anr due snd E�ayuble,ni�d together also with all und
<br /> s�ngular thc rerem�nts, hetedxta��aents, rtnd �ppustcnnnces thrrcunco brloagix�g,uietuding irrigatio=s,dtnina�+e,nsa�l���ater righls oF every
<br /> N • kini3 and destription_
<br /> ��q TO k�AF'&hN�)TQ kiOL1�-hc sas�c unta tt�e�iortGa_r,ee,ih successors nnd assrgns,F�rever,
<br /> f PROVII?ED, AZWA1 S,that if tlic\Soctg*�gor, his heirs, represnatatives,stucessars nrµssi•ai5, sh.�lt puy unto the �fartgn�c^e, its
<br /> c`� successca�s ot assigns, the said sum aE money me�uoned in thc Note xnd tlse;ntrresr themon ut t�c times and �lace and in thr na.�nner
<br /> specificd in thc IVutc..aitd all uther sums that may betUme dur nnd orving ta the Mnrt�aqec pursu�iit tu any<>f tlie tercns.zavenunfs and
<br /> � cundititr�s hcrcrof,an� Peifarcn x1! the con3itia�as ai�d ccavcaants cont3ined in[his iaxxr:gagc�"tllrrrt,�agr"),dtcn tltcse presents ancl e6e
<br /> t '. estatc hereby,gfianteci shall rease,deccrmine and bo void,othernise to rrmazn irt futt farec and eftect_
<br /> yAND SUIIJECT'to tlic coven�.iits and ton'�itions hareinnftcr sct farth.
<br /> � . FIRSTt The Mortga�wr heretn corenants and a�rces; io tlic cxtcnt permitxed tay lnw,ax foliows: (a) ro pay ptnmptI}' cvhen due
<br /> dte print� al and int�xest an3 other sums�F mon�ey i�ravidad for in the Nc�te and in tbia hturtgn};e, ur eithet; (b) ta ay atl cases,assess-
<br />� ; mrnts as��ofhar thsr�rs(�niluding d�ttli tanxt, icser��oir, ar athhr wncre rhar�;cs,taxc-s nr assrssrnants)3mpuscd by�aw upon thc MotC-
<br /> gageii Y`mperiy, cno ivivaE,a3;�,s':. ..... :� .....a.. t o:�l,r hinirq;��e c>r.the Nvtc; �r�vicfcd ho�vevec,il�at. in lhe e�•�nC nF lhc pus-
<br /> ., ° >. .
<br /> ,� sabe ok s�ny law chan�i�g khe]sws For the caxatiu»of mortg;��;rs or debts scr�ued bv msartga�c sn�s tn atiect Chis Mtart��p,c; the crnkire
<br /> � iz�debtcdness srcurcd iaenby,htlt a:che aptian uf thc Murtg:a�,ce,,`.,ecur� u�t•n:,p..7:::b!a;(�) tc�kcep the hSorl�+ageci`I'rvpetty and iin-
<br /> `„ }�c,isE;a�....,�s,`...�.... _,�, ,.! _ ,)�t�nn nn�3 rrt?aic and rn�f ti? ee.miaiit or cexffcr wa+te thErcriE �ind cxte(�C as sutht�tiz�d tin sny srhew�ul�'
<br /> r�" anncsect hetcto and #annittg a pi�rt hetci�f:neidser 4o remnve nar pecmit chc reinovai vf wny`i�;ts.:-r '-�..s�+...g i1,vas.rr,rxsrrals. scune.
<br /> i rt
<br /> ;', $ taeic;.ciciy,(ettitizer,�raucl or top ssail+vit3ioul tht priot writtcn rnnscnf of the Mortga�s;cr; (d).tn mointa;ii:�nd ti�rli�•er in thc Murt��,�ec
<br /> �aaliaics of insutante a+gninst su�h}su-,xnrds �n tt�e buildinGs ni��v at hrrraftor lceatrc� oa che iriortgscgc^d Pmrerty ns the Morr�rngce t�i;x;�
<br /> p
<br /> ; reyuica, in Sucli[��n^xpanics�d�mcFarnYs attd t�itls auch I�ss{��+ysbte clausc-s a.ti shall bc satis[actory co the Ai<�rt�;a�;ee;tMut in tt�e eyrnl ut
<br /> �. � , losS Sht a4tort�agcr is,Nspressiyautlaevnzed,tu settle or compreztnisc tdaims�p�lcr�aid pcalirirs anci tkae pro�r��s shall Ge�raid rp the ASnrt�
<br /> ga�ec w-3�a mxy'appl�snmc vr any�art thcrcc�f«n tha indebterlaess secured hercUy or hrn�•nrcis thr moustcuttion or re{�air�f said build- �r�! r ,'t
<br /> � att�s be rrleasr same�0 4ha�'tort�a�ar:(c� to pa;°any litn>ciaim ot chnt�e agnin�t tha M�rlga�;cd I'r+a�erty whicl�-n�iglat takc ptcccdence �,`,
<br /> �, ovcr'ilae lien hete4f: �(F�ta p�y c�n�eamm�d atl ic�1t exprns�es.titie scar�lsc^S»oc aMun3cy�sc�s rt�5un:�#y�ncutrcd crr}�aid by tt}c A(orL}�a�rc . �
<br /> : ' tq rnllcct d�e Nntc vc Loetxl�sr o�p�ata't ihe lieea Gl,tht Ado�ig��tt ($) thai in,t3ae c.�ene hc shall fait ta com�Iy w�i�h thr}7rovisiuns of t�1�:
<br /> (�)tt+ncau86(fa abcave,the Mor#gs;�ee rrsay hrl.c such actioia.as is necrssazy ta remc.�t} such fa�lurc and al!su�ns pai�i by che Tiort,�a&ec ;����
<br /> �uxsu�licretu w'tz3x intcrost az,thr rste.hcceinattcr pmvide,d s3iali consciruie H i« z.r�,...a ps_n�aucrl Pmu+ertv,shaii hc saured by
<br /> 0
<br /> r tlns Yvir�xt��gc;wa3 siazi�be iMan;,z,awst�=y.iu�n�a3 i��.A}�+i1a3a.tv ttaw I+�uit}�a�cc;(h) x.�t in sell tf:e �r:ntzses ar any��rtivte thcr»��i. ^�,
<br /> if.tbe b�uc'.b,+�oz is a..iacput�.iuti...p..t:t:�.:.h«._ --•."u,of i�cati�4.:ate s!'c+c�C sltall l+c��Id,tr:+dcrtl ��di•c�,nsecd a�C t�� t,cn�fr�a<ril�c•r tl�:iii
<br /> ... .
<br /> `� : tho ptes�entuwtx�rs g+3ciar tu t3xe 4imc t�e indebte�nras sccutt:d 7icre�.ry shnit tu+vt bcen rcduted (exc;lusive oE prepa�ments nc�t �+ennitisd ; "
<br /> �, v �
<br />