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� <br /> � <br /> r,� E ��,;. <br />�^ � .:���. <br /> � --1 <br /> � � 77"' U�3��3 _ _ . f <br /> � SB—REAL ESTATE MaRTGAGE (Corporatlon)—With Tax � � <br /> (,.`jgUqe Thn 7tuRm<n Geoe»I 3upD1Y Noaae.Lincoln,Ncbr <br /> .�$ ... . . � . . � . . � <br /> p3 <br /> � �. q� � �� � . . . .. . . . <br /> � KNO�J ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> ` � TH.9T' DOONAN TRUCK ELND EQUtPMEb7T, ZNC. , <br /> � <br /> �' , �' a cor�aratson organi«ed and esistinr,� a�nder and by virtue of the daws of the St¢te of Kansas , dre , <br /> a <br /> cansideraEzott,of the su»a;of �Q�R HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100-------------------------DOLLARS � �' <br /> , (? <br /> ' iAi Jxand;Q¢%d,does hereby SEL7. and CONTfEY slnto The F3rst National Bank of Grand 2sland �' <br /> li <br /> ' o f Hall Cou�at��, State of Neb raska , }!z¢ folLawiiig described premises situated �; <br /> x � 6y: Hall Cotarety, ari8 State oj- Neb raska ,to-¢erit: �i <br /> � < Y� <br /> � � Plat of a Cract of :land couiprising a part of Zot Two (2) ; and a part of the 'Southwest ! <br /> E �uarter of,tne idortliwesl- Quarter (Sb,7� NFJ'-G) of Section 'Tcoenty-Nine (29?, Township Te❑ (1Q) <br /> North; lt.ange Nine (9) TJEst o{ the 6th Y.M:, in Ha11 County, Nebraska, more par.ticularly ;i <br /> described as follows: ' <br /> .' ' `� <br /> Beginnin� aC a point on the easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Aighcaay No. 281, sald <br /> pqint being Nine-Hundred Seventy (970.Q) feet south and One Hundred Thirty-Five (135.0) ` <br /> '� feet east oE the northwe§t corner o� said Seczion T.wenty-Nine <29);'thence southerly I <br /> lalong.,said right-of-way line `and parallel to the west iine of said Section Twenty-Nine j� <br /> "t29); m distance of Nine Hundred Twenty-Nine and Four 'i'enths (929.4) feet to the norther �� <br /> right-of-way line of a County road; thence de�lecting �aft 120� 5$' 30" and running i� <br /> G^ . nor.theasrterly along saicl right-of-way line, a distance of'i3inet}-Three and Forty-Six �� ' <br /> ;' { Hun.3redt�s (93.45) feat; thence northerly 'parallel to the west line of said Section � <br /> f, i TwenCy,=T�.ine {29) , a distance pf Five Hundred Thirty and 5ixty-Seven Hundredths �530.67) � ;y <br /> ; � �eet; th�nce,easterly para?lel to ttze north 13ne of said Section Twenty-Nine (29), a i <br /> distance of Five Hundred Eighty (580.0) feet; thence northerly parallel to the west line ;i <br /> ` of sa3d Sactio n T we n t y-N i n e {2 9), a d i s t a n c e o f T h r e e H u n d r e d �i f t y (3 5 0.0) f e e t; t h e n c e I � <br /> � westE_�-y parallel to the north line of said Section Twanty-Nine (29),; a distance of ;i <br /> ' Six Hun dre d Six ty (6 6 0.0) feat to t l-ie p lace o� beginning an d cc�ntaining 6.32 2 acres, � , <br /> 't <br /> �"� 'more or 1ess. � <br /> � The intentian being to torcvey hereby au ahsolute tit(e in fee s�vrtiple. <br /> TO Hr1l/E r1ND 4'O'FIOLD tlre¢remises above dcscraGed,ze�ith all the ap[�scr-fenmices thereuotto belangi»g �etxto �i <br /> 'Ihe said DOONAtt TRUCK AND EQUTPPSENT, SNC. ! <br /> ;" <br /> a�id ta �ts heirs and assigns forever, provided a1wa��s, asid these (rrescnts are upon tlze ezpress condition yi <br /> � ` 11zat if the ,said DOOA7AN TRUCK AND �QUIPMEI47; ZNC'. i <br /> �"' . . . � � . . , . . j . . . . _. <br /> �� �or assig�is shall�ay or casse to�be�paid to�tGe said The First Natiorcal�Bank���of�Grand Ssland, � � � � � � � � � � <br /> ' ��. C:rand Ls3and, Nebraska, a; <br /> ' lieirs, esecutors, adr�sinistrators or ¢ssig�as, the suna vf FOUR HUNDRED 'PHOITSAND AND NO--=-Dollars,.payab6e as r; <br /> �ollozur, to-wit: :} <br /> : Sixty'(fio3 mpnthly installments o£ =J�a�=��kc ��j' ;=�9 =i <br /> t' $$,206.70> payable to principal and �a�irss=s�4lrg �s��f ,=�9 _ <br /> ; intexest, commencing July i, 1977 and �3s�hns=e��lr� , �a��f =� <br /> ; wiCh fina� monthly installment due �at-tais=,sr��1r� �a��f ,=3y <br /> �' a:nd payable on June 1, 1982. =�al�it�=ar��1� ���f =�g „ <br /> .vitlo interest theyea�z ,yt 812 per cewt per annss��t, payable monthly =�3t��-�according to tl:e te�2or <br /> and e�ect of the one (�ronxusory rote =--a�it��vstx�ea��aa�•attacked of sasd <br /> � '�JOONAN TRUCK ANll EQUIPMENT, INC. <br /> { bearir+g evess date witlx !laese rreserits a»d s/zult pay all taxes arcd assessrrzents levied upou suid real estate nrad all other ' <br /> ;, I taa•es, levies and cusessmerzts levied upda t/ais mortguge Ur the�xote which tlais niortyage is gfven to secure, Lefore tke � <br /> � beconaes delinyaeent, and kcep tlne Guildings on sairl prernises insured for the s:c�n af$ 400,000.00' ,loss, if <br /> ' � arxy,pu��able t�tlze saici mortgayae,,t�cn these presents to Lz uoid,otherwise to be attct rensaix isti,fisll foyce. p <br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED;/tJ That if iFie said mortgagor shnll fail to ¢ay such taxes or hrocure sucla insur- !" <br /> ance,the sasd nyuxtgagre nsny {+ay su.�ch taxes a.�ad procuse such irtsurance; and tlie surn so advanced, with i�iferest �st <br /> per eent sJiall be reraid by said»tortgngor, and this mortgage shall st¢�zd as security for same. (zJ T{:at <br /> n � a fuilure ta pay aaty of said snoaey, either prsnci�al-or irxteres�u�ken the same become duc,or a failure to cvmply urith, � <br /> nny�f the�"ore��ivcy agreemen#s,sh-ald cawse ilxe wAole.sum<of money herei�i secured to become due arad-collectablc � . <br /> ' at once at t�e o�tinn of!he mortgagee_ � <br /> G4��'N;�JCf'�.�VESS W1�EREOF, the said DOONAN TRU�K AND F:!2€JIYMENT, INC. k <br /> � � ��� .'a ���s�• w .�;� _ � � � � s � � �..,,,1 ,..��� <br /> a �1s�reun�'* � �ta torpornte scrz�to be a�zzed and thesc�tirescrsts,to be signed by its Pres ident ; : <br /> e:� �� „� �� <br /> `�c .ihA'�"'j A,,�� ,�'.,of, , June �1.D. zy 77. ` �' . <br /> � � ,�,.3 ..� £ <br /> S+ir� ~ delivered in prasence p f <br /> � ����l�•�# ' 'J -�-�� ! , <br /> � _� ..._.1`''r .:� ...�.:�..t...������K�:�.'. ...._...... llUCiNAI� 1KUC,K Af*+1) 1 ?UlPM�N1�,3N4. .. ..... <br /> k �....��� . .. � Y�� <br /> . . Y .... ..,. ....�_. ..�-- -.-.- -.._..-_.,a��-��ti.-._. -_•-_�,- �b"-"L-/�''�'�G�`"��.. . �,!'Y,,�vs 4:`'4�'...:.�'.�.��''. :�..G2�_� .� ' ... � <br /> � Wendell M. Doonan, Presideilt <br /> � ;: ' � . : .,. ,_ __. _ : . <br />� � � � �_ J <br />� ,. <br />, � <br />