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<br /> 77� L€�3t3�6
<br /> MORTGAGE ,
<br /> �orc�r.AceGoa;v;vca�-. L 22.675
<br /> KN0I�VAIeLLMEN$Y7NESE'PRFSENTS:Thxt L�retta M. Wiese, a single persan
<br /> :,�'
<br /> ;� Mortgagor,whether one or mom,fn wnaideratioa of the sum of
<br /> Fatarteer� Thou��and Three Hundred an�d No/100----------------------------------------vou,.�Hs
<br /> r �
<br /> ``' loaned to said anait
<br /> ga$or byThe Eqv�Cahle Suiiding and l.c�en Associ•rtion of Gra:nd Islsnd,Nebraska,l+lortgager,upon 143 shares of stocic of
<br /> w,� said;ASSqCiPa"fION, Ccrxificate P+Io.L �2 sF-'75 ,do hereby grant, a:onvey and murtgagc unto the aaiei ASSqC[ATtON the folloa*ing
<br /> � descritred real estate,situated i� E-1all County,Nebraslcx�
<br /> ��
<br /> ;.�
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<br /> ;�, togexher with .atl the tanemenh,ineredi,ameats and�.appurcenances�.thereumo �elangin�,��including attached�t7oor coverings,all��.�window�.screeas,
<br /> ,,, wiadow shades�bGnds,storm windows,x�vnuigs,heating,sir conditioning,and pi�mbing and warefequipmenL and acc�ssnnes thezeto,numps,stoves, ��
<br /> ;;,� retrigera[ors,arz:d otherfixiures�and cquipmeac now orheresfter aStached tu�or bsed�in connection�with said real estate. �� ��� +�
<br /> :And whereas Ihe said mortg�ssor has�agreed and,doesltereby�.agree tharthe mocCgagor shxll:anc�will�pay all.t�ses and ssstssments�lavled or �
<br /> assessed upon s2id p[esnises and npaii thit mortgage,and:tt�e tond.secured��thereby:hefore tha�:same shalLbec;ome�de3inquent;to"fvrnislt appruv+ed
<br /> r� tnsurance upon the buildiqgs on s�d premiscs sicuated ia cne sum of S jQ 30Q_OQ pa}•able to said:AS50C1riTION and_to delivec ta said
<br /> �.� ASSOCIATIOh.:ihe��policies.for.said insurance;and no[to commit or permiF any waste vn.ar-abouf.sai$�premises; . ; ' �� . � -�.� �a�
<br /> � In case o�default in thu perfcsrmance of any uf the�erms and conditions af this mor[gage or t}ae bonrl secured'hereby,the moctgagee shall,
<br /> }� on demand,be entitlnd ip irnmedia3e possession of Ihe mortgaged premisxs'an� the moxcgxgot;hereby nssigns, [ransfers and'se�s over ta U�e ' ",
<br /> mortgagee al!tf�e ren[s,revenues xnd income to be derived from tHe mortgaged premises during such i3me as the mortgaga indeb.iesi�ess shalt remain
<br /> ` unpaid:and th�mortgagee shall har•ie the po�ver to appoint any agent or agencs'ic may desire for che pz�rpose of repairing said premises and:renti�g
<br /> �,;� the,same and collecting t3ie rents,revenues and fncome,asid it may pagout o;said incumc a!1 expenses of re�+airin�'said premises ar�d neaessaxy
<br /> ^� wmmissions aza-d expenses�incurred�.�in renting�and�managing the same�and.of collecting�..rentals.lherefrom:��the balaence remaining,if any�.,�to lm
<br /> a Iied rownrd ihe dischai e of said mort indebtedness;these r' hts of the mort a ee ma be exercised at an time durin the racistence nf sa�h "'" "
<br />��!� PP� K E4t;�_ , � S 8 Y Y 8 `; i ; I ,
<br /> �t defauix,isrespecsiva of any remporarv waiver ar:ne sar.se: ; -
<br /> �'� These Presents,however,are-upon the.Condi[ion,Ttsat if'the said Mortgagas shatl repay said iaan on or before r3ie macunty-of sa�d shares by
<br /> �;,. �:
<br /> a� payment;pay monlhly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified.��in�tht Bond secure3�he�eby as�ics.4eresc and principal onsaidloan,on or-befo-xa .
<br /> ,�
<br /> the Twen2iath ci�y oC each and every<nionth,until said laan as Cully paid;pay ali taaees and assessments Irvied�gainsL said�remises and on this Mvrcgage i
<br /> and�the Bond.secured Thereby,befoze delinquency;furnish�approved�insurance upon the buildings�thereon in�the sum of�S jq.s 3Q(}.QQ �oayai3le
<br /> xe� to said ASSOt;F1�TIUN;repay to said ASSOCit1TIpN upondemand ali monay 6y it paid tor such xaxes,assessmcnes and insurancc wun intesest at
<br /> ihe niaximum�lcgal rate fhereon fmrn dato�of payment alt�o2'which Mor[gagor�hercby agrees tu pay;permi[no wasteon ssid premises;kecp and c.omp3y '
<br /> y��, with al!�t�e agreaements and ccmditia�s oi the Bpnd 1'ur S �11 3f1(� �n this day giveu by the said:Atortgagor to sxi�i ASSQGSATION,and comFsiy
<br /> `? with ail the reqe-cirements af the Constitucion and ByLaws of 3aid�iSStl�;lATt01�::then ihese presencs shap become raull and void,othe�svise thcy
<br /> e °� shall;remain in full foice and may be foreclused at the o�tion uf the said ASSOCfATtOA' after fa�ure fox threa rnonths to make any,of s�id
<br /> ;;' pxyments or be thrce manths in arrears in making said monthly'payments,or to ltec 5
<br /> and MUrt p and comply.with thc agceemants:and co»ditions of saidl3ond;
<br /> � gagur agrees to have a rec�eivxr appoiatad focthwii}�in such Foreclosure.proceedings_ �. . . .. ..
<br /> \�' If ihere is any chunge in ownezship oC the real estaze rnortgaged herein,by sale or okherwise,then the entirc reznaining indehcedness heteby
<br /> r�t secured shall„at the opkion of The Ey�itable Buitding and Loan Associatiun of Grand Island;Nebraska,become irsunedizteiy due and pays6le witho�t
<br /> .?� , iurthcr notice,-and the amount:remaining due under said bond,and:uiy other.bond for any additiorual advances made thareunder,shell;from tE�e
<br /> date of'exercisr nf said option;beaz interest at the maximu3n le,.1 ra:e,:end:his ra nrtgage r�usy then be faiaclased[o satisfy the'amow�t due nn suad
<br /> �,,� bUnd,iand any og:her bond:for additiozaal advances,together with a3d sums puid by said Tfie Equitable Building and L�ara nssociatinn oli,rand Isiand,
<br /> ""� Nobiaska for insurance,taxes and assessmnnu,and abstrecting extension cliazges, with intexest diereora,from date o3'payment ai the maximum
<br /> ��.� legaliatc.
<br /> °�� As rnvid�d in the Bond secur�d hereh
<br /> tty� p y,while this rnurtgage re�t�ains in effect Q2e mortgagee irsay hereafterxd^vance addit5oz�a1 sums to ttie
<br /> makers of saisf asund,ihair�xs�igns or succeasors in interest,wlueh�xums nhall bu wixhin thz�security of�x3.-iis mortgage che�same as the�ihnds�orip,i.ctal�y ��
<br />�t� secured thereby�the tatal amoun[of principal debi nat.to exceed at any;time tkie qriginai amnunt of thns mortgaga
<br /> y� . D'atad t}us �S'� day vf sJUn$ A.D:,19 7�
<br /> i (� i J' A r f�:,.e ��� .. o�f J.r c��ej � .. . � . . .
<br />���'� L6`retta 1��-. Wiese �
<br />� ` �
<br />�
<br /> i � �; � . . � . � � .
<br /> i C'j'ATI,'.L'p.l'";'�$R.^4SIL?. ,. . . . . . .
<br /> COl�N1'Y(�I'-IiALL�.�. On this 1S� daY c�f J LtTI� 19 77 .before m,e� {
<br />��� '
<br /> r';' _.. . � . � �. .� � . . . " ac�
<br /> , the urilersigned,e Notury F`�blie in and for said County,pecsonaliy careae
<br /> Loret^ta h�;��liese. a sing7e person _ .��`� :
<br /> 3�� .,��.. �.. .� �� �� � , . � �� .�who� . 1'�S �Personally known t.o... . + ..,+� .
<br />�� ' me to be.the id�tical pessan whose aame j� affxzed to the ab�vc instucmeni asr^/ or snd S}Ie/� 1 ,,
<br /> �J /� x.�
<br />�� ac�cr,o±�3edged tL�e�id ins;curtent tv be �t�T' volwntary aes arcd dced. 1' „G^.,/�1 1
<br />�io��t , ' d and Nc+tarial Seai tfi$�ate afocesa�d, _e'' � �• ,�,r/, ,
<br /> � L�lF�RAiN�FiAi�a'�3'�$S��e�cpirea ~ / �,� �/ J /
<br />� . � ,3�tA9E5°�eY.04.�1eJ � -^' /,s�+.-', /%,, „G% � % L'" { / �
<br /> ��..�'
<br />� ' .: iAy�omsw sa;a.kd.�v.12,l879 � �... �� � �� ��c-/�—.� ... y h�otaTy Public. . . � ��
<br />��= G._s w . �^ . r
<br />�' . . . ti"x�-"'�• .� �' �Gy. J'�,.�^. . .
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