� � 4
<br /> . . . . . . . . � .w.�� .
<br /> .�..... . .. � .
<br /> 77� (�U29��?
<br /> MORTC,AG�
<br /> 'v10RTt;ACf LOANNO. L 226�4
<br /> KNOWALLMF,TvTBYTHESEP'RESENTS:T�at �QI7f1 G. Spencer and Li�da L. Sper�cer, each zrr his and her
<br /> � owr� right'and as spous,e of each othew
<br /> ` ; -^Mortgagorlwhether one o�more,in�:onside=ation of the sum o�f ' ' ",
<br /> Ff�irt.v-Five TE�ousand and No/10�------------------ �oL�,AR,,.
<br /> loaned ta said rnortgagor by The Equ'stable Building and Lyan Association of Grand Island,Ne3�raska,Mortgagee,upon 350 ' shares of stock of
<br /> , ' said ASS(�IATION, Eectificate No_L 22�]q ,dcs hereby grant, cor,vey and rnortgage unto t:he said A,SSOCIATLON the foilowing,
<br /> r i described real estate,sdtuated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> a�. -� � . . � . . . � . . .. . . . . . .
<br /> � � COUNTY; NEBRASKA.
<br /> � �
<br /> �.s� s'
<br /> x
<br /> �
<br /> , �
<br /> 4 �
<br /> ;
<br /> ' �togztlter with :ill lhe�izrtements,�hereditamenu�and appurtenances thereunto.belonging,�induding'a[xached.flooc�..coverings;�-all window screens,:�: � �,�
<br />� i +vinda�vshades,blinds;�stormwindows,awnings,�heating,airconciitioning,and�piumbingandv.raterequipmentand�accessoriesth.ereto,pumps,sxoves,'��
<br /> � refngezators;and qther.fixtures.and ec�uipment�now or hereafteraYtached to or used�in connect:iqn with�said�reai estate. � �. ,�,�
<br />� � , Andwhereas[hc�sa�dmortgagor�has.agreed�anddaesherebyagrr.e.thatthemortgagur�shalland�willpayall��tuxesand.assessments�leviedor :��.
<br /> assessed upon saidprer�ises and upon.this mortgage and the bonci secured thereby before the same sha11 6eeome delinyuent;to fumish appsoved
<br />� '�"'� ����insurance��upoa��tue buiicimgs�on�said�premises situateJ in the�surzs.of S �5����.����' �p9y�bie.to said�ASSOCIATION.�and io`deliver to said�� " �
<br /> ,i ASSO�'!ATION the.policiesior.said insurance;and not.ro commit or permit any waste on o�about said premises;�. . ��� ��..
<br /> ` , '� � in case.of default�in tlie�performance'�of any of the.terms and conditionr of this�mortg�,ge or che bond secured hereby,�the mortgagee sliall, ;�: '
<br /> orr dexnand,��,be�entitled��to immediate�.possession�of the mort�aged.premises and�.1he mortgago; hereby��.�asssgns,:tr;�nsfers�arid..sets�<over to.Yhe .��
<br /> ` moagagee all the�ents, revenues and income to be derived from zhe mortgaged ocemises during such time as the murtgage indebtedness shall remain -.
<br /> ',� unpaid;and;�zhe mortgagee�shall have the power to appoint�any agent qr agents�it�may.desire f`or�thz purpose�of.repa'uing said.premises.nnd tr..�ting �.�.
<br /> , the sasne and collectin�ahe rents,revenues ssnd income,nnd it may pay out of said irtcome at]expenses of rcpauinb said prernises and necessary
<br /> ; ,� commissions and expenses incurred in tenting and managing the same and of collecting rentals.therefrom; the balance temaining„if any,to be '
<br /> a���+P�tow�rA the Jisc2aacgc of said mottgage indebtedness;these rights of die mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence oE such
<br />� � 3afanii.itrespective of any temporary waiverof the same. � �.. � �-. �. . .. . �. . . � � . � ,:
<br /> � These:Yrescnts,however,a[e�upon ilie�Conditiom,That.if thesaidMortgngor shall repay�said loan.on.or�nefote�the maturixy of saidshares by ...
<br /> " pay;nc:�ip.paymonthlytu�said.AS50C1ATlON��:o€thesumspecif'�edintheBond�secured�fiereby.asinterest�ahdprincipalonsaisiloan,onorbefore.��
<br /> � tlie Twenticth day of eaeh and every rrionth,un[it said loan is'futly paid;pay a11 taxes nnd assessments levied against said premises�nd on this Morxgage
<br /> � and.the Bund secured�t2sareby,�before delinquency;fumish.approved�insurunce upon the buildiags.thereon in the sum of Sg 5�000.�(j �;payable��-
<br /> � to said ASSpCIA?IONt repay to said ASSOCtAT1�N upan demand alf money by it pa�d for such taxes,assessments and insurance with interest at `
<br /> .,.�.
<br /> � the maacimum lrga)r.�ze shereon from date of payment all of whicri Mortgagor hereby agrees tn pay;permit no waste on said premises;keep and camply- l
<br /> � fi with ai3 the agreements amd cunditians of tlte Hond For S r n �nn this day given by the said Mortgegor tu said AS50CIATION,and cornply
<br /> ` with a�1 the requirements of the Constieution and By-Law�BPsn��AS5DCIATIONt then these �resents shall become nuil and void,othenvise they
<br /> �d �sliail remain:.:itir3ull�Force and may��be Foreclosed ai��theoption�ofthe said ASSOClATiON.�after faiture�.for �thiee��months to make::any of said���.� - �� �:^
<br /> . d � . �..paymcnts�or be�three:months�in��errears in rnakinR said mon[hly payments,.or to�keep�and comply with thc agreernents and�conditions of.said Bond;��:.�
<br /> ;'.�"g : .�and�Martgaggr agrees�.tp.t�ave�a�receiver.appuinted Forthwith in sucti foreclosure proceedings. :� � � � � � � � � � �
<br /> " �� '.ihera is any.cha�ge in owners3"tip oLtlie real estatem�rtgage�,hcrein,by�.sale or otherwise;�then.the e�tire�remaining��indebtedness hereby ���
<br /> � sccured shail,at the opticin of The Eq�itable Building and I..oan Associauon of Grand Istand,N�braska,become immediately due and payabie without
<br /> k
<br /> yy Fucther notice,snd the �muun4 remaining due under,suid bond�and any ozher bond for any addi[ional advances made tt�ereurider,shall,from tha
<br /> 'dato oF exerciss oSsaid option,be:u in.terest at the�aximum IegaL cate,and this rnoztgage may thenbe foreclosed to satisf'y the amount due on said "
<br /> ' s bond;artd amy.other bond for additiona3 advances,together with ati sums paid by said The Fquitabie Buildin$a�d:Loan Association of Grand Is�and,
<br /> ?' Nebraslca for insurxnce;_axes and assessments,and sbstracting extension charges, with inierest thereon, trom daze of paymenx at the maxixnum
<br /> ; 3egal rate.
<br /> � `��., As psovided.in tlie Bond securrd he:eby,while this morcgage remains in ef!'ect the mortgagee may liereatker advance additiona6 sums co the
<br /> � makers c�f said Bond,th�4'�signs or ss�ccessors�interest,::;nc.s�ir- s;aii be w<'.,::i.he;e::�z;ty of t`tis murt�age tiia>ai�;a a�-:l�z fun�s origiz�&iiy
<br /> seau�ied thereby�,`)i�total amount nf psincipal debc not�to exceed�t eny:icna the angmal emount of this rnortgage.`
<br />� � rr� _ Ed[!:�" �` da of A.D., 19
<br /> t �': '! � �.��i rst f/:? June 77
<br /> � �..,�,� �,�,��r �' � GG'f.,� I• ,
<br /> s �,� r° "�`; + f u. � . . . . . .
<br /> ..,.
<br /> t,_�._ ..�", n G. Spence�_. ,�.� a
<br />� , :,�.,
<br />� t
<br /> L nd�a i.,'S�enc�r '�
<br />,� ST,+�SF;�F�IE��pgKp_
<br /> � + - s4. Ou this f l Y'S$ day of �U31E ]9 7� ,before ma,
<br />�i CL�UNTS!4F!#ALL�
<br /> ,.,
<br />� ` t e ursdezsi ned,a Notary Pu¢lic in and for said County,personaliy camo- "�' *�
<br /> h�,. Q Jala� G. Spencer and Linda L, Spencer, ea�ch in �iis anc� her own r�ght and as spa�se of each =��
<br /> � ,
<br /> � 0��' `v�o d1^0 P'erwnuily known to r;' ;� ',
<br /> � _ .
<br /> ' �p� n S whose name S dPE affixed to 2he abovc fnstrumerst as mortgagor S and th@y sevaially
<br /> r., � a s+�Ib�e��id" _ tstmemt to be th@ j 1" va}untxry�ct and deed. ,:
<br /> 3 � �2r�
<br /> �"'a 5S�'R m?'.hand�cd�Oiariai.Se:sT�e�te ai�reseid. `.
<br />�+e r a� � #�QTAftY � .
<br />�, �: �leh��� aswn axpsr,cs ��i�w.C� �� � �"�p ���_� ,. �.
<br /> 'f' ���s�tjQ, . . . . � otaryPublic �
<br /> � ' � ��.�� "..r��`�r+ � � � � �
<br /> �''r,�c�-t7F 1+1�'����
<br /> ��- � � � � � � �
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<br />