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<br /> :�wr��;��>
<br /> T��"r►r����8 R�A� EST.ATE MQRTGAGE
<br /> t3f2EGC��:Y L'. td�':Hft t NG, a s i rrc7 i� �s�rsvn
<br /> � oC tlta;Ca7m�Y e� N�I i and 5Nts � �� Drac ,-> $ee calied the pmstY-o!the fics$P��'t.fn �
<br /> �, ...an..
<br /> �_, tr�ne�d�atlan .,r Tt-!l R7Y-E iGtiT 7'�iOkfSANR ANG'� N(71 t iJQ ,
<br /> ______.,____- --- -�����
<br /> in'bsad P�1d. d+o�L�etet��raat,hazYai�4 aeeil antl conrey unto the I�omc Fedetai SnvinRs,dx Losa A�ssoctaaClon af C+r�md Is(and,
<br /> M,; 'QlAHd L"i�iIIt�I�I@�}liAk'i�itld.Z�S SUCC@360�i 8Rd�,Bp��'3hs:,{021091jOg`.T@d�.�pitA�y,.tlttla{.8d Pe� � .. f 1�:7 I 1.�� ". , .. s., �
<br /> r. �� � . . �� .
<br /> ��Y. 5tate� N�breskc� , towit:
<br /> � _ �
<br /> ; j � .. . . . . . � . . . .. . . � � . �, �; ,. =:
<br /> `.,! � � �. . �. � .
<br /> P
<br /> '
<br /> �, ' �o�- s�v�sa c��, x��T�st� ta���.s s�:��v�w�star�, cc�..-�rt� trv r�--r� sc�crxr� ���nr.r= c�F .rf��;
<br /> �� � �(���)�TpWNSH�P���R��7F TF1E'�t}i1THIvEST�� �?�1Af2'�ER��C�S�NEsSW�> C)i��SECTI;t�N TWFI�i7Y-FIV� � ' � .
<br /> .� `� � � V�N �!��I) 'VCIRTN, ��r1?�Y;f; TEN���C 3�)�WEST O[= T?-IE �_i H p.M_:;, FIAt,�.:,
<br /> � ;' �Ul�iNi�Y, N�Bt�RSK�1 � � � � � ` ��� : � .��� ;
<br /> q Togat#tet.witit alE#he:agpurteaatcces Weteua�to:be}onging,and all cov+enants in ait the titla deeds running wlt}r&aid re�l eatata, r
<br /> ' j and:aIl Etie�ents�,'Issues and profits ar3sin$ therei:rom a€ter defauit La'Betiormanc�e.of any covenattt or conditton herefn con-, ,
<br /> Caine�;and warrants the title sheteto perfect und clesr except for tit3s martgage.
<br /> k . ]3arc.ing the time this mortga�e is it} forc.�e the m4rt.8aSocs aSree_ , , ; l
<br /> s
<br /> j � .Fus� Ta puy nll txuces and specinl asss�ssments levled against sa'ad premc�s�s, Sncluding s�� taees snc}. assnssman� lavl�d �
<br /> �y :�pan 4his martE�So.,or the de�t seettred b��LLis��morCSa�e. � � �
<br /> � �� S�econd. To lceep aLt buaidings tharean 3ns�ed against loss b� fim, lt htai pany,to be ap•
<br /> � , g ag nnd tornada in same cam *Y
<br /> i . ' propedt by the snid Home Federai SnvFngs Sz Lonn Aasociation oE�raud Isiand in the sum of S �n<;yl�•a I� v�(uc> pdz �•
<br /> ��-, the bea�e£it of the saide3ssociation,and;its suacessars or nssigns; and ta duposit said �oiicles witlz said Association,ond siiaTl not
<br /> .,� c�tnnirt or suffer any waste on said premises, end shaii put and ke+ap snid real estate buildi:nqs and improvomants in;good
<br /> W w_'der.
<br /> ` � Thlrelc Tp p�or-cnusc to be paid.to tha Home Federnl Saviags&Loxn Ass�oc%qtiott of Grand Islnct+d, its succes-sars or �
<br /> As oci
<br /> � s�iBas.t2�e;sum of yi. 7H1 RTY-E i GHT THC'iUSAND A ND NO/I�U - - -- -- ---- ----- DOLLARS,
<br /> _ _ _ _ ..__ ____ --- ; ` ,
<br /> ,�'_` payabLe,as•follaws: ' „
<br /> : �' �
<br /> $
<br /> ji " �38,:000.�7Q [7iJE MAY 15,` 197E3 �, , � ,
<br /> j�T, . . . . . . � . � � � �. . � � . .
<br /> �, t. .
<br /> z �, . . � . . ' ,
<br /> Y . . .. .. � . .. . �.:. �
<br /> . .. � . . �.�.. y
<br /> F
<br /> ` tva�th.inteneat thet�ersn payabie, xcearcli�to thc tenor ruid effect of the one certafu first mo ^�
<br /> ers rtgagc note:af ku[ii'inort.E;agors. �:
<br /> bearing. evort :date �vith these presents, Aft�er inaturity,snid bond.draws i�atemst at-ti�e rflte of nine �er ceqt per aunum,
<br /> S, ' 'If�atd,taxes and assessmeutv ere noC Paid roheu du�.or i.fi the bta9ldl��s on s+sid-Prem3ses'arQ n�t insured-as zek�os�e pra "
<br /> vided,or if a�v af saixl tnterest.ss not psud whea due,theu sald whnle debl shaIl Ueeotnu Hue immediately,at the:wption of the `s'
<br /> +� safd Assoeintion�.ac+d shaII.thereaftcu draw in#crest-at the aato of nirta-�ar aent.�er�annum. , �
<br /> b Th�mortgagos_:...hereby assigt� to said innortgt�ee all rents: cutd incatne urising at any und a11 timea.frocsa said
<br /> � a
<br /> ' � prat�art�r and Lereby authorize�said mortgagee or its mgent,��sE Fts opti�, upoa defa�It,to Lake�chai�e oS said�pcoperG�•�and +�' �
<br /> � co-3lect:all,t�ntt�and lncome therefrom and aPn74v the snme to tJ�e p+tYraent of-interest.PrinclPs3� insuranec:Uromltuns. tnxns, �
<br /> essesaiu�ent�r,re9,ttirs ar:imProvements aeoessara+to keep an[d prnPertY in Lenetntsble cunditiun. oc to uther tLarBes vr paY.
<br /> r� . ments�'o+utded'for herein nr In tlib pote herel�y a�+ecuec3. Thts rent.as,signmezit ahati icontinue ia fw'ce:,untdci tLa:unpairl bal- �,
<br /> �;� awc.w.;of sa�td-note is ful�j! paid, T&p takia� 03�pssessian,Lera¢nder:ahall!n no manner prnvant or retuz�T sald mortga�;ec in `�
<br /> +� the colL,ection�nf said aurus hy f+oreciosuru or otharwlse. �
<br /> � Wl�kher suid+c�ebt;becames.du� by lapse of time, or,Uy resson af tLc fai]ure of the pnrt.v uf the #Irst part to cvin�riy
<br /> a
<br /> Hdtli a1t�'condiCidn 3�ereln, Lhe s�Id Bame Federnl Savings&Lnan Acsoclatian of Gi•aAd Islanci. thv succes�surs and asslgits, ��
<br /> ahall.8mcve ihexight to:►regiM ilze#oreclasura of this mor�,8�e at once on tfie who3c<debt herebY suctsced. aud:to,iraelude � ' *
<br /> r ci
<br /> z'��p theneim �it-taxes, ssztesameuts, insurunce:preaziums and easLs,paid:by it or them; ar s,�id Aaqoctattan, itx succeasots or
<br /> '�'- �8�.. w�Y.fox^eclaae on�ir,as to Che sum passi due, wit3�aak injury t+� Uuts mprt�age, or lhe displacemesat or impatsnnent ?
<br />,d ' . of the L�e�thereoE. ��
<br /> � ' �d',tha 3aid,#s's�t parrtyy�nct the xuak�rs of suid [tufa, e��ecially.a�tee and de.•clare thaC the separate e�taGe of earts And �
<br />�� av�cy a�ae ut tt�am, ,iaciuding i�oih tqat now owaed and t3ist hereafter acryieir�d, is ple�;rd anc3 bouud far t�e puym�nt aE
<br /> the.de1�lao�y,securcd, o-
<br /> ASf�T�,he �outaseucemeat,of auy eult;in forer.iusure the plaiudff therelss;sha21!se entit3ed to the iivatet�acale ponseasi�n of "'"�
<br /> A�+�I��1��'��R:���.L�e appqintme�ot of a rec�eLvar tlierefor, natw-iihstaadiu�t3iev^mGaav ko the hc>meste8d,,of the necupaut and
<br /> m ��
<br /> � n�il�amdltxp�t�te paa'ties ltndle tor the debt may ba solvbKt.and the firsC P�'tY kscreby cunae�uts to C3ie+aWitoln#mmt of a ,.�y , ���,
<br /> � �',' � ����iu'�t�atiaa bf t6ls.indanture.wichont uather eci,denc+�. �� �
<br /> �tp�1�uaPqW i
<br /> acundi�ions aud aere+awautte,, slt .and �i�ular, � ,
<br /> 8 beinS �1Y.Pertvrmed.Uxis coa�cveYanee eh�dl be void,other r
<br /> wise tao�e and aremalQ[n full fosec aari cfPeet.
<br /> pp Si$u�ed•th� i 5"h d83'O!.-_._. �U Yi� a D�;.39--Zy.�� r. � �
<br /> � �� 'Th�.,^��Y'c�. .. . . .. .. ... .r,.�s'i�`t�[�.d's � �.✓"�i�l/ <',(.�a/i.� � . . . a5,,�
<br /> G'�!� ., � � � Ch r���C�i'`r��. h+� .1..^,.,. .3 �,�,"7�` W f,v:�:�:>:�.;. �,,r . ..: �
<br /> b96 !
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