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<br /> } AFFIDAYI -f
<br /> � , CQUHTY OF FIALL ) _ _ _ ————— —
<br /> WILLIAM McLEL�AN, III and'DORIS McIELLAN� husband and wife, each being
<br /> first duly sworn on oath, depose and sta te as f�]'tows:
<br /> l. 7hat they were the �rantees of a Survivorship �arranty €�eed recorded
<br /> , ' December 28, 19�T6, as Document Na. 76-OOT479 in the Office of the Register o�
<br /> Deeds, which Deed errones�usly conveyed tv Affiants the foilowing described tract
<br /> of land:
<br /> �, , ' A trac t of land located in the M�est Half of the So�theast Quarter
<br /> of the South:,res� Quarter (W�-zSE4SW4) of Sectian Ele�ren (11}, 7own-
<br /> , , � ship E�even (}1 ) North, Range Ten (10), I,+iest of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br /> � � ; County, Nebraska, more particularty described as follows: Beginning
<br /> ; :
<br /> � at a point :on the East 1 ine of tt�e West Hatf of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> {W�SE;) , 118.$3 Feet Narth from the Southeast corner of the West HaTf ` "
<br /> ' ' of the Southeast Quarter af the Southwest Quarter �W2SE4SW4}; thence
<br /> ; i ` Northerly and parallei to the East 1ine of the Wes� iia7f of the
<br /> � „£ Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (W%ZSE�-,S4�1;} a dis�ance of ' ,
<br /> �;. a 11F3.83 feet; thence in a westerTy direction and para91e7 to the
<br /> ° South l'ine of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the-South- � ' -'
<br /> `� � �
<br /> ,� , west Quarter (WZSE;SW4} a distance of 248.67-feet; thence southerly
<br /> a distance of' 178.83'feet; thence easter7y a ,distance of`295.67
<br /> feet to the point of beginning and `containing one (1) acre r�ore
<br /> �� � or 1 ess. -
<br /> f 2,' That' sa-id described Deed conveyed to the;Affiants subst�ntialTy mor�
<br /> ` ground than the Grantors and �rantees had intended and that in order to correct
<br /> � � said erroneous description, these Affiants executed a ;Correctiye'Warranty Deed "
<br /> recarded Apri1 72, 1977 as Document No. 77-001827 by which they conYe�yed the
<br /> ,; exaet described property to their previous �rantors, ETmer Mettenbrirak and Norma
<br /> :., Mettenbrink, hus6and and wife; bu-t that through mistake and error Affiants'' " -- ' " `
<br /> m •;, ' names are spel7ed in said Corrective Deed as William McG1e11an, III and-Doris
<br /> McClellan and that said instrumen-t svas, i:� �act, s-i5�ed;�y F.�fiants as thesame
<br /> ,� was dra�n;'that Affi�nts` true and correct names are Wi l l i am'Mcle�7 ar, I_T I e::��
<br /> ; Doris McLellan, husband end wife, and that'they'are one and the same persons as � `
<br /> = !.;�7"3;ium M�£��l��n, jjT an� Deris McClellan; husband and wife,- named Grantors in
<br /> , � the Correc'tive Survivorship Warranty Deed recorded as Document No: 77-001827 and
<br /> y' that,the Affiants herein are one and the same persons as the Grantees named in the
<br /> v.ui i ai�'�'y'v8cu �cc:.Gf�iCfi d5 uocumenz iVo /b-�U7�+/y ui'YU dS'+,�iC vYdli�t'ii"S iti Z
<br /> ��F; Correct7ve-Warrantv Deed recpr�iPci ac; fln��man� .n��. '�� ��+nn-.
<br /> _ .,-���ou c;espize L"ne discrepancy
<br /> ` in names.
<br /> , �, �
<br /> ' Further Affi�nts sayeth not.
<br /> ������ � ��������,r �
<br /> �,.; WILLIAM cLELLAN, III
<br /> , i „-. 1
<br /> �7 �7
<br /> 7 j"j'` {f1.��: jc_ /
<br /> i • /g.��c� 1 i � �.�!,C'�-GiN-x'C�
<br /> � .
<br /> D�RIS McCfLL `T
<br /> .. ��
<br /> Subscr7 bed and sworrr to before me thi s ��i�.day o# Apri 7, 3 977.
<br />� f-- � �,>/� f,
<br /> . . - : ;
<br /> ,; � ,, ..C-�:_�vz u..-• a�s% � � -
<br /> NOTARY'PU86I �,"
<br /> My cor�nni ssian ex�i res: �;;,'•ti,,.�.- ��"' '�,?j' "°�� ,��
<br /> � m . , ,
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