<br /> r .P �,, 1
<br /> ��� � � �� � � �
<br /> - INDII�IDUAL
<br /> ,��p��tij� i]UE ON'SALE
<br /> �^ CiPT10NAL Ftl�URE AI3VANCES
<br /> SAVIENGS FUhti7
<br /> F FORM I'10:720 � .. . � . , �� .
<br /> � , ��` Loan Number__�:33��.3_�-_71..$$_J-�,a�� '
<br /> ; , .�
<br /> f ^' . ��4'��d���� �� .� 1 (
<br /> � �� � �' M o � -r � a :G �� ,�� � �� .. �.
<br /> � �i�xs�o `. n- � ;
<br /> h r � . R'�TGA���,made atad executed th�s �s� dag of }�`�-� A D.,
<br /> 1&_....7?betweert the Moztgagor _.,Asher A_:.I,lnden and Irene C I.inden, nusba�d and w}.�'e? jointly
<br /> ; attd �ac� �.n their:own zig�-� _...., _...---• �-----.-..... `.
<br /> _,. .... ._ _ __ „
<br /> F ' of ..----':Carand:Tsland__..,,�ounty of-;--•Ha�l .......,`.._...._.,State of_;:�Jebr�s?ca..__:,hexeinafter refezred i ; " ,
<br /> ` � !b as.the �orsower,snd the Mor�gagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND I.OAN A�S�CIATIOLtiT:OF
<br /> � ' I.LN.�OLN; 1235 "N"%Street,:Lincotn, Nebraskm.68501, its successors-and a.5signs,hereina#ter referred to
<br /> 4 h ��, , . , . . � � .
<br /> � as I�nder.- - . , ' :
<br /> r Wi�rrr�ssETt�: That the said�onower for and m consideration of the sum of__....:_ ..: _.... � `
<br /> � ' ..._.. 7.'W�'.,l�Y.."..�iQIIS.EL�I.AD1D:..1�IQ�7.(2C2 ..---.. : ,- .....:r ._�r poPars (VS�v.2R,A00_.D4_.:. . -.---•) ; , �
<br /> � paid by.saic3-�Lender,does herehy znortgage, g�rant and convey'tci Lenrler its snccessor� and ass�gns;the '
<br /> :� ` foUowing described.property located in the CounCy of :.__.Ha71::...�.. . ..... ...... .. State o€Nebraska: � '. < <.
<br /> ) � . .. . ... .. �. � . �� .
<br /> �" � L.ot Three { 3), in Block Fousteen (1�+}, in Wa3_lichs' Additian to the
<br /> � �# City of GraYrd Is7.aad, Ha11 County, Nebraska. ; : , '.
<br /> � � �
<br />�.� � , �
<br /> h� �' �� .. . ' ..� .. � . , � a
<br /> "� TocExt3ss with all the impravements nosv or hereafter erected on the property, aud aIl ease�ants, " ��
<br /> � t _
<br /> = =ights,:apP�£enanees, rents, royaP€ties,,rnineral, oil'and gas'rights ..and profits, water, �vater rights,iand ` : ,; .
<br /> �''�„� water-stock,and all fuctures aow or hereafter attached to the pragerty, all af which, i�cludina re�lscs-
<br /> r
<br /> ; ; ments and additions thereto,'ahall be'�ieemed to be'and remain a part of the property covered by this ;.' '' �
<br /> ;.; Mortgage; and all of`tl3e foregoing, together with"said property (os the leasehoid estate ia the event'this � ; '`:: � '
<br /> ' ' Mortgage is on a Ieasel�old) are t:erein referred to as tbe "Property". " " `` `� `'
<br /> � i , Borro��r covenants that Borrower is t�rt--#ully seise3 of the estste hereby `onveyed and has the right a '
<br /> ` ... � " to martgagey,grant and convey the Pr�pertY> that the.�ru���;: 'sb s<.�r:nyu:-nu�:-�d,�.^d:±a>�±Rorrnwer will ` ° �
<br /> � warrant and defend geaernlly.:the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject ta any V
<br /> s
<br /> t easements 2:nd reatrictions listed in a schedule oF exceptions to cov�erage in any tStle insurance,policy::in- �'
<br /> f�" '" ' surang`I.enc��r's interest in the Property, or (2) attoineg's opinion of titie from abstract af title cer±.-ified
<br /> ;
<br /> � ` > by bqnded ab5tracter. `
<br /> _ ; ;.
<br /> t a , :
<br /> ' Px4vzLr,n,l��.wAxs;: and these presents are.executed and delivered upon the foAowing conditiana,agree- � . ;
<br /> � , s ,
<br />�- ' rnents and obiigations:of the Borrawer, to-wit: ``
<br /> . �: -
<br /> 7 r � f ..
<br /> . ... .. . .� . .� , �.
<br /> � The Bosrawer agre�& to pay to the I.ender or order the principal sum of ._ ..,;;, . .._.- __,. i; '
<br /> ' �_...--fiWI`sI�'FY-�L1i�5hN]1-:�3I�ID..NO�-1Ll�E7zr�_ rr_r_. .---... ......... ..--Dnllara (US $..20,D.Q�..OQ_.: ...... .J 1
<br /> LN,R
<br /> � � - paysble as provided in a note execute�i and de3iuered,concurrently herewith,the finai payrnent of principal, ,. , < , ;
<br /> � d 'it not sooner paid,on tl�e..lst:..... _.::_�_. day of....�l:une ...:...:.......... ......... xR.2Q06` `
<br /> � r
<br /> � UxiFo�+Cov�xniirs.Borrower and Lender covena,at and agres as follows=
<br /> ? � 1. Payaient af Princ3pal�d Yn3erest. Borrower shall promptly puy whezt due the pri�cipal of anc3 in-
<br /> tereat vr,tt-�;adG'vt2,�',a �c_.'�?e�cpd by the Note, prepayment ant� iaGe cl-aarg+es as provided in ihe Note,
<br />{�� a ". and the priz�cigai of stnd interest�n s;ny Futur�Advances secured by-inis ibiva:��age. '
<br /> , � .' � ;�
<br /> riz n
<br /> r , 2. Fuac�s�or Taxes �and Insurcmce. Subject to Lender's option under paragxaphs 4 and 5 hexeof, .Bor- �
<br /> rower shall �ay to Leniier on che r3ay monthly ins#alim��ts of princi�al and interest are p6aya}�ie under the
<br /> <
<br />�„ j Note,untii�1ie I�iote is paid in fu1L.a&um (herein"Funds") equal to one-tweifth uf ihe ye�rly£axes and
<br />,, i assessments �vi�ich may attain:priozity over th�s MorEgage, and ground rents on the Property;:if any Plua
<br />�° ,°� one-twelf�h af yearly �remium:ins#ai3ments for hazazd �nsurance, p�us one-twelfth of-yearly premium in- � � '
<br /> s , stallments f�rr morGgage in&aranae, if any,all-as reasonably estimat�d initiailV and fram time to tim�.k�y
<br /> �ender on#�se}�asis of a.,�sesEments�nd biils and reasonable`estimates thereof;Lender shail appl_y the FundF
<br />��' to�ay`said �axes,aose��rnent;s,insurance�rerr�:iums and�rc�uncl rent-s.I,enaer s3�a11 ma3se no charge for so
<br />�h � �ot�ing axid a�Piying i3�e Fux�ds cra veriiying_�d co�Y_�g�,::i�:��......,,,� �nu k;il:�. �l:e�nciur �:1�z�i1 "
<br />� give tci the Borrcrwer,Avithout aharge,an snnu�l accountxng of the Funds showing crec�iis and debits to'the
<br /> B;, , ; Fu�nds:and I�e'p�rp�ose'€or which each debit to ihe�undi> was:Fnsda_ The F�nd�are �Ied�ed as addit�+onal
<br />� securitt!f�ar �tie sumy secured by #�is,14?ortga�e. The Bosrower agree:s�hat tlie Funds xusy be held by the
<br />'� ' €�ender and�;nminglect with othe�- funcls afld the I.endes's own fund�slnd the I.ender mrtw oav svch iterns �
<br />� �
<br /> lso.m.its owsaR fua�3s.and th�e Lender shali nnt�e liable#or intereat nr dividenc3s on such Funds, "'
<br />��., ., .. >� ,�. .�ac�...
<br />"�� If the asuouat o£tf�e�unds he�d by Lentd�a>together m*ith,the faiture monthly instai�ments of Funds � ' � `:
<br />��r a Pa�able pri�ar�o^�e dv�e dat�s af#�ses;.assea�ents, +�suranGe prerc�iums and �round ze�ts,st�a11 exceed
<br /> h��� Y;ha.amc�uat aequired to�,aa3 said�es,asses�araments,insu�anes premiz�ms and grrsund rents as ihey fall due,
<br />��f * � ' such�xe,�s.a�hall i�e.at.3i4rrv�er's �ption,'ei;�-::��zc��y =c�aid to Bnrrower or creditet�.to Barrowe�on �, ;
<br /> ra�a�nthly i�?�a�lments af Funds. If #,he amousc^�of the Funds held by Lendsr shall not be sufticienf to pay -,�
<br />�� t�xes,.3sscs�zu':tt�s,.izissu.�u.�nce.,preuasusnti and �cwuttci �r�nt�ar tt�«�y #s�i due, ticrrsc�wer s:uui,pay ta l.ender .'. �,� "
<br /> r�z�Y e�zcer�cust�nec�s�to�sts�te vKp �th�c�e�cie,�c��vrith�s �lzzrty daps sfwer aatic�from Le�der to.Hozr�wer : ��
<br />� ; �iu���P��en� theseQS, or Borrowe�shal�., by an in+erear,e izs ma�t�ly insta3lmeats o# F'unds requ:'ssecl, - ��
<br />, , .., re[+aY tdse ci�ficiet�t�y wi#fain i�2se Fuarad acoouatisag p�eriod.
<br /> TTq�nn�saymerr! in�csll o[�i��es�fjz�4ecured i?�•t#tis�1T�rt�.;,e,i:eaders3iali spgly Fnnd.�hetd t�s n cr*Pcl�t
<br /> � a.gainst ali.ss�ra�dwe.
<br /> .:�,. +�.. �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />