<br /> � ..���
<br /> � . �
<br /> �`7'- ()02965
<br /> Mo�'rrnct
<br /> n9c7itTcaceto�+z�h�.L 22668 _
<br /> tu.qu'ni-c-'«��xaY'ret�sEr►�s��s:'rnax Lc�nnae f.:Coe^cfs and LaV�onne G. Cc�rds, each in his and
<br /> � her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mrartgag,or,,whether arte ar rnoro,in cu,z�slderatian af�lce wm of
<br /> , � ,�
<br /> { Twent� Thousand and Na/100--------------------------------------------------------.naLi.a2s ' '
<br /> � ' ;, Ioar�d to sn�id awrtgagor by The kquitahic:Buitding and Lvas3 Associsooa of Grand Islaad;Nebraska,M�rtgagee,up�n Z�� sharesof stock af r;; " '.'
<br /> � said ASSOClATtC?N.Ceru3icau t�ta,L���� u'o hereby grana, convey and mortgsgc unto tl�e said A5SOCIATION the fotlowing
<br /> desu�ibed real tstaae,:situated in Ha[t Coun v,.ebsastca: ' ', '
<br /> � � ,�
<br /> , "�' LOT THTI4TY-SIX (36) AND l'NE SOUTHERLY-0NE-HALF (5�) OF LdT
<br /> ,
<br /> }�: � •
<br /> ,
<br /> t t
<br /> �' ;� ,
<br /> ' together�with all t2�e�.�tenemenis,he,reditamenis an�i�appurtenances ttsereunto bzl�nging,iizcleadias attached flnor��rnvertrsgs,.�ait windovu s:.r�ens,- '�
<br /> �x .. w��dtsw.shades,.blir.ds,starm�vrtndows;:swnin�,�heaiing,air�condixioninG,and.plumb'sngandwaLarzqelpment�nd�.accessoriesthereto,purxtgas.stoves,.��
<br /> ,i���. .��refzige•rators;�and uiher.fix�.ums azsd equipment now.orhereaf=_er.attache�d to�or useil�in comiectios�witlt said rea[.�estate.. . - � . � ��� "' � � .' �����
<br /> �nd.wliereas it�e�sa'td��mori.gagor.has�agrezd and daes lx�ereby agree that���the tnortFagor shal!:�nd uill p�y:sll�i-v�e>:ar.�d:assessmenxs levied��or�
<br /> ; assess�d�upon said�.:prexnises�and.�zvpon this morigage ar�d[he��and secur�d th�reby before�chz����an�e shail bec.3r�e-delinqu�nt:to fornlsh�.approved.
<br /> F insurance upon the oaildinrs on said premises situated in tha sum of$ ��a��Q.�� payat�7e �o said ASSt3CIATIC3?� and ta delivcr to said
<br /> � .1SSC3C(AT10N.the.poticies�for said insucanceS�:nd�noe do coramii or�permit ans��.waste on or abo�t said piamises;. � . � � �
<br /> � En aase of deiault in zfie pzrformance nf any of the terms and condicions of this m�rtgage oc the bond_secured he:aby;the mon��ee sfzall,.
<br /> tton dcrnand, be enrsUed to imme�iate:possession otthz morsgaged premises 3nd t6c niortgagcsr heretiy assigns; transCers and sets ov�r ro the
<br /> .� �. �rtg;s,�ce all�rhe re�nts,revrnues�.and�inwme r.a Ge derived trom thP morzgageci premises during such.eime as xts.e mortgage irsdebtednass shall rnmain:�
<br /> unpa�d;urtd��i33e muztga�ee shall:have tite�pcfwer to appoint any agent u[�agzaits il�n�ay��asn�z�.:ar J:c purr.,��c�`:�=_psir:n.;�aid�oremises'�arnd renting�., �'��� ,
<br /> x F � , „_
<br /> ihe same and�.mIleotinQ lhe� _�i^•,. crn•_s ar.�3,�,x�ruc;. x 3,..'t+.=.'y Y�y�-=_t c. s;s�d�incxsma�atl���xpenses�of tepauing.said-3piemises and���.necesssty.:. .�.
<br /> E, . eommxssions.�and e�epenses incurreil u�rentit�and manegiag the same and of collectircg renta3s�therefrom; t�t bxlance�rcmaining,�if saay,to be��
<br /> applird iflwazd tha�discharge�of�said mortgage nndebtedness�these righCs of�the mortgagee ma}^�b�ezerciud st any time�during the existence of svcA�..:
<br /> ..� - ' . ,, �.�.
<br /> T . � elefault,irmspectrve�af any temparary waiver oE�the same.�. . . . � . � � .. . � " , , . . :}:
<br /> � �� ,,
<br /> " �' '�hese�L"reseaLs,hnwever,�.are upon�the Coittlitiorr,Ttui iCihe.said Mnrtg�.gc�r shall repay sazd loan or..or taefote'che m3aurity of said�shrues by�!
<br /> ` u paymes3t:pay�rtmnt:ily��fo saed�ASSOc;.ftlTtdh�ai the.�cum:spe.c�a.�'.ir..he.Bo�d.secure3 hetaby ss interes�.and.piincipsl ou��said loan,on�+or before��
<br /> O[
<br /> � the 7'weniieth day of each nnd every month,untsl said'Iban is tvtty paid;pay al!zaxes.nd assnsune�ts levsed agairut said premises and on This?ltqrt&$S�
<br /> x � :
<br /> and the Sond secnredi�hcrebq,.beiurc delinquency�:furx[ish a�pcoved insurance aipon the 6uildings ihereon in tht sum of$ G^.�.�QQQ,QQ,;, payable�-
<br /> � S��Gx�r� ASSQC7ATIO1�';repay tp�sai3 ASSOCIATION:upon c3:emand sll money hy it paid far such taxes�,�assessments�an@ uisurance w�ih.rnitfest at��
<br /> i
<br />�� .h���n'isximumiegal.rate:thereontrc�m.daLeos�yment.aiioi�wnicnivl�regagorn�reby�agreesiupay.peuniinow.n�caoii:�.,.y:a,�.�.,a, ,:.�.�;�r.. ,—..ry.����-
<br /> � . with a�3 theagreemea�s:.and condis3onsaf ihe Brsnd.for 5..2�,Q�Q,QQthis ciay givan by the said�.Alurtgagor to uid ASStK'1.�4TIO.A',�and wmply��
<br /> e wiiYta.i3thecequixeaacnxsofthe:C'onscitutionardByL.awsofsaidASS�:.IATION' thanahasepresertsshaltbtcunae��xruli.a[s.d.void,ocherwis�they:�
<br /> xhaT3 rrmain�.in full foc��xnd.may beforeclosed�at�cha opci+on uf.the stid ASSOCSATION aft�r fa8ura� for- thrae monttss��to.make.any of wid �
<br /> � pnyatxs�u or:�be threa�rnonths in asaears in��cn:+kEr�suid.�nunti�s:ty paymenis,or.co keep and.compiy with thn agrcemenis and u'+ortditinns:af sai3 Boud;.���
<br /> g; � znd.Iaforigagor agree>to hare a rec-rrver.appoinied forthu�iih in su.^h forzclesure proczsdings:� � . � � �� �� . � .
<br />� ,.
<br /> 2'f thera��is any change ui ownership.of die resl esta[e ittcsrtgaged hezeLi,b�sale�or otherwisx,.then�the eniirc�resnaining�.indebtedness hereby��
<br /> seeuroc3 shall,zi the flpcion of The Eqai[xhle$eziiding.and Loa:n Association of Crand�lsLind,Nrbrasi:a,becume izmnediatelv d3fe and payabla without�
<br />�i � � iurti�er�notice,and the�:amounx�.��re�nainiug due�under said.oc.ma,and any oc't�er�bond for any ac3ditiuraa(adr.tnees nudt.thereundar,shall,from�the�
<br /> t �� 3xi:e of exerGise�of sai3.option,be�ar inlerest at r.he maximum.zsgal raYe,and tFtu matgx�c.may thsen�bo.foredosed.to satisfy tho amount:due un said�� ���
<br /> ' bond,snd any other'aoond ior nuaiiaro�al.,.,.a:ccs;zeb��h .w+=_h z!I��ms pain hy said Tho f:quitable Huilding arad Loan Assoeietdon af Grszsd Yslaad,
<br /> ? Nebras�ka ior insusa�ce,taxes and assessmints s3id a6stracYing extension charges;wich inzerest t�rreon,f'aom daee uf pay�ant at the maacimwn, '
<br /> x t
<br /> � }e�raae. �. � . : . . . . �.' :�
<br /> '� � � #s pruvislec}iaz�tfri Bond secured liereby..�}cile�this mortgage�remnins in effeci the morigrtgce tasy.�creafter�advsnce additionaf.sumc tu tho :�
<br /> ' � makets oF said Sand.theu assigns br succesm�s zn interesz,wh'xch sums s�:all be^cvithin tha securit�^of lhis rnortgage ttse s.ame as the funds:ariguia3ly.�
<br /> .i�... � �.secu.red..thereby,ihe�.�toxnl amauns:aif principal drbx not co exceed at any time t�a origdns.l,amaunc.oi this rtsareguge.. � . . .
<br /> 7
<br /> t .a .. ..�. Dated.ttiit �3.S� .� ��day oA�� JL22'12�.�, . . A.D..147'�7� . . . . '
<br /> �..�'c��r��-w .��? �,,�2-�
<br />�` o �e f. Co��{s
<br /> a ��r � ,�'� ��,.,��
<br /> � LdVQ�117E:i�a. Cfi�Y';dS .°.a,
<br />, a � �
<br />� ; S'S'�.T�.Q�NESRASKA�1 ss. Onthis 3 g:� Aay of
<br /> r L�C�U34TY OX i�4LL y J77S1E ly %'? ,before me, j
<br /> P � '++�`! � 'Ai
<br /> M s � . . the-iui.3nr�gnad,a 2�ucan�f'u.bdic ia and tur said Cuunq�,pera�nsliy came ,�
<br />�� Lv�sn�e G. C aa^ds ar�d Lal+onne G. Cards, each in hi� and her �+n right and as spouse of each ;= �
<br />�1 , � . . . � .. . . . � u'�O dt^E � PerwnaIly�ou+n xa ; y..�,,.
<br />�'��� �. ��� . , . nS . � whose nassu S �dPe �.aft'uctd.to the abore instzumene as muagagor S an� t�'!Q+✓+' :a.veral}y . . �`.�,�,.
<br /> a
<br /> r � -
<br />�t +^u�t��S83�� �S�.:it3iOt31.,Z�D t1E .t���r' �.�� YOILLI9Z2[}'�ACI BILd�Y�BP.�_ . . � .:j'
<br />� '� i1�7TAR'!t-� ��+y�amd and Nntarnal Seai ihe dete afnTesaid. �
<br />�� _ � y 155{C3H[ f � � rl � .
<br />�� . � . � � r Q ✓f�[ � t ; .
<br /> :R•C��td?ES_� ��. cXpua& lsli_?-� ��, ��"� �,(�' !=" F��S s..-f.✓' � .
<br /> . � $1,*�•Y�P . . . . `? . . . � � �.iotary�'ubtic
<br /> .
<br /> ��.��'�'�.'
<br />� �� ,,_ .�
<br />