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� <br /> � � <br /> ��� , <br /> t ,.�;�. <br /> � _ _M � � <br /> �9�"_�. �.!��9f�2 <br /> MORTCAGE <br /> b10RTGACE LUANNO. _ 22,669 <br /> � K3KOWALLMEN$YTHESEPRESENI'S:ThaY CFIdS. Clll'15tEJ[ISEII dtld �dith E. Christensen, each 'Ii1 h�S <br /> ik <br /> and her own rig6t and as spouse of each +other <br /> Mortgagor,whether onc ur mure,in consideratian of xtie sum of <br /> ; Five 7fiousanc� dne Nundred and 1Vc�Y100----------------------------------------------po[.tn[�,s <br /> 'loaned xa saiJ moctgayor by^The Equitable Building and Loan Associati�n of GranJ Island,hebraska,Mortgagee,upon 51 shaces otstotk of <br /> + said AS3OC'1AT10N;.Certlficato bio;L 22,6fag .�1d hereby granL, coavey and mortgage unto the snrd ASSOCIATION the f'alIowing <br /> a` describecE iesl es4axe, sitaated in Hall County,Nebraska: <br /> 4 <br /> ' ,� LOT 7W0 (2) IN BLOCK ONE HUNDRED FORTY SEVEN (147) <br /> IN 'UNION RACIfIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ScCQN� AD�ITIQN <br /> a TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLANO, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />� `' <br /> >s <br /> � <br /> " <br />� # <br />��,; � <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> s ; togtthec with ait the-�ter.ements;hereditaments.and appurien_nces C.hereun�o belongzng,.ir.edudiae.nt[ac't!ed(Zc�or coverings,al!windowseaeens,:���. <br /> window sfiades,blinds,storm+vindows;awnings,heating,airconditioning,and plumbing and wa�er eqvipinent and acceswries[herero,pumps,stoves, � <br />� 5,•'� �refrigeratc+rs,and other�fixtures pnd eauipinent now orhereafter attached to or used in eonnection wiih saic:.reafestate.. . ��. � <br /> ,^i �:, And�vhereas the�_,said:moefgagorhas�ngree�{and��dueshereby rgree that the.inortgagor�shall and wiil pay all�taxes and ussessmestts�levied or�' <br /> .'.assessed upan said pternises�ancl�upan this`.mortg�ge and the br�nd�secure� rherebv�before she�s;une shall bewrne delinquent;.to Curnish-approved.��:� <br /> ; ����insurance�.:upon the tiuildings-on.said premises situa.ted in itie surn of 5'� 5�j,Q��.Qf). . payable-to..said�ASSOCIATION�and�to de',ive�to said�:�. <br /> w,;« .�, �:ASSOCIATION the�puZicies for said�insurance;and�not.Ru�cummit.urper$iit a5y.weste on or about said premises,� . . <br /> n .... ... . . �. . . : ..� � . .. � . . . . � �.� � .. <br /> � In case��.of defauia m the perfbrniance.of uny�of tlie terms and cunditiorts uf this mortgage or che bond secured heceby,�the mortgagee ahall, . <br /> � ,"� cr.demar.d, bc mutl�:.'to inne3iace aossess;on c;f che:no:tgaged premi:;es and t3se marz�agoc he:ebq essigrs, tr::nsfers and secs �var ta ihe <br /> � mortgagec a13 the rencs,revenues and iocome to be derived from the moctga�ed premises durin$such time as zhe mortgage indebtedness shall retnain ` <br /> � : unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the power to appoini eny dgent or agents �t may desire for the purpase of repaicing said premises and reutiting, <br /> the same and collectinglhs rents,reveaue:snd i..c�me;a�zdit ms��p�{y uiRt �f i.-�cuuie a[i ezpenses of repaau�g said premises and necessary - <br /> w, commissicTns-and expenses'viwrred in renting and managing the samc and uf cullecting rea�tals cherefrocn; the balance remaining,it any, to be <br /> �ppl;Ed.osvard�the�.discharge��ot said�.mortgage.indebtednees;these�righfs of th�mortgagee.ntay�.be exercised azarty�time during�.the existence af such.��. <br /> , ; deinult,irrespective of any temporary rvaiver oi the same: '� ' <br /> ,�� a , <br /> '9s �� � � Thes-c�Presents,�however,�are�upon the Condiiio�,That if Che�s�id�1ortgagor shall repay�said�laan vn:or befure:the mrturity of srz:id shacas by �. <br /> � j peyment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIAT[ON af the sum specilied in the Hond secured hereby as interesx and ptincipal on said loan,on or before <br /> the Twantieth Jay vf each and every rnonHi,until sasd loun is fully paid pay all taxes and ussesiments ievied acainst said Qremixs and un fl�is Martgagc <br /> ' � .e;an�sceured inereby;oerore delinyuency;furmsh apnrove�i.__r..r.c,:�f.:m zhz hwi�u�gs tnereon in cne sum of 5 y',jUU.UU payable <br />�� : iq taid?�S�'I .v;r;repay ro said ASSOC[ATION upon derrsand aIL money hy ir puid fo.such ta7ces,assessments aad insurunce wit3i interesi at, <br /> +he max�mu��IeKal rate tliereon.from datc uf.payment all of which Mbrxgagor hereby agrees�to pay;permit no waa[e on said premisas;keep�and comply ��� <br />� ± with all the a reemen[s and condiiiom of the Bond for S y givzn by tt2e said tfortga�oi to seid'ASSOCIATIpN,and comply <br /> s 5,10�.00 cn;s a� <br /> with all ttu requi�ernents otthe Conssitution and ByLaws of saici ASSOCIATION;then these presents shall 6ecome nu1)and voi�3,ottfcrwise thay <br /> � sl:all remui��in full�fprce and ma� Coreclosed at the option of the�said ASSOCiATION�aftar failure for�[hrec make�any of sa;d���.. <br /> � � payments ur�e three rnontlis in aveatsim m�king said monthly payments,vr Cu keep and c�mply with thc agreements and conditions r�f sxid$on�i, <br /> I M1;�� . and Mortgagor.a�rees to have a receiver appoi�3ted forthwith in suc;i forectosure pruceedings. � � - . � . � . � � � <br /> ,'-a If xhere is any clrange in ownership of the reai es2ufe mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise,Yhen t}�e entir� renaaining indebtedness heie6y <br /> a <br /> � sec,ur�d slzalS,at tYe oF=ion of 1'he Ec�uitable 13uilding and Loan associaiion of Grand[slan�,Ncbraskz,becaine immediacely due and pay�6le without ' <br /> 3 further nutice,and'the amuunt remai�ung due under said bond,and an,y otiner bond for any additionaS advances made thereunder,shall,G�m the <br /> a . �data of e�ae�cise u[said:uption,bear�i.nterest.ui the.maxi�num 1e�al rate,and t]iis murzgage�ms;y.�the^�farc,.,�sad[��.s:tEisiy the amara.nt dua on suid � <br /> ;� bond,and.any nther bo�J for additioaaa!adv�nces,t�geJrzr wiih ali sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,- <br />�; Nrnraska i�c insurance�taxes and assessrnents and abstracting zxtension charges, wiUi "vuer�st thezeon; fsorn date of payment at th�meximum <br /> Ibga1 rate. <br /> As piivided in t�e!�and sc�nred here�; wh!^tfus ma.tgagz remxins i»ef7'ecc the monrsg�^may i'eereafcer adwnce additiartal sums to ihe <br /> ° � .mskers nf�ssGid B.ond,�hfir assigns or successors in L�trrest,whictt�surns:.hal7 be.witltin the�security of this r_torlgage the same as the Ftuicls ori�.inslly. ��. � <br /> ' �i��r, . ���secur�d thereby,.tfie to3a1�.nmount of principal debi nat to exceed at eny time xhe miginaf am�unt af this mortgaga . �� � �. � <br /> fi na:eacn�s 31st aar�f May A.t�.,�v 77 <br /> �...�'+�i;��„�:f+-�"c-,G'.�-r"':.�.L;i+L,�-✓"L� _ <br /> ' ���.+���^"tf�n.�ien .�.__ ' <br /> ,n�..�..a..�"ki.a�2..�u'�-/ <br /> , ; Edith .•E. Christensen <br /> $�A 0������ss. Onthis �l�t day of M�Y 19 �� ,before me, � <br /> :w�� <br /> " ilxe undezsigned,a Nvtary Public in and fur ssid Cuunty,persnnally c�ne � ' <br /> F `s ` <br /> � Cha �lis� c�nd EditM E_ Ghristensen each in his an� her own right and as spQ 5e of s�� <br /> �r @8 E f",r»'•.,,�� wl� d 1"@ Persohal�knuwn to <br /> �`�: i �'`vei�e�idanticx��sd*� whose name S &T'E' affixed to ihe above instcua3enx as mort�agvr g and th2y s��crally ` <br /> � , p' � <br /> .... ��/���sii°c� i to be �r1231'- voluntar;�act aud dee3_ �'' <br /> �.mu�,. <br /> �,, �xra��� �}and t�l�taaial Sea!the data a9'oresaid: , �, ,�"" <br /> � , ' � . , .. ,��. � P / ,%' A � .^./'��..y�,.-.��a-��7�'/' '�'u�r`r <br /> OF2n�.••` �"__%r�c,c-�`1� 19P`f/ �;",�'.z.�`�4��:r� ,.-�j s�.>> / „;..; <br /> �� .,�G� n:e�[ .,�`Lti:�R'G-_`.a--�'"... � ,�� ; <br /> �T'�f,�-� $4��'� �' Notary Public <br /> u�-sb�u <br /> � _� � <br />� � <br />