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<br /> n+arrTcac��onh:vc>.. 22,65f3
<br /> �cr�o,ny A�i..M�tv$��rt{Ese pra�sex�rs:rnaa Maxi ne D. Gi l l tsam, an un remarri ed person>
<br /> � Mostgagor,whether one oc more,in consideratiass of thr sum of
<br /> �,, Twentyr-SeYen Thousand Six Nundred^and Ng/700-----_------------------------------ [xs�Lazrs
<br /> � '} Iaaned to said murtgagor txy The Equitabte Building aad Loan Aswciacion of G�and Isiand,Nabraska,Mortgagae,upon 276 aharea of stock of
<br /> � sai�ASSO+CIAT[€'1N,-Gar#IPscate t�in. L 22 a65fi ,do hereby grant, convey 3nd mortgage untn the said ASSOCIATIOl'�the follawing
<br /> OA
<br /> rSescribed ceal estace,sit�ated isi HaII Counxy,NeFaraska:
<br /> X
<br /> ��
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<br /> tagether w3th�alf the�tenements,hereditaments.and�appwtenanccs thereunto h�lunging,lncludmg a:tach:d�flo:sa�cavenngs,ra:! �ndox�screens,.� ��
<br /> ' w�ndow.s;�.�.des b��r.d<_,st��m.w+fldows�,awnines,:heatine,aircondiiionin�;andptum6ing�andwatcrequipmentandaccessuriesthe[eto_pumps,s[oves,�'� ;�
<br /> � f � teLtigeratocs,�and other�xtures and eqxiipme!ri npw or hereaherattached Yo or use��in connection.with saidreal esiaze: �� �,
<br /> ..`�y , � And.�vhercas�thesaid��mortgagochasagreedanddoes�herebyagree�tltaY�the tnortgagorshail�.and.willpayatL��tr�cesand.asses�nenls�ie�iedor:��.
<br /> � ' assested.upqn.said�premises and upon. tlus�mo.rigaga and.the F�ond secured theseby before Ihe same shaL'become delinq�ent:.to fesmislr�appcoved '
<br /> -� � � insurance�.urpon the buildings'on-said.pcemises situated intha sum of S�27��6��_�UQ�.�� �payabie�to said�ASSOCIATION�and to deliver co said�'�
<br /> � ,,. ASSOC1AT10N.the policies for�sald�insurance;and not m commit or peemit any waste on ur aboui said paesnises;. . � . � � . �
<br /> �„t : � In case�uf ciefault i�the�performance uf any a#'Ihe terms.andcunditions of Ihis��mo[tgage or��the.bond.xcuzed heieby,the rnor[gagee s1taE1, ��
<br /> s ;�E � on demanc��,be entitled to imirseuiatc�p�ssession of ttie�moxtgaged o�emises and.�.the mortgagai�hereby assigns; transfers and sats.:over Lo tha ' � � . ':. � �
<br /> �; -� -. ��moctgagee all the rants,.revenue^s�:and income.to be derived from thc mortgaged prea:ises.du�ingsuchtune.as-the�moztgage in�ebte�ssx�shall rcmaiv��:
<br /> ��,� unpaiti:xnd the mvrtgagee shall have t3�e power w appoinranv ageni or,ageais it rnay desire far clie purpose of zepairing said peemises and rencing
<br /> d` .� the same-.._�c�'Kvc,i�t�e sents:reve�ues and income,and it may pay out of sazd income ail ezpenses of repasring said pramises.and necessary
<br /> ` ,,X co3nm�ssions and expenses incurrec£ir�renting and managing�ne s.a�ria ar�d �f a>.laciing rentals therefrom_thz �a(a.�ce :c:r.sin�� cf e.^.,'.to L"^ -
<br /> -gplied ioward the disch�ge of�said rtnrtgxge indebcedness;these�rights of che mortgagee�may.be exereised at anv Eane during the existence of such:
<br /> .'� defuult,icrrspeciive of any�emporazy waiver�of the same. ��. . . . � . �� . . .�.� .
<br /> y � � Theso�Presea[s,�how.�ever;are'upon�.theCondition,That iflhe��saidMortgagor shall repay saidloan�on or.before xhe maturiry ois:+id.sharesby��
<br /> N
<br /> payment;pay monthly to said ASSOCSA?ION of t}le..sum specitied�in the Bortd secured hereoy as��incerest:and ptancipai,on said loan,.on or before �.
<br /> � � , the Twenci�th day of each end every x�t�nzh,until said loan�s Cully paid,pay all ta7ccs and assessments leried agxinst said premises and v.n tiils hiortgage
<br /> ; � and the Bcnd secured diereby;beiore deiinquency,furmsh<yY...v�d i.�su=ar_=eu,non the buildings theceon in the sutra of S������.�0 Yayable
<br /> � to said ASSOCIAT[ON;repay to said ASSOGIATIO^7 upon demand�II money by it paid for such zaxca,as.;ssmen_.5 and insurance wiih,inierest at
<br /> " s ` ihemaxim�mleg,atratetlaereonfr�mdatcofpaymental]ofwhichMorlgagorhere�yagreeseopay;permitnowasteonsaidpremius;ic�epandcompiy ' .,�
<br /> �
<br /> � w4th al!theageecrnenes arsd conditions of it�e Bond far 5 Z] 6G�.QQ this day given by the said;dortgagor;to said ASSOClAT1C3N,and comp3y'
<br /> ,
<br /> � �? with all the requirements+of�he Constiiucion and By-l:aws ot'said ASSOCIATION.then these presents shall beco�e null and void. utherwise they:
<br /> .�"shell remain��in�Full.force��nnd�rnay be foreclosed ac 1he option�of the said ASSOC.IATION�after fxilure�for�three�mon[hs��to.make.any of sa3d�.
<br /> fi ` payments s�t be thke�months in arre�s in making said munthly paymencs,or�u€ceep and comp3y with the agreem�nu and conditiaais oF said Bond;
<br /> and Mortgagor agresx to�kx:ave a receiver.appointed forthwith in such(oieclqsure�proceedings... . �. . � � . � �� � � �.�.� �� .
<br /> IC th�re is any dlartge inc�wners._'3i{�of the rea3 estate mortgaged herein,by s-ale oe otherwise;then ahe eutiro remaining indebrednasa nereby
<br /> suured shall,aaihe optica�nnfTlte Equitable Building xnd Loan Association of Grandlsiand,Nehzaska,beaome imm�diately due and payabla without
<br /> further nozice,an� the amounY r'rrnaining�ue�.ander said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made fhereundar,shall,from t3ae
<br /> date�f ex.crcise otsaid ogtion,bear irzterest at ihr m_aximum iega!rate,and ihis moeigage may tf+en be foreclosed�o satisf'y3he amountdue on sasd
<br /> bond,and:an}�otherbond for addicxUnai aJva�ic.-cs,cugact�er wi,h�: •ms raid by sxi3 The F,yunable Builhing and Loan Association of Grand 3slat:�, �
<br /> � Nebraska fur insurance.caxes and asseEssments,a:d�strac:ina extenuun charges, witli interest shereon, fiom datV of payment ai the maximurn �
<br /> � If�3l fi1iG. :.�.. .. � . . . � . . .
<br /> ' �S �. .� As p�ovided in the $ond secured hereby,while this moz[gage remains ui of7rci�Lita xn�iciy,agre.may heceaftes.advance additiomai sums tn.�tts.e
<br /> .� ittakets uf�:�aid Ba�nd,tlaei.r�nssigns or s�cc:esaors iri:nterest,wluch suins.shall be wiahixi the.securiiy ut�tllis euattgag� the same�as tl:e unds ori.��Ly
<br /> � secuced th�reby,ihr rtotal axnount of�rincipal debt nut to exceed at any tima the original amouna uf this mortgage.
<br /> 4,;'.$ Dated tt�is 2 Y'C� day of )"�d J/ A.ll.,19]'J
<br /> � r�/�,�{m✓. iSY ��J7�,����
<br /> �td i e D, Gi l l�am
<br /> STATL'OFNEBRAiSKA> � Onthis 231^d dayoi f�dJ/ 19�7 �beforexzra,
<br /> CO[lY�l'fY f3F HAl:L� �
<br /> .. . � . . . theundersigned;xNotary.Pub3ic.inand forsaidCounty.,persnnallycaxne.� . . . . �:•� � ���-.�m�� .:
<br />�g �dJC�C#G �. G1���1dTt1 e 3.�1 UnT`EIIIdY`P'7 2i� j}21'"SQII who 7 S PCisonally known�o °� � ,t�,,
<br />� � {�p�!{p _ �}ucscm whose n�une �S afCixed ta the abavo inszrumenc as morcgagor and S hE? St�NY9�RX ^��;
<br /> n
<br /> i �r�y�11'u�trumet�tio bs � �'12T' .�� valuniary.acc and�u.ez3. � . . }
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