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<br /> STATF OF NS8RAS3KA. t"ount� af ,_... ��'�'
<br /> E�iled f+arsaa�nl on . _........ ....._...., 19..�.�_at....,.. ........, .., u`r£ock ... _.... ,........ �S.
<br /> „ and secor�detl in the 1)c*�d �aor+9 ......_.............__..._._...., I'a,� ..._...._..._�......_.__.....
<br /> � ,
<br /> ' ............. ............�.__ F3c .._........� ......_. .._... ...... ....._.....,.....�.......
<br /> �EQI�'ASlClai'GlOCLlME(V r o�Dea+9� F.)�.put:�• Hr�ti�ter oz 1)ea,.ir
<br /> ,,,,'r STAtdIP'�`R�t`
<br /> � ,���� -'1 �g77 U�VIVORSHI:F WAF2]E2ANT� DEED
<br /> �,� � � �
<br /> ,
<br /> ` G '��'�" SY.:����.....
<br /> # wllltEhA�t11 A'�'i��K]^+�ec
<br /> �t
<br /> '� Roger H. Ostra,e►ld �_�d Di�n K. C3s'twald , 'z�ereiu oalled tke grentor xbnLE�er nn+s uc mora,
<br /> 3i�� iu nubaideration c�£ F�RTY T1iUUSAND .�t�UU N0,�1O0 DOLLAR5 (S4L�,00�.00)
<br /> �
<br /> 'M � rece3ved frnui grant�e.s, do�es grttnt, burgein, sell avcicev sud coz�firm unto'
<br /> T � Robert R.'Deitern�yer and .Jex�n S.. I��3:temeq�er
<br /> � fi ns jaiut:tenHnts:�vith xtight nf sur�rxv�xsnip, awc� not as ieuauts iii uomanaci, th� fnllowing c2er�ribed,rem�t .
<br /> ;.`�
<br /> :�
<br /> � �, ProPert` in ........ ..Hall... ..::..... ..: .......... �'uunty-.Net3ra�ka: <.
<br /> ar. -
<br /> � A trac2c of lanxi lz�cz�ted in the �iG3s of Section 3fi, Township ib North., Aunge 13, Westi
<br /> �"�'9" of t�ae .6th P.2�., Bsll Gaunty> Nebxaska,, mar� part3cularlp deacribed as follows:
<br /> h t
<br /> � Comme�ing at the East 1i4 �orner of sa3d Seccivn 3b; therace NJt)�Oa" E {,yeaum�d
<br /> :�' bearsng) aion� the East iiue of said S�ction 36 und the c�nCez�line o£ a County Kca�d; ,s :.
<br /> � �'�, , a disGance of'�05.41 f�ee;' then�:.e N 9�?°00' [d, a distance of 33.0'�e�t 'Ca s pa�.nt on � ' ; `: ,
<br /> � . che West r3�ht of way 13ne nf said Cnunty Ito�d sa�d point alsa l�air�g the l�oizYt of
<br /> � � Begi�ning; .Che�ce cnnti�uing N 9�°d0' W, a distance of 4flC;r.[�0 Eeet; thenca N OOp OC3` B,
<br /> a distanee of -d+46:37 feet to a point on the Southerly rigtat o£ way 3Sne of Znterst�t� ' r
<br /> ,, #80; ttience S a59° 5�C' S0" E, a dist.ance o� 425.4 feet along said Southarly r3gh[ af :
<br /> i + way 3.ine af Iaterstate �180; thenca S QOn 00' W z�.long the said Wes[ ri$ht of wsy .lin� E,
<br /> �'>> of a Coucxty Ro�d, � distance oT 300.00 ;£eet td the Point;�t Deginning. F,'`;
<br /> �, (,
<br /> p��i�Y . .. . . .. �
<br /> f � �. �. � �� . . . � � ��. . �.
<br /> 3 �� To have e�ztd tt+ hoid tl�e ahovu deseriL�ti prc�cnises togexl�er �rith alI ten�ivanta, hereciitaiuents �
<br /> a nnd a�y�,»irtea�a�z�a� 1}�ereto belongin� uata tha gruntues auii ta tlie'xr nssigu�, or to aiie Yieire atad.u�sip�nzr
<br /> af the snr�avrar c�� tt�om forerer,
<br /> ;r�}� And gi•n�tc�r does hereby covenand with :.tie p:r�ntees und �viCh their aissigns snd �viCh the heTz�r
<br /> nnd a�sigus of tk�e�survicor of tLom tha� gruutor is latvfully sezsec3 aF sai3 ���uuise�; tla�tt they are .£rce £rouz
<br /> '" e�noumbrnnae ' '
<br /> � �
<br /> �r�
<br /> ' ..: �t �rantor has,�on�i xight �.ud lttwftil z�utlitrritS^ to ennvcy tlie rr�7ue; nncl tlu3t �cuntr�r �vaarrants'::on� �a*i1!
<br /> � c3uFet��i t,kMe title tv s+ai4i prnrn'sseN'acgai•r�so t3�e ir��aful claizus c�=:s11 FScr.�ons ticliuiusoi��x�r.
<br /> � It is tlte iutoutinzz o� all pa.rY.i�s,herato,tlint in Uie us�ont of ih� deuth flf eitliqr cf t�.�: f3ratxGeesa, ' ' '
<br /> � tT:a� �aitiru fce txt,le ta tl�� real }�rc7r+�rty v1ta71 �esY in tl�� survivzn� p���tnteo. .
<br /> t �
<br /> , T?:�tcd May 2? 1�J 77. r.,� ,�",f �
<br /> _� . .... .. ;�.,��..�"��' ,:�!`�' Z.f t"'`��"",��[ .
<br /> j . ,�" ��..iZo r H. Qstwalci�
<br /> � a- . . . .. . .. ., ,. ...... ��:tS�e;;�:�.»�.l..t..rf.�.{.;�V�����CY��T3`
<br /> ,.
<br /> . ... .. .:. ......... ....,. ,.. ...... .
<br /> <<� � � �
<br /> � is"1"A'T'�'i UP' ..c�'�AIiA.SKk�.. . ��ouz3ty af, �iAi,L . .....: . '
<br /> "' �q�ore3 va�,�uuiiiry �ui�lic qutilifiad for said couc�ty. ti>orauuullg caznw
<br /> A >
<br /> .; ,�.,
<br /> i, � " ,g > Ruger H.'Ostwalc3 aud Di�.ai x.' Ostc.r�ld
<br /> � .�.,.
<br /> ' , w
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<br /> � ��j, B�1(ar�, �'�� &'�+;'
<br /> .� . jo►#�i'r,�q,y e idex�ti�sxl �eraa�i a.r�aerson�.�vho aip;f�ec� t3�e f«raquirag ii�stx�xrueiat aax3 s�aku�Frluei�a+i t� ��
<br /> `�'w. *" n
<br /> � '�lda�ts+�..'� a be his,hor or t.2��ir:�uiw�ta.ry a�t ainc3 dec�ci '
<br /> Xt� �
<br /> � � . .,��t�iOf�t � aria3.seul ^A„ ...... Ptat�:�»,�.f.','.:..�. ..:....... 1�..,77....... ��s .
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