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<br /> �7� ��a2�c�,e�!
<br /> AlORTGAaGE'
<br /> MORTf,Af.E LOAN NQ.. L �ZZ667
<br /> xr�c�wAt��.�sxNsx rHEsspxesEN�rs:z�� : Roy Q. King and Arle rs�J_ 1(ing, each in hi s and her
<br /> ,,�' ' owt� right and as spnuse +of each other,
<br /> E1ghtC9fl ThOUSdild,FiVe H31I1dPEd:dC1d N0/100------�ort,ga_goswhetheroneormo�c_inconsideaatiau_otthosumof
<br /> '^' D4LLAR5
<br /> ,' ' IQaned to said mortgagur by 7he Eqiaitable Building and Laan Assouatiun of Grand Ialand,Nebraslcae Mortgageo,nyon 18� shazes csf stock of '
<br /> �y 'o s3id ASSOCfATION,'Coctrficatc_No.L 22�667 ,do hereby grant, canvey and marcgage untn ttae said ASSOCIATIQN tfie following ` i '
<br /> described rea}estate,situated in Fiall Comnty,Nehras&u:
<br /> i;-
<br /> ,
<br /> , �.�
<br /> � �
<br /> �V6`. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . .
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<br /> ' logether writh�atl the��tenernents,�hereditaments.and�.appurtenances�thereunro beionging,�inclu¢.ing actxched floor covarings;.all wiadaw��scraens, `. '
<br /> ° '� window shades,blinds;storrn winduws;aw�ings,heaxins�;airconditioning;andplumbingand.waterequiQmentai�d��accessoues xhereto,pumps�stoves, ��. -
<br />� s refrigeratnes;and oche[�fixtures and equipment now.or itereafter.attached to or used�in�connection.u�tdi said.�rea!esiate:� �, �.� �._
<br />�Y ` nt�� wl;erars zhe said mortgagor has agraecf and daes herehy agree thai the rnur2��agor shall and will pay mll caxes and assessmennievied or ' �
<br /> acsessed upon'said premises andupon,this mortgage and[he bond secured thcreby:before the same shall became deiinquenx;to fninish approved
<br /> �insurance upon��the�huilJings�on said�p[emises situated in lhesum oY 5�$��OQ.OQ�� payabC���to said.AS50C[ATION au�d`�to delive.r:Yo said ,�
<br /> ':��ASSOCIATION[he policies#�or said insurance;and not�zo commit or permit any waste on or about said premises;' � � � � - . � �
<br /> � �� In case�r�f defaul3�.in t�e: erforsnnnce..ofan .ofthetermsandzondilions ot this mort a e.or.the.bond secucedrhereb .'�the mort
<br /> F� Y B 6 ?"� gagce sltall,
<br /> ��s on�.demane�.;�,be anl=Y3ed�to��unmediate�possession��of zhr.mort�ged��premises� uad...c9ie mortgagor hereby,assigns;tsansfers�and sets over�. to the �
<br /> ��� mc�rtgagee�aU.-ihe rents�,;}eve.nues�and income�to be derived from.the murlgaged premises during such time as ttse morigage indebtedness shall aemain
<br /> unpai�l;and the mortgagee s3�a12�have�the.power lo appoi,nt any agent os agencs it may.desire for che�purpose oftepairing saic3�premises attd�.zenting .
<br /> tFz�'�t!te anJ::�cotiecYing�the'rents�;revenuessn�?ir.corne;.��nillnsypay?ut�of�s+id�. income all��expenses���f repairingsaid..premises and.ncressary `'-•
<br /> t corn�ssissions and�expenses izicurred'zn renGsn�and.ma[raging the�sam��and�of collecting rentals�themfrum; 2he.:balance remaining,if�any.,ta be � �� �
<br />� � +ppIicr2 towarci tne�viscitar�e�i�,seid.murtg:3gc inuebieSc�as;-tltese zip}�is uf i3�ie u�ar.€gagee�may be�exercised ai.any tirne during the exisience flf such �
<br /> f ` defa�cit,irrespectiva�of sny temporary�vaiver�.of tke same_ . � �.. �� � � � �� � �. �
<br /> ,� ` These Presents,however,are upon ihe Conditiott,That if the said Mortgagor shalt repay sai�'s loan on or befom the maiurity of said shares by;
<br /> z�x .hayment;p�ay.mo��thly�to s�d��ASSOGIATi�t3 of�the s�am specified-in Ihe BUnd seaured 3lereby as interesi and principal�n..said loan;on-or hefore .�
<br /> `ff,.a �he Twenti�tli day of each accd evcry monxh�until said loali is tully paid.pay all ta.ies and assessmenzs levied agains[said premisesand an tlus Mortgage
<br /> � and:the Bonci secured thereby;bcfore'delinquency;fwnish;approved insurance upon the bniidings�hereon in ihe sum of S�$,$Q0.�0 P payable
<br /> �; tosaidASSOC1ATfOtl;�epay�:lir.s_i�ASSDCfAT10iV�upondemand�a�imoneybyic�paid�forsucl-i�taxes;assessmentsand.insurance.with:intcrestat � -
<br /> ;'•F thc��3naximwn.]egalrnte:ther�onfr�mdate�ofpayrnental3�oP�whichMoctgasor}�erebyag:eestopay;�pe�ctniino.wasteon�ssidpremises;k.eep�and�cnmply�._.�
<br /> S with all tlie agerments and canditi�ns ol'xhe Sond for 5 �$ SOO. (] thir day given by the said�vlortgagar xo said ASSOCIATION,und comply
<br /> �� � with�allthe.requiramentsofaheCanscitutiox�.and$yLawsnfsxidAS��C1ATi0N;xhen�.these.preserzts.shallbecome:nulland:�void,otherwisethev �.
<br /> „'.�� .sha13.remain��in�tull��.farce•rs�d:�may be�fareclos�d�at the uption o£cna said�.�ASSOCIATION��af[es�failure.for�.three mvnths'.to m:ilce any.r�f said . . �
<br /> payments or be tivice muntttsin anears in rsiaking said raoatldy payments;or ro keep and compiy w'rth che agreemeh;s and conditiansofsaid Bond;.
<br /> and:,Mortgagor-�agrees�.to have�tt�receiver appoinied forthvsath in such fc�reclusure proceedings. . � � � � � � . � � �
<br /> � 11'there is any change a�i ownership of the real estaie morcgxged lmerein; by sale or othemise,then the entira remaitein�indabudness 3�ereby
<br /> secured st�all,at the o uon e�1'The E �itable Buildin .uid Lvan Association of Gsand[sland,Nebr•mslca,become sanmediatel d�and u ab}e without
<br /> �.`�, P � 4 �� Y PY �
<br /> �fur[hex�no[ice,and�:t3u.amouut.cemaining�.d�e.under.said bond,ai�danyother�.bon�toranyad.�itionaladva:zcestnade:ihareundez,shnll,ftr�mihe:.
<br /> da2e of exercisr caf said opiion,besr in�eresc zr the maximum lega!rate,and tixis rnortgage rnxy then be foreclased to satisfy tbe amoua2 due+cia said
<br /> bond,and a.ny uther hond Cox additional advances,together with a!!surns pald by said The Equitahle Building and Loan Associatian�f Grand lsiand,
<br /> Neb�aska i'or ipsurunce,ta3ces and assessments.wid abstraeting extension charges. with interest tFiareon, from date of paymenc ac the maximu�
<br /> iegai ratr. '
<br /> � Y �� As provided in�2he Bo.nd.,secured�heraby,while�tttis mortgage_rernains 9n effect the mortgagee may heteafteradvastce a.dditianal sums ta.the .
<br /> makers oF-said Son3;their assigns�r successnrs in intercy-t,wNch sums shall be w3thin the security of Yhis mosigage t�e same as¢he 3'unds orzginally
<br /> secured thexeby,Yhe zotal acnount of princi�al debi noi tq excecd at any iune th�origina!amount of this mortgage_'
<br /> � � ��t.��ittiS 3.3.5'� .::,'l d�j.��� �dy�� � A.D.,19 �� � � .
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<br /> t 'Ro . iCin . - ArTetie J.-TC�ng -'
<br /> 9 -,'`"" v
<br /> STAt"E OF 13£BRASKA.� �
<br /> ss. On xlds 315'� day nf Mdy 19�� ,before me,
<br /> GOIY!�t'TY OF HALL
<br /> thc undessigned,a Notary Pubtic in and for aaid County,personallywme ""� " y`4
<br /> Ro3+ D_ Ki� and r3e e J. King, each in hi s and her ow�n right andN.t,o are �rran�y�a�,co ��` �
<br /> as s � ea�� vt�ier ' ..,�� �
<br /> � � } me °`�iir�� S whvse nsme$ �� aflixcd so ihe sbo+ne instrumentas murtgagor 5 and t}�ey se°�verally
<br />�ti , a • •�h8g�l�,uts t to be �hL'9!' s�oizsritary,xct amd deed. r.�,:
<br /> :C;+�' WS��S"S_. haad.an�. ta.�aai Sea3��s te afc=es� �""�
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