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<br /> �
<br /> �.r,.� �58-A—ii@AL E8T/►TE MORTGA6E�fCorp.)—Wlth Tax Clause (flevixted 1962�) 7'ho tiuHmau Gnent t3upply 7.i�wee, LLu»ln. Nebr, �
<br /> a, KNUW ALt MEN BX THE9E FRi:SENTS� Tltat C. G S. R+B3ltY COtIEpH71j� j '
<br /> << 4' e'
<br /> p corporatiait orgsnized und eziating under and by virtue uf the laws of thc Statc +of N@bT'£lSiC3 ui j
<br /> e�
<br /> i considenationafthesnmot Tti..'LI'ty-F7.Y� TI14USa1ld c'iI'1(� riOfL�O ---__------- ---------`-� DOLi.AFi3 3�
<br /> (`" ' �p �n hena ra�d, a�g t,e�eby sLL: an�COI3'VEY untofh� Over1and Nationa1 I3ank of Grand Island � �?
<br /> ,�,! � tt
<br /> �'
<br /> �� of I3d�j. Cewuity,8t�te of . N8�JT3SIC3 L}�e tollawing desc:ribed prumie�s satumfec!
<br /> t iri Hal]. Cac=nty,nnd$ta#e of N@�7TaSltcl ,to-wit: ;r
<br /> � ;� 1. R tract af land:comEprising a part o� Cottage Grove �dditipn to the city of Grand Isl '
<br /> � � Nebraska, and a part o£ the Northeast Quarter nf the Sout3zeast Quartei (NE�SEa) a£ Secti n�
<br /> �( Ten (I.0), Tawi�,ship.Ele�ren (21} I�orth, Range Nine (9� West af the 6th P,bt. �si Iia11 County� ,z
<br /> � r Nebra.�ka, mor� particularly described an attacheci :clescrip-tion. �f ` � , ,
<br /> , � ' �� 2. A tract of �and cantprising a part of �tlie Northeast Qizarter of the Southeast Qu��ter � ;
<br /> 6 �; �S (NF3sSF:�) af Section Ten (10), Township Elev�n (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the, '' ''
<br /> , 6th P.1N: in the City of Grand Island, F-Ia11 Coimty, Nebraska, more particularly described� �f
<br /> � �1 on a�tached description. -0�
<br /> � ��
<br /> ; �,
<br /> � �
<br /> � ,,
<br /> 4 {* P
<br /> � (
<br /> ,� �3 . . . . . � . . � a ���
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<br /> 4 . '� � �..� . .�, � RF
<br /> � 71. ... t1 . .� � .. . : �� � .. ' #1
<br /> � 4� 'I'he intention beip�;ka cvnvey hereUy nn absotute title in"fce eimple. 3
<br /> � �� TO HAVE ANIS TO FIIJLD the'remises above descnbed; with sll the a a�
<br /> E r , . . P ppurtenancea-thereunto belanging�.unto tki�-eaid .
<br /> � `,i Q�rerl�~�d Ivat�o:al Banl: �f Gran� Island � -�' ,,�
<br /> n ��; }i fmd toi�.��,-.4UCG@SS�I�e and ussirns.�forever.��provided���always,and tl�eyu:nr�e�e»tts.aro unon�t.he>,c�agrexs cnndition that.�i.f th� �°
<br /> ' �� y�ia �'. $ S.''x,eaLty Company J � ,
<br /> � ��
<br /> � � SG or assigns shnll��ay ar canse to�be puid�io the said �V'EI'18T1C3. l�dtl0llc11:.B2T1�: .Of GTdriCl. IS13riC1 � .., � ��
<br /> � : r
<br /> � �t Thirty-Five T7�ousand ana npllQO ----------------------------------------- ; �� w:
<br /> ; t1 ' heirs,oxecutore.ar3ministratars ur slssigns, the suin of (��$��QO:Q�� �ullers,paysble.as ' '
<br /> i ``
<br /> � � follows.ta-wit: €, ��
<br /> c � � . . � . � � .
<br /> � #; � � � i'.9n!la.rs-oxrthe- -----'-dnYaf- '--- --"-,-29 �. ;j +.� �.
<br /> a , : .� ..���
<br /> , . . . . . ---.�--- ' '� :
<br /> ' "� ' 33a1}ars-aatlt� `------day-qf ---- .19 ; I�
<br /> 3a
<br /> ,y ': �� . .. . -I'3«llar�oa�3h� -------dt.Nof ---�- -----,-t9 . +;; ;� .,,. , .,
<br /> E- .; � � << .t
<br /> S} -L3oitnrr-a,rthcr--------dayoi--------------;1s , �� . ` ,,..
<br /> � '� .. f! , �.� � . . . .. �3:3«IEarrrmrtke---------d;t}�,Vs- ---- -----,-T3 _., g °'
<br /> '� . �� with inter.est thereon.aty ; pwr�cent per�onnum,payk�ble. .. � � �nnunlly,:accocding�to thc tenor ztnd�.effeet a t,
<br /> C. F, S. Realt Co� an � °,
<br /> j i� of the promissory not�:�: .with inlerc�et�eoupons utlucl�ed-of said�.. j' � )' . €£
<br /> ,s .: ; .: �. . .� . .. : `
<br /> ,� � S ��� .�� . � . . : . . . . . . . . .. ` :�: �. i
<br /> � �i }maring even dafe wit.h thesa presents und shall puy all Yaxes and assesxments levi�i uuon said rea!e�taate and ull other taxes � �j �
<br /> � levies and assesaments lavied upon th'ts mortgxge or the naie which this mortgag�is give:n tu secacu, before the swne becomea
<br /> 'a�� �� delinquent,xnd keep:ihe bnildings on yAid premises`izv�ured fvr the svm af$3$�Q6�.�� ,loes, i( any, payeble fn the ! ?� `'
<br /> 3
<br /> +F �� aqid mort�Agee, then these P=E�=nts to bc+ �roid, otherwive to be ond remain in fu21 f�rce. 3 �<
<br /> ; y IT TS F:LJRTHER AGREED, (1) '['h¢t if th�eaid mortgugor shtxi3 fait to pay aucl� taxes or • ' � �� �
<br /> �. . . proc.ure sua.h.u�surnnce;,.the
<br /> j � seid murt a ee ms �
<br /> . �� g g y.�.pay such.tusey and >rocu=e such�inssirance; xnd tlae�.aum yo advanctd,.:wiUi intereet at � �J , per �
<br /> { cent shaR bo repaid by said mortgagar,and this mortgnge shttll stand as secusity for same. (2) T"hat a failure Gu puy arcy of � i`
<br /> a � :� k� said money;�.eii.her.�principal.br intcrext when� the same� becwmo.duo, or a�failure�.ta cr�mply wnth�any,of the foreguing agree � �`
<br /> � ; ij ntents,shrall�.ceuasc the whole�sutn pf mimey�.�her�in geaured�to.�becume dc�e and collectible�t.once:aR the.option qf..i}re�mortgage:e, p �e;
<br /> : r� IN WITNES& lVF1�KEOF, the said C � S RCS1tY'COIDp27I�' � ��
<br /> � ' E' hq�c'.hoceunto ctiusetl�'.its corl�urate seul lo be af�xed.nsici.Lhoae � ;�:
<br /> y �. ia cs . .presents tv�be�au�,ne3 by ik5l � I . . . .
<br /> , , t� ch� �J� dav ot ,�'t1,. - ,is� G �, S �2`ealty Co� an �
<br /> :; Sl Signud seuled and d�.Lvered im presence of � � � f?
<br /> � � -�'�;��_.,..� . 4
<br /> fl .
<br /> d � �� � E
<br /> ; ' �`s {_...... , ..__.:.: .... ...._ ...:._... _...... ...__.,. ,.. �Y,�t`,:�, r� -�-''"`� ......President ... � i;
<br /> � `t .....:. .. ...._ .. ...., .... .....:.. .. _..... ::...... . .....:.. � ' .(,� '�r �.r.- _--:,�;e",-�Se�reta t
<br /> I �. ..�..T_.:-�.�:.....,.?�. .... .__...
<br /> �,
<br /> , y i ...;.. ......, county�,r:........ . ........ .:...:_......_: F'r
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<br /> � � it. � � t
<br /> t` k ;� j sTnTE U�.. Iveba�aska : . . .._... I-fa'Il $
<br /> .....,.. ....._. . ......... .....: .. . „
<br /> ,"� ���„ � ..�$efore��uae,e npta.ry Nublic.qus3ified in�tid..county,Peraonully exuxe.� �.t7'T011t � � j ��'.
<br /> �' � T'resident of � "
<br /> r
<br /> ' ;� � C Fa,S.RG&I.�y ,a rnrxaor�ttnn �';
<br /> � ���. t� +knowu t�a aae tv br tha president and idrnticvl�.ryerson�wl�o sign�d i,he�foreg��ing instrumeat, i�nd�acluzowteciged� ihc exei,�utyi 3�
<br /> i ihereof W ba his voluntarY�cl:.and dernl as t�uch oDicer,eusci� tlie volunixry act and d�ed�of �id carp�ration and�that.itv cror- - �
<br /> y F : `� porate seal W�theretc>allixeJ:by �authorip�p(R.p� . � . . i [
<br /> e
<br /> 'c � Wimea.w mY haad and nota' o���9��, � ��'�.' �,�^��...� ._.. �19.�:".�:._ # ;
<br /> i . , � .. /�y�p �_.. /�. . �
<br /> � f �My;commaas'ron cspir�s ,..,c:...... .. :........... L9:.......,.. .. ........='""�._.e`.�:C��,��;��!`Cy'�,''`..-----...NoWrY Yublie ( {4
<br /> .:_., :
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<br /> � �s i ;
<br /> a�
<br /> q �? STA'TE OiF': 8e. Emtexed an numerieal indu: and fiIed for reoord � f; ' � .
<br />`� h f� CoumdY ._._..,. _..... ,,�... ::. .._.:.:_ ...._;__} in the R�egister of Deoda QH'ice of said Caunty #he i .` �M �
<br /> �
<br /> j ci��
<br />-0 . ;�� ,.. . .. :, _ . �.� . �. . t . w
<br /> '�day of_.,,:�_ . ... , i9.:...,__..ut_ .�.oc�.l.ock a�d................. ..minuteez ._._M.. t �: ��� +�x.�.�
<br /> ,,� F� J........:...........,, . ...__.. ..:...:..__.. . ........_,.�,... ._._.... ........ ..._
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<br /> '; .� "�+,: -
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