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"° r..' <br /> 3 . <br />.. ... <br />� � ,vl{r <br /> . . :. nR.. . _ . .._ <br /> I �s � <br /> 7�- (� �) �" � 4 �3 <br /> V� C'oriesaMir�. 'f'hr �}rzxcrds of anh rward ax :laim Cc�r daniagey, c��rea ar iuns�eyuennal. in conne.Uon with am <br /> wc�nJtnnnatwt+ ar �Nher ukio` af the Propen}�. ar Eaart thcrecyf. .�r Cc�r ranvcyancc iri ticu c+f ��>ndcmnation , nrc herch� aasignecl <br /> amd shaN he paid 4n�ier. <br /> I� the tvrnt ol a WtaF takiag of the Pr4+E+efty, Ihe pren:eeci� shall lx a{splied tn Ihe .ums sccured by- this Derd e�f Trust. <br /> witb tl+t tsccss, if any, {s�id ta Haurrower, Fn thc cvent af a pautial takm}� of thr Vr��rty, unlcss ilc�rruwer an� Lend¢r <br /> � rutherwiu a�ec:e in writing, therr sh�fl t+c applie�i t.a the zurns �ecured hy th�s 1�ead uf "i'ruse snch proportion ot the procceds <br /> as iscq ua! tc� chat praportion which the arnaunt a1" the sums rrcured by � hi. Dced nC 'Trust iminediate3y prior to the date c�f <br /> takiug bears to thc Cair market value of the {'rupeny immed�ately prior to ihc ainto at takin� with thc balancc aC the procceds <br /> paid to Borrowcc <br /> If the Pmperty is abandoned by E3orrowcr, o� it, after notrcc My t_,ceider tn Horro�+•cr tFa�t thc condc�inor atTers ta make <br /> an awani or scttle a tlaim fnr damagcs, Borrower fail� to respond ta [.endes within 30 days after thc datc such notiae is <br /> rttaiied, Lender is a+nhorizcd to cotlect nnd apply the procccds; at f.,.en�ier's optiaci, eithcr to restarateon or re�aie uf the <br /> P7aperty ur ta thc sums soeured by this Dced of 'f"rust. <br /> ru <br /> 4nlesa i.rnder und Hc�rrower athcswise �gree aii writing. :�r�y such application of. proceeds to principal chrll not extend <br /> prpo stpone ttsc due date caf the monthly� installrncros refcrrcd to in paragraphs t and 2 ihcreof or change the amo�nt uf <br /> x�ch installmtsrts. <br /> 10. Bamowcr Not Released. Extcnsion oC the cimc fc�r paymcnt or �no<liflcntion oP anrorlization of' thc suins sccured <br /> hy this 1?eed o� Tr�st granked by l.en�er to any suecessor in inte�est of Barrow�cr shat! not oherate to rcleuse, in any nranner, <br /> the liahiliry of the originad Borrower anc� F3orrowcr's successnn in intcresr. t,ender shaEl ncn bc required ro c,nnaniencc <br /> E+soceedings against suc6 successor or refusc to s�:tccui time for payment ar othenvise �nodi(y amartaz�ction of thr sums <br /> secured by this Deed of 'I'raist by reasc�a of any dernand made bc Ihr tariginal Barrower and Aarrow�er's successnn in interest . <br /> I t• Fortsesrn�e by Gender Not s Wuivcr. An}� Porbcuruacc by L.cndcr sn eren:ising any right or remedy hcreuirdcr, or <br /> othenvise affarded by applicable law, ahalf not hc a waiver at' or precludc the exercis� of any such ri�[�t ar ren�ciiy. <br /> T`3�e procurernent of insurance or the paqmmt c�f txxcs or ather iienx <�r rhurFtcs 6y l.ender shall nut bc a wnivcr c�f Y.endcr's <br /> righi lo uccelecafe the maturity of the indehtcdness s��cured by this Ueed oC Trust. <br /> 12. Reneedics Camulrntive. Ail rcmedies pro4 ided in this L7ceil of 'Pnisc arc iiistinct und cumuLiti�e to any othcr right <br /> or remeciy under Ihis [?ced of Trt�st �r atTorded hy ]mv or equity, and mat� bc exercisec3 concurrcntty, indepencienily nr <br /> successively. <br /> 13. Succrsxors and Acsigos Bound, Jolnt aEad Sereral I.i�ibility; Ca4itioas. 7"hc cc�vennnts and a�;rcements herein <br /> cc�atnined shalt bind, and the rights hereuader xhatl inurc to, ihe ru�xctive successors :�nd assigns ol I.cnder and Bor�owcr. <br /> subject [o thc provisions ol pnrugraph I7 hereof: All covenants and agrccmcnts of Aorrciwcr shall !sc joint and severai: <br /> '1`�e captions anci headings of the paragraphs uf tY�is Dced i�k' '7rust are for convenience anly and are nol io bc used "to <br /> ' inlcrpret or definrtbe provisions hereaf, <br /> ld. ' NoHce_ Except for nny n�tice rcyx�ired under applir.;ble law tn hc give❑ in :mother manner. (a) any noticc t� <br /> &orrourerpruvidcd Eor in this pecd of Trusl shall lie given by niailing IUCM ROtiCC L7V CC[URCcI mail addr�ss�d to Barrowe� at <br /> 0 <br /> the Property Address ar ax such othee address as ➢e�rrower may desigrutte by iaoticc to LenHer' as paqvided hcrein, ssnd <br /> � (b) any notice to Lender shall be given Uy rcrtified maii, rctuns reccipt rnyucste<I, to I.endcr's address stated :he�eiu or to <br /> ; s�ch other address as I:.ender may desigttate by no�ice to :Burrziwer as procided hercin. �ny. notice provided for in this <br /> ; Decd of Trust shall be deen�ed to have bcen givcr: to Horrower ur I_cnder whcn givcn in the manncr designutcci hercin. <br /> ; ; l5= LFniform I?ced �f 7`r��sR; G�+vernin� 4nw, ceverebil3t;, "I'his fvrni oE dec� of vuat cemCines ur. Sform cota^ur.ts' fer <br /> t � naiional use and nan-unifonn cnvenancs wiih limitcd variutioirs by jurisdiction to canstitute a isniforrn sccurity 3nstrument <br /> : xo��ering [eai �rzo{�erty. Zhis Decd u( Trust shall !�� gcsvcrned bv thc Inw of the ju�isdiction an which the Property is loc:tted. � <br /> x ln the event that nn�r,provision or clause ol this U�d oC Trust esr the Notc conflicts with anplicuble law; such konf#ict sh�ll <br /> " not aticct otherprovis�ons af ihis Deed o# '1"rust or the Notc which can hr Fiven cffect Writhout thc cc�nflicting provision . , <br /> ; a�sci ro this end ihc provisions of the Deed o! Trusc and the Note are declareci ta bi: sevice3ble. <br /> � ; s 16. $orrower'� i.u�.y_ 6urrow �r z.u�it bc furn'sshed a ccmfarmed copy o( the Nnte and of lhis Deed of Trust ut the time <br /> ; of eaccution oc aftertecordatiott hereof: <br /> 17: Transferof t4e Proprrty; Assumptlon. If all or any part of the Pmptrty or an intcrest thercin is sold or transEcrred <br /> r byr Borrowec without l.endcr's prior written conserst, ascluding { ;i ) it�e creacie>+i of a licn <�r encumbr:ance subordinate to <br /> z dtis Dee@ oC Trust, ( b) the creution oE a purchasc money sccurity intecese for I�ovschald appiinnces, (c } a transfrr by c�evise, <br /> � s �iescent or by aperution of law upon thc dcvlh of a joint tenant or (d ) the grstirc uf nny lensetaold intcrest c�l threc years arlrss <br /> ` nc�1 containing an option to purchase. I_endcr map, at Lcadcr i nption, declare :xll thc sums sc�ured by this I3eed af Tra�st to bc <br /> — � irtamediately due anu payubie. Lendcr shall h:ivc w-arocd such option to :icceierate if, prior �o the sate or transter. Lendcr — <br /> c artd thc peisan • to whom „the Property is to be sot�i or trnnsferrcd reucti agrecrnenl in wri�irsg thut the ccedit of such prrson <br /> � is s�tisfactory co Lender amd that thc inicrest paynEilc on the snn�s sccund by this Decd of Tmst shall lie ut such ratc as <br /> � i_endershull req�xest. If Lcndcr haswai�cd the up�itsn to accclerate provitied in ihis �arsgrup� t7, and if Barrower's succnssor <br /> ire interest has �xecuted a .written assumption agreemenl acccpted in writing by Lender, Lecedcr shal ( releage Bnrcnwer` frorn <br /> ` aIC ubligations undcr this D+ocd of Trust nnd ihe Notc. <br /> x: 1[ Lender exercises such optio� to acceterat�, L.ender shall innil Borrower iiutice oF acccicra[inn in uceqrdarace with <br /> � paragraph l4 tscreof. Such noticc shall pr�vidc a period of nat lcss Ihan 3Q �sys fram the d»te the notzce is mailed within <br /> , wFiich Burrowcr may �.ty thc sums dcclarec! due. If Dnrrower €aiis to pay such sums prior nu �he ex�initi�an �f sueh Exriod. <br /> L��rdar may, without tunher noticc or demaitd an Borrowcr, i��voke aay rcmedies perminc8 6y parage'aph 18 fiereut. <br /> sNpN-UwtroRni CoveN,�t+is. Borrowcr nnd Lcnderlurthe� covensnt nnd a�;rce ns follows : <br /> ' 1ti. Acceleration; Rc�nedies. Except as provided in pnragrapli 1T hcreof. upon Borrurrer's brearL oP any coreaunl ur <br /> �� 'dy,�reement oF Burruwer in this Deed af 'I'rusi, incladin�; lhe cavenunts to psy when due a��v surr�s secured by ll�is lleed <br /> i of 1'rusR, Lender prior tu acccicratiun shul! nwil noEice to llorrowcr us pruvided in psr�grspli l�! liere�F soeclfying: (1) thc <br /> i breach; (2) Ihe acdon mquired to cc:re such breac6; (3) a dnte, �aut Irss thnn 30 days front t6a dflle Ihe nollce is �rsailcd to <br /> , ; Borrowa, ,by w4ich such bmacb musY bn cured; and (4) Ihal f�ilure to cure such breach un or before kLe drle specified <br /> ' in the notice �nay rpnit in accrleration of lhe smne� secured by lhis iked ot 7'nrst and �alc uf the Propeity. 'I"he notice <br /> sh$It . tuRhcr inform Borrn�ver of the rdght to reinstate after acceleration amd ihc riy;ht to bring a co�rt nction to assect <br /> th� nun-cxisterne of a det�ulf or any otber deEeme of Borrower lo a�ccelerutiun and ssile. If the bscach is ncst rured <br /> � : � on ��or� befpre�lhe. du�e specified in �the nolicr, Lcnder at Lender's upiion may decla�e all of the sums secnrcd b�� tl�iti Deed � � <br /> af ':'c::st !es � 5r.smc3:ul:Iy c:uc nn�i ��ys�ic wiehaui �'iu9f�e� uzresc.l SBIS fi3Li :��uSIC iI1E' iialKa7 O{ 59I2 8ii/I urMy oiber eeir.edEes <br /> pea�t�i8ed by, ap}rlicable tew. Len�ier s6a11 bc eestitted !o cw4lret all rc�sonuble cosCs n�td esi�eiosey incursrd in purseiing tne <br /> remedles prucided in this parugraph 18, includin�, Dut not limited tn, rcesona6ie attorney's feex. <br /> !Plhe powerroF sale is anvoked, Trustee shall rer•urd a aotica of deivalt Ifi pAl'h counly in wfiich the 1'roperfy o� sume <br /> � � purt thereof is .located und sball mail �copaes uf such nulice iu !he manner pnscribed by upplic�ble Iaw ta Sorn�wer amd to the ��.. � . . � <br /> at6er perwns parscribed by applicable tu+�•, AFIer Ihr lapse nf wch timr :n n�xy be r�quired hy npplicsble law, 7'r�scee shall . <br /> �iwe puWic notice uf. sale to the persons and In Ile�c manner prescribed by applicable lu�v . "1'ruslce, witl�out Jemand un <br /> Barrower, shall scil lhr Properfy af public �octiun to �be highest bidder at Ihe timc und place a�J under tlne tersns desig�nled <br /> in tl�e notice of sale in une ar more purcels und in sa+ci� urJer us '1'nis[xe n�ay delcr�uine. Trunlcr �nay puslpw�c sale of a!1 <br /> � or aan,y percet rof the Pmprrty 6y public a�rouuncenncnt u� Ihe timae aud pince uC env previo��siy Khrdulyd sure, l.eadir ar � � <br /> Leader's desi�;nex �nay pureleu�e lhc Pruperty ai any sale. <br /> tJpon rca��yrt aE psytneast af ihe prS�e �id, T'rus�ee shall deYiver tu the purrlsa�rr Trustee's deed conveYin� ll�r Pro�erty <br /> f � . <br /> soid. 7Ycrmeitsls In the Trnstcc's decd sdall be prima facle evidence of thc truEf� of Me stslements made thrrein. 1'rustee <br /> ; sharll apply lhe proceeda ni [he sale in the fnllowia}, csireler. (a) lo aIl m�;u»uble casls and cxp+nses of thr aale, inclurls��, but <br /> not lindErd lo, Tntatee's foes of not mure #han , p$ S'b of the �ross sale price, reasoae�+Wc attorne,w'x fces aml �rosls of <br /> _ tiUc evldentt: (b) to aIl sums secured by tl�is 1)ecd of "1'nut: sad {c:) tbe excess, it sn��, to thc person or pe�a:uns f�ally entilled <br /> ..„..�; i . �,,� k <br /> " thereEo. �,� _ , <br /> • �%. .� . . . 79, Borr+ower'� itighk to .Reinalata�� . Nolw:ithaiandiag l.ender':s accclerutian af .he sum� it���urcd � 6y t�hi. 0..Tced �a 7-ruse . . . . . , � . �,i* h.,. <br /> ; 13orrawer sh�#! h�ve ihr righl to have any pr�w^ecciings Fmgun Y.y Lender to enfe>rce this -Deed of "t ri�st �lis�r,n�iraued at . M <br /> any iinie priar to thc carlict �u occur of (i ) 4he fafth day before thc �ale c�f lhe Pre�petty pursuant to �he puwer 1�f y�le cc>+itaineci ;� <br /> �> in =��sC?eedotTruator (ii) enttynf a jadg+nenl enforcing tl�is Deed nf 7'nist iL• {�) Borrower p:a5's l.ender a!� sums Hhict+ wuuld r, <br /> be ihen due unc€cr Ihis I?�t.^3 af Trust, tha: Nbt� and not4s socur 'tng Futiire AdvanCe�, if xny . haJ no sc�cicr:�t �on oc+'urrcd ; � ,��;; <br /> (by 13arrawer cares mll .breaches of any vther covcn�nts or a�trucments of Nortnwer cora�aineai �n ttsis llee.d x�C TrusL• <br /> � ; Ce�. ISexRower pay+ �xlt reasocaxbla �crpcnses anecirr�eil i�V I.endcr ae�d � 'I'ruslc.ti in en�prc�ng ttx covcnattta and agrec:cnArntx c�l� � <br /> ' .. � II,o-€r�NGr iu�ilo+ncdL� 11�ia �u�d arf Ti'ust aui3 iu . i:a�fureix�g Iw:�i:2��'a anal Tr��.lac'a rnrneJec:a as p� uvi.iu�.l �in Wn� :i.grap7� iS �-, <br /> hee�eaf, i�cluifiag; but not lir:aited to, r�asanable attorney's feeti: and (d) 8�rrow�r tukcy such action as Lc�idcr may rra��+n��b3y <br /> rc,-y,uin Lo xs�ut:� chat the li�n of this L?eod tt# Trusl, X.ander's iziteres[ in tt'�e I'nt�en�� und Durrowcr'a oUligati�.n 1�� �,a� <br /> � : �_ � <br />