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�� <br /> , , <br /> � � <br /> � .�.. .�• <br /> � .�. � � � <br /> � . _ <br /> uz�t utC�srt! �a: � •k:y;tput�e tPsr +iue �latr fat titc ,ctnr�t 't ;lv sa; ;t ,el : � aa.: ni � .• 'rmrxt to s. , }::�r:sl'rapl�» 1 ;�ekd 2 k;rrrwat o� <br /> kkauag� the nrr�trcant ai suciw la���;�c� . <br /> 10. 8orraw�r Not �lueasad. I°:xtexasiwi c�z ct��c umr iti7r � +.� ti�mei,Y ur ior�dific�c �un �,f a�r�orciz�ci�n ot t►�e su�sns <br /> aa, ,��ret} by this ''�vlart�age gra.neeJ ixt� I .e� rrder tu un}- su��re.•_-or tx� inte; rcFRz c�i 33oruyu•er Mii�l! not vperate to relea�e, <br /> iz� any nzanner. xhe liabilit�• of tls<a ori�a:in2 li�rro�c-er a��d Ii<xrrowrr '� ;uccG-xssor� i�i iuteaest. Lei:der shall not k�e <br /> requireci tn cvmcz�enca �rrneeee3ic�g» uy;utnr,t �ue{c au��c+essor or rr�kssc tu extc�id zime ior payment or �tli+erwise modify <br /> � �j a�cziartisataon ot ^the sun� szcc.�red i�,y tk�i4 \ f�arcgu�r i,iy- rc*�ou ctii cnn}- demw�sci rnade by tl�e ori�inul Borrower and <br /> �v Barcvvrer's aueecssors in intenest. <br /> � I1. Forbwtanca by Lsader Not a Waiv�r. ?,ny forhearmnce Dc Lender in exercising nny right or remedy <br /> N hexeunder, or otiaerniae afforded by af��IicaFile iau-, shull not tie a �caiver of or preclude the exercise of an,y rigl�t <br /> �; or remedy hereua�der. The procuremenc o£ insuraiyce or ti7e pu}-ment. oi tuxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br /> +� stxall not be a w�aiver of Lender's right to acceIerate the maturity oi the indebtedness s�cured by t�is il7ortgage. <br /> � IZ. l�medi�s Cumulatis+e- 31! remediea �roc��ded in tliis 1lortgage are distinct anc� cumulutive to nrs� atkser <br /> right or remedy �anrier this \Eortgage or af€orded hk lau� oi ec�isitt-: and may- 1>e exereised eoncUrrently , indepen,d- <br /> en#dys or sueceasi�ely: <br /> 13. Sueceas+ors aad Assigas Bouad; Joiist and .Sevaral Liability; Capri.ons. - Z`he covenunts and agreements <br /> hc-�rein eontained 9ha11 bind , na�d tl�e rights liereunaer shali inure to , tho respective successcirs and assYgns of Lender <br /> ss�d Bnrrawer, eubject to ttie provisions of paragra�-rh Ii hereof: ?.11 cavenants and agreenaettts ai Borrower shal! <br /> b� joinG und :;everal: The ca���ians snc! heactings oi the paragrsE�hs of ti� is 1Eortgage are �o: conveniance only and <br /> �r+eaot°ta be used to interpret or define tSie �rovisioizs hereoi. <br /> 14. No6ce. An,y natice #o Barrower provicicd sar in this _l:lcrrtgage �i�aPl l�c yiven 1�3� maiting sach natiee by <br /> � , �- certified mrsil :�cidressad to Boerower at rt�e Prvpert.�� �lddres� �zate�i helo��� . excet�t, fvr sny notice required under ? <br /> paErugraph -18 heaeof tp be given ta Borro�rer in ihe manner s�rescribeci by applicable l�,u�. :�ny noiice provided <br /> fo� imthis lfortgageshall l>e cleemed io l�ace been g�ven to Borroti+ a• �elien {.� �en in tLe ibanner designsted here3n. ' <br /> > 15. : Uaiforaa Mortgage; Governiag Law: Sevezability. Tliis iorirl of ia�ortgage cotnbines uniform covenants <br /> faanntional usc anc3 non-uniform covenants rvith lianiied varia.�ions l�,y jurisdiction to eonstiGute a uniform seeai- <br /> , rity insLrument covering real property. This 3lortgage shail he gaverned by- the 1aw of the jarisdiGtion in whieh - <br /> the Property is Iocated. In t�ie event that �ny pra��ision or r,tause of thi� lioi�tgage or the Note confticts with <br /> a�plicable law, such conflici shall not affecl ot.�er 7�rovisions oi tl�is ltortga�e or tite Notie which can be given <br /> ; ef'-tect without the conflicting �rovision , and to t.his end the provisions ai the \Iortgage and the ?�'ote are deelared ; <br /> + to be severable. ' <br /> 36. Bonovicer's Copy. Bozrower anall be furnished a conformed copy o�f this i�tortgage ai� the time of exe�u- <br /> ° tion or after recozciation ��ereof. <br /> � 17. liansfer of ike Iyraperty; Assump�ion. Ii all or any �nrt of the Property or an interest thereia is sold _ � <br /> �, , or trsnsferred 6y Iiorrower �v3thout Lender's prior �c ritten consent , excluding (a) the cre.atiou oi a lien or encum- <br /> " brance subordinste tu this tiior4.gage, ( h ;i the ereatinn of c purchase :noney security ir.t�rz�t :or fiouseho4d �pp�i- � <br /> an.ces; ( c) a tran�fer by de��ise, desceni or by operation of laic upon the der�t.Y� of a joint tenanc or {d J the grant of : ,' <br /> any 3easehoM 3�rierest oi ffiree venrs or less not coniainiiia au opation io piirc�zse, Lender inay, ni Lender's optiarn, . <br /> doclare sll the suaiLs se4ured by tliis Vlortgage io i3e imiuediatelc• due and Rayable. I_ender shail have veaived'. such <br /> � ' o�tion to accelerate if, prior to thc st�le or iransier, LendeT aud the r>er�on to whom the 1'ropertv is to be sold or <br /> transferred reaclx agreenzent i� zvriting tli:tt the credat af such �>erson ts satisi3ciory to Lender and thst the intzrest <br /> ps.yable on the sums secured by this �Iorigage si�alk be aC cuci! rate as Lendar shall request,. Ii Lender has waived . � <br /> ' ' th+eoption to accelerate provi�ed in ihis para�raph 37 and ii Borro���er's successor in interesthas executed a writ- ' <br /> ten assumption agreemeni aceeptea in �vriiing by I:es�der, Lencier shnii relesss� T3orrotiver izom rall obligations unr�+er <br /> i thas ;viortgage anzi ihe ZvTote. <br /> � If I.ender exercises sucli option to uccelerate, I.�nder shall :nai] Borrower notice of acceleration in nccordaace <br /> . ; tivith j�aragraph I4 hereoi: Sucic no'ticc sEza13 provide a period of not ies� tl�a�i 30 da.ys from the date tihe not•ice is ` ; <br /> ' maiied ;��itliin ,�v�ioh Borron�er anav p+sy ibc sums declared due. Ii T3orro��•c r fui1� io na�� such swns prior to tBe <br /> ex�iirntion of � peciod, Lez3der tnay , �c-+ihout furcl�t:r notice or cle�nand oz= B'orro«•er, in�•oke any remedies per- <br /> � ' angtted by puragr�phl8 hereoi: <br /> � ; �'or-I1r.iFc�sac C'o� r.xa ��s. Borrowei• anc,� Leuder furtlier covenant znd acgree a: f'ollows : <br /> � IB_ Acceleration. Remedies. �xcept iis {n•o1- ided in parszgi:qi3i 17 3tereof, upon Borro�� er's i�reacl� oi any <br /> ' covenani or agreement of Borro�cer in tl� is �lori�;a�c, including tl�c covenanzs to pa,y �rJxeii dut; :any sums secured <br /> � by tfiis �'Iortgage; Lencier Pri+or to ucce3ea•atio�r �l� al l ii�;iil nocicc Y.o Borro�ver as F�rovidce{ in tyara�r�pi� 14 laereof <br /> ` s�.�ciiyin� _ il ) ihe brearh ; €2 ) the tict "son required to currsucl� brracli ; � 3i a datc , not less tl�an tl�irty� days <br /> � frona tl�e date t}ze nolice is 3nailed to I3�i-c�o��•er . 1,}• �+��hich such i� re:teli ruiist t �c cuz�ed ; unc_3 (41 khat faiiure to curr. <br /> " sucli bresch on t3r betore ttie d�te speciiaed in ti�e .sotice ivay z'esult in accelerntion of chcr suu�s seaured by t}ais <br /> `"'' ? ' :�forLga�e xnd sale of the Yro��erty- If the I�rr,uch is ��ot cured on ar Irefore t}=c d��tc s{aecificd in tiie r.otice, Lender <br /> ` at l,ender''s option aua�� deciare ult uf tho sun3s secured In this \lortK�ge to be. im�uc�c3iately due and pay�hle <br /> � " r wi-t}sout further c�emsnd and xri�.y toreclo� tliis \Iortgage b� � ud ieial n.oceeding. Lender �lisll t�e entstled to collect <br /> in such proceedsng _ull espersea of ioreclosurr. , includin�;. I�tx# not li �nited to, coets rsf docUmenC.ary r:vidence, <br /> z Ab�traets and tit�e reports <br /> ` 19. Bonowais Right to fieiusiate. :\`catwiih�tandivg T:ender's acceleration ot itae sun�� secured by this <br /> ivlortgage, Bormwer shaii ltave #he riglit to have anti Proceedin�s i�egun by I.endei• to ezxforce this '�fortgage dis- <br /> co,tinued at any tune prior �,o entry of a j �dgment enfvYring thi; �lartgagc if : � si Fiorrower pa,��s Lender all <br /> ` sums which woulc3 be then due under ti�is �Iortga�;e, tlie ?vote <ind note� scci�ing Future �dvance,; ii any , had no <br /> ac.ealer�#ion occurred ; (� j B€�rrow�er cure� ull breac:lie, uf auy� otlaer c�� eu:snas or• s�;ret..nenv� of Lo�ro4ver ccn- <br /> � ta�ned� i±�� this blartesge ; ' (c ) � Borro�ver ��gys �ll re;�sc+niiblv e���en�r� inr�srre�� h�• l ��nc3c�r ire cn(orcing rl�e covenaisl� � � � <br /> am� sgceentients of $orrower conlained in ttii� 11ort#;asge and iii ei3ioi•rinK L�nrlcr' : remecdies as ��rovided in E�sra- <br /> � grsph 18 hereaf, including; but not liniitad t,o; reasos�a�le xttor:3e�* b iee_ ; z��*cl idl I3on-oaver iskes saich aciion as <br /> LendeC rnay reasanably require to assuretiiat the lien of tiii� :�iartgnge , Lcrnder's interesi in the Properf,v and <br /> � B�rrower's obligstion to }�ay the sums secured by t3ii= �1ort€a�_e �lia? 1 CUIItl31I3(' lFi]1I11�)A1T8(�. L�pon sucl� t�syment �p <br /> an+d cure b_y Bomnwer, this ?1�or#gage anc3 thc aUli���ion: secureei l3ereb�• �h�sl re�risin in ;ull force and eRect as �f ; 3 � ,:� <br /> no aeceFeracion hsd occurred. �ti- <br /> 2U_ ' A.saigaanaai of Heats: Appoialment of Aeaceiver: Leader in Possessioa. .�� :sdditional stcnrity here- «., yr� <br /> � umdez, Boraon�er �ereDysssigns ,to Lender tiie e-ent� csf tLe }'ro}�erc>• . ��rot°i<ie<i ttaat. Borro��- er shalt, prior to seceie3- ��g � . ' <br /> at�vn under paragraph 18 hex*eof or ai�aridonment; of the Propez-try, ha��e ihe right to eolle�ct and such rents n�hn�e' <br /> � � �Y <br /> , ; as they bevome d+ue snd pavable_ � <br /> . . _ ^ s�..{ fr .y :::'j r 'i <br /> L;Ernry acc:ei�xaLion zander jraru,graph 28 he,-eo; r�r al; c: :he Yrc;:c�t_ . L� ._,i_. , _ : , <,;.=o,; � b•• :�ge••t <br /> ' az li;: jz:rl'acinll� ap;�. oiatcd re�ai��cr shs'..' he cr.zif2e� t� cr.tcr ;;;_,on . ts1:� pa_ se �ion e� ca-�d �uanane ci,r yr�i,t�rc�� • <br /> anwd to cal3ect #lsae rents of t�e Propertv, ir,cludi.^.� �liose }>.asz c�ue_ .43! rcr.t� r,�lie<•cti:i h:- I,�a::ier or t}�e receiv�r µ : <br /> slxalt be a��lied fsrstto psYxneut of the coa'ts of mxnagemens ai t-1�e Yroa�eny �nd cUl3retivai ot nnc. , incluc�ing. l�ut <br /> nrsmt, lamit� #a,; rr�eiver's feeE;. premiurns on receiver'� �o�ul� ssnri reasonahle attornev 's irt�. x��d tfier3 to t.ize rvms <br /> � secux�d by* this iV�lortgage. Lentiersnd ihe mceiti=er si;sail trc 1itt61Y Ic> aceouni c�nl�� ior tlio�e rencs actii�l}}� recei�-e�i . <br /> .� � <br />� � <br />