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<br /> a.
<br /> � :...^_..,....�"•
<br /> ..t .,...._... . . . . . � � �..
<br /> INDIViDUA�.
<br /> ��r Dl1E ON SALE
<br /> '�5��7��� OPTIONAG FUTt.3RE ADYAf3CES
<br /> �� � SAVINGS FUND
<br /> . .. .FOPCM No.720 � .
<br /> " U�Q� Loan Number__330&l __-_199-- — 1
<br /> �� . . .. . . . . . ._ ,. . —. - Tvue 0ranen �
<br /> 7T� OC1��42 �V['4 R T G A G E
<br /> �:•
<br /> , ; ' Z IiI3 MOR�!'GI�GE,a�ade and executed this . .'.:.�� . ...... . day of .--- '�X` ... A:D., � .;
<br /> . .�.' ....
<br /> ,� 19 "�? ' betweenthe Mort�agor PQu&7.a�...Sat�he�..1: 2�nd:Ka�en �Y S��G�?e7:7.> �iu.�k.ansi an.c€ *a�:.fe; ,
<br /> �',�` : ���t�.X ��;d: each � the��r own_.%��t�xs --- .. . ._...., -- --�----•-
<br /> � of ._..�ea�?�Y--- .--...:__., County of..:Buifalo.--,.--, , -_.., Stateof_:.:.Nebraska.... ,hereinafter referred
<br /> ,',,� to as the Borrower, and the Nfortgagee, FIftS'1' F�DERAL SAVINGS A3VD LQAN ASS�CIATT01�7 OF
<br /> �"'� LINGO�N,2235 "N"5treet,Lincoln,.Nebraska 68501,its successors and assigns,hereinafter rsferred;to
<br /> �:.2, °as T.ericler.
<br /> ' �7rTN�ssETH. That ttae satd Bosrower for and in consideration af tl�e sam;of FORTY THOUSAND _,._
<br /> S 1 `AIID 3�t0/100 ------ , -77ol:ars (US ,�'r 40l_000_00
<br /> ;, �---:._ ..,._. . .... --�--� .._.. .. ---_'.)
<br /> ...,_._. ..,--•-- �---�--- �-------- ------- � ._.
<br /> �; s paid tsy sazd Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and con�ey to Lender z�s:suecessors and assigns> the " ,,
<br /> ,�;� #oliowing described property located in the County of__:. Ha11. , :__ __. ;, , gtate of Nebraska: f •;'''
<br /> ,
<br /> , �
<br /> j s Lot Fourteeri (14), Ross Heig�ts Subdivision� H.a11 Coun.�y,
<br /> �- Nebraska.
<br /> �,+�
<br /> .,;� � � � � .
<br /> t h . .. . � . � .. y .. Y L
<br /> s i, 'L`ocs2x�a with all:ths improvernents now ar hereafter erected on the pro�erty, anc'r. all e�sements, � ,,;�
<br /> " rights�;appurtenances,rents, royalties,.mineral, oil and,gas righte and profits, �+rater,::water rights, and
<br /> _� water;stock, and all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, al1 bf which, including rep3ace- '' = �s
<br /> �� meafisfand a:dditions-thereto,shall be deemed to beand remain`a part :of the property covered by this
<br /> � Mortgage; and all o£ the f4rego9ng, toaether with said progerty (or the.leaseho2d estate ifl the even� this
<br /> Mortgage is on''a Ieasehoid) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br /> �
<br /> � � Borrower covenants tl�at II�rrower is lawfully seised of the estate tiereby conve,yed and has the 3ight
<br /> � t�M!)'Tt.a2�9� ,b.rynt u^d�.:cenve}�-the Prcperty,t?=at tre��Pr�perty...is cn�rtu�a�er�a, ar.:i tk:g+ t?o��ower will
<br /> '� warrant and def+end generally the title to the Pmperty against ai1 clairns and dema.nds, subject to any �
<br /> easements aad restrictions listed in a schedule of'exceptions to coverage in any title insurance polic3: in-
<br /> : suria�Lender's anterest'in the Propeity,or (2) attorney's opinion of title from abatract of title certified
<br /> � by bonded ahstracter_
<br /> ttPROtiIDED Aiwnrs,�and these gresents are.execui.ed.and delivered upon the:foliowing.condi6ions,agree-
<br /> �, ments and obligations of the Borrovver,to-wit:
<br /> � The Borrawer agrees to pay to t.lie T:ender;,or order; t�ie,principai swn of ._.�'Q�TX::�.QUSAAU2..A'rT�._::._
<br /> �� _NO(-1�11 __�� -------------.---:I7ollars (US �-,.9.0�9QA_:.QQ.:_::...::._: : :)
<br /> ..__.._ ....:.. . . ......� ---•�--� •----• . ,.
<br /> ,'� L payable;as pnovided in a note executc-�l and delivcred concurren�lt here��th the€"inal Ayment of principal,
<br /> ; s if not sooner paid,on the�st..f::... __..:... day of ..June ::. ..---• ----:._......, Y0'200,�
<br /> � LTxiFoxt,� GovExAxrs. Bon�ower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ' I_ Payment.of Principa3 and:Iatenesi. Borrower shall prpmFstly pay }vhen du� the principal of and in-
<br /> dterest on the iniiebtedness eyidenced by the Note,Prepayment and late charges as pravided in the Note;
<br /> and trie'principa3 of and`interest on any Future Advance� secured by tl�is Mortgage.`
<br /> 2_ Fuads for Taxes und Insurane�. Subject to I.ender's optiun uader paxagraphs 4 and u hereof,Bor-
<br /> ,,, � rower:shall pay, #A Lender an tl:e day monthiy insiatiments of principai ancl.interest are payable under the
<br /> I�iote,.untii the I�Tote:is paicl in f,nll,a sum (lserein"Fun�3s") equal to ozae-iw elfth o!the yearly taxes and
<br /> a�sessment,s which may attain priosity over this 1Vlortgage, axid grUunc3 ren#s on #he Property,:if any;plus
<br /> „ ' one-�welfth of veariy premiuztt rinstailn3ents for hazard insurance, p3us one-twelfth of yeariy premium in-
<br /> �` ' sF,ailm!enta for mr�rtgage insurance,.if any, all as reasonablv estimated initialiy and frorcz t�me tv tim�by
<br /> '. ,. Lende�•ott the bseis of nssessmer�ts an,d bi1Ls and�easonable estimates theaeof. Lender shalI a�4�ly the>Fc�n�l�
<br /> ta pay-�id t�xeG,asseasrxze�nts,insur�nce premifsms and�sc�und rents. I.�ntler�halt matze rzo ciiar�e fc�r so
<br /> 3. ' Izoldau.� an�ri app3yin� the Fund� or verifysng and cumpiling said aesessments and bills. The I.ender sh$Il �
<br /> n
<br /> - � give to:the Bs�rrcawer, wi#hc�ut cl3arger�n�*t*�ua:l act�e�r_tuto ef the Fu����owi.ng c�redits ar�d rlebits tcs tk�e
<br /> - { Funds and Clae p�trpose#or+wt�ic23 eac�a d�ebit to tl�e Funde w�as made. 'I'�e Fands are pledgcd as adclixionai
<br /> a
<br /> �. • se�cunity fos th�•sum.s secuned b�t•t2-,is 11i1ortgage_::The Sorrower agrees tkaat the I�vnds may be held by t.he 8
<br /> 1
<br /> �.ea�der_and cocnz�ingled with other iunda and t,t�e I.ender's own fiuzds and the Le.�i�ier may �ay such i:t;c;;ms '
<br /> t-c
<br /> from i#s own fands and'�he Lender s�all not k�e liabie for interest or ciividends on such Funds. '°'� ''
<br /> ' � If tfie amoutst of.the Funds heid by Lencier,together writh the future month�y instal]ments of F�nds s�� .� ��
<br /> '1 �w pa�sble'pr.�or tv-tt,ue s3ne.datea of tas�es;assessr�nts, insiirance premiums and ground,x�ents, ShalI exeeeci ^
<br /> 1.� tlae auso�un�reqt�xed to pay sa�d,taxes,asseswmeaits,is�su�^ar�ce paemiums and groernd rents s:s they fall�ue> >�,���,
<br />� ; such+excess s'3�all be,at Ba�rrow,er's option, eithes pro�npti�-repaid to Sorrawer or credited�o Bormwer c�n a�=
<br /> truint.�iy iusraiims�rats of F'�nds. If tlae amount�f the Fuuds held b��,ender stxail not be sutFcieriG tc> pay
<br /> "` taaes, ss�sea4tsxemt8>iasuran�ce`prezz�iu�r'aad griarund renis.as-tbeey fall dve, f3oxrs�wer shaii pay i� l.ender �'h*
<br /> r aity a�tount zie�ssary to�e vp ttse defiesency wi�iiin t�..v't3'clays a�ter notice#rom Lenaer to Borrvwer ` ":;,�.
<br />� zequc�ang pa�m+ent t3ier,ea#,or �arrmwer,shaiI, by ari incr�asse in man�hly�nsta313nents of Funds required, ^
<br /> rena�x�:he deftr3e�ey�arithin the �nrar�l arr�,�nnt;�o r;nr3'
<br />� ; . ii�n�a3�a�nt arx fa3i of all.:suums secured 3�y chisl►Koa�gage,Lenxler shail ap�l�•Funas�elcl a,a�rrdiL
<br /> agaiisstit all surms,due�
<br /> � �
<br /> k
<br />� �
<br />