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` ....;-.,� <br /> �:_�... '�-- � <br /> :�`:°- U(l�"��`�' � <br /> MORTG+�GE <br /> �s�xTc.,�ee[.onh na. L _22,664 ' <br /> F:i3OW ALL 61kN BY TI{ESE PRESENTS:Tha�t 3df1iC5 M. Shel ton and Edna J. 5hel ton, eaeh 9 n hi s and <br /> r <br /> her own right and as s�ouse of each other <br /> ' Mort oc,wfiether one oz morc,in consideratioa of the utm of <br /> ; Tweive Thausar�d and No/I00---------------------------�g--------------------------�ot.i.nrzs <br /> y ' taraned ia said mortgagor 4y 7he Equit�ble Duilding and Luun Association of Grand IsJand.Nebraska,htortgagee;upun 12Q sharea of stoek of <br /> said ASSOCIAT[ON,Ccrt�cate No. L 223G64 ' ,do hareby grant, ccx�vey and martgage unto tha said ASSOC1AT10N the following <br /> describec3'real estate,sitwated in Hall Cuunty,Nebraska: <br /> 't WE5T DNE HAIF (W 2};OF LOTS ONE {I j AND TWO <br /> (2� FtV B�£?CK TWENTY TWO (22) IN PACKER AND <br /> BARR'S SEC6ND AODZTION TO THE CT1Y ut= t�itiiiv`t�"" <br /> ISLAND, HALL COUNT'Y, NEBRASIW. - ` <br /> ,;'Y. , - <br /> f- <br /> � <br /> �`t <br /> togethee with all the'�iene[nrnts,�nZredata.-nents�and appurtenances thereunto belonging .ineiuding attact�ed-floor�coverin�s,�.aL'wxndow�screens, $ �� <br /> Wii7u6W aa']"au25,vlinds;�sto��.;r�r�aws:;�wnings,hea.:���a� ccnd;.;,ar3p.u�bing� h„aaza;eqcipmenianc:aceessari�iha«ta,gurr�s�st�ves,. <br />� � r�fngeratoes;and oxher fixt¢res aad equipinent now or herea er at. ched to or use�in connecti�n with said eeal estatz. f � <br /> , ,� �� Aa��+!.fiere2s�the��s�d�.mortgznor�.h�s agreed and.dues hereby agree�[liat the mortgagor sttait and:will�pay.:all taxes an�d'assessments.levied or :�� �� ."r <br /> � ��assessed.uppn�said premises�.and upon ttzis mortgage�and�the bond.secured�thereby bc(ore the sarne.�hall be�rome�delinquent;tu�furnish�approved- � <br /> � -� insurarxe..�u.pon.rhebu�dz.ags+�r.�sz+d.Fre-�b:es�situa;e�:ir.thesiimoiS�.����QQ�,�QPs. �, �':.'+� �!�a �y,i��.3S;;7CG4,Ti�?S deliuer to said�.� <br /> �ASSOCIATION tha.polici�sfo��said.insursace;and cammit or�permit any wasie un or abou[said premises; � � . .. <br /> � '�� in s..:ase�.of default��in Ihe.per£ormance oFany of Lhe terms and canditiuns.oC�thismortgage or tfie bond�secured tiereby,.the mortgagce shaIi,..� —�` ��! �` <br /> on�.demarxd, be entiqed'tn�immediate:possessionofthc mortgaged premises and the�.morigagar hereby�asssgns,tcansl'eis �and sets.ovnr to lhe�..� <br /> 5 . �moctSaSee.all�the zents,:revenues und ineomc to be�derivedfrom th�mortgaged premius during�.sucli�timn as�tne mortgage indebtrdness sha12 remflin ` � � � � �` <br /> � �un aid;and��ihe tnort a ee shall.have the� ower to a iat an �agent ur u ents it�ma desi�e for the u ose of re aid .said: iemises and ianttn ��� '� <br /> p• B& P PP� Y � Y P �P P nB P 8 <br /> tne sarzse and coilecti�ig t1-ie rents,revenues and incom�,and it may pay out of-s:iiei income al{ expenses uf repairing,said:premisas and necessary <br /> r cemm=sivns.�and expensesi�+.curred��in�rF-nt�i;.and man�ns�tlze�s�me anc��ef�co�eczing:�.rent�_t�t.hereirom;aha batance re+n�.in�n�, xf;.^,y-,t��a .. .�: , .�. : <br /> ; applied towazd the tlischarge.oF said mocigagc indebtedness;these�rights of�the mustgagee muy be exercised at any ticna during�the existeace.of such .. <br /> sdefaul[,irsespective oGany temp�t�tary waiverof the,ame: <br /> � �� Thex�Presents,ho�r:ever,�are.upon theCondition,:That if ihe.sxid�1�rtgagor shapYepay:said loan on ar be£ore�the mxtutiiy of�resby: <br /> r paymeni; pay monthly�.4a said ASSOCiATFO�S of the sum specifiec3��in the Bond.s�cured hereby�as interest�and��principui on suid loan,.un or befoce �� <br /> j the Twcnxicth day of each znd uuery m�nah:untit said ioun ir fuldy paid;pay a}f taxes and assessmencs levied against s�id pcemisesand on this Mortgage <br /> � and the Kond secured theieby,beCore de'sinyuency;furnish approveci insurance upon the buildings ther�on in ihe s�m of�j��QQ�.�a payable <br /> y . to�.said ASSOCIATION2-repdy�to.�saidASSOClAT1UN-�upon demand 3t paid-for such lflxes,assessments�and insurance with interestat �� <br /> k r , �. lhemax.imurnlega]ratr.ttfeieonfromdate�.ofpayment��allofwhichMoctgagoc.herrkrya$reesto�pay;permitliowastetinsaidpzesnises;keep;tndcompky �- <br /> ��� ; w4thalltfa���conditionsof�theBond.for.5 IZ����d.��[his daygivenbyahe�saidMartgagor�to�sai3.AS50C1ATI01r,and.somply,�� <br /> . with all therequi�ements�of the.Gpnstitucionend By-l.awsof said ASSOC1AT10N: ihen chese presents�sha11 become.�null.and.tiroid,otherwise they� � <br /> �, ? shatl rwmair.,in fuil furce ar,d nay bc f�recloscd at the op:ion of xlie sxid,ASSC�GI.A'CIQN aftar faiiure for �hree months t�make xny of ssid <br /> paymencs or be threu manths in xrrears in inaking said monthly pxymants,or w k�ep aad comply with the agreen�ents and conditions of said Sond; <br /> z,* and.Mortgagot agrees to have a receivec appointed furtS�widi in such a'oreclosure proceedings. <br /> If thare is any c6ange 3n ownership oi`ihe ceal eazate mortgagesi he�ain, by sale or otherwise,tlren thr entire remainu�indebtedneu hereby <br /> su:ured sEaaU,.at ihe opcion of The Equitable 9uiiding and Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebiaska,bacome immedietely due and payabte wiifiuut <br /> (urthei ndticc,and the_aznount rernaining duc undrr said bond,•r.nd uny u�her bond for u�y additional advances made thereunder,shall,from the <br /> - dxEe ot'exercise of said option;beaz interESF at the maximum tegai rate,and this moc�gage may zhen be foreclosed to sarisfy�he amounk due on said <br /> � �� �bond,and`:any�xhor bond-fur additiona!:advances,together with alI.sams Raid:by said�The Equitable Building�a;.nS Loan Assoeiation�of Crand Isiartd.- � � <br /> � Nebraska fot insurance;.�taxea and assessrnents,and xbsimcting exteasion charges,.with interest Yhereon,.from dstr�of payrnent.aY the�a�aximum <br /> � �leeal txie,.��� . . . . . � � . . � � . . <br /> 'J �' � As pruvided�.in�the$ond secuxed hero6y,while�ihis mUrigage:zemains in�effoct..ihe�mortgagee may.hereafter adrancc�additional snms to[he�� . <br /> � makers'o£said Band,iheir assigns or succeswrs i�i interest,w3ilch surns shall be wittain the securiry�f=his mortgage che same as the funds orr�paal3y <br /> t' �3 �.� �. secured Lhe[eby,the tqta}..amount of pric�c.ipal:de6t.nnt to time the.oaiginai�amountaf this mortgage: � <br /> ' r �t�aan�s 27th �a*��f May 77 <br /> , a.D..t� <br /> �;��.�..�'a'. .._�`,� r'' _ <br /> i James M She on <br /> %'�s��,�'.4rsi x <br /> � Eclna �3. Sheiton �� � � � � <br /> ` STATE.Ct�NFBRASKA; �. On t2iis 27th dayof Mdy 19 7�,bsforeme, � <br /> "�P` �CfYt.T3VTY OF HALi;`� � � � � �� . ,r-,�. � <br /> ; � ' � ;' . . . . � � the un�ersigned,a Nottuy Public itt nnd for.said CouniY,P����Y�� . : -. . , , . <br /> ` ' James M ''a��l,tost and Edna J, Shelton eac� in his ar�d her own right and as spouse f each <br />� Q�� " .. . . ' . � . . � . who are ae��onatQykmownto . �ts� <br /> �� . (�e�� n S w}sa�e namr5 at"2 affixed to the abvwe insuumenc as mongxgur S an3 the3� s�vezally �`��,- <br /> r . • , ent�s�tK t�lei r v��ur•tarp_n sna�eea. ;^ '�..; <br />� °,��Tv �y kiaz3(S•rn�* SessX.zhr da�afa._s�xd. � ��' <br /> �'�NO3Af�Y 9 xP ik3.:l�✓� �t'�i � !� �..� - <br /> . C(3irdlW�;SS14NN2; ' 'aA e ires r rJ : j�. �y f��3�o'' <br /> � ._ � <br />� ;..,.p�E�XF'�f�'� 'vut Publia: <br /> 6��_'S"�+ 3i�,.����' � � � � ��� <br />�' J' �^`.�..+�•' S <br />� � ��t�€NE8'�A � <br />