1 .,.�,
<br /> � `
<br /> 'J'CA!'R+DP'NB�ik�13KA
<br /> ���'���`��'4�� Thi� form im �wexi �n conrwae-
<br /> ���`^�°����$! tiutw with rnort�rt[s� in»ured
<br /> M4►ItT#GAGE un�s�t� ,�x,�. �,�„�.ta��,.
<br /> f��r� psa+*isianr of the NAL1UI3tY
<br /> /~7.� UU��749 Iiuw.i�A'net.
<br /> � :
<br /> 7HIS MC7eR1'QAGE�made aurd excauaad chis 3�� day ot �'f A_D.
<br /> l9 77 ,pyamdbeeween Welter V_ Aznold and Nfary J. Axnold, h�ssband :and wife, jointly and
<br /> a��oCou t�e{ir oFm-ri�
<br /> �Y ,and Sta�e ot Nebrasica,party o(thc first p�rt,heceinafter catttd
<br /> thc Mortga�c+r=and ,
<br /> a cCrparation organized und rxistii;g under the lawa of Ttie United Statea
<br /> �ariy of the sacond part,heroinaf�t called the Martgsgce,
<br /> t W11'NESSET(�:Thuc the saiti Mdrtgagor,fnr nnd ia�conxiderntion cat tl�e sum of T[;t�NTY Fi'(rE THOUSEYND T'HI�LE�.HUNDREi'?
<br /> '` ANT],NO/lOt�-___�:,------------�-----_.._:.,---------Dolisrs C$ 2S,300.40 3.Paid.by tha Mort-
<br /> � ; gagee,'che re+celpC af 3vhich is hcreby acknowledged, has Giented and Said and by thcse preseats Jues.Grant.--Bsar- ' '
<br /> r
<br /> gaui,.Se11, Convey and'Confirns unto the Mortgagoo, its successocs and assigns, farever, the foliowingdoseribed
<br /> � reuf esfate,site�ifcd in ttae Counry cs€ Fia11 ,and Staxe
<br /> ;;, a#Nebreska=tca wit:
<br /> `.: i :
<br /> , I,ots, Nine (9), and Ten {10), :f�Snck Fo-�zr (4)i in the
<br /> ;�� . Faurtn Addition ta the �t"il��ge of" Caisa, Ha7.,1 Count,y,
<br /> , •�
<br /> a
<br /> � , Nebraska.
<br /> � ,
<br /> � .' �.:� � �` � � � ;
<br /> ,.�
<br /> i
<br /> E �
<br /> �. ��
<br /> 3
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> � .�
<br /> � ; of che Sizth Prics,cipul Mezidian,cont.�ining in all City Property acres according to Gouerrs-
<br /> ' ,� men[sucvcy:
<br /> TO,HAV�AND TO HOLp the premises flbnve dcscri6ed,with uR the nppurtenbnees thereunto belon$ing and including
<br /> � ull hcating,plunr�bing�nd lighting fixtures�nd tquipment�aw ur hereafter uttnched to ar uaed ia connecttort with said resl eStatc
<br /> .; � unto the Mortgx�,qee;nnd!o'its suacessors and'assigns,forevec,The Mortgagor represents to,and covannnts with.the Mortg�-
<br /> `" . ,
<br /> gec, Lhu[the Mortgagor faas good right to se}E�nd convey said prcmises;tNxt they are frec ftom encumtrancc• and that;lhe
<br /> ; 'Mnrtgagor will warrant and defend tfae snme against tho tawful clazms nf sll persuns wlsomsoever;and tne said Mvrtgngor here-
<br /> $ by relinquishes all'cights�f:;homestead;und aA martial righCs,either in luw or in equiry.und a11 othcr contingenz inierasts of the
<br /> % Mortgagor m and tg lhe above•descr"alied pXemises,the iatention being to convey heretry an a6solute title,in fee simple,inc►ud- "
<br /> :: -' ing s�13 rights of Momcstcad„uc�d otheriiights und interests'as aforesaid.
<br /> �1.-`� PROVIDEI�ALWAYS',and thcso presucxts are execeited znc!detivercd upun the following conditions,to wit:
<br /> , � The Mortgagoragree�W puy ta the Mortgagee,or orcier,the principa!sum af TWENTY Z'IVE 'THOUSAND THREE HL3NDRI:D
<br /> � A� tJo/100_.____--------- ---------Da]tars(� 25,3�0:QQ ).withinterestfrorra
<br /> y date at the rate o�. ei ghk ' per centum C 8.0 %)}xr ahnum o�s
<br /> M the unpaid bulan�until paid:The saMprincipal and interest shall tee puyatile nt tMe olFice nf Firat Fede ral Savings `acnd L�an
<br /> k
<br /> � Assaoiatfon o'`' Lincnln "
<br /> in Graticl Tslanu, €v�urxe�ite or at such aiherpia�e us ihc hG:der of
<br /> f the noce may des36nate in,writing,im m�nthiy installn�ents uF. ONg Hi7NI3RED EIGFITY FTVE,AND 70/100-- -------
<br /> " --- �ollt�rs($ 185.70 ),commendin�Un thtl firat day of
<br /> � j��J'��_��,----�----v--^�- ,19%7;and on the first day of each month theroufter until the principal anddn-
<br /> terest ate fully paid; eKceQl that the finaJ payme�xt of principal �nd inleresl, if not soonar paid, shall be due and
<br /> , � paya67e on the first dAy qf ` JLu1e' 2UD'7, ;all according to thc terms uf x certxin prumis-
<br /> �. ;: ��ry iwt�ut evCt�:�kle:hec�witlrcx�cuted UY che said Morr,Ku�tor.
<br /> ; The Mqrtgagqr in ordeemoro fu13y to protect ttiesecuaity of this Mort,�ugeragrees:
<br /> � 1_ That ho wil!pay L�io indebtedneas,as:herciq�eforo provided,Pri�rilege is reserved to pay thC debt in who.le,ur in ar►
<br /> • amnunl equal no one or m�re monehty payrnenLs on the pnncipal LUat arc ntxt due on ahe nou,on ct�e first day o#any rnonth
<br /> � prior-to matttrity�Frovided,huwevu,,Tfiat written notir.e o�an inteption io exasrdsc seach privilegc is given at least titirty(;#O) : �� „: w,��
<br /> � .;; days prior to proPgYmcrtt. -��
<br /> � 4
<br /> ' 2_ That,tog�ther with,and in acWitian to,the mnutl�y payments of principai and ink�erost payablo undcr the trrms of the '" ��,�
<br /> ��; ' nate xcursd hercfiy,the�9ortgagar v�ill pay to the Mortg�ac,on tha first day"of esch rtfronth until thc suid notc is fu�ly paid,the �;'��'�
<br /> ,�.' foLlowingsuma: 4�"�^�
<br /> , ', �'":
<br /> tal�AnamaunE:esu16c1anitWorowdefhekiuldet6rsonfytithtondsao�aYtheneac3t�mwtgrpie�facunnaeP+omiuwit�t6is.inswoacm.�udshe+nwe�w'e..�ured�.here/w � . �?"
<br /> � �.nrc rosured.w�amontYiY aAar (io t"seu ot p ! .
<br /> Be myrt,ge�cineursop�TMramiwm3+tlhoy�heldbytMe:5R:crel+tryo[Hr+uaing�a��d.4lry�runDerefoPment.astul-
<br /> )o��s:_
<br /> .s
<br /> �
<br /> L�... •i
<br />� �
<br />