;.� .
<br /> , x = �.
<br /> . i . ��
<br /> � _ , ,. ... �
<br /> ziut pttend or post.pone tl�e due date ai tlie montl�lp inst :� 11�3�ent� i�ei�rreri to in para�raphs 1 r� nd `l hereof or
<br /> chnnge Ghe �mount of sueh instnllments.
<br /> 10. Bosaower Not 2�sleused. lixt:ension af trxe tiine for �� �,�cment, m� iriadification o € ��mortizution of the s�ms
<br /> seeured by t:his, ltiortgay�e grantect F�y i.ender to nny successor in intereat oi Borrosver st� all noi o},erate to release,
<br /> in any manner, the lia�iiit:y oi tLe original Borrower anci 13arrower's successors in in4emst. I.ender shall not be
<br /> requirect to cpmmenee pmceeding,s against sueii successor nr reiu::e ka exiencl time fnr pttyment or otk�erwise mod.ify
<br /> � ��nortiaatioa of the surus secure$ l�y Yl�is \ Iortgage t�y reasan ot niay dem�s�d macle by z1�e originu� Borro�ver zsnd
<br /> r � $orrower's sraecessors in snterest
<br /> � dl. Foriiearance bg Lender Not a :Waiver.' Any forbearn.nce by Lender in, exereiaing any r=ght or rernedy
<br /> � 13ereunder, vr, otherwise afforded by �}�pliea6le la�v, ahnll not ��e a waiver af orpi•ec(ude the exercise of Any right-
<br /> . � � or recnedy hereunder: Tlr e procurement of insurance or the pfz,cment of taxes ar other Ciens or charges by Lender Y '
<br /> � > shall not be a waiver of S.ender's rig3-it to sceelerate tfie inaturity 'oi the indebtedness secured by this 144ott�tge� ;
<br /> ; " 12. Rennedies Cuwulative: AI� .remedies pravideci in tLis Mortgage are distinet and cumulatiue to uny otiier
<br /> � right ox remedy under this _lIortgage c�r affor::e�i t3y I.nr or equity;' anci ma�� uc exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> a + h ently,or suce+easively_ ;
<br /> 13. Successors mid Assigns Boundr Toint arxd Severai Liability; Captioas. Thc eovenants anct ngreements
<br /> Y�erein contm�ned shail t�ind, i�nd the raghtis liereundar ahat! inure to; ttre resp�ctivr, successoza aad assigns of Lenden
<br /> > � ; and Borrower, snbject ta tUe provisions'of paragrapli t7 iiereor: :111 coven��nts nnd ' agreeaienEs of Borirocver shnll
<br /> �', . be �oint and se��eral: The calitions �nd headings of tl�e Eaaragr��ihs of tLis � Ini•tgag� are for convensence only and
<br /> ' ' aae nat to be used ta interpret or defirie tt�e proti�isian5 liereof. `
<br /> ; I4. Notiae. rYny no�iceto 8orrot��er proc•icice� for in thi. \fortgage st�ait he gicen I3y maiting siicti notiee by* �;
<br /> i certified �nail uddressed to 33orrolver ac tlie Praperty :ldciress stfited belou- , exeept fm� anv notice required under
<br /> `" " paragraph 18 liereof to be gzcen ta Borrot+-er in t.he manner F�rescrihed b�� applicable � aw. Any natice provided
<br /> �, . , for in fl�is lTortgnge sha11 be deemed eo l�a�•c been given to Borrol��er w�hen given in tlie n�anner designuted hereiu.
<br /> �;'� 15. Uniferm Mortgage; Govemiag Law; Seve�abiliiy. 'Z'his iorm of xnorigssge combines uniform covenants
<br /> for ntttional vse nnd non-unifomi covenants ivitla Iimited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unitorruseeu-
<br /> rity,instrument covering resl :pi�o}�erty. This \lortgage shall be governed by the Ia�r• oi the jurisdietioa in whieh
<br /> U tbe Property is located: 3n .the event that any pror-ision ar clause oi this i�fortgage oa- the Note r,onflicta with
<br /> " � applicabte la�v, such conf3ict shatl not �ffect otl�er provisions of tl�is Jlortgage or the \Tote �vhicl�. ; can <be given "; �_ ;.
<br /> " ' e8ect withou� tlte confiicGing }�rovision , and to this end iI�e provisions o( the :liortgage rsnd, the Note Are declared
<br /> �t to be sevexable:
<br /> � ' - ' 16. Bo;zewer's Copg. Borrotver shall t:ie fu:raished a coatormed copp af this R�Iort�age at the �ime of execu- ° ` �
<br /> ` - � ` tian or after.racordation :hereof.
<br /> 17.' Traasfer of the Pzo ezt Assum taon. I� all or an � ��rt oi ihe Pro �rt - or an interesG �herein is sold ' "
<br /> P Y%� P � } i F ' S �
<br /> or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's �irior ��rittr.n ccnsent, excludin� (a} the creation of a, iien or encu�-
<br /> b�nnoe subor,dinate to this tiiortgage, ( 6 ) the crentioxs uf u I�urc;hsse money security intereet for househofd app3i-
<br /> : . . � �ance?; {c) s t-=ansfer by devise, descen� or by- operaticn of lau: �pan the ileatf� ot n juinE tenanf, oi• (d } ihe: grant of
<br /> , , . ;. sny leaseholc2-interest of tl�ree ,yenrs or less not con:tainin� �n op[ion io purc��ase, Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br /> + deciare all : 'the sums secured by this �ortgage �o be iimnediately due and payuUle: I.ender shnll have wniued such `
<br /> ; " ; option`to accelerute if, pr;oc to the sule orfr:snsfer, Lciider ancl [lic person to whoin , the l'roperty is to be so.d-qr `,
<br /> ' transierred reacli a�reemenc in �critin�.tliut ttie cred 'at yf siich person is satisi�ctor}� to Lender and tl�-tit tlie interest
<br /> 5 � paysble on tbe sums secured by this :�Sortgage slial l t�esi sucli rs 'ce as Lender shall request. If Lendcr k�as waived �
<br /> q the option io accelerate provided in this puragranh 17 and if Borro�r-er's`;uccessor in inte3est lias executed a Lvrit- ''
<br /> ten sssumption agree�nent accepted iii wriiing a;,• I.�ntier; Ler,:�r �ha11 relcas�; BorYowcr f�otii ati ebtsgwtians uilcLi:
<br /> . k this �9�Iortgage and the Noi.:e.
<br /> � ' F , rIf Lender ezercises suc6 option to acceferste, I.ender shall .nail Borrower notice of rseceleration. in accordanoe
<br /> ? tivitli paraF;ra}�h 14 hertof_ 5ucii notice shall provide a perioc! oi not less 'tlisn 30 days irom the dat�`the notice is
<br /> ± , anailed within; wi�ich I3orrower may pay tlxe sums declared ciue: If Borrower fails io pay sucl� surr�s priorto t3ie
<br /> ,;' ' uxpirtttion of ' such period, Lender may-, cvitdiout, furchea• T;o6ice or <ie�riand or� B'orrower; invoke uny remedies per-
<br /> tnitted by paragraph 18 hereof: `:
<br /> ' a \Tox-Lx.rFox-ar (:ov�xaxrs. Borruwei• ancl Lendcr turtl�er covenant and a�;r��e as follow� . ;
<br /> � I8. Acc,eleration; Remedies F�eept as pros'icied in � racagrar �l� 17 l�c reof; upon Suirower's brencli of tiny
<br /> cavenant or s.gi•eementcof Borro�vcr in t13is �ic�rt�;�ge , ii�cludin� tlie coveiiaiits to j>ay ���hen due atry sunas secured
<br /> bgtliis �Sortgage, Lendet- priur to �iccc+lerukion sha31 mail notice ta I3orrnwea� ss � n�ovidcxi in paragr�ph 14 hereof
<br /> , sq,ecifyin�: ( 3) the it� reaci� ; j2i tl�e szetion rec3uired tu cure sucl� breasch ; E 31 +i daie, r� ot less tl�aa� thirty ciays
<br /> � 'i� ' � � � �Irom�� t,he daCe � the not:iec �is n�ailed � to I3orro�ti•er, by �rliicts �ncii I.arc.ich� u�ust i�e cured ; ane� ( 4 ) ��'. h�t �uilurc � to cure �
<br /> ' � � � � �uch fireac}i �� on or �before ��lie date specihed in tlie � notice ivay result iri ricceleration oi � t3�e suins � secured �by � tii�s�
<br /> � �liortgage and sale of the �'roperty. If the �reueh is not cured oa: or beiorc td�e date specified in tl�e notice, Lendsr
<br /> Y , z at I,ender's �:ption iiaay c�eclure nli pf the �uins seuured b}• tfzis \1:ortg�gc to be ixnmecii:ytely clue and ��ayxble
<br /> , without furt.tier de�nand az�d �nsy forerlose tl> >s \lortgage }�y ,� uc3iciµl ��roceeding. Lender si�all be entitled to coIleel ` �'
<br /> in sueh proceeding all e�peuses of 3areclosure , ia�cctuilitig, but not liroited to, c�os�s of clacument�r�� evidence;
<br /> y. � 'r�slrsii;is uiru_iiiic repoiis_
<br /> t 19. Barrarsveis Aigh* to Reiastaie. \ot�virlast.anc�ing Lc:nder'� accelerr�tioiz of tF.� ,ums secured i�y ili�s
<br /> J MorEgage, Basrower :sha31 have the rig�rt to ha�•e any proceedin.g� hegun by 3.endcr ta rn3orcr chis �•lortga�e dis-
<br /> ' eontinusd ut any time prior to entry of a j;idgmunt enfo�cing this \Iortgage iL• (:i j I3orrotiver ��ayn l,ender a34
<br /> ` i suzna which would be then due uzider ttzis lfort�ag<a, tdre �ote aind noces seci� ring Fuiure Advanee:s; i€ any� har9 no
<br /> � aeceteraiion o-ccurred ; ( b ; Borrower cures att I�rea<�liex of o-in}� other cocenc�.ntt or zzgree��ents of Fiorrower cou-
<br /> ta.itied in this 3�fort�age; (c7 I3orro�ver {�sys �D ressonabte ex��er_ses incurreci >n� I.ender iea criiorcin�: che co� cnanr,s
<br /> „ � ; aicd agreemea�s oS Borrower eontained in tiiis \lort�age and ixi eniorcin�; L�nder'. ri�necfies as I�rovided in f�ura -
<br /> � gI'21ph .�2S tleTO(YI� inciuding� fiUt -I36� lli111�0t� CU. Tt.ieiSiidJ{ti �ti.�t07i9cS' ��. 1C-c Siic'� 1 �'� i �'vi v ='2i i�1�+Cs S=3C�t '.^.LSJR :nS . . .
<br /> Lender. may reasonably require to sssure thut the. tien ai zha� \Iortgagc, L�.nder's interest iii the �'ropercy a�r<i
<br /> ? . Borrower'a s�b3iga6ion to �:a,y �13e suriia �.�ureii liy tl�i: \iurztia�;t� o1�a11 conti�ue unirnpuired. U��on s�ich p�_ymerst
<br /> ,. ; su[i eure bp $�rrower, this b3ortgage a.nd the oblig�.tions :ecvreci 1�<:reta�' �1ia13 reu�aiii in fuli fai•ce ar�d efCeet as if , ,y`
<br /> no accelerat5nn had occurred. 9
<br /> � .�, , �
<br /> � 2Q. Assig�meat o! 3t+eacte: Appoiatment of #tacaiver, Len�er in Possession. �� additional securitv l�ere- {� , � ;� �
<br /> b a u:;cier, $orson=er hereby assig�s Lo T.,encier tlie rents c3f tlie Fro}�erry-_ pro�•id�v{ tl�at Borro�ver shall , prior t,o aceeler- 'R `� ;
<br /> � a#,�an ander paragraph 1$ �aereoi or ab.�ndonriient of t3�e Propert}� , ha�•c the riRht tq collect and recasn sueh rent� �'�;r,
<br /> � � as they>laecau�,e�duQand pa�able_ � � � � � `
<br /> " Upon ac�leration uader Fyarsgra{�1� 1$ }�trzraf nr aband�nrx-aent ni i3a� Y.v>iu�M �� , 1,nn�nr. in ;��r=nn, !�}• agvn* ' `-� "
<br /> �` ,�m, . ,'
<br /> �,' ' or by' judicial3V a�ipaint,ed receiti�er shall he ex�titlec:z io ee�tr.r ucx�ij , take ��u.,r.;ior� oi �nd u�anaee +ch<• Prc�nrrtv "
<br /> as�ci to co2lect the rents of the 3'ro}�ert�; inclvding thosc :��ast c3ue. Alt renis r.�ilecLed h}• Lender or the receiver ,� '
<br /> ' ` : �hail 3te sppiie.�d first. to psy-�meni of the cos�tu of n�anagemeni oi t.?�e Proix�rty and collectioca oi rents , inciudiiig, bux
<br /> notlimiLed to, geceiver's f�eer., pren�iuina on n:ceiv+�r'`s Uou<i: and rexsonabfe atiornev 's fee�. aud theii t.o the aum�
<br /> secur�d #3y th3� biortg&ge_ 1`�.�ender and L�e receiver �23a!! t�e liat�fe io r�acoui�t o� lu for thuse renir ac•tuallv receivec3 _
<br /> � �
<br /> � . . i.�.�...
<br />�
<br />