�. , � b�
<br /> � .. -•��;,
<br /> � ` �
<br /> iaot eztend or �aostpone �he due date oi c.iie monLhlv in.<Ec3 �3n1encs referred to in para�raphs 1 and 2 hereot ar
<br /> c.hunge che xn�aunt oi sucli instaliments.
<br /> t ]0. BazrowFer Not RaSeasad. I:ztensaon of tkae time for pavtne��v or modificatson of amoatizntion cri the sums
<br /> � �,ecured by �hie 19artgage qrzxnied k�q I.enc�er to anti .dece�sar in interest of 33orrower .=hall not operate to releasey
<br /> is� any xnunnei, thE: liaUility oi the origin�l 13orrowei• nnd S3or3�o�+�i:r"s successors in interest. Lendec shsll .not be
<br /> required to ec+�ir�mence ��roceedings against such surccasor or .�-etx�se tio extend time for payment or other�sse mo3iiy
<br /> usuortiza#,ian of tl�e sums secueed �y tl�is :"� tortgag�, bc rcaso�� oi arry� denianri rnac�e b�t* tlie originn[ i3orrower and
<br /> � S.orrow�r's su�ocessors in intexest: - _
<br /> i ; lt. Forbecaance b�* Lender .Nat a 'JieTanver. Any� torb�eurancc by Lender in exercising �ny right or remedy ; ' '
<br /> ; krereunder, Qr otherwise aflorde� by npplic.able ifl�e, shall not be n rcr3i�+er of or preclude the Qxereise oi any right
<br /> i - . � o� remedy hereunder. �'he procureznent af insurance or tlie payment of taxes or other 3iene car aharges by Lender
<br /> � � s�sll 'ist�t be a'1�aiver o£ 3,endu's rigl�t to neceterste the �na.�urity, of t}3e indabieciness secuTerl bv this 3rlartgage.
<br /> � 12. 86uiedies Cumuiative�. , r111 reme�lies pravicied in tlais l�torLgage are u'xstiineG nnd cumulntive ta any other
<br /> ' � � raghi;'or t'emedy under this'�Iortgage or sf�ordc�i F>y 1a�v or �q�xicy; anc3 msp h� exercised con:currentl_y, independ- -
<br /> ' � � erstty ar �uceessivety. ' '
<br /> y„^ 13. Saccsssors msd 1{ssigns Bound:' joint �xd Sevezal I.iabiiity: Captions_ The r.ovezi�nn#s and , agreements
<br /> � `--' hereiri-contained shall k�ind, and tlre righis 3iereunder sl�al} i:n� u�e to: ' thc res�ective successors and assigns nf �end�r
<br /> . ,; � a�d Bprrower; svbjeet<w the,procisions nc" p�ragraph 17 hereot. A71 covensnt4 :arid agreemen�s oi $orrawer shall
<br /> ° ,, � � ta•e }oint snd �+e�-erai. The captions anc! he�ings oi tlie ��ura�r;y�lis of chi, \ Iort�aige are ior cc�mreuience onl`* and
<br /> � .x�e np�' to be used to interpret or define the j�rovisians hereor. '
<br /> � , 14. 1�7otice: 8ny natice ca I3orrocrer niaz�ided for ia ttixa �tortg3ge shc�1� 2s� �iren hy �iii�itirig suetx noiiee, by
<br /> ' " . cer't,ifiefl za�ail ucidressed to Bormw•er at t.ls� Yroperty :�lddre_� siFLt.ed }>elow, �xccpt- (or an,y not,ice required under
<br /> } '' , psrsgraph IS' hereof to �e given io Borros+•er in the' marine�- ��resca-ibed by a}��� IiraUle 1u�u: �iay �otice provided
<br /> ` � ` ivrinfhi� \Iortgugeehali tar'deemeci to lia�.•c been given to B�rrower n•]ien given in tlie �nunner �lesigi7aied herein:
<br /> 15_ F3nifazmNfortgage: Govarning Law; Severability. Tiiis farrn ��f morcgage combines a�nifqrm co�enants
<br /> i for natianal xzse and non-uniform covenan�s- with limited �-ariaiions by 3urisdicLion to constiEute a uni£orm secu-
<br /> „ ri�ty instrument cocering real pro��erty. Tl�is liorkgage shafl I�e governed hy 't.he ]a��• of tlie j arisdiction in n•hich
<br /> tt3e Ptogerty is locuted: 3ii ihe ecerrt -that 3ny yirovision or clause oi chis �tortgage or the `ote con8icts with
<br /> �`j ' �f ` app3icablelsw; �uch. conflict shsll not affect otlier proi�isionc uf ihis �Iortgage or tlze Z��ote ���hich can be given
<br /> , , ,, e8'eotwitbout tlieconfliciing prot�ision; and to this end ihe }3rovisions oi the \ioztgnge and t.tae �Tote are declared
<br /> � to be severablel ,
<br /> '` d&. �eu�zr's Copy. Borrovver shat '_ I�c tumished a cc niormed copy of Ehas lioribage �t the time of execu-
<br /> � tion or afierracordation hereof. �
<br /> k ' 17. Tsaasfezof the Pzoperty; Assumpiion. Ff ' all or anv part. oi tt�e Properiy or an incerest therein is sold '
<br /> {
<br /> ; o� trunsferred ,bg� $ orrower wiihout Lender's prior �vritien ca�sent . excluding (a.� the creal,ion oi a lien or eqevm-
<br /> b_ance s�t�orcinate to tliis Dlortgage, �b ) the creacion ot a }s�rclTsse money secizriiy interest #or ltousehold Sppii- �
<br /> + a�ces, (c) a transfe� �y devise; descent or by operation or" latis- upon il�e desil� oi a } oiat censnC or ( d) 'the grant of
<br /> � � e�y leese!�oi� inxerest �: �'.iree 3�ears or icss not co�z.aiaing a.: optioa ta purchasc, Lender maY - �.t Lr,��r's opt;on, `
<br /> declare s7! tne sums securc>d by this 1lortgage to be immedis�ciy duc an<# ��ayabie. lender shall Hnt e �vaived such
<br /> '•" option cA acc�lera�e ii, pr"sor io tl�e sate or aransier, Lender aa�d t}ae i>crson zo w�-aorsi the Prop�rty is to be sold or
<br /> trxnsferred resch agreen�ent in writing tliat ihe emdit of suci� pereon is satisfactory to Lender snd thi�t tize interest
<br /> ; paysble on th� sums secured by= this 11ori�age �l�t�I1 be ut s�rL rnte ss I,ender shall request: I� Lender has waivecl
<br /> , , tfse.opt.ionlio €iccelerate provided in il�is paragraph 17 nnd if �3orro�ver's successns in interesti �as eseented a wri�-
<br /> - "'� - tenassum tion a reemenc acce ted in �vritfn by Lender Lender s1�a13 release $orrower frorn sll obli stions under
<br /> � P 6 P g , b , '
<br /> L1tis Mortgage and t.iie Nate.
<br /> �� If' ienaer exercises suuix opiion co accGieraia, Lender �i;�il �naii isorrower ntriice ui aoezi�atioc� in scuardance
<br /> m 3` cvitla ��aragraph l� I�ereai_ 3ucla notice shx� i }�ruvide a period bf noi less tltan 34 days from fhe dn.te ihe notice is . ' ' l
<br /> +� ;' inai3ed ;+vithin n•hicii $orrower rnav pny- i�e suins declared c.'ue. li 33orrower is "xls 'to �>ay suel� sunis prior to the
<br /> ' ` �;spiration oi sueh period; Lenc�er may: �vithout fui-ther notie�e or <3emancl an ]3asrowea; iu�-oke an,y remedies �er-
<br /> T xz�.itted �y- paragraph 18 hereof.. .
<br /> ; \`or-L:�-iFLa.nz Go��Nn::Ts. Boi•ran�er a�nd Len�ier furLhe3- co�-euant anc3 agree rss Pollowsc -
<br /> v
<br /> ; '• 16. Acceleratiott; Remedies. E�cenz as pro�-i<ied in � �aragrs�� �ii 17 hereoi ; upon .Borro-cver's brescli- of any
<br /> - Q" cc+vena�at or agreenient of Ilorrolver in this -�ioz�i�s�c , incluciia�g tl�e covenants to pay ai�hin due ` an�- surns secured
<br /> , bs this :�tori�age, Lender juivr to uereler:�. � ion �li�a.11 �iiaii r.��ice to Brarro�.•cr u� ��roti�icicd iti ��3rit�rapli 14 hereof
<br /> � bpecit�=ing; {ij 34e breac3� ; { ? i t13e actior_ reyuii•ed to cui�e sucir iireaci� ; � 3l a rtate, not lews ilian thirtv days
<br /> Ir�oix� the datc t6c notiee is uyailed io (3orro��'er, In' �cl�ich :�.�c�i t>re3e11 uiust l�e curec�;,and (41 'thaL f:�ilure t� cure
<br /> � si;sc}1 breaeh o�-or betore the date s�ecihed in ihe s�oticc ii�u�• i•esult in acceiex�atio.n ef tiie su�us Eecured b�� this
<br /> , : '_��ortgnge une3 s�le of the Properiy. If the breacli i� not curec! or. or before tlie d:3.te speeificd i� t.he natice; Len�ier
<br /> �: ' ss. I:ettder's. option wtiy c3eclare ali oi tli� sums eacured by rhis _lloat�age to Fait imrn�ciiate:y dixe a� nd pgvable
<br /> H-�thout ;furt:herr3en3a�;ti snci mati• foreolose this �Ic�rtg.�ge t�y `F ii�ticial �3roceedin�. Z2n�le= shx?1 i�ac enxitted #.o eolleet
<br /> 9n such proceeding all e�cpe�ses oi forec�osurc, inc�luiling, laut z3ot ] iiriited ta , casts of docuinentary eridence,
<br /> � , a%�stra�ts �n<i �:itierr.pnrts_
<br /> �,"., 19� Botzow+er's Rig&# to Seinstate. . \otwitl3�tanciing T.ender's :iccelerstian o! tlae �u�iE secure� by ihis
<br /> h�LorLg�ge, Borruwes stislI have the riglit tcr haye anv� �>roceec�irigs }>egvn by I,enucr ro etsforce tnis \-iorc�age dis-
<br /> cra�ntinu�s3 si any tune prinr to entry of u judgmeni enfoTciaaK rliis �1ort�age if - tal Borsozuer psys L.�ender siS
<br /> y, , s�ms w�aich woutd be Ghen due under tl�is 1lortgage. tlic \`ate nnd not�� securzn� }�'uture Advaa�ces; if anz� , had no
<br /> s.:-eeleestion vicet3tted ; 1't�� Borrawer cure� a21 bresche•s of an} �t }7er co�•rnane= or n�;rc�ement� o( Borrou•er eon-
<br /> � ttsatred in £his ,�lortgage; tc) $urrosc�er ��ays: ull reasoctaL]r r.aE 3en>e� ine•urrrci by I �ender ira iniurci�i� i}�e c�r�ti-etiantr;
<br /> " ' - . ,: smd agreement,s ti1 i3orsow-er consained in t ��i� \ion,gay;e anei m er�i�rr��,� i_e�i�Ser� ', reine<iic� :��; ,>ro-.•;ce� in i3�.rs-
<br /> f g�tpiT'3$ #'ier�i, inc3udiag, but noL limited to. reasonabie x�ur3rnev 'e tkea: xnd t cz i 13urrawer i�kes ;�uch xecion a�
<br /> �,�;.
<br /> Z,ender may 'reesonabiy require tu assure Ehst the iien of il < is \Iortga�e, Lend�r's inzeresc i� the Yroperty snd
<br /> � $orrowaer's obligstion W ;say the sums sec�mi trv x.t3is \ivrt�age af�ail conrinuc unimf�aireci. F�'�son suc4� ;�ayfnen�:
<br /> � : aaad eure ay $�orrower, this Mortgage ,and t�e obli�atiou, reeurec� hereov siiall rez3�uin in iull fe.aree snci e�ecti as i3' � . ' , . ,� ,
<br /> na aoceleraatiQn hsd oceurred. ,"� `
<br /> er
<br /> + , ' . <' 2R_ Assigaeneat:rrf it+eats: dippaintmemt ;.ef 8e�ceiver. IJender in, Pess3ssiass. As additf�nal securzty here- .'`�%
<br /> � utader; $orroav+er lre�eby assigne Lo Les�der t�ae rents -of tliePro�ertti-. �irovideci tluir IIorrouer shaD , prior 'to ueceler-
<br /> y ; at3on uu�ex }asragraph Y8 �ereaf or absndo�ineut oS thc Pro��►eri:y; Pia1�t tlae rigla� to rolieci arad retsin such rents � "��.
<br /> MF�1 .
<br /> �:t as they become dve and paysble� �,
<br /> `� . Up4n °seo�eleraCiou uuder �arai¢ra�al� l£3 hereoi or ai�satdt�tnent oi tlze Yra�K��, Lender. 3n �u�-wn . ��� ageat. . -s ;,"
<br /> .,.,
<br /> , . . o� h3;jud�cisll3� 9ppointec� receiver sha13 h� eniitled ta ent�s u�>oi:, take rro�ess�nn uf :u�d m�nsge the �'ropert�- • „ ` ,
<br /> ^ ' ` ax�ud to �Ieet #h+e rents >uf tkae Pro�ertY, ax�ct3,tdizt� #hose ��as� d�e: :�31 rtni� codlyected !fu Ler�ti�r �r ihe receiti•er ,: :`
<br /> ���� �� �PP1ied f'srst t�o P$�`�nt of Lhe cot�-t:s-a of tt�anageme¢x �# tiie I'ropeny an�i coi7eri:on of r�etxts. inrluding, "t�ut
<br /> noL timstad tu; re�ceis^er's fees, premiums on mcciti�ea's laond� szid m,s�oflal�le atso^a�eti�'s iee�. aia �i then te i��e smt.�-
<br /> sc�ared oytF3it� a'i�3`or�gage. I,rtidrs astt3 ilie r�'eiver sieaii lie iis�le �u at•cuuut ��iei� :uz il,u:.:: reiit� actuai;� s ��.•�i . ��u .
<br /> �
<br /> _ L� �
<br />�
<br />