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„�,; <br /> �� � <br /> i _.� <br /> :;�... <br /> � � <br /> r�ot exiend ox- poatpone c3�e due dnte ol t ! !E: inontl� ly� instnti �ncnts reierre:d to in �:aaragraphs I :inc3 2 hereof or <br /> �h�nge che ura�ox�nt of sucli installinen�.v. <br /> lO. Honower Not Released, Lxtensiocs ot tt:c tirne for I]:�:wment c>r uiodifica#,ion ot :titnortizatiors o# the aums <br /> ;.e¢ctret} by thi:s 14ox6gage �ranted b,y I,eiider to nzi� � r.�cces�or i�a interest of Dorrcr�ver ehail not operatn to reIea,se; <br /> i� any rciutan�, tl�eliabitaty °�rf klie' originai .l3orra�vel- anci 13arr. o�c'ar 's ,z�eccssors in intere.4t.: I..ender et�all noC be <br /> r�qaire�i to casnrn��zce ��raoeedings a�sinrt six:<:h suc�ewsoc or rc�1 usc tu extencl time £or �nyinent or ottie.xwise modifu <br /> :��nortizs.tian of the sums secured f�y this \ tortgu�e t:k� xeasor� o § ;ant• �iern:�nci mnric t�y tlie ori�;inn! .Borrower and <br /> � Borxov¢e�'a suc��sors in is�terest. <br /> 12. Forbearmue by Zeude; Not a Was.ver. a�nv £orbear�nce by S,ender ii� e�ercesing �ny right or remedy <br /> " � t�ereu�zder, or,othet^svise afiorded by applicslale lutv, s}iall not, lre u w•aicer �f or p�-eclude the exerciae of auy right ' <br /> ` , � � oFr reenedy heraeunden Ttie pprocnreinent of in,surnnce ar thc I>ayment of taxes or vther liens or clrarg�s by Lender <br /> ` `y � , s�niknot Ge a w�ivsr of Leader's rigtzt to accelerate cho raaturity -of tl3e in�lebt.ec3nesx seenred by t,his i�lortga�e. <br /> y � 1Z 8eme�ciiea �Cumszl�ative. , � Il remedi�s �ravideti iii t[�is `tlortga�e are diati�cG ai�a cuznnlutive Lo any other <br /> a} � r� t2tau' retne� ' zudar tCris �Iort a e or: affasdc�i }�y I��tr �ii' e uit �cui tnn.y be ea�ercised concurrent2 p <br /> , � � - 6 3' � K �{ S, • y. inde end- ' � <br /> ¢ ' • � e�tly ar successic�ely. , <br /> � > 13. 3uce�sGors aad Assigns Bnuad; Ioi,nt �xd Several I.irsbility: Captions. The eavenstnis aiYd ngreements <br /> „r p ty, h�erein contained shall bind, nnd the rights }3ereunder shatl ini�re to; :the respective �uecessors :Ytid assig3ns oi Lender <br /> ?,., r ', 1'`� asd Borrower, 'subj�ct°#o t:he provisions of �73ragrapli 1 i -liereafa :lll' co��enants t�nal agreements ot Barrower shsll ; ` ` ,' <br /> �• x !>.e jainti a.nd seti�erui . The �ul�tions snd hcadings qi the ��aragr�.r3-1�s of tlkis � fortgage sre for com•enierace only and <br /> ., , � � . � . �� ;, '. <br /> ; - a�e not to be vsed ta inter�rret or define the provisians hereai. <br /> „, ; : 14. Notice. Any nocice ta' I3orro�ver �arc»�idec3 ior iii tlii, �3ortgr�ge �iin11 he �iven by Tnailing StiLch natice by <br /> „ <br /> ; :i - c�rtifie�! u�aid ::dc?� essed ta Bormwer ist tlrc Propertr- :�ddre�� st.:ite�l below•; car..ep�; ior :3nv notice Ycquired undsr <br /> ��. .,' ��art�grr�pIz 18 �:7ereof to Ue gn.en to I3orros+-es• in tlie niznncr {�re;cribeci by apj>licnble i:��v. ilny not3ce pro� idcd <br /> � ;, . p fc�rin this \Ior�gsge ;�laull E�c deeined to hace �.icei� gi�•en to Borro�cer es•l�en given i� tt�r, sn�nner desigr3atr.d herein: <br /> °: { ' 15. Utrifomx Mortgage; Governing;Law: Severability. Tl >_ is iprm of mqrtg�gc comi�ines unifornt 'co�enants � ” - . <br /> _ " ft�r nafiaonal use and non-uniform covenants �vicli 3iaiiieci v:�riniimis tay jurisdictio�i io constdtutc a unitorm secu- ' ' <br /> � " ri�y instr,ument covering real property. :fhis \fortgage shnit be governed by f.lie l�w of the jurisdietion iu ivhieh <br /> � t]3e Property iS located: <In tlie event that a�y provision ar ciause oi this :liort,gnge or the Note conflicts . with <br /> app4icrtble Iaww such..conSict shall not nffect otlrer ��rotiision� os tkn, _l3ortgage o� tiie Note which can lie given <br /> �� 1 C�@CtWlti'1411�. tjlt pnnfli��.jrrv. npnyicinn� �r��Vi t� fill5 ... ..u1 il: .a.v.�S� �. i'.ii@ � :'i0au fl7e6tiu � �}3C ��1�/0G6 SP0 (I0C781'B(1 . . <br /> >- ; :_. . . o r ... j.., .. . i . � E.. . . . . - . <br /> r t f,o� be severable_ <br /> � ' ' 16. - Borrovae;'s Cony. $orrocver shali l�e iu�nisl�ed n cox� formed coz�y of th�s llorGgage �t the iirne of exeeu- <br /> r . � - , � , � <br /> " � tion or after recordaiion heseof. <br /> , , ; , ` , % : ;, '. <br /> � ; 17: Transf�r of th� Prop._,r+y: s..:�mgt:�: Ii :s} i Ur any t�z�ri� ni ii�e Propercy or u�i interest v:are:a �a s�,d <br />��' � Qr trsnsferred by �orrot�er without Lender � ,�rior wriiten consent. exeluding (n } clic crea'tion of 3 lie� or encum- `„� <br /> � � . i�rance suaardinaie co inis �Iortgage; f: u) f,he creatic,n :,f s purch�se cnonet- secun:y :nteres} for trousahald sppli- <br /> `:• ; a�ees; 4�j s i:•�nsier ny dec,ise, deseent orby c�}ier�tion oi lau�- upon the death of u � oint ienant or (d ) the grant of � " <br /> M� , a�iy ;easet-told iaiterest af t.t-�ree yeurs or Icss not contaiiiing an . op�ion to purchase. L�eiider may . at Lender'� option, ' <br /> ;� �3aclsre nil thesurns securedb3� this Mortyage ta be imtnediateiti� due and p�yabie. Lenuer shall have c�-aived such <br /> . � option to �cceterste if, priar to tiie sale or truns#er, I.ender aiid � l�e person to �chor3i tl�e Property is to be sold or <br /> ° '� transferre�l reaelt a reeFnent in �vritin tl�nt itz � credit oi such aerson is snt,isfactorc to I.endzr and that the iriterest <br /> , � g , S� } <br /> p�.yalile on the sucns secured by this �viortgage si�a} ! Ire �t sucl � ra[c as Lender sha1� request. Tf Lender l�as cs��ived <br /> � � th,e option to aecelerate jtrovided in t.his paragraph 17 aiid ii Borro«�er's �uccessor sn interest has exec�ted a writ- <br /> , ; #e�rass�mption agmement accepted in writing Uv Lender, Leuder shall release Bot•rower irom �}l obliga:tions under <br /> � cli�s Mortgsge a.nd the nTot�_ <br /> If I.ender: exercises sueL option to acceler�te, Lender shnll �i� ail f3orrower noti�e ot aecelerntion ii� nocordance <br /> '� zv:tl� pasagraph l� hereof. 5uch notice sLalt F> rovicte a }�eriiid oi x�oc le�, than 3U a:+ys from the date t�iie notice zs <br /> t. � tnailEd :withiu ei�hich 13orra�ver ina�� p�y tke �u«is declared due. It }3orrower fails to pay sueh sums �rior io the <br /> ;,��;� e.+c�iration of st3eh ��eriod; Lender, inay, withorat Surtlier nocice or demand on Bo3•ro�ti�er, invoke :iny r�medies per- <br /> �, ` mftted by IS hereof. ._ <br /> �' , i ` \Tox-Uxi�oxNc Covs u��as. Tiorro�a�er a�id . Lenc3e�• f'ui•tUer covenant �nd a�ree as foil:�:ii��s : <br /> � ; , 18. Acceleratian:, Rernedies; Lscept u� �,i���viGled , in �uira�r;ipG 1r^ hercof , ujion Borron�er;s lareacli of any <br /> �.r; ' co'ven�tint or atgzeen�ent of Borrawcr in 4hin ,3 .tort-g�a�ir, including tdic cavenants w p�y �nc�n c9ue ainv sumssecured <br /> =. by— [fxis: �tvrt�a�e, Lender T� rior to z�ccele:rntio3� sl�all m.iil �ipticc tu -F3orro�ver as �irovi�iccl i�i T>aragraj>h i9 -3�ereoi ' <br /> � sp�oifying , ( 2 ) � the brer�cl� - { 2) -ihe iction� rcquired to cuir. suc3� bre:ich ; � l3) u cgate, nob� less tlian � 3hir6�- dsy:� � � <br /> " ' � � � �� � � from i�he c3ate t�c noxic��.i� �nailed Lo 13orir��� az; by ,��l� ich �ucL , bi•cnicli must: F�>c curc�i ; anal � t, 43 t. h�zt fai�ucc :to c�ire <br /> " , : sush breachon or before t't3e date s�>ecified iix ti �e may �•es«lt in raecelcr3tiun oi t;Le sums secuaed by this <br /> ;�'t.ori�a�;e nnd sale o2 t2�e P=opeTiy: If zhe breacla is not cured ot: or 6efore tlic date sE>ecified iii Clie nat:ice, Lender <br /> . � at L�tid�r's gpf�iox, ri�ay il�cl�,:a u? i of tLe su�ns securcxi by ti �is �1ort,Ksge to i�e iminediaislv due as�d paya.i�le <br /> r ` i �vi�,hout; furf,her demandand �nnv foreclosctl�i5 3]orLga�e hy judieial proceedin�: Lc:siJer shz�li i�e entitl�d ta eol3ect <br /> ; . ' 9n sucli proceedinF �ll ex�enses of Coreclo�ure , incluat�ng, fiui aioc limSted t�, c:�sts o1 documentarti� evidence; <br /> sb�tracts �.nd titic i�eports. <br /> ' i' 19: Borrowers ltight 3a Reisistate. Notn�ittrstuncling 1>ender`s :ace-cderxtion of the �uans secured br this ' <br /> lYlortgage, Borrower slial! haai�e ihe right to h���e any �iroceedin�s begun k>,y I.ender la enforcc this \lortgage r?is- <br /> r � cor.�tizsued sf, ar;y time prior t�o entn� of a jucg�nent enioFcing t.P�is \lortg� ge if : c u � I3orrv�ver ��aL•r Lendsr sll <br /> �ur�s which wouiS be then aue under thie 1lorcgage. tlie ?�'ote :�nci noLeF �ecuring FLturc Ad��ance�, ii a.r}* , had no <br /> ; ; ' acceleiatian_occurred ; ( b) �orxotiver cures a11 breach� : oi ��n�� a� hei• covenante or u{:ree��ients of Sox�ower con- <br /> '� . ' ta,i.ned in this :'vlordtgqge : -{� � k3ormwer nays ;tI � reasonz3trli� e�xi�ensns incvrre�i in• T f�n �icr in eniorrin� thP coven3nt� <br /> ,;; ' ; anciagresments of Borroae= contained in' t{iin �tort�a�e and ic3 e�icxrcin� T.ender"� rem��9ies zis prc�vi�ied in nura- <br /> grsph l$ hereof� iacluding, �iut noi� limited to. rea�;onsbii� atte�a�ncy 's iec� : anci id t �3orrower tskes suci� �ac6ion as <br /> a Le�d+er rnary re�sonatzly require to au;ure tiia� i:lie lien of ti�i� 1'�ortFa�e, Lender's intere�i in the Yropertv � nd <br /> $a�'rower's obligataon to �is:ut2�e .sums secure� hy thi:, \ iort.�s�e slinll contiijue unam��airec3. I7F�pn sur,� t�n4meni � <br /> ' ' ° ' and eure b� Borrower; this �4crtgage rsnd the obliga#ions secured ItereL�• sl�all rrrns �n iti full foi•ce and ell'er.t r�s if l , • • - "� <br /> ,. <br /> " , no �cceleraxion Fsad aecurce� ,. � , <br /> �a fi' 20:. Assiga�ment of ;$e�sts: APRQurtmeuf cf Rsre3ver, I.eadeu in Possession. As additionul securiiy hera- `` � "` <br /> e '�, , <br /> N y � <br /> , � under, T3orsrower :here�ry assigas to Lender Uie r+enrs of tl;e Properry. Fyrorided thxx Bc+rnn��•er slaail, i�rior -to accefer- �, <br /> r{ �� a^ti�n vnder parzsgmpi� 2$ h�teof or abandanm�nt of t2�e Yropert� . I�ave ific a•ighc tcs� coJleci and retain such rents ��`G`� <br /> . ,. , as they;beepme due and pa�sble. ,,i.'�» ?, <br /> '_�, T? acce!�erat;t�t uut3�er ,sra - ir - � k, ``` '`' '" <br /> i�Q'� �4,�t�F ���. �'It.:TC'Of RI' $�i..l:lAl�0IIII3C.�t. O: � C .��.OE)L'il . uCS.. �Ti �1�Ialill-, \ :i�i::SiY :.a^ . <br /> . �� '• • • � • • rc c 1 n i .� �1� ;c �pe n i n � „i ♦ l� n .. + . •:, <br /> car �y ,uc34�wiiv ��Pa�nted rween _ � . hail he er_tit .ecf t _ rnter' »,.o_., taLc , a _c so_. o. a._c. _._a:i.a„c <.__ Y. o,�cz-L}• �_ . . <br /> ,' ' �ts 'e...'� t+a eQll�Ct t�e aents of t.3�e Pro�rty, includi�ig �hose; �aast du,e_ All renis colletst=ecl b�• Lten3er or tlae rec-eiver ,� <br /> � ' sha�il bea�plied �irsttn pay�aeaL of Lhe costs ni managesl�ent of tttc- Pm��ert�c� snd colaceciiun oi n•nt.u. inc] udinR, i>ut <br /> noi. lin�itctxi to, re,eeiver's 3ees: {�remiurns on nc�eiver's k>ornia snri r�eascu�ab3e ssttornev 'R fer= . :rnd then tc3 the �urnc <br /> sec�red by ^l,his �loatgage: Lendrr and f:hereceia��ar slxai� #ye Ii3hte to scccouc;t onh� ior tirose r<>at� xetu:i7fc- rer;-i��ed . <br /> �' _ ,_.�. . . � <br /> r <br /> k � <br />