<br /> i .-:�`.
<br /> � . �
<br /> •,/�'+ � ,, IfVDIVIDtJ�JIL
<br /> � ��� QUE dN SAI.E
<br /> � U���,VLi��,. FORM No_7�0 . .... .
<br /> Loan Number____�3Q$$-----1$$__=�--�l,s.��
<br /> 1�
<br /> ' 7T: UC12$�7�3 N�-CO R T G A G ;E
<br /> ' TIiIS MOftTGAGE,made and executed this --1� dav of �''�u� A.D., '
<br /> ; 19..._77..,between the ivivrtga�or c.N.i�Y!ur3_:L , Badura;and ,Gazyll_Palmer Badur,.,�_.?�usband.and,:
<br /> . ;,; wife,-_�o3ntly:and each,,in their,own ri�ht,_
<br /> .. .......... -�---.._ ........ ......---•-•-•
<br /> ' of ._;----Grand Tsland ._ �,Q��ty o� Hall .......... _._.,State of._.�`Tebraska---.,here3nafter referred
<br /> . .......... ....._..., .. . .
<br /> to �s the Barrower, and the i1�lartgage�e, FIRST I'EDERAL SAVINGS r'LND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> ` LIi�CQLiv'; 1�35 "N" Street, Lincoln,.Slebraska 68501, �ts successors an.d as.signs, hereinafter referred to "
<br /> as Len&ea
<br /> ` WtTrrEssETx That the said Borrcawer for and m consideration oE tl�e'sum of TFiIRTY SIX THOUSAND
<br /> FIVE HUNDRED AND NTO/100 .--.---Doltars (US$_.36=50Ct '��:..
<br /> ; ---.... .---•--- •....... ......... .._..._. ......_. ...,.....----� -� - - --.::.,._)
<br /> � paid by said I.ender; daes hereby mortga�,e;grant and convey to Lender, its successors arzd ass�gns; the
<br /> ' following described property located in the C�unty of ..:. .,:_�?all _„_,_., State of Nebraska: `
<br /> ;1 - Lat Eour (4): in B1ock Two (2) isa Le Hei�hts Second:Subdivision� being A gart
<br /> � of the North�,rest,Quarter of the Northwest Ruarter (,T�NW,i—,) of Section Eleven
<br /> �
<br /> # (11), Township'E1et�en (11J Nort�, Range Ten (10) WesL of the 6th P..M., in
<br /> HaLl County', Neb�aslia.
<br /> :�� � � � � �
<br /> 3. . � . � ... . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . � . �� . . � .
<br /> .�.. . � . � . . . . . .. . . � . .
<br /> `j TocETxEa with a11 the impravemesits now or hereafier erected on t3�e property, nnd ail easements, `�
<br /> � rig�ts, appuiienances, rents; rogalties, mineral,,oil and gas ri�hts.and profits; water,-waEer rights; and
<br /> water stock,_and ail fixtures now or he�eafter attached €o the property, nll oF cvhich, including replace-
<br /> � ; mer�ts'and additions t�ereto,shall be deemed to be and semain a pnrt a� the propert,y covered b,y this
<br /> � MorEgage;rand all of tlie foregoing, together with said psoperty (or the leasehotd estate ia the event`this
<br /> y. � ` Mortgage is on a leasehold) a;e herein referred to as #.tYe "Property".
<br /> E,,.�a�:sr...,.2rar,:s that��r:oc.�er is la:vfuliv seised of the estate heseby conveyed and has the right>
<br /> '. � to mortgage, grAnt and.convey the Propert,y, that the Property is unencczmbered, and that $orrower will
<br /> � �, warrant and defend generally the titie -�o the Property against ail claims and demands, s-ubject.#o anv
<br /> �' � eas�ments and restrict�ons lisied in a schedule.of exceptions to coverage in nny.title insurance policy'in-
<br /> ' suririg Lender's interest in the Property,or (2) attorney'�o�inion of title from abstract o€title certified
<br /> � by bonded abstrActer.'
<br /> '_ � Pa�v,Q�� .ALw91�, end these pr�ents are exect�ted and delivereci upoan tiie follorvin�conditions,agree-
<br /> :'9 menis and_,obligations of the Borrower, to-wit.
<br /> " a The Borm�ver�grees to pay to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of_T13IRTY.SS3� THOUSAND,._.
<br /> p F�STI'_ HUNDRED ANll NO/100----------------^----------_Dollars (US $ ...36�.500 00
<br /> ....... ..........�---�---.....---..__.....--------........._-----..... ._. ._..)
<br /> x. i ; pa,yr�ble as provided in a note executed and d�livered,concurrentiv herew3th;the final pa,ymez�t oi principal,
<br /> ' '� it nat sooner paid,on tE�e....��'�:_......___... day of........J�*se ..:_.._..:... ----_, 1SX..2Q96 _ r
<br /> � T;hiFoanz CavEti.a.�.^rs_Borrox�er arz�Lender covenant and agree 1s fo31o5�•s_
<br /> j I: Payment of Principal and Inferest_ Barro�;�er sh�Il promptly �ay �vhen due the print�.peil of tuid in-
<br /> �� terest on the indebtecir=eos evidenced'py 'cne�Toie,prepayn�eni and late ��arges z�s pruviueu ia7 the �:a1,2,
<br /> +' T and �he princip�i of and interest on any Future Advances secureci by this _11ort.gage.
<br /> ; 2. Funds for Taxes and Insusance. Sub;jeci t.o Lent3er's option urder para�raphs 4 an�3 5 hereo#,Bor-
<br /> p , row�r:�hali pay tn Lencler on tiie dav zrztinthlv installinen.ts of principal an<l interest are paysble under the
<br /> z Note,until.tEie Note is paid in full,a sua� (herein"Funds") equal Lo one-lwelfth of ttao yearly taxes ancl
<br /> p < asses�ments�vhich may attain priorSty o�er this AIortgage> and ground rents on the Property, if any plus
<br /> y; } one-twelfth of yearly pzemi�ztn ;n�tgLlm�ents for haz�rd :n._�uz�nce, nlus on�-t:wslft:h of yeariy pietnsum in-
<br /> stalirnents for znor#.gage insurance,if any, alI as're�sanaki3y estimaLed initaally and from tarne to time by
<br /> ' Len�r�n the basis of a�sessments and tsills and reasonable eci.iniates tliereof;Lenrler shall appl,y the Funds
<br /> � ta��}�saicl t:�xet, asses:smentc, insuranee premil!ms and �'ound rents. Lenc3er s!isll make no rhnrre far so
<br /> ; holdi�g and appi,ying t�e Funds or vexi:fYing and cbmpili:rg said assessments and bills. Tha Lender shall
<br /> " ; give-aCo the.'Bormwer, xvithout charge,ac=annual aecountiz�g of the Funcls s�owing crediis and deUii;s ta the '
<br /> Func�ta and the.purporae�or whieh each d�bit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pled�ed.as additional
<br /> ' sec:uc�ity far the sums sacured bv this Mortgage_ The Bosrawer agrees that the Funds may !se 2ael� bp the E
<br /> ; I.en+r�er>and t^�tnming�ed with other fundzs and the I,ender'�own funds and the Lender mav I�Y such items
<br /> � from its own fund:s anci tht; ienr�ei;fzaiz not be 1ir�t1le ior interest or dividends on such Fund4. *^�� - �a, '
<br /> d �f Lhe amount of tlae Funds held by Lender,togethes avith the future znonthiy insiallments of Fundti �' '�'
<br /> payable prior 4au the aiu�e date�of#axes; �ssessments, ins�ance premiums and ground rents,shall exceer3 "',�"�� m
<br /> ii �? , the a�nount r�aured to pay said tszes, a�essmes�ts.inszazscnce premiums ar;d ground rents a.s.the,y fall due. '�p�`f" '
<br /> sarh �excess stmall be>at Borrower b op#ao�, either prornptl�q re�aid to Sorrawer or credited tx�$orrawcr on �;^�
<br /> � mo�#.�1�+ inat,slDments of Funds IS the�uount �eaf #he Furads laeJd liy Lenc�er�hali xxo#be cu�iic.ieni #o pav �,�, -
<br /> taxes,F►.ssessments, its���ance�zz�enlivass �uid grvvnd ren#s as f.hey full due,Sorrosser shalt pny to Lender �
<br /> any an�ount:necessars �make up the t3�efici,em¢y withia t�irty dsys after raotice from Lende�r to t3ox:ower -
<br /> req�ezsting �aymeat thereof,or Borrov�e�sha31, by an iac;resse in rrsonthly�nstaiimen#s of Ftands required, �.
<br /> repay the deficiency wit�rin the i�und accountiu� period.
<br /> �l+U� 4�Y��in t�li ui aii sums secured by`this A�ortgage>Lender shall appiy� t�'unds�eld as�a credit
<br /> ' again�t ail su:zzs due.
<br /> �"'�*° " �._,.. � J
<br />� �
<br />