<br /> . ;
<br /> � �c�r.
<br /> �A �
<br /> not extEncl or i>ostpone tize due cf�,te af ti�e inouti� lr inst :il} zi�enk� referre�i t �a iia pars�rsphs i :,. nd 'l hereoi or
<br /> rehange tlie amount of sueh inatallments.
<br /> - 20. Borrower Not Re2eased. Extensiorr of the time ior }�avrnent �r �nodiEica�ion uf :unortizution of the eume
<br /> secured by this :l�Fortgsge granted !a�*. I.,endei- to any successor iu int.erest ot I�orra�ver esFiali not. o{rerate to release,
<br /> in any z2�annez', the'linbitity of the originat Sim•roevex• axnd }3orroivcr:s successors in iutere�st. LenrYer shall not be
<br /> required �o epmmence ��roe:eeciin;s>�.gainst such succeysor or re� iuse fi�� extetid tirne for pat+�ne.t or otlierwise modify
<br /> uinorGization qf the sums s-eccued by tl�is \tortgu�;e bv reaKo�z ol any- dern�,ncl inac3c by the oriKina3 Borrower and
<br /> � Borrower's suaceseors in in�ereat.
<br /> 11. Foxbearance by Lendes PIat a Waiver: Any- foroearancc by ��ender in exereising any right or remedy
<br /> +'" �. hereunder, or otherwise affvrdea by �xpplicab2e lu�v; sha11 not k�c n �:�ai:�er of or �a:eclude the exercrsc of any right
<br /> ' or remedy hereunder. The ISrocurement of inaurauce or the �aavment of tazes nr otlier lieris or charges by Lender
<br /> , C-D ryhall not be a wa�icer of Leitder's rigtit 'to accelerate tiie xnntnrity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortguge.
<br /> ` ` ' � 12. Remedies Cumulcetiee: �Il remedies Firovidecl in tlii;� _lfortgage are distinet nnd cumulati�cre tio any ' other
<br /> ` �A rigUt or remedy undei•this \Yortg�ge or nfforrled hg law m• eqt�ity, anrt may� Ixs excl•cised em�currently; independ-
<br /> � , ' " C�l entiy .or successively.
<br /> � -
<br /> '� '; Ci 13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joiat and Several Licibility; Captions. T'tic corenants snd agreements
<br /> r Q herein contained s5a11'bind ; and the rights l�ereuniler .�l7atl inurc to, the respective successors and assigns o2 Lender
<br /> � � ' aiid 'Borrowec: auhjectto the provisions of p�ragrnph I7 h� teoz: _all covenante and :�greements of 3iorroK�er shall
<br /> � ' � . bejoint anci severaL Tlie c:iptions snd l�cadings ot tl�e ��uia�graj�hs of this \ Iort�;u�e are` tQr convenicnce on}y and
<br /> . �' are not �n be usetl to interpreE or ciefine tl�r, provisions liereof.
<br /> � t4. iVofice_ _4ny notiee` io Borrolver provided for in ffiis �tuit„age shnil i>r gi��en Uy mailiri�; 3uch noEice by
<br /> � certified rnail addressed ta I�orrower si the I'roperty Acldress sixted bclo«�� excei��- for �ln�• notice repuired under
<br /> � fiaragrapti 1M i�ereof to be givcn to 13orro��•er in the n'iuniier I� re,crihed by applicable laiv. Any notice provided
<br /> for in this Jfort�age shali l>e deenied tu havc Lceu given io Barro�3-cr �chen given in tiic in.�imec des=_gnstecl herein.
<br /> � i, 15. iJniform Mortgage; Goveming Law: Severability. i'liis torm of mortg� ge combines- uniform aovenants
<br /> � ; Eor nationnl, use and non-uniform covennnts �viil� Iimi�ed ��ariatiuns b,y jurisdiction to constitute a uniForm secu-
<br /> ," ' ) rity instn�ment covering resl property. :Phis 1la�tgage sha11 bc_ governed by t.lie taw of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> � � tlie Property is located. In the eveni that ax�y provision oi• c4ause of iliis Dlortgage or the Note confiicts with
<br /> ` ' ' applicable law, such conflict shall not nffect otLer provisions of this 1lortgage or t.he iVote whiciz cmn 6e given
<br /> �� effect without the conflietin� provision, and to this end thc provisions of the \tortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> 'j to be severable_
<br /> �, ', 16. Boirower's Copy. 13orro�ver shall I�e fwroished a coniormed copv of this �4ortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion oraiterrecordation hereof.
<br /> n 17. Trmufar of the Property; Assumptian. If nil or uny �inrt of tlie Propert:y or an zntereat tlierein is sold � '
<br /> " or trsnsferred by Sorrower �vithout Lender's }�rior written consent; excludin� (a ) the creation of �. Iien or encum-
<br /> a brance subordinate tq this \4oilgage, { b) ti� e crent.ion of a purchasc money securi�y interest tor hoaasehatd appli- ,�
<br /> - � 0.1]CCS� � C � �R ` tP£LIISfCi �y. ('�Cti iSe� (�c'auc'i�� :0i }ij% uji$1''hi.tGii Uf IA\\' LLf1Ui1 �(�E1C CiCtiLI1� OI 2� JOIRG� LC[13I1G OT . � Q� L[1C,::(�TI'&S1L OI .�
<br /> i any ]ease2�old interest of three years or less not epntainiiig un optiai to purchnse, Lender inay, at Lender's option, ' '
<br /> ' clealare atl the sunys secureci �y tEyi� :yfortgage io he iruiiiedixieit� duc :�nd pziy:ibie.: Leu�ter shalt hac-e waived such �
<br /> ;- option to accelerate if; prior totlie' sc�le or transfer, Lender atid thc person to �vhoc�i the Property is to be sold or
<br /> �,; transferred reacli agreemenc in �cnting thut ttie credit of such f �erson is stitisfactory to Lender and ttxsst tlie interest
<br /> c payable bn the sums secured hy Ghis �iortgage shall be at suclr rnte as Lender slial3 reques6> ti Leacier has waived
<br /> � ;� Lhe option to accelerate provided in tliis paragrap6 17 and if I3orro�ker's successor �n i«terest l�as e+cecuted a �vrit-
<br /> 4 teii assumption agreementi accepted° in wriiing byl.ende�•, I,ender shall rclease Borro�uer from all obiigations under
<br /> � tl�is Mortgage and the Note:
<br /> �; If Lender exercises suclYoptiion to accelerate, Lender sl�nl l * nu.i1 Boi•rower notiee of acceleration iii uccordance
<br /> £ tivitly,pAra.graph I4 heeeof. Sucli notice shal ! provi�ie a period of not less thnn 30 ciays from the' date the notiae is
<br /> mailed w�ithin �vhich 13orrower it3ay psy the sums declured due . If 13orrower f�ils to pay sucli sums prior to the '
<br /> � - expiration of cuch period , Lcnder inay: mitlaout furtl�er notice or de�nand on B�orrotiver, i�ivoke any remedies per-
<br /> ° mitted by paragraphl8 hereof:
<br /> ;ti
<br /> } < \o �-l}*rz�osnz CovFzv,�x2s. Bori•ower and Lencler fzic•t]mr cocenunt .1nd a;�i•ee a� �ollo�vs :
<br /> " ` 18. Accelerationt Remedies. Except a� prorided in � �ar:tgrupli 17 liereof , upon Eiorrower's ��reach of any
<br /> covenant 'oc xgreement of $ on•ower in this 3lort �a�;c. including th� covenant� to � >ay 1vl �en duc auy sums secured
<br /> � ,� by this 1lortgage, Lender t>rior to arceleration shull �n.iii notice to Boi•i�ov�cr ,ta � �roridcd i�i para�;ra��li 14 liereof
<br /> s specifying : ( 1 ) tPie brench _ (21 tl�e action i•equired tu cure sucl� breacL ; ( 3 ) a dsCe, not less t:6an thii�ty days
<br /> ; ' fronrthe date the notice i� n�ailed to 13orron-cr, by �t�hich �ucti brcarh u� ustbe cur�d , an�l { 4 ) thsat inilurc io curc -
<br /> such breach on or before cl�e daie s�ecifieit iia the ;�otice may resule in accelerat,io�i o(` il�e sums sscured by this
<br /> �lortgage and sale of the Yroperty. If the breacli is noi. cw•ed or qr befox•e thc daie specified in tiie notice, Lender
<br /> at Lcnder's option inay declaro all of i}�c su�ns secured by tliis llortgagc to be immediateIy due und payable
<br /> without further dexnnnd anc€ may foreclose tlris hiortg�ge la}� iudicial �>roceeding: Lc>nder shall hc eniatled to collect
<br /> � in such proceeding all expenses of foreclo�nre, incluiling, hut not liinit.ed to, c:osts of ducumenY,ary evidence,
<br /> ,. , abstracts and title repoi�ts.
<br /> ` 19: Bonow�r's Right =o Rainsiate. \oi�ti�itl��iunding T..ender's necelerution of the sums secured by this
<br /> IvIortgage, Borrower shu1P hsve the right to hri.��e any j�ruceedin �s i�e�n by 1 .eiider to enforce this �+vlortga�e dis-
<br /> eontinued at; ar�y tirne prior to entry of` a jud�ment enioTcing this \ Iortgage if : 4ii ) Borrower pay� Lender sll
<br /> � ' r ' , sumewhi+el� a•ould be then d�e under this �tartgage , tlic �ute and notes securink F'c�[ure �dvances, i7F any, had no
<br /> � aceelerstion �oecurred ; � (b) � Borrower curea all� brenrlies of nm� �tl�ee � co+�cnxnts or ,a�rcementa of Borrower eon- � � � � � � � � � �
<br /> taiued in t.his Mortga�e ; fe ) Borrower pays ali reuson.�ble ex��en�es iucurred by I.ei3drr in enforcing zhe cuvenants
<br /> and agreeanenis of Borrower contained in this �lortgage and in euimring l..endcr'� reiuedies us ��ro�:ided in para-
<br /> ,� . , .� _.
<br /> � , �. � � .QP&j.)I1 �.�8 �1Q2'COf, �. IIIC1lld;IIg� �. bUU. A6i. iiiiiii@ii. tv. 1'[£ISOII.a.i��C. flti0i'I3e''�' �h teC> ; all(i { c� j � :FipffU��'e7' Y.H�ie5 � Si1CI1. RCtIOR H� � � �
<br /> I.ender may ressonably reqvireto ,assure ttrat thc lien oi this 1lortgage , Lender's intcresi in the Property and
<br /> Borrower'e �bligation to pa�r the sums secureci b,v th�� \1oit�;sge tiiull continue uc� impaii•ed . IJpon such paymeni
<br /> snd eure �y �or.ror•er, this :icrtgage and t3�e obtigationa :ecureu hacby s}�xi3 reu,z�,iu iu 1ui1 fuice aa;il rtieet xa if � . - ,� �
<br /> no accelesstian had occurred_ ,^,
<br /> : 20. Assignmsat ot-Rsate: Appoiatmeat oi Receiver, Leac3ar in Posseasioa. As additional �curif,y here- � �
<br /> �, +. under, Bo3-roaer heretay assigns to I,ender the rr�iis c�f tlze Proper#y: praric�le<3 thst: Borruti�-er shall, pri+�r Co acceler- �� '
<br /> ation un@erparsgraph IS hexeof'ar absndonment of the Propez-t��, hati•e tlxe i•igl�t io collect anci mts.in such rentis � ���+���. ` '
<br /> � . ' " ari they became dve and �aysUle. , �" ;,
<br /> i7poza scceleraLion under E�aragraplr 78 ta�e�reof or r�i�anrl�nsrnn# uf the Yro�ier•#�::, 3,end�r. in �,er-�:on . br xgent
<br /> . �.�.,
<br /> or by yut3i�cittllv appAinteci reoeiver sha11 La e�atiLled to enter u4wu . tuke �>ohsessicaz� o{ and uiauae� i,he Pi�@eri.y
<br /> '. and to eG3�ect the renta of t�e Property; inc2u�3ing thasc t�ast dzae, �1L1 rents colleated hy T,ender or the receiver .�,
<br /> a�hnli:be .ag�liced firsti Lo paya�untof Lk�e costs of nxauagezuent of ti3c Pro3�ertr unci co� lection of rents , includin�, but
<br /> not 3imit�3 to, receiver's fees, i�rezniums on rcceiver'� 1>on<�s :�nd reaso��xb18 attorne_v'. tees. and tl�eaa t,o the swns
<br /> � secured by this 3linxigage. f.�naer tsnci rne recetz•er slsail be liu�l� to xccount o�iv ior tt�ose renta actuali�� recei�-ed .
<br /> , �,�, �..__
<br />� ,
<br />