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<br /> STA�'E` QF NEBRASKA )
<br /> ) ss: A F F I D R3 V I T
<br /> � COUF�tTY OF NALL )
<br /> ALVIN DENM[AN, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes
<br /> ' \ and states 'as follaws:
<br /> �j� 1 . . That on May 19, 1977, Affiant received from his si ster,
<br /> Dorothy Lepp; and her spause, Wilbur Lepp, a deed to the followi ng
<br /> described real pro�erty i'n Ha71 County, Nebraska:
<br /> ; � ' The South Half- of the Southeast Quarter(S32SE4)
<br /> of 5ection 7wenty-two (22) , Townshi p El even
<br /> (i 1} North , Range N ine ,�,9��, West of the 6th P.M. ,
<br /> HaTi County, M1debraska, and an undivided one-fourth
<br /> (1'/4) interest irr ar�d to the Northeast Quarter of
<br /> the Southeast Quarter (NEQSE4}, SectSon Tw�iity-
<br /> ' two (22), ?ownship �leven (11 ) North , Range Nine
<br /> ' ��, West of the 6tfn P.M. , Ha17 County, Nebraska,
<br /> ,:'t :
<br /> � wh,ich deed was recorded with the Ha11 Caunty Register of Deeds as
<br /> ;.; Oocuinent No. 77-002698.
<br /> N�:.� . . . . . . . . . . . �.
<br /> � 2. That the descri�tion as abo ve set forth was incorrect
<br /> ,�� and in error in tha-t said property was described as being 7ocated
<br /> � in Range' Nine �, when in truth and in fact said prope!^ty was
<br /> � sita �ted' ;r,' Range Ten 10 0� Hal`1 County, Nebraska , and that by
<br /> 'a" reason of said mistake and typographicai error, the incorrect range
<br /> � ' was inc7uded in tNe d?�criptzor a� the property intended to be con-
<br /> veyed and that the �rue and correct desc ri pti on of the property
<br /> inte�ded to be conveyed by tF�e Grantors to your Af-Fiant is as
<br /> fol l ows:
<br /> �, �� � �
<br /> }
<br /> The South Half of tFae Sbutheast Quarter (S%ZSE4)
<br /> � of Section Twenty-two (22) , Township Eleven (11 )
<br /> � North, Range Tert 10 , West of the< Sth P,M . ,
<br /> Nal l Caunty, Nebraska, and an undivided one-
<br /> fourth (1/4) interest in and to the Northeast
<br /> Quarter of the Souttzeast Quarter (NE4SE;) , Section
<br /> �a � ; Twenty-two (22} , Townshi p E1 eve n (1 1 ) North ,
<br /> Range Ten 10 , West of the 6th P.M. , Ha13 Couniy,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> i 3. That Affiant anc3 the Grantaa^ Dorothy Lepp were con—
<br /> veying property to each other and dividi ng and parti tioning reai
<br /> � prop�rty owned by them as ter�ants in comrnon; that neither the
<br /> Affiant nor the Grantors had any interes� in and to any property
<br /> situated �n �ection Twenty-tHra (22) , Towriship Eleven (11 ) North ,
<br /> ,,'.� Range Nine ��, Ha11 County, Nebraska, and that neither Affient
<br /> nor said 6rantors ci aim any right, tit1e or interest in and to
<br /> ine South Ha3f of tNe southeast Quarter (S'-2SE�) and the Northeast
<br /> ; Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (iVE;SE4}> both Sect�on Twenty-
<br /> two �22} , Township Eleven (17 ) North, Range Nine �9Z, West of the
<br /> 6th P.M. , Hail County, Nebraska, and tha-� it was the intention af
<br /> the parties ta convey property owned by them i n Sect�on Twenty-two
<br /> (22) � Township Eleven (ll ) North, Range Ten 10 , Ha31 County,
<br /> Nebras ka.
<br /> � 4. That this Affidavit is being made for tt�e purpose of
<br /> �arr�ctin� ¢�?A above descri�e� ueed cont�ining �he er�rone�us l�gai
<br /> dascription and to remove any cloud on t#�ze title of said described
<br /> prop�rty that mqght result from the recording of the ahove described
<br /> warranty deed..
<br /> Further Aff iant saye th not. � ' ' � �'- '
<br /> e, ���
<br /> � � -- ' , �i, �"
<br /> � . �.- ' �..�_.�._ ,,.,.�'
<br /> ALVI� ENMAN, Affiant n��.,
<br /> Subscribed and sworn to before �e this ;Jh_ yday of t: r� '�'
<br /> 1917_ � � '`
<br /> �
<br /> � � �� . .' /� A..�b.-' � :-f/ ��� _ _
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<br /> ' �
<br /> M comm-issian , ; `�'
<br /> � J� E'X�1 f`�5; ���,yu ��, �'
<br /> � ' ._ �
<br />