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<br /> j , by i��f���aeh DtiS'nt�nf v�r+b �Lcwk � alrt�t7 �i . �.. .,.;° .....�,. . `; ', .. . ... ii . a+�++� . :�' , ' � . �,-. . „ . ..,, .
<br /> r 1 :�� � f � . w�� ;
<br /> � � �Tv Qr�a[tt.��F, ll,v re4�uir: ra��afGxr�r � tir rrhusl;3� �atLY :�riz�lriingw . oc + m��arr�v�e:a+�nk�s � n+raw c�r . lven^rafier� e`�n � ii�n ;�tF,+niYa�s wiiich n�ay S'�- � �
<br /> ���Com,�e�. e3ssmaRed ��r. �� drr:ztrc+yw:#p .Ctr krv�}�> �. '_sat[t prsa,sni��s in �cvra�l cnezdi.tion� ssnd re. i�nir� anx( 4"rare Crons nnry^ t�r�cohr�ts.ict''� lit�n avr nt.ktrr I�c*n �.cat. .
<br /> �''. elaixn z�� fian acaC �z[arestvl,y :�uSwrrlinc�f�.rl to Che lirn hwr<���; �nxal Lr� �iif'[cr r,r �r.�rmrt ai.ny utxia�wfixf ttse a�f or <aT3�� .�iufcxrvice� 4r� «xi�t �arz >
<br /> �ieiu`3 �ro{ie�xy rtnr �to �ir, fiplf�t�� wvasta� c+rr �nalid �zr,emi,vr�N. rr.c�r ba d�� t��2p� oRht`r :>cY wherulyy . tl�e pruTaezr'ty _ Yiera hy ��nvx�yu�s" vltall kxeuzr�g..
<br /> -1er� aa3ulYblN, nor ,�ui3imiaii�T�airimA»i�� itx ��rstfia:cb}' un.w ��^tar �.+rnt'�s�an � to a��t _ tGi � c�i.,xin{>i�- w-i1.h �c�U �aequi ��anrtxenkss � oh 4ctwwitP� ra•x.;ierE. �
<br /> to� tha .rnurRKa�esl �Ycmir-.es .ant�l thr us�=. thpnt>f-.. . . . . . . . .
<br /> '` ' �� � '3'3tat +aktoulcC 6hr, prerr�iaea �zr �enY P�rc.. f.he+reuf � b+= tmkwi �sr <inmc��tc��S by rcasu�2 nE �.ris . ,[ovb`sae in,K.�xc>ti+.,�mrnt or eona3en�r�af[ort' .
<br /> � J ;; � yat<xC:at.*4i�inR.� or � t;i��e3cr [he riµFrt +.it x^tr�iriiret ilt'>ra�.:tin. or �tixi ���u��• i+{„���,. r n'i:�nn� r, t3ir . A4�oi�t�„ag<�r� vliall �m+ �n�.�tto+tD tu zvil r•xnn�:ri��.n4iuxw. � .
<br /> � +�i '�w�.rtUa. �anti ai�y. �tkier �rnyment rrr ret�ief t!}�rrFrFar, and �Fs�:-�I! he eniittrcl. �at. it,s� :oittinya, . tra rnttiim:nc,�e;. � a{i��.exr in ���unei y��z^��scvsute� � o its =
<br /> ' , y '� �. �awre iesmr. s�nY .t�ti.:"'. c�r {arnceerjing; �. ��r tt� makc iiny� n���rzro�nise- csr sct.tl+>�cne,ut �� in� :c�,xen��ciioai +ait �a �such � t:e&iriF <�r eiarnng�::�All xuch .
<br /> ` � r.Y�mptrtt�.Rtiun, uw.zarrl�x, ciatnn{tc�. ti�th��:.ut �atit�at- and �rca��a.tv+tls x(v€ }is+rebr'..� assiKt�eci..;:tr� thr.�: Mbrttzta�Xnrt.�- �� wtac> m.mry. rxfter '�:de�lus^kinZ,;.?
<br /> „ � � .:� . ttrit.ze�E;enm att iLa -��ettae*e�, .ri�lenee anu^�,.trtoaeys�er�� ze•rravec3 Uv.(€. E>r�� tiF�a)ly t.Yii� ,nnan x�rr sny iil�le=bt,�,rLir�s.s . sncused ,)xa:re�y. 7`b�. 1tiS�ut • �:� . . �:
<br /> � �ia�tor st�reeaS ta �:.xecutr auci�:�:{tirl}jer �.-assi�5n�nen��c of .�ny: roinlr�nNntiurt, � au•ar-'1s, rlrama�;ea:. anrS n�:�ils :of � :aca.�+>n �.an<) rx�oce��clai n:� ihe,�
<br /> , � �� � .. . �Mt?rtBe�,'eer ;�>maY r.u9uite_ � , . � � . : . �. . � � . �.��
<br /> ,. , ' ��� � � . .. "�hat �n c�tse o! failurc fn ��F"c:rf�<�rttj anv o[ thr c•.ove= nunts lirse'sn. �tho f�? �art�;ggei�� m��y dry�on t�3�v '� htortF:�hix'.5� hrhalf�. :�ver�+Shing'� � ' , � . :���.
<br /> ;�; ;:: �� � x�. covensnted: Ll�.act tlie bie>rt�agee� na�y ulaa d=:+ nny..�rt it, may. rle<�m� nenxc:aeiry t�a pmY.ect the. lirn the�rec>f: that the 2viactgaR�r, �vi1P� ., �..
<br /> � I, . reXsziy upon �demand:��:nRY moncys �'rair�.�'or �li�;bur,srti by �� tkse Muritza��.e tor :3n4 aE� �thr�� ak�ave �}n�r=sor+�q, :�nd such nwney� tnketFirr wiih��...
<br /> '. , ' ^ �� �� � � :iriiercnsi:. therCbn � �.nt�.the ratn ���Providez� � in :uwid � r3cite ��et�ia3.S � L��com¢� sc� n�uch � ctrlditian:+{. �. in�lel>tedn«*sn hcrybV .tu�r. �jreil an�I � rr�aY lar in-,'� ���...
<br /> �� �� _ Clu�icci in atay d�.:c�ree fuceciaxing tliiR � Enort�yaKt :=�nd tx5 . {:aul uut qf. t.ho rc.ntR nr flroc�e�eds o(��:w31� t�( c�ici�� prem.ines it nnt�.���othr*nsine' . ���.
<br /> ; � - � �tnid; thuC:it s}�gii. � mit br �obiigatocv �I+nn Ch.> ivturlK+V:.��^ (�r ��i4u�irr irdo � 'thr antici;ty of xny� 1iv�x , encumisrnnces. ��r r.ixittt irt acz• . � � �
<br /> - �" ' " � . . vaxxcin,�'�mnneYs ..�.s�.atxnre; auehearizeef..,3�utnc;t}nina hem.zn � cnnl�unc.ci tihaU Uc.. c-<mytr�ae�9 - n.e ��. rr.quirin� tiie �:�:h�d.3rtga�ie t,> .trFvtince �ny�� � �,,�
<br /> ; $ , �'� . tnone3`5 Sor:.:snY +�u.Ch; Puz�[x?se .nur ttx.:da>. auy .uct hr. reundar; nnd tha} .�.A. .rt�».,�... gi,r13 .:^ - i� . �nruC..= ._ . .��c�...... ..? l.�.k.ility !:r...cuuxi.+ r•: any..-. .
<br /> F' n :
<br /> .� ..��� . ��Lhing. it .maydot>r � omit , tqr3u�hereund�c •�•.� . . . . � . � . '
<br /> 'y , ld��thc: evaenl n( t}ac iletnuCt by: A9��rtgaqyr in t3�cs� � � puyment ��c>f . +m,y � inestulEment. av reri�uirec� by t}+� �Va1c secur�d 1ir.retsy, tic. �
<br /> '^� �. ln: the �xrft�cmtta«..�e'��.pE thet nta�igatiun i�� this�. nzc.rtgngd . ar. i �n Llic :raote aecur^t1� .k:3icrerby, tt7«� i�lurt�a�.�re akieill f>w enlitTevd '3o .de:tMar. tho .�
<br /> �:} , :. . '. �..�tebtaecuri�rlhcrebS'.�ueand .psYahle �vathout .notice, c+x;d � _ 4hv, r2ortgmgee,�silalt bo .entit[edm.t �taopti�:an. ��wii;hrutra<�licr. either�..byitv.�lt �:: ���; � �'
<br /> Z i �.. or. �.t•v s reca�iver i�a Ix� appuinil.eci 6y tFa� court the±reo[, s���c3 w�thaut .cegord � to the acicvxvtxcy of.�any s�K•uri:Y.y �'r�r the indebtetlnr:t..a �ye • ':
<br /> >' �3 , cured i:es'�by. to a.nter u;x�n axid tftkr ��j�av,ee;.4#on �ot tha �rs�urlK�3;���> i'remi4es: and tci��.c�llecf t��id� re�eive the� rwnts, :�ishu�es exn�i profsta�:
<br /> `� � thereof. .ant# appl.: the satne. ��.1e�.9 e.�os�.:�s� oi caperntix�n and . � ialdretian, vp�n tit�- indebte-cineae ycr�urr*1 lay , ��ttlis rnortysa�+�e; s{ii�l� rents,� '�:
<br /> ^� � � � �� iKsues and. pwfita Eaeing herrby- atuiFnr.�c'I� to the'- M�>rtgn�c�.c� �e furlher.� s�`urity� fczr thc�� payment o(� ali and+.•Iatcfln�s�+ hec•urrwl Ittirrby.
<br /> , �' � ," . . .. . � .
<br /> '�. ' . .� � Thr Mortgugce shH1C�.huvr Lh���pc»ver fa��.eppuint�::.any n�rni ar ogent5 it m;iy dcsir�� (or tiir purpcme tif r��p�.iring said �rrm - ... ..
<br /> 'f : , . .�,. . . . . .
<br /> `���"� � � ines: ren�ting the same; enllecting. the -� ren48, revenuos .anc3 ir�came. ,nnd il rnay pay. ciut of �a�id . inccrme. alt... erpenses... ina.'�c�rrt�el�. in rent--�� �.
<br /> �` '� ing und munagin� .�t}�e snmc :aud ot :cqliectin��. th�� renta�s then�fr�>m. Tlie� �t*alr�ncc rirnnining�-�� i! �auy; sh�ii bF tiY�P�i�`cl Wward the+ -
<br /> 'k � �linchurqe .af the c+�octgttge indebt�Yln�x, Thi�s . aavignraerc4 ia lr� t�rminate. an�d l�came null �nd � c7id � uFxats r,rlrasr.� �RC this . mnrtunge. �. �;
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