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.� <br />,� .. • �. _ <br /> `��: <br /> � ,-..�. <br /> � � <br /> �7- U 0 2�33'7 <br /> MORTCACE <br /> nlaaTCAcr �anrr cvo. L 22.660 <br /> ' xcvow aLt r�n�nt�TxESE rR�sENTs:Tn�e Wi l l i am C. McFar1 and, a s i ngl� person <br /> i ` <br /> i�lortgagor,whether one or moro in cunsidexation of the sum of <br /> . � Seven Thousand and No/lOfl----------------------------------------------- " <br /> --------- <br /> —DOLLARS <br /> ��loaned ta said mori,gagot by'The Equita�ble:Building�snd�Lonn Associr[ion of Crand�Island,lVebraska,�MarYgagee,�upon � ]Q �shares:of sfock��of <br /> r „- said ASSOCIAT10l+I;CcrtiticaLe No.L, 22�6GO _ dn hereby grant;conwey and morCgagc untu thc said ASSOCIATION the following <br /> ,. <br /> � desciibed real estate,situated in Flall County,Nebraskn: <br /> ,; <br /> LOT ONE HUNDRED TWENTY'Tt{REE (123) IN BUENAVISTA <br /> SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRA.�lD ISLAfVD, <br /> HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> i . . . �. � . � . . . <br /> ���,: " �. . . � � . .� � . . . . . : .. . . <br /> �.together� all ihc�.Cei,erne;�ts,.he:e�i;lamen[s lnd��appurtenar.ce&,her.�unto.belonging,including attache�i�l7uor coverings,�all window screens,� <br /> .window shades,blin+is,�storm windows,awnin{5s,heating,aic eonditioning,enci plumbing�and w;�ter eyuipmes�tand accessorius thereto,pumps,stover,� <br /> m �� � refrigeratocs,and oth�r Gxtures and equipmerrt now or here�fter attached to or used in cunnection with said�reat estate: �� � � � � <br /> °' � And whereas the said�mortgagor Las agreed��and does hereby agrce that the mo:tgagon sltall�and�witl. pay all�t�xus and asstssmencs lened or�. <br /> {��.' "assessed�.upon said�.premises�and.upun dx5s mortgage and the bond secured thereby bal'ore[he same�shall�bec..ome delinquent;to futnish approved�� <br /> insurance upon�he buildings on suid preznises situated in che sum uf$J�Q�Q.QU p3yaUle ro s:iid ASSOCIATION and to deliver m said <br /> ��ASSOCIATION the�.pcilicies for said i�surance;�and not ro cammit�ur pemut any waste on o�ubout said premises.�. �� � � � � � � � <br /> } ' ��� I�i case of deFault in the�perfocmasce oCany of the term_�s and coaditions of this morteaga or the bor�tl�ceaured hereby�;Lh�mortgagee sha11, <br /> � �� on demand,�be enti[fied to.unmediate.possession of�the inortgaged precnises�and Uie mort�vgor��hereby assigns,��transfers and sets over to the� <br /> �` �' � .mortga�ee�all the renls,revenues and income to be derived from the mnrtgaged premises�during such time as the n2ortg�age.indebtedness shalt�retnain: <br /> ��.unpaid;and themorigagee shall have the}iowerxo appnint any sgent or agen[s it may�siesire for the purpose oF repairing said�pr�nises�xnd�renting��� <br /> ���tlie satne�and collecting[he rents,revenu�sand income,and�it rnay payout of said incume all expenses.of repairing�said premises as�d.necessa_a;� <br /> ��commissiurTs and�,axpenses incurred in rez�ling�and managing t�ie�sameand pl'collecting reiztals U�erefrom.;the baiance remaining,�if,any,'�.. <br /> .�apglied toward the drscharge�of ssid morigage indebtedness•;thxse righls of the mvrtgagee may be exercised at any�xune.during the�axistence of such : <br /> deiault,irrespective of uny temporary waiver oC the same. <br /> f <br /> ;y`: �.,. These�Presenis, Lowever,�are upon ahe Condixion,Tha[if the said Murtgagor shald repay ssid loan on or befora the maturitv�ot said shares hy`: <br /> �. � paymentt��pay monttil.y to said ASSOCIA?lON of the sum specitied in the Bond�secured hcreby as in�erest and principai on said loan,orr orbefore � <br /> .,,tp.,� .�Yhe 1'wentieUi day.of e,�eh�and ev�ry mon�h;until said loan is Culty paid;pay�ll.tases andassassments levied a�insGsaid prr.mises and on:his Mortgage.� <br /> � ` and the�Bartd securr$.ihereby,before delanyuency:�S�urnish appaoved insurunce upon[he build'zngs thareun in the sum of.S ]�QQ�Q,�� payabte�� <br /> .� .� ��to said.q5SOC1ATION;�repay to�said ASSOCIATIt�N upon dernand all money by�it paid�for sur.h.[xxes,ussessmrnts and insurance with interest�at �. <br /> F the mgximum lega!raze thereon:rom date of psyment aIl of'w}nich�iortgagor hereby agrees tu pay;permit no wasie on said premises-keep and comply <br /> �� , �with.aA the agreement�xnd conditinns ol.�he Dond for S �>���.�0 Yhis da,y given !�y Ihe said Mortgago[co said�AS50C1ATION,and cumply.�; <br /> • . with�all the requirements o(.the Constitu[i�on:�nd ByLaws of ASSOCIATION;[hen. these presents shall become.null and�.void,utherwise�they � <br /> ^�� � shall remain iir full force and rrwy 6e�foseclosed az the option u(the said ASS(K[ATION after failure for three months to rnake�any of said <br /> s ; � payments or br three months in arrcars irs making said monthlv paymencs,or co keep and con�ply with the agreements xnd cunditions of said F3ond; <br /> ����und Morigagor agrees to liave a receiver appuinted forthwith in�such foreclosure proccedings.� � � � � � <br /> � .If U�ere is any change in.awn�rship ol'the rca5 esiate morcgaged her�in,by sale ar oxherwise,then the entire�remain'vig�ind+ebtedness hereby��� � <br /> �secumd�sha11,at the ogti�n of'i'he Lyuitable Building nnd Loan Association of Grxnd Is3and,Nebraslca,6ecorrse immedistely due and payable without . <br /> . �.further noiice,�and�the�amuunt retnuinin�due under said bond,and any o[her bond for an_v additional advances made thereunder,shaii,i'rom ihe � <br /> �iate of exercim of said option,bear interest at the maximwn legal rate,snd tl�is morigryge nmy then be forec]used co satisfy the ar.�ount dut on said <br /> k � � 6ond,�id;u�y�odier.bc3nd�dor additional a�eances,togeUier with all sums raid by said T�e Eqi;itable�Building snd t_oan Associatio:z.of Grand lsland, : � <br /> Nebraska for insurance,�taxes and assess�n�ats,and abstrxcling extensien chargas, with interesi thereon, fron�da�e of paymen.t.�at the maximum� � <br /> � IegaLrate. . � � . . . <br /> ",�t �� � . �As provided in c�e Sond secured he3eby,wl�ile ihis murtgage remains in effect t3ie mortgegae ma}�hezeaf�cer advance additional sums to the � � <br /> : �� makers of said Band;�their assigns or successors in interest,which sums shall be within the security oF this inzrrtgage the same as tha funds originally � � � � <br /> , i � .cecured therrby,the zvtai.amount of prineipal de6t not to eru�ad at any tinae the original:unount of this mor'tgage, � � � � �� <br /> �a�n�: 25th aay rti May n.�., iv 77 <br /> �G�'sd�?c-�— � ' —_ <br /> W�l��am C.--�nd <br /> 52ATE v^i=NEBRAS�A, ss. On t}tis da uf < <br /> COUIdTYOFHaZ.L� 25th y May » ��>befu:eme, <br /> ' � � � fhe�widersig.aed.,a iVuiury Public izi xnd fur said Cuunty� perwnall,y c:ame � �'� �'��� °�-a'"y � <br /> �,' � iniill3a�n C: .IWcFa�^land,• a sin�ie person ,�a <br /> � � ,;" a <br /> : . � ... . .. . svho l S prrscmally known to . .. <br /> ��� <br /> + "� ' . �� n : � whose.nama 15 � affixed na the abqve instrument as mortgagoc and �'te severa!!y � . �.q,�: <br /> � .... <br /> ��a�a ,�y�`ans menx<_�be ";,; wlunis=y ac[and dcad. ;� <br /> ,;� � � �M,. <br /> ��;u � � N'1't3iE55 y ttand and Aiotariel Sea1 the dnie s.foresaid. �� <br /> IdOTARY <br /> �� CLIMMISSt�IN�"t`i�f� 'oa expires, £��,"_ _ yr�{J j�tl� :\� '/, �'Z. <br /> EXPIRfiS � � b _ ,� � ' �' t <br /> �� � �f y .. F'dotxry Pubiic <br /> J'j���Q ?li �g$o 'R` <br /> `W�i�eM � ..� �� <br />. : 9T�QF N���'�- <br />' �. <br /> i! � <br />� <br />� <br /> M <br />