x�� ; .
<br />.� � � �
<br /> :� _ �
<br /> noG extert�l or pc:stpona the tltte date cil tl�c tt�onthi }� insta� lln �c•r �t:e rric�rretl to tri ��araRraphs i ;wd '3 herr�ol or
<br /> ciiange t }se umounti of such rnstnllmenCa.
<br /> ' 10. BorsowarNot Reiscsad. Lxtensiork nz kizc time for pcit•n�eait or modificatiaa� of :nnortization of tiie eurnfc
<br /> eecured by- tltis �Iortgflge �;r�nted by I,.encter ta nnv �u�� c.c�sor in interest of Borrotver shalf not o��erace to retea.se,
<br /> in siny nxanner, 4Eac , liabilitF^ of ttie original I3orrou�e7• and I;iorro�sver'� eiiecessorr in iuterest. L�cnder sk�a(1 not he
<br /> , rec�uired �o cotnmenee procesdings against sucl3 successor or reiti.�: tc> extend time ior p,xyment or c�therw-iee modify
<br /> �� tamor't�zaGion of the suros secured by tlaia \{ort�ngc I�y reasa� at :any ctr:�nand mucic b,v the priginal Bosrower and
<br /> Sorrower� successars in inteaest.
<br /> IL Forbearanee ' by L�nder Not a Waivez. .Anv forbeararca by Ler�der in ekercising nny right ar remedy
<br /> ; ; F�ereunder; or othercnrisE affosderl b,y scpplicuble �n�v; sk�all nut be �a, wniJi�r of or 4irec €tide the exercisc oE any right
<br /> ' ' ; or remedy hereuades. The paoctuement of insurancc or the �>ayixient 'of taxes or oth�r liens or charges by I,ender
<br /> _ 'k shall i�ot �e t� �vaiver oi Ler�der's right to accelernte Lhe inatturitv of t�ie indebtedness secured by this itilortgttge.
<br /> d 12. Eiamedies Cumulalive. All remedies �arovided in tl�is �Inrcguge are clistinct and cumulaxtive to any ather
<br /> � right or ramedy under this �.- Iortgage or ufforcted h�� lan- or equit:�.-, and may b�� exer�€:isetl concurrentdy, indepencl-
<br /> �. z entl�*: or suocessively�
<br /> , , ,i 13. `'avecessors and Rasigae Bound: Joint ond Several Liab3lily; Caphons. `.C�c covenatnte and agreernents
<br /> � herein corgfsined s�ir�il #iind ,' 3iid the riglztr hereizrder shalt inure cv, thc respective suca;essors snd assigns of Lendr•r
<br /> .ind F3orrower; sttbjectto t:he provisions of �rara..�reiph 17 Lereof: .�.Il cocen:ints nnd r3.gheelnents oi I3orr�aner sha:11
<br /> ` � tae joint a�d sea•eral_ Tfie c:yFations snd hcadings i�f Che ��aragr:�t�hs oi ttiis \iortga�c are tor convenience oxily and ` `
<br /> ° are .not to t�e used Eo interpreE oa• defiiae the C�rovision, hereof.
<br /> { 14. Notice. Any iiotiee t.o 13orraa-er proeic�ed for in this \Fortg=tge shaill be �.ri��en by �nailing such notice by
<br /> ; � reriified n�aii addrr.ssed to Borro�ver .�c the Pronerty Ac3dreti, state� t b�lcrsti�, er.cepc iur aut notice required under
<br /> � � � p�rriggaptz 1871erevf �� to � be� gsv�n co 13arroner i.-� tl�c �inanne� pre�<:ciibeci !3y a�iplicalrlc law. � .4nS• notice � provided`
<br /> 4or in tl�is _-lLorc�aoe sl:all l�e rieeu�ed to liave C�cru giaeri ro Hoircicrer �vkier; given i�� tr�e manner deaigiz:�ted Uerein:
<br /> "" � 15.' IT�iEormMIortgage; Governing Law; Severability �'lii= Fam oi rnort�;age cornbines uniform eci��enants
<br /> ; - A for natioiaal iise anci nan-uni3orm covenarrts �vit.l� limited r:iriatioz�s by jurisdictioa to constitute n unifc�rm sects- '. '
<br /> : �' rity instrument covering reai ��roperiy. 1'his :1lortgxge shall be governed by t,he lu�+- of tiie jurisdietion in which
<br /> ""' ` the Property ,is located. Tz� the evenr. thnt any provision or claua-e of this \4ortgage or t1�e Yvote conflicts �vith
<br /> d applicable lrstiv, siacll con8ici shall nob atTecC ot'z>_er provisions of Lhi� liortgage m• t��e Notc �vhich caa be given
<br /> ; � effcci wittxoat t3�e conHicting provision, and to tj.is end Lhe provisions of tf�c \lortgu�c and the Note are declared
<br /> S to be severBble:
<br /> 16. Borrawer's Copy. Borrower shnll Ue furnishecl a conforri�ed copti� of this tifort�age at the time of exeau-
<br /> % � 6ios or s'fter recordaiian hereof.
<br /> � � r 17. Tr,aasfes of the Pcop�erty; Assumption. If aii or any part of thc Property c,r sn interest tt�erein ie sold
<br /> � , �; or transfer3edby� Borrocver ti�athout Lender's priar crritien consent _ �;xcluaing (a ) the creation oi u dien or encum-
<br /> �' ; " firance subordinate to iliis \I.orfgnge, {h) the crention of a purcha...:;e money security sntereai for household appli- � `
<br /> '� a 3nces,; (c) s trnnsfer by decise,descent or b,y opeanGioi� oi lu��• upoia the death of n j oint tenant or (d) the: grant af
<br /> any deasehold interest of three years or less not cotitaining an o�rtic�n to purchase, Lendcr mssy . a 't Lender's option,
<br /> ' deelare a2T tlie su�us secured !>y ii�is �3orfgage to be iininediately c.i �.ie and ps�yable. Le�ider sliaf! ha��e ��c•a�ved sneh
<br /> -t option to s-ccalerate i3, ar�or zo ihe s�le ar t.ran,fer, Lender and ihe ��crson to trhorri tho- Pi•operiy is tv bc sold or
<br /> ; ; transferred reach agreement i� �rriting thut the cseciit oi such ��erson is satisfactor}• io I,ender and thaf, ttt� interest
<br /> _ paysble oa the sums secured �y t6is �'tort�a�e s?� all Le ut suc6 r:iie as I.;ender shnll rc�c�uest._ If Lender h3s waived
<br /> � - the option io xceeleraie pro�ided in ikris pnragr� ph li ::sne3 if Borrawer's suecessor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> A ? tex� assunxlsiion agreemenG aecepied ia �vriting by l:ender, I.ender a4-aall rclease Borruw�r irom a.lt obligaiions under
<br /> ? , th9s 11Sortgsge and the ivo'te_
<br /> � , Tf Len:der exercises such option to accelerate , Lender shall :uail I3orrower notice c3f aeceleration in accordance
<br /> � ��•itls pxraga^aph ] � hereof: Such notice slaall pi•o�-ide ;x �>eriod ot nc> b len, 'ti�an 30 days fr�m the daie tne no6iae is
<br /> '` � � � mailed .wit�in �tivhich Iiorrow�r may �auy t6e cui.t�as dsc2ured due. � �If I3orro���er � fflils to pay such surns prror � Eo �the
<br /> � ; expiration c�T aucfi period; Lerader inay , n•ithout furt.her notice or aemanci on B'on�owe;r, irivoke any remedies aer-
<br /> mitted by'�aragraph iS l�ereof.
<br /> t ; \c�x-�?�:ir-ax�r GovEvr�xrs: Borro�eer <�nd Lender fui•t]ier covenant and a,gree as follo�v,; :
<br /> 18. Ficcelezatioa: Remedies. F.xcept u� �»ro�•ided in � tiiru�;rupli 17 liereoi, uS�ti�y I3orroticer's breae�i of any
<br /> coven�nt o_ agreeiuent of Borrou•er in cl�is :�lo�7�;igc. iz�cfucling [lic c���enants to pay �rhen duc �ny suans seeured
<br /> �� � �y #tris Afu3tgage,;I.e�nder pu•ior # o aecelerstion slauli muil nc7tice � tv 13arroi�-cr �r �prov�tled � in S>ara�;rapl�, 34 � �hereoi �
<br /> .pecif}�in� : ( 3 ) the b��aaeh : i 2) tlie :artion reyuared ta cure sucla lir�•acli ; 13 ) a ctata: , not less t6an th "srbv days
<br /> from ihe date the noisce is ln:i�led tn I3orro«�cr, 1 >�� �.�Iiicl� :iu:li bre,xcl � mu,st b� ciu•ecl ; and i41 that fuilurae t:o cure
<br /> � � ,uch breae� on a� beiore the +claie �pecified in tlie noticc �uay result in acceleration a( tlic sum� �ecurec by this
<br /> ; Afartgage. and sa3e oC tlie Pro�erip. If ihe breAcli is no[, cured m: c7r before thedatr. speoifieci in i.l�e notice ; Lender
<br /> at f�ender's o�tion 3nay <iecla.re a11 oS tlie �uins secured l�y thin `�Iortgage to 1>e irnrnecii�tei� due and payabTe
<br /> R a�iiiioui further dcinund anci ir-2ap forcclose tl�i� \i c�rtgage b� jizdiri •a] �7roreeding. I.ender shail t�e entitled i.o cullect
<br /> in such proceedin� all c�xpec� ses ui foreclosurc , inclu� ling, hut not liu7ited to , costs of ciacwiietjtarv evidence,
<br /> abstraets arad tit3e repori,�.
<br /> 19_ Bazrower'� Hiqht- to Aeinsic:s. 1'atu•izh;i:�nciinGr I ;en��er's �ir. celes•aition of the surx�s secure¢ by this
<br /> A4c�ri.�;+:�e, Borrower shaI1 have ti�e right to h��•e any procerciingt f-.c��i b�• T:cndcr to cr�iorce ihis \lort�age dis-
<br /> , continucd at any time ��rior i� entn� of a jucign�enr enioxcing tfiiw iiort�;uge if : i <{ 1 Borro�t•er pn,ys I.e�ncier sl!
<br /> r . � sums which :would be thet� due under �?;is 1!ar� �aF:�; tlic _\'vte ninit xzvtes �ecuring k'ucure Az9�-urace�, ii ar,y , had na
<br /> �eceleratiozz oecurred ; ( b) Boaro���er cuce, ail l�r�-,acLe. oi unc c�c}x�r t-u+'i�n:ints ur x� aretnents of I3orrov�•er eun-
<br /> Yained in thns il4ort�age : !e9 Bormwer ��aivs � 11 reza«�n;ai71<� e��peii=e� ,; ncurrec� I,�, i . ender irt er, sorr, •, �� t1:e ccn�.•ntr�t��s
<br /> ' r and agreem�ntsot $ozrower eoncained in this \1orl�u�;e s�zid in enfcr�•ein� I,ender's rt�inedxe; ��� � �rovid<� in f�ara-
<br /> , graph. l8 )ie3eof, including; i�ut notlimited to, rerz�otsabs'e at.to� ne�� '�= � rc ax�ci i �i ) Fiorrower lskes sue}i r;.ction as
<br /> �.ender mav reasotxabiy reqaire #o assure that t,t; e lien of tlii� \Ioat���e; I;endei'� ir. =ereEt ir� the F'rc�pc:rty� ran�3
<br /> � Borrawer's c�bligation 2,o pav f.3�e sums szeurert hs t}� i� \JorrqH�e .,}FUIi c�ntinucr unimFkxired . I' r>an sucY� ��a�-ment
<br /> I and cure Uy Borrovrer, ihis _'vSo�tgage and tlie obli�ation: rc�cured )�r:rcby -ha1] reir�ain i�� iull foi•ce and et� ect xs ii ,�r � " ' , ^,.
<br /> ' uo acceteratabu had c�ccurr�d. _.. . ,. .�,
<br /> „ 2{1. Assigairseuf �ot Reals: APPAoiataaent of 1Receiver. Lender 3n Possessioa. :� � sdc�iiional securit.�• l�ere- '� . ' ' ;� .
<br /> ; ,� under, $urroa•erfiere�b� assign= W Lender tlie reni�. o€ tl�e P.roperf �• : airol�icieci tiiat Borrower Gha31 . ��rior tn z�cceler- , :,".1�.�-
<br /> �, c�,�, � �
<br /> x at�oa :undex �ea'agra�li i8 1�es�ecaf or absndvnment .+of tl�e YroJ�erty, kaa�-c t lie rieiit ta c.c>]lert anri retain �u�l� rents ��;
<br /> as bh� x'�tsco�n� �tx9e ana ��xyab3e: �. .,;- ,
<br /> x � -
<br /> ��:
<br /> ' � � T.. f1+�R 9.'�_M�PY'A�:3Y?^. .L'SFS,�`.' ^$.^3p^�.j�};. . $$ �IC'T[;t3.._ � G.-. �ii3:lflOi'iI11C'Y:L. Gi L�it:. ��i'G�iE'17:ti . l.�illil�'.3". ii� .}+tlaUtl... i� :Y iikCilL � ; �
<br /> "� . � � � or ny �a�diri�dl�' nprwi�ai� reeeiver =hail � tre e;zt�#3�d Lo ���i�x uUaz„ t;�}:�� ;;os: c:,sa�n ��: :�i.� ..:us...�e ;h� i'rapeczv ��-
<br /> � anc3 to -eoliect �he rents of th$ Pr��>erty, inrludi�a� tliose }sast due. �lt a�ent� coJiect�:i i��� l.eu�3er or t }ie r� e�eivi.x• `
<br /> stiriIl be af3p�3ec3 fi.rst #o paytnez:3 of l,he costu of nxa:�agertzent of the Yrvr7eriv :in�i collerc. ion oi rents, inrPud3n�, bau
<br /> not liauifYe+d i.o, reoeiser's f<ees, t>resviinms zrn rt�ceive:r'z ]�ora�d. xn�3 rex�;onabte xtYarn��v '� =e�•� , :� �iri th��n trv ti-no .ii„r.
<br /> �6ured by 'G�sis i'tor[g,age. I;end�er and it9e reoeiver �has1! ?>e � fa3�le to rsecou:*t vnl�� ia• thca�e r�nts xctut111�- r�cei��eci .
<br /> ' < ,.� �
<br />�
<br />