� ��.
<br /> l ��
<br /> �"`„., .� ' �
<br /> 3-
<br /> _ I►�FDtVIDtJAL
<br /> � D[JE ON SALE
<br /> SI�VlNGS FUND
<br /> ; . ��.., FosxM:No.7za. � � � . .
<br /> loan Number___3305.5______188_- 1�
<br /> � . , � . . . � . . . 'fYp�� . .tiBranch �
<br /> . �' %7- OD2$�1 M O R T G A G ;E ;
<br /> % THI3 MURTGAGE,made and axecuted thgs.;.... -�'�'.... _ ... da,y of :. �/•,l.......: ..... A D.,'
<br /> ; 19..!:+.....,beY,eveen the;vfortgagaa, .�.:�oy?d_.A.....R��..I.:.a.z�.d_.I�.a.thJ.eeu..L...Ra1I....kAusb.and.and__wifey__..._..
<br /> ; ,�o3ittly aczd each in theis.4�?�?.riS1�t� •--.... .._ _... ........ ......._-------
<br /> � � of ::Grand..,Ysland.._..-----.;Co�zstvnf ::_Hall :..:..._... ._..,State of::N��.ixaska --.,�hereina#terzefe�reci
<br /> to as the Bo3rrower, and the :�riortgagee,. FIRS'I' FEDF.RAL SA�'3NG5 AND L�A\T ASSOGIATIOT3 OF
<br /> L.TT_+7GdLN,.T235 "N" Street; Lincotn, Nebraska 65501, .its successors anc� a�:signs, g�ereinafter referred tn
<br /> � t�s i,ender:
<br /> ; Wa�x�ss�TFx:. That the.said Borrower for a_nd in cansideratia�of the sum of .�0I2TY.:THOIISANT}_._SIx
<br /> ; f3U'i�TF3RED,EI�HTY.,AND' N01.:20E3 -,-- ..c-----.---�ol;ars (L3S�---..�A.,580:..QQ _:.:.--.- -•--)
<br /> ............ .... - -... .
<br /> � r paid b,y sxid'3.ender, rIoes hera:by martg�ge,gran�and convey t.o Lender, its successors and assigns, the
<br /> ` c following described properk� located in the Goun�v of .._.._---......H.a��..:...... _,_ ..., Stacte of NehrAsk�: `
<br /> Lat E:leven (11), Preedom Acres Subdivi�ion, �rall County, iVebraska,
<br /> � Tor,ErrHER with all the'improvernents now os herenfter erected on tfie property, and,a11 easementsa
<br /> 3 righ'ts,appurienances, rents, ro�nities, mineral, oil and gas rights und profits;-water, water rights,•s and
<br /> water stock;'and all-fixtures na,a�or hereafter atrached to the'pxnperty, a�l of which; including replace-
<br /> r mer�ts and additior�,s theceto,shall be rleemed to be aad rectrain a part of tfie property covered by this
<br /> 1Vlortgage; and all`o# the foregazng, together wit�-i said property (or the leasehol3 r�tate in the event this
<br /> Mortgage is c+n a le.asehold) are herein referred �o As the "Propex-cy''.
<br /> Borrower covr.nan�that B�rrower is lziwfuil�soised-of the estate hereby conveyed azad has the right
<br /> ' Ga martgage, grant and convev the PropertY,tha�the Property is r:mencurnk�ered, and thak Borrower:will
<br /> warrant and defend generall,y'tt�e iitIe:to the Property against all claims �nd demands, subject to any
<br /> A easesnents and restrietions:listec3 in a schednte o£ exceptions to cov�rege in an,y title insurance polic,y in-
<br /> , � s�ring Lender'y intetest in the Propert,y. or (2) a�torney's opinian of title from abstract of`#itle certified -
<br /> ` I>y bonde8 abstracter:
<br /> � I?eovmEn Auva�s, and these presents aru executed and�3eliver+ed upon the following conditions,a�-ee-
<br /> �` meats and ob3igations of the $c�rrower, tc�-wit:
<br /> „
<br /> x
<br /> f� ' The Borrower agrees to pay to the I,endec,. or order, the principal,sum of FORTY. THpUSAND $.I�._._,:._.
<br /> HUN�?y:ED E=��TY.:AND N0%100----- -----------------
<br /> . .... .....----........ .. ..........__.Dotlar�s f US�.40.>fi80.00.:_ .._:.: _..)
<br /> - payable as prayided in a note ee�tuted and delivered,concurrentiv k��rewith;t.h�final n3ment c�f principal,
<br /> . i[nax soonerpaid,on the .....ls-G:.:...__.___ day of __.......June:;._.._ .._..:.._...... i�x200� .
<br /> Z.�z�[Foxiu fiav�:x.�x•rs. $arro;ver anci Lender covenant and a�;re�as foitows:
<br /> 1. Paymeut af Principal aud 3nteresL Borrower shaii �romptly }�ay�when due the�rincipal of and in-
<br /> terest on the ia�det�teciness evidenced by the IvTote, pre�ayment and latx, charges as pTovided ix� ttie\ate,
<br /> aad the princi�ai of and in#erest on any Future Ac3vsnces secured bv this h'lortga�e.
<br /> 2. Funds�or Trrx�s arsd�Insur¢nce. Subjeci Lc�Lender's opt,ion�nder pnragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, 13or-
<br /> p ' rower shall:pav to Lend�r o�t t6e da,y monthly ins-tnlliiient�.of princapel and.ini,erest are F�ay�ahle undea t�e
<br /> NotK, until the�Nof:e is paid�n fizll,a sum (herein "Funds") equal tc�one-twelfth o# the yearly tases and
<br /> � asseesiaaents w�ich mav attain ' ' y over thi�,�3arf. a�e and round rents on t:he Pro `
<br /> ' oae-twelfth.of 1'earl 1���' � �' ' � Xrerty, if anv plus
<br /> y prexnium instaTl'i4�n�,.€or hazard insurance, pBus �ne-twelfth of yeartv premium in-
<br /> '. '' ' sGallr�tents for inartgage in5uranc�,if any, ali as rr asonably esiimatad initiallv ancl i'roin time to tima b��
<br /> r Lender on the basis�f assessments and bi31s and res3son3t�le estimates fherc�,f,L.���icies s�ail t��ti13,t:lt�F�nr]s
<br />�" in r,�_y �.H;�rM „ �.a ts : s-.-.;:.� �;r�niiwr,.�aiiu gruunci rrnt.�,i.eiiuer 51iai7 xnake no iiiarge fc�r �o
<br /> hali}iaa�an$ aFaplyingyt.he Fund� or verifying und com�iling said assessments and biL':s. Tt�e I,ender sliall
<br /> : giv��the Borrower,s�ithout char�-e;an annual accounticrg o#tl�e F�nds showing cre�its and debits to t.�e
<br /> Func�s.snd the purpose for which�ach dekit to the �unds was macie. �'he Funds are pledgec3 ms �ddiCionsil
<br /> � � securi�y fur,t;he sutns secured by this;iVIortgage. "T]te Borrcawer agre�that the Funtls mav be helci by t�e �
<br /> Lender and cr�r$tiningi�d w5th vth�r-funds and the�Lender's wwn funds and the Lender may pay�uch.it.erris
<br /> �
<br /> frorn iYs awn fwids and �he Lenc�er shall not be li�ble for interest ar dividenda on su�h Funcis. �� -��
<br /> � Zf Lhe amao�tat af ttae Fnncis tseld t+y i.ender,tosge#her w'rth t.he fezture zx3onthly instaeilineni,s of Funx3� �� ' ,
<br /> Payatsle�prior�the daae dates of taxes,sssessmen�s, insursuce prerrsiums and grou�� r�nt,s, shali exc�e<i ,��.
<br /> +< �i the�mount re�ti�ed f.fl pay said�azes;sssessmentr,insura:ice premi�nb aind ground r�nis as they fa11:3ue, :� �
<br /> � ' such exce�s cha31 be,aat BUrrawQr's option, aither p�rom�t9y repaid #,o Bormaver ar crec€ited to£3arrower c*n �� ;: :
<br /> ;;� rnaant�lv ain�tal�ments caf �un�s; �f the ernc>unt;t�f '+Fhp F'uuds hetd �ay.Lender shatl nat bc:a,::',icicnt to ���,� :� :
<br /> �+tzces. asses�me�ta,i�sxycance�re�niutn.�and gmuxr.e�ae++ret, a�they f�31�+ue, �3c+rro�i�es �h�!! �sS' to LeaC�r '-
<br /> gn3�aanows�lzece�ary,�o mak�'u�s the.de$eiencv ac�ithin th9aty days aff�r nc+#ice irom 7�erid�er#,� BorrctwQr
<br /> �'e9����P&3'*�Qn'� �reo#, or B.orrower s�ail,�by an incrsase in aa�om�thly instalicuents of Funds n�uirec�3,
<br /> a
<br /> re�y the defiez�en�cy wathin the P`aind atx�aunting:p�erzod_
<br /> � L'PQn pa,yn$ent i�s fut�of al7 saums�e.cured by t�is lvEortgage;Leneler shall apply Fcs nds helc3 as a c•rec3�t.
<br /> aKainst all sums due.
<br /> � ,: �
<br />�
<br />