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<br /> THIS INDENI'UAE. made :1is� Z J5`h h a..e �r Ma v . 19?7 bp aad batwKa y�'k #�`.�,�",,ss'"'r^�"'�'�*'�'
<br /> BUF2€�ETT.,J. R�ESE AlV[7 BETTY J. RIESE, husband and wife, eaeh in his and her own ridht �7�f�a`v�s� ��a"�d�xp�"'°�"����
<br /> , . . . . . . �,�dr"' 1 ah d�����,l��wv��,qy'��
<br /> �.�� s3�11C� '35�5pOU5�G:'.Of '�'f10� OthBC`�:. � . .. . . . .. , � � . . . ,� "�i��i��y,�x s�r ��r��„k'�Y�{"x,�A�
<br /> ot_ �� C � . � Hebrask�¢.as or_:..��aad Homa�Faderal�.9av4a .aad Le�Aosoclation.o!Gzaa.d Islaad. ��;J�{�; �4a 5�✓�� �a��'�'y�W4��
<br /> � "�.�a� � ' � oua2L�a5 mRut4a9 9� 'tx Y�.t '�� �� r �,g P,� p�t�, t
<br /> , a cusporaUoa organisod cad estari.ng uadez��.��fhs lawa�,-ot Nobraslta MR't13ai;pziaeipal�.oH3ea��dptaceof bssaiaees'.at Gxccnd I�Lmd. l+iebsvakc. � ,�, � x+ x�+� ,�+��a�$r'�'�'��.
<br /> ' as mortgaqoe:: ;. . � . .. . . . � � ,� �;r k w ' � �!�r..'�t{`�
<br /> . . . �. . H v�`t, ���Nt b +rr'��y�y�rPw�,��e.hmvi��y�
<br /> WITNES4ETH: Thut`rdd mcitgaqor`�_._„tor and ia cwasidamitoa ot�tho aum o! � .. �. .... . �. ��. ''r ��, 1 j � :"�'r f Y 4�A
<br /> F i FTEEN`'TMOUSAN� ANd N0/I Q� ----------^---------^---------------n.,zlas.,tS_. 1 S�O�.bb i, {". ,< r'a���Y���'��i�
<br /> c
<br /> -: . . . . ... . . �n � :: �1 a x rr�,�yY�;
<br /> the soeei o!whlch !s hezo ackuowled ad,do_ b tlrase aseats��mord a e��d warran`s unio�aaici m<ut�a ee, it¢.�etcc��ora=c.3 . '�
<br /> PL . bY 9 � P ��I� . 4 4 %T 9 9 '� .° � �,�nr ,,,,�a���.
<br /> � � z� �� f
<br /> asstynr. torever, a2i th�Yattowin9���deecrf6ed:��real eatCtw aYtuated�-fa the rnuntp of� M31�! s� �:�� �f ��t �7.'�f
<br /> ,Gad..State,of Nobxyskat.��io-wtt: . . � . . . .. °� �. x w �t�t s r : C r,
<br /> r tF �i
<br /> . . . . . . L �. f Y :�„lp'� v�^ 91�'�
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<br />� 3� LOT S i X <6) I N BLaCK S i XTY—E I GHT (68) I N WHE�tEft $ 6ENtJETT�S � ��'�s r� 1 �:. ���� ,�;A}���
<br />�
<br /> � ; ��rn�p qnn�T i nN '}"!� THE C!TY l�F GRAND I S LAN�, NEBRAS ifA' § � s� � „ ��,; � t�;
<br />�� .�� :. .. .. . �. .� . .. .. . ..� .. . . � .. & '., � � ,� �-�io�i�3
<br /> tl. �u "� �t �.�' r��a .rh�?i.
<br /> v . . � � . . . . . r �5 i _. ax �(�
<br /> �� �,�,� y z r�irk�.
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<br />�� ��� htia ad� lvzm6ia�. ment �d fizturea,iaeludta� atoken an8 bnrnera. zQeone:�.aaenin s.atozm�vio.doavs.� �� „��v� ��hx �`S� �7 r��#�'���
<br /> ..� Together with all heatisag. li4 4. a P .4 e4�P . 4 . 4 . r a s '�' %
<br /> ;�+� aad:doorn,aad�wtadow�.-.ahadea:�os.bl3nde,�.usrd oa ar ia connvctiaa�with amd.property, whelher the aame-ara aow�2aected�oa eaSd propertp �,�� a z . t� k.,;
<br />. .' k or herualter glaced thereon. � t` R� n1 ' s -��,y+�'"`E
<br /> .� .: . . . � .. . . . . . �� � ��.
<br />"�" TO HAVE�:AND TQ�. HOLD TF� SAME, t�oqethez.with all�cmd 3i¢qul�tha�teoemea3s�hereditmaeate cmd¢ppuctes��tes tharaualo beloag- �3jc � l�� M�' Ys�x �'
<br />� laq.oz ia aaywise appeztain3ag..Eorever.�d.warrtmt the flIIe to..ths eame_���Said mortqa4or�fiezeby.coveanan� with�eaid abotlqaqee ��� �zt `'' y ����,��' ���", � `,�
<br /> s ;,.� that,tho� �a�e czt�.tha dal£very hereof, the Iawtul�.owaers.af the pTemzaea�abova eonveyad �d�dseeifbad,aad are �y ',�` A r; ' 1;°Yti�...���!
<br /> � �
<br /> seued.ot a 4�d and�tadofeasible eatate o4.�i�hheritrmce�therein,�.�free.and elear vf all.easumbnmcea,and�that ���wlll warcmt:-�.d + t�, � 1 � '� S �-, d�'t`
<br /> x
<br /> deiend lha,title Yheceta�.£orever.�agaznet the�cIaima and�demands o# �alt.�persone whomnoevez.���.� � s�r ':.i��"A x a��1tw�c1
<br /> PROVIDED��::ALWAYS, and this. ine�++•mart ia ezeeuted.�.aad d�ellvrsred�to eecuce the paymeat of the:sum.of �..� sfi`G" `� K ��C sT - f�'.
<br />�� � P I FTEEAJ THOUSAND AND P30/I'00 ----------------------------------- nuAara t5' I 5,000.QO � s�' ;� � �, <r. `��+
<br />,. '� wllli fn[ereat�-thereon..togetYrer with aueli eh�ges.aad�adamiees�aa may���be due��aad. payable !o aald.�morlgagae vador�fhe te=ma-�...�d � +' . 3�. �'r���.
<br /> , . t .. .. . � . .. � . . ��� � ,, j ;� f�.. z ;
<br />;,'� �:�S coaditioae of•.the ptomiasorq note .of evea�date�hezewith��and sacured hcrebp.�ezeeutad bp said mortgaqos S fo�said mortgaqee,:pagabie F � ; .
<br />^r"s' ��# as,ezpremad ia�..said�aok+e.and to�aecuce�.the�pe=Sarm�ee.a!all She Sernu�.�d eondi8oaa eonYalaad Ihetei� The terma of.eaid aole..�e � _� : ,,s s��
<br /> . + „
<br /> hereby incorpomled herein by..this ze(ereace_ . . � . . . . . +} „ � � '`
<br /> �� It��Se�the�intenLLoaaadag:eemeatol�.thepactiea.heze'.o�.thatthis�:mortgage shall.�.a2ao seeure any-:fulurs..advvacea :.made So..�said , t ,.; �•� �, b",�
<br />£ r
<br />� :� mortgaqot S�.by eatd��mozlgagee;��_�d�.aay and��.ali�iadebtedaeas in�.additl��to�the aomount�above etaled-.ozLlr3���sald�.mortqagazs.:or.�y � ; � ' ' : a ti
<br /> of them, maq-owe to sQid mortgagee.�.howeviec evidenced wheihar hy�note,book��accoun4 or:othezwise.�.��,This:mortqaga�ahall.romain f¢full
<br /> Y. 3orca::cad.:.atfect�-betweea-..lhepcuti�.hereW��::ond�.thefr�heiis.�Pe�omnl repzeeentat[aee..�succeesori.��:cmd.asei�ci,�.;uatil. all.'amounts� �ecured �
<br /> :. �heroundez.:lucicdiag futuze advcmcea..are paidta:full�with�.fnterest .� . .. . . . . ,�. ';, �t .�.
<br />, ; .. .. . . . . . .� . . � . .. .. . : ;'
<br /> , . . - ., .� � t .� "
<br />:; - - �The mo[t4a9orS ;.hexahy av���_....tn eaid mortgaqeo all.,:remts mnd iacome�.�misin4.at.�aay aud.all 21mea from aaid�P�A�Y�.��:md 5.:. F . .
<br />�� ba[eby authortze aatd martgagee cr 9te ageaR at ita��.optioa, upoa�default,�:to take.�ch�ge ot�said property�+d collact aIl renta��-Income � �:
<br /> k,� tLera£zom cmd�.aPPly the. s�e to the paymeaa of fatarert..Psindpal. 3asu[aace gremivm�... tmcee.�aseeume¢ts.�repair� o,r improvemoat�aeces• �� t : `
<br /> at �
<br /> ea�y,lo kxp wid PTopextY fa:teamalable.�.coz�dSfioa.�ac.io�Wher..ohmr9ee or.paqmen4 prcaoviided for hezetn�or.in�he aote hezaby�sxvrod.���Shia F �:� �:. . .,
<br /> ca v
<br />.� rent:aselgament:.ehaU�c�at4nue..im.�foma.uatil ihe�unpaid balanoe.at eaid aota.ia lully..pald. Tha takinq ot poesesetoa heteuud�.e�h�El�tr .. S ` `.,- ' '
<br />� mana�pzavsat�or zetard.said mactgagee m 3ho co3leetion of said auma:by;:ra.�:twiucu.or oiherwiw. -� .. .. . ; � . i .,. ' ..
<br /> r
<br /> w �; Tha falIuza�:ot tha� ��;��eci qaear�S aca!7 of 3ts si9hb hazeuadez at aag tlme aLa3]not ba eonatruad�as a.wdvar of id�qLt to aesezi �
<br />�� the qame at aay iate�' aa�'Swtkg�a�q�i ea4arce strFet.armpllaaee vrith all� t'ha terms and proaisiene.o[� said�aole aad ot�th3a
<br />�` �.� mari9a9e. �� £ �"�t�SkY.*�r,� f . .,. � � � .:.. .... .� .. . . . ��. � � , ,�
<br />"`.,.,�"�, � � . n....,H�.uww»�„«.w..,Yw...,w w»�w,.a_�� e.,w,.,u�.... : . . .. . .. .
<br /> I! eatd morogaqor_�shall oaume to lx paid m aaid moctqagae the:enara�ouat due lt Lareuader.attd amder.ihe teim�aad p�ovie"sons
<br /> iot aatd aote ha�eby exvrod[ndudia4.fulure ac�vuncea,aad�p eztons's9as oz reaewa4 tL+e�eaf��la.accordaaea with tha lerms and -pr�ovWon� ;
<br /> . i 1Lareoi.�rlii eai,dmosiqagtm��daall oomp7y with all.ths proviafons ot�wid aoto�d ot this.moatqage,��thea the�e praaeaM��ihall-be.void: ��'
<br /> ��. olhecwiae to rammn i¢f�sll Sotem�d atlecL ca�d amd.morigaqea..alscsll ba��eatltiad lo.the pos�esaioa of al.l.of aald ProPazty.:mid mag.ai its .,,� , j`
<br /> �� uytton�,-deelars�the�vLete��o[��d aote mid+c�l iadebt�daeu:sprew�tad therebF to iie�immedlrrtetp.dua�d payabls. aad map tozec.laes.thia '
<br />� ortqacge�ar.fake aay o#Le:legal.;aedoa So-:piota�t Sts:_.�Bh4 �d.�.fsom ths:�.data�ot wc�a�defauft all itamr.:.ut �indebtedaey-�ecuted Lprabf ., ' ' .,,,- .
<br /> m . . . , „ �f'`.
<br />� ehall dra�v 3aars�!aKB�CYIC,pper aaaum. Apprvia�mect waived. � � '�. ,.
<br /> �Tfue martgag�w edall -bs btadta9.�upon aad�LaIi�wnv:a to��.t2�.b�nettt��ot�::th�:lutn.��tecutan.::.admfnfetc�taa�.�wxeswra�md..�as�igus of�.. " � ' : 4:'.
<br /> L
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<br /> � . . . . . . s ��. �1 ,.
<br /> ui yviTiYEBs w�o�.sata sdaasgogor.�`'.t�a�e n.nunw ..+. the i r� � f,�„a s me.aay caa�y«v sizsc ahovs: �y y""'
<br /> writlefs.. .. � � . . .. , .
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