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<br /> c eorcpoc�ntbn osqantsod�and e�atia4�imder�th� 1¢wa�ol Mslareska +vita lts prindpnl otllcA.and placa d busiaa�a ai Grand Lfaod.N¢bca�ka. : } � k, �..
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<br /> Wi'II'�E78: .That aatd.martyagos.�.la��d ia maaidncsuon a! the�sssm oi . . � :
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<br /> THI RTY 5EWEN s NOUSANO :aND ��a/10�--------------------------- ------r,.,,� s �=�Z,nnO_ !7e1 �, , �� s ';
<br /> . �.tYcs'seewpt���.of whiek sa��heraby-admowrledq�xi.��+•, � }ry ihaea P�senh..:ma�t4a9s avs3�weraat unto��.aaid aacrtqa9ea..:ia:���uecem�� md� �� + S
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<br /> ��asalgat.� tors»r.ali tMe�tollawin4 c3sec=f6ed�ieal�eatate. aitaaied in�.�the�cauatq of . ':�" �.
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<br /> � R �RACT OF �ANU GXaNt3'RISIT�IG A i�F�RT Oc THE EAST k-lAt:f OF THE 5flt1TNEAST f�llARTER QF % � .� ` �
<br /> T►i� SOUiNWE�T QL3F,RTEz'� (G25E,',Sit�i4? OF SECT�ON TYdENTY TH�E� f2�) iOWt`�lS3-i!P ELEVcN
<br /> C! 6 ) NORTH RANGE i�dtNE (9) WESs OF T�-iE 6TH r�.t�l. HALL C£3UNTY, fJEBRASKA ARi:7 MORE � r ' f
<br /> „
<br /> EA�T HALF �s THE S13137HEAST QiJ,�,RTER OF TH� SOUTi-f'AEST-Gt,1ARTER (cz'-SE.'-,Sirlu), TNENCE r f ' r' '' "
<br /> �r RUt.�PJfNG tJdf2iHERLY ALJl�IG TNE WE57 LICVE Ur �AIO cP;ST Hn�F 4F T�iE SO'J?-=-IEAST =�URRTER �, = � 't ,�'
<br /> `` �� t�F 7HE SQi�TNWEST QUART£R fE25E4SW:,? A DtSTAPlC(: OF F1Vc HUP3DRED (500.0) 'r=EET, r4 >°
<br /> � TNENC£ RUNNfN�', EASTt�iLY At�iD PFsRALLEL T0 aHE SOL1T!-t �IP�t� �F SAIt7 t,AST FfALE OF THE i } ' n �' �
<br /> , �S SOt3THEAS7 OUARTER OF THE SOUTHIVEST +�UARTER (EZG wSWs%' H !11 S!HiVCt �� �'vU�t �i.iNuKtu �3 ,,
<br /> ���
<br /> i Tu� Ri'Y'FIVc l'vd0 SiY,' E.'vT�S (435.6i �EET; THEN�'E t�-.U'tiNif�.7G SGuarcR�r �;J"v rnr�.<_LEL }$ ' , < 1 ',-�
<br />��; �� i� THE'14ES� LiNE OF SAID EAS`I HALr OF THc SOUTHcAST GJARTER OF THE �(�UTHVlcST ! � � - � ,� `-4' ,.
<br />�S, ' ; QUr'�RTER f E�SE�SW!1 A �31STANCE OF FI'J[ NUtJDt�ED C 500.0? FEET TO A PG 1�*!T QCJ 3HE ; , �'
<br /> t' � S09,.�TH LiiVE OE 5AIG EA�T HALF OF TNE SOUT:-1EA5T C�UARiE� OF THE SOUTi-iW�ST '+�UARTEf2 � , : 1
<br /> � {EzSE$SiM�1 �HEN�E RU�yh!Ih}G tVES s ERtY ,�,LQNG THE SC%UTH Ll f.lE OF SA!D EAS"7 HALF CF '��' ` y�' �
<br /> #� � T1-iE SE�SW� A DISTANCE OF 435.5 FECT Td iNE PrJIi1T OF 5�6tldPllPJ� ANQ G-JUTAlN1iJG S.G ` �K'"4
<br />`� + }trr_?ES A4"�E .^.�: L�.,�. �a s �
<br /> . S Toqatker with�.�ai!.heatia9. lightiaq. �d�.�.plumbia4�.a4�Pmtint and� Siztucea,indudiaq�azokere mid burners.�a�eens.awa3ag�,��o:m vriadowa �. ��r 4 fi:
<br /> c�' ��..'F �d��.doaoza.�.and.wfad�v shades or.bllnda.��ueed oa. oz in coanectioa..with 9add property:�.rvhethez�the�a�e.aze� mw located..oa said��Pr�ArtY r% ; `r'
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<br />� £ ��70 3iAVE:AND.TO��HOLD 2fi��.SHME.�toqether�with.aii �d aiagulaz the teaemeatw herec5itmaeata.aad:apP�����rauatv��.beloag- �:y � a r ,
<br /> � $ Yaq,:.oz�caperise cP'rartainiaS.�lozaver.�md.w�r�t��the LLtle to:tha aame. Said�moitgsgor 5.heteby�mvea,ant_.:with�said zaorigaqee �.� n v �. , � fi:
<br /> "� � �f tkat�:��e�7�. �ra .at�x�e..delivery�her,aof.the�lawful�owaer�--of�thepro�"ases�abowe.caaveyed�assd�.daaccibed...�d:. arc+ : ., � � �, �.
<br /> �seiuslo:F a�9�aad�.iadeleaaibte.eatate��.oi�inhezit�ce.iherain.�4ee. aad.clear.�af.all eaciumbirmres.�and tkeat��h�_�will w�naat tmd �.:.� .` ' .� �: x .
<br /> N; .��� defead tt�ee title thereta lozevez��.ag�aat the�claima:aud demaadsy,of�m11:pecson�whomwn.ver. �. � � � t 4 .7y'
<br /> �{{ �PRG3�/IDED ALWFIYS. aaC�tiais. .instrumeni.ia nxac �.':c3 •e�1,. �..v.oL.n+:r.i�.�he �_..++ � �..�< 4 ,,'� r�-�
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<br /> oy
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<br />�•, .'$�� aa ezpx�eaeed��in amd�.aote,md.to aecuze�the Pezfor,m�ce.of.al3.tbe ternu��d eomditioas..cantaiaed'.there[n. �� 7he terma.ol eaid�.�aete oze �. :,�� �. �. ' ,'.
<br /> .:3 hereby,ix�cozpezated�.hexein by.thSs.�xe£ereaae.�. . . � . � � .. . . �. �. . $
<br />� �It is the.[nteatioa�and agxeemeat��of�the partiea kereto thut th7s saartgage ahall..�a2.� axvxe.��p. fat�u�e adv�ces�.mada sa aaid�:.�
<br /> i
<br /> p �. .. � . . . . . . _ ,� � : .
<br />"��� mo:tgogos�5" bp a�d:�mozlgaqee,...mid.any aad.al[ 9ndsbtedneea �n additiaa.�fa the vmouut�aho�e.staled w3�ich��eaid morigagazs.--��w aay . . �� ... ,
<br />���: oE..them.. map.owe��to��uaid.m.ort4a4se.bowevei av3sleaced whathez: hY aoto,book.rt•r�*••�•�.oz othezwise.��This.mortgaqe.ahall iematmm fn tuYi .
<br /> t
<br />��'*� tozea.:aadeftect.-betwaeo:tAe.�FaTtieaheiexo�.anrF.Stwir:�.hr'us..�Porw�al.repseneatativea.:.sazaceseora �d asadgas:�..until...all.�:meounia .:ae�ued .. �. : �
<br /> w' heteund�c..ineludin4.future adreaces.aie.pmd ta t:ilL..with�izlexeat.. � �
<br />��`� -.The maslqaqoc S�.3�ereby.,�si•g'^� � to etud:martgagee�all raaia��d Inwma��nq�at.�y.and a11� tums#rom�said propesiy�aad�. �
<br />� hezeby eiuthoriae�a�d�.�morigagea:.ar ita ageat,ai:itn.aptiaw�.upoa deiavlt So ta3c¢:euarq"e ai eaid�PmPertP assd.:mlleci�.all.zenb�mci.-:1n�oms� . �� - �� .'
<br />'�u� �. .,therefsom.:and..aPA1P.tice same.to:tiae�.PaYmeat ot.ixs��ezee4;P�dpaL.:seuranse.P�miume....t�..assesameab. za"A�=m or SmPzovemeat��neees- - ' ' '_;
<br /> ixs
<br /> Wt+�,,,{" �sa=y...W �ceep�.said pzo�aztY in: teaaatabie.coaditloa.�or to ot3sez�chra4es w paymeats p=o�ided Ear��Eaero3n�ot ia t3u notn ksrebp tacssred...76Ea..
<br /> Y�F �zeat.ae�ameat mhall. tontiauo�in.fasca�unril�ihe ua7rmd.bai�ae aE�ea[d aote�is fullY�P�d. The ta3cing of pos,saeiioa hezeander.a8a31 ia ao� .
<br />��s^ mcnaec ptevwt or retard aaid mortc3aqee in the cdleetioa of caid suma�by�iareclwura-evt.wLe�ia�s.� .� .
<br /> S"!},i;, �� i ;The imluze of ths.morlga4ee.-Rn ae�ac[;any o£�..ib�ri9hts::.lare�:aderat an9�tSme-eh¢�Z�not.be:comftrued as awaives�of��S4�r19ht 2o�aseect ..
<br />� �j Lha p�n a!any Cates�time.mid to iasest upon aad.edorcu-ats3ct eomialiaaee with all�.tbe :acss�.�and.psovis5a9a ot eaid�mae,msd �.of thia. '; . , ..
<br /> a.���.�.. . �{�.:..�9�9a.. . .. . . . . _ . ` � ���
<br /> lS*�� . � � . _�". �' , .: . .. .. �� {� . . �.
<br /> _ ;:i sc.uu -'-'—'-' `' �e !c�'he hriv' tq sc3 �tac��e the entPzs��ovnt r3um St herevnder,and�under t�e t�e:ma and provido¢� � .
<br />�� �� ���� af�aid aaflte here��ce�acm3�x�c3vdiag lutuss adv�..and arzs axtansaoas..u mnsw�ala:th�ea4�ln am�rckaase�v�ith.the.taxms�d.pzoviatons . #. .. .��:
<br />�r'"� theie4f Qnd lE;.said m�r16Q9pr�,_sball cam'A1Y�wztL..aL fhe..:pzorfdoas af.�aid��ama�d��af thL mostgage.�tkan.thew.prassab�hali ba.�oid:. . � " ��
<br /> 5 . �S otLe;wf�s to remaSa ia.�.luil iozu.�and eifaoa.mid.smd mozt9a9oa eha�ll be entitlsd�lo tha 3ws�a�ia��of:all of scrid�ProP�'iY.m�d maY.at tts � �� . ; � .,� �,
<br /> r,� ' ". j op6aa.+dre}are�:�Ib�w3�ole oE said�.acats aad:all Sa3abtednesa zepra�a�+ted�thateb9"fo�6s immHllatslY..dns and�:Yable.�aad maY ioreci�wa this _ ..
<br />�x meiegaqa�oa taloa aap���orLor isqvi:�oc�o.P�ote�et�its rkThz.cmd 2anm�tL.a dats�suc�daiauii:czll 9toma.at. iadnbirdae�s.axured LerebT� ,,
<br />"�", -��� �}aaik:dracwialeie�tat� W�'amaum. ApprcYa�msat.+vYred. .. � . . . �` .,�� .
<br /> a�,� E �
<br />°�'�„�q Thia mwigmp�be.�aindiag'nP'on�and ahadl.aaure so�Uu b�mHt:of ths�hsin.�..�xeoutors,admfeirtccn6o:s.�.sueeerora mid.aa�qm.�. "'t�,�G'�� . �
<br /> the ra�p+�yivs�pmtba d�acdo. :. � .� � �:' F .
<br /> �-�� :IN�9VtI3tP.9S �Gf....wid�.:2L�tyaqoT-,`�_3�a'J8�� y,u��.� fh2t �"'� � �.,,.d_>___.. thodaFaadYearSirsRe6o» � `�`: S' :
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