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<br /> Tht Martpayor ca»enants and nyscea:
<br /> (I ) That Lhc Mortgagar sa.+iil pag the fridebtedness as herc3nbefare prwvided.
<br /> � f2) That the Mortgagor #� the etcner of suid prapertg fn fee simple ¢+ed haa good right ared
<br /> lamftcl authoriiy to sell as�d coxsvey !he aame esnd that the aame is free attd - ctear of any lien or
<br /> encumbrance; and that Mortgagorr witI warrant and defend the titZe to said pTemises against th�e
<br /> clasms of n!2 peraorsic whomsoevcr,
<br /> (3) To pay i�mmediaeteiy �ufeen due and payabie at1 gener¢I taxes, speciai Yaxes, speefnl
<br /> assessments, wate�r charg¢s, aeta�r service charges, and other taxes and charges against saui prop-
<br /> erCy, and all taxes Ievied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish ihe MaTtgagee, upore re-
<br /> quest, urith` the arigissal or dupIscate reeeipts therefor. . The rreortgagor ¢grrees that ihere shatL be
<br /> added : to each mcmthly pay�nent require8 hereunder or u�nder the eviderace of debt secured. hereby
<br /> an a�raount estimated by the Mortgagee to be szcfficient to enable �he Mortgagee Yo pay, as they
<br /> bec+o�rrae due, all ta.aes, ¢ssessments, a�red simil¢r charges upon the premises subiect thereto; a�.y
<br /> s , deficiency ' because of the insufficiency of such additional pay�ments 'sh¢iZ be farth.wiLh deposited `
<br /> " by the Mortgagor tvith t;2e Mortgagee upan derrsand by tFce Mortgagee. Any default under this
<br /> para�.aph shaIl be deemed a cTefautt i�ra. pay+n.ent of taxe.r; n.csec�moTt�, �� S.-..;:T�+ �x �rye� .,.�„
<br /> quiTed hereunder. �
<br /> (4) To procure, deliver to„ and �naintain for the benefit of the Mortgagee during the life of
<br /> � this Mortgage priginal po2icies aszd renewals the�eof, deEivered at Zeast 10 d¢ys before the expira-
<br /> tion of ¢ny such poZicies, insuri�rcg against fire ¢�ed oth.er insurabie hazards, easualties, and corc-
<br /> tingencies: as the Mortgagee �rc¢� .require, in ¢�nounts and in compunies acceptable to the
<br /> ` Mortgagee, with loss payabie to the Mortgagee. The coverage und�ersuch. poZzcies shalt be Zi,rnited
<br /> k to the frn.prove�nents now ar her,eaf£er erected on the ¢bove described preTreis�s. ln the event arcy
<br /> poiiry is not renewed on or before IO days of its expiration, the Mortgagee �nay procure insurance
<br /> : orti Yhe i7nprovemen�s, pay the pzemiu�n tnereJoT, ana sucn su7n. �nel! �eea.-rx irr�rzediately due
<br />� ' and payaoie wiih interest at . the Tate of:---- ....._.�leven : _ (111) .. ger cent until 9aid �
<br /> ..----._ .._....---- • ----
<br /> � ,. �
<br /> ; and shatt be secured by this Martgage. Faiture o�e the part of the lt2ortgagor to facrnisla suclz re- ,; '
<br /> � newals as are herein required or �aiiure to pay ¢ny su�ns advanced hereurzde•r sh.ail, at the optiom.
<br /> � of- the Mortg¢gee, constitute a dEfauIt under tTze ter�ns of this 1Vlortgage. TFse delivery pf such
<br /> poiicies shail, in the event of def�ziLt, consLitute an assign�rcent of t3se unearned premium.
<br /> ` Any su.ms received by the -b?ortgagee by reason of Zoss or da�nage insured against may be
<br /> � retaireed by the Mm-tgagee and appiied toward the pay�m.ent of the debt here8�t secured, or, at-the
<br /> _' aption of the hlortgagee, such su�ns either whoZly or in part �n¢y �ie paid over to the Mortgagar -
<br /> ; to be used to repair such buildings or to build new buildings in their ptace or for dny other pur-
<br /> ; pose or abject satisfactory to the Mortgagee without affecting the lien on the Martgage for tha
<br /> E, fuii anreounx secured hereby befare such paymeret ever took place.
<br /> (5) < ' To prompt2y repair, r�store or TebuiZd any buildings o� improvements now or here-
<br /> J ' ; after an 2he premises which �nay become damaged or destroyed; to keep said premises in good
<br /> condition and repair and free frozn, any mechanic's`, or other iien. o� clairrc o}`- iiett not expressly
<br />� suho.-di;c:::te� ta the 3ierz hereof; zeot to suffer or perm.it any uniaxoful use of or any nwis¢r.ce .to -
<br /> . .a
<br /> ;r_ esist o�n said property nor to permit waste on said premises, nor to do any ;other act zuhereby
<br /> the property hereby conveyed sh.aLl beco�rse Iess vdlunble, nor to dirrsinish or srnpair its vaiue by
<br /> any act or omission to act; to co�rzepby with ali requirrments of law with respect to Lhe mortg¢ged
<br /> prernises rtnd the us� t?:ereof:
<br /> " (6) That shov.Zd the premi:ses or any pnrt thereof be taken or d¢�naged by reasoss of any
<br /> ` . pubIic improvement or candemn¢tion proceeding, m ' '+i��'+' right of _ eminent. domain; or in any
<br /> � ' other'�a�xner; 2h.e Mortgagee shatl be entitted to alt compensatiovcs, awards a�cd any other pay-
<br /> areent or relief therefor, and shalZ be entitled at its optimc to commence, ¢pge¢r in and grosecute
<br /> = in its own. name any action or p�oceeding, or, to make any cornpro�mise or setttement :in conreec-
<br /> � i tion with- such' taking or damage:, AIl such comp¢nsatian, awards, �amages, riyht of aetion and
<br /> u' proceeds �sre hereby assigned to th�e Mortg¢gee, who may after deducLing therefrom ¢Ll its espenses,
<br /> ^ release any m,onies aa received by it or ¢pply the sam.e on any indebted�eess secured herebg. The
<br /> � Mortgagor agrees to execute such further assigrzsnents of any campensatimc, aurards, da�ges; and
<br /> � � rights of: csetion and: proceeds as th� Mortgagee m¢� reqsire.
<br /> �
<br /> ' ; {7) ThaL in case of faiture to perform any of the coven¢nts hereia, the 3�fortyagee may da
<br /> " ` on tne ivZortg¢gor's bEhaif evenJttzing so covenanted; th¢t the Mortragee may aiso do any act it
<br /> may deenz necessaru to protect the lien: hereof; that the Mortaagor �'stl reva� >�porc ���tta ; wny
<br /> i neoneys paid or disbssrsed by the Mortgagee for ¢ny of the above purpases, and auch �reaneys,
<br /> - ; to�ether �vith interest thereon, ¢t the r¢te provid�d in said �r.ote sha3I become so much addisional
<br /> 9 indebtedness hereby secureal and may be inctuded sn any decre+e foreclosi:eg thi.s zTsortgage '
<br /> 5 and be pazd auL of th� rents or proeceeds of sate of said premises if swt otherwise paid; th¢t it shail �,� . � : �
<br /> -nat Fie obaiigntory upon the Mortgragee Lo inquire inLo Lhe vatidity gf any Iiers, encumbrances, or �.�n. ~
<br /> � ctaim in sidvan.cing x�soneys as above authorizedt but tt.vthing herei�a eotttaiaed shalt be comatrrced `� :': � ,
<br /> � ; .as requ.ir�mg #h,e Mortgagee to advance any moneya far any such pur,pose nor tca do any act here- :�= ,y
<br /> � ' under; isnd thaL Mortg¢gee shal? not incus any perso�ead liabiiity bec.ause of an�thing it 9nay da ,:,
<br /> �r om.it tv do hereuxeder. �` ,
<br /> �
<br />�i ' _ .
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