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�� � 1' . <br />� ! ...�..«w�lb <br /> � . _ � <br /> not extend c3r postpone the due date az tiic rnontlely n��tai }ments rf�i��rred tn in parv.i�ra�hs i and 2 liereot or <br /> r,hanee t.he �niount ot sueh installmenta. <br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. t:xtension af tl�e timc for pavment or ir�odification c>f ssxnortization of the sums <br /> secured by tE�is 1lortgage grrsnterl b�� I.ender to uny suecessor iu intereat- of Borrower �hai{ not aperate to re3ease, <br /> ` in any txianrser, tlie Iinbility of �he original I3orrotirea• nn�9 Eiarro�;-er:� s��ccessors sn interesi. T'.encler shnU not be <br /> required to�nence praaeedings agsinst �uch successor pr rFi use to exten�3 tinze for paytnent or ottierwise m�dify <br /> (� j`. amortization 'of the surus secured Uy t,}iis \ tortgn�e ��}' reason of smy deniRnd made 6y the originnl Borrower and <br /> J , r,1 Borrawer`a s€accessors in inBere�t_ <br /> i' 0.;; 21. 'Fozbear�sce by Lendaa Not a Waiver: � ny forbearance by �.ender ixi exercising any right ;or re€nedy <br /> " � � hereunder, ar� othercvise affordecf by applioable ln�ti• , shall nou be , ;� �vsi✓�s af or preclude the exereise of any right <br /> � � ; or renfedy h�reunder. The procusement af insurnnce or t12e S�:iyment of �axes or other liens or chttrges by Lender <br /> � : � � shsll nat @e 'a wa3iver o£ Lender's rigt�t to ucceTera¢e the maturity of the indebtedness secuaed by this 3Vlor�gage. <br /> ' 12. Raiaedies Cumulative; 311 remedies provieieci in tltis' l'fortgage ase distinct and c�mulative to nny other <br /> � � right .or rem�dy undez t,his �Iortgage or �fforded hy in«� br c�uits�, und z7�ay t�c exereised concurrently, independ- <br /> % , (y► ently ox suceessivefy. <br /> ' 13. Suacessozs �d Assic�s Bound,- loint and > Several Liability; Ccptions. ; The cov�nnnts and agreeranents <br /> herein contai�ed sha11 bind; and Ehe rig6ts liereunder ;hail inure to, the respectivc; suceessors nizd assigns 'of Lender <br /> and Borroc�e�; sut�ject to the provisians oi' �aaragrztipS� 17 l�ereaf: All t;ovenants anc3 agreements oi Sorrower sha11 <br /> be joint and . several: Ttre cnptiorss andltead'.:�s oi tlxe pnru�ra��lit of this b[c�rtgage nre for convenience only- and <br /> 5 ' are<nat to be' -used Lo interpret or define tlie pro��isions hereof. <br /> � 14.: Notice. Any notice to Borrosvex• providaci for in this \ lortgii�e sliall t7e given by inniling ssach notiGe by <br /> certified msil addre�sed to Borrower i�t thc Prapert� Addres� stated bclo�r , except ior any notice required a.gnder <br /> , y parsgraph 1S hereof to be given to Borro�rer in 2he mnnncr pre,cri�ed li}- �ip��iicable l:��v_ Any natice proc idecl <br /> t' for in fl�is \•Sortgage sIiall be deen�ed to l�avc laeen gi�•en to Bor•rower tiviien gi�-en i�� the ruanner designated herein: <br /> ` ?5„ Uaiform. I�iozfgage; Governing; Severabikity. 'L'his So�zn of mortgage coinbines nniform onvenants <br /> < for nationa3 cuse and non-uniforin coveoants with liinited v:xriations by jtirisdicEion to constitute a uniform secu- <br /> ritp instrume:nC covering real t�roperty. 'I'his �Iorigage shalt be governeci by the In,w of the jurisdiation in �vhich ; ' <br /> � the Property is located. In the event that any provision or r,lause of t��is l4ortgage or ttie 1Tate conflicts �vith , ` ' <br /> „ ' ; ' ' applicable la�v, suah conflict sha.31 not ufiect otl�er pi•ovisions of thi, \lortgage or t1�e Note which can be 'given ' ;-' <br /> ; -" , effecti withou� the conflicting pro�ision , and to ihis end the pirovisions oi Efie \SorGgage und tlie Note are `dec�ared " <br /> . GO i70'3bV6"i$'Dse. . . � . . . . . . . .. . � � . <br /> , ; l6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisiied n coniormed coisy of this 3�Iortgage nt tlfe time of execu- ' <br /> z ''> tion or after r�cordatioii hereof. <br /> 17: Tzaaster of the Property; Assumption. If all or any part of tfie Property or an i�terest therein is aold <br /> or transferre� by Borrowerwithvut Lender's prioc cvritfen consent; excluding (aj the creation of a lien oi• encum- <br /> v ' brance subordinate to this l4ort�a�e; f b) the creation of a purchusc mone�- secarit�; interesE tar huusehold appli� , ; <br /> � ances; (c) s L�nnsfer by devise; clescent or by operat5nn ui 1n«• tipun the dentli of u joint tenr�t or (d) tr,e. gra�t oF , ' , > <br /> " �x` any leaseholc� interesi oi three yesrs or less not containin� arr option to purchase, Lender mrcv, at Lender's op�ion, ' <br /> � <br /> z.. declsre all the sums secured by 'ttais Vlortgage co be i�i�medistely due nnd pay� b1e. Lender snall liave waived such ;- <br /> � ; option to accelerate if, �rioc to t13e sale oa• transfer; Lender ane� the per�on io whom the Praperty is io be soEd or <br /> `� .f: transferied<r�acli agreement in' tivriting tliai it�e credit of c��;�� person is satisfacioiy to Lender und that the interest <br /> ' ° payable on tYae sums secured by tliis Dlortgage :l�all k>e ai suclr rflte as Lender shall request. If I,ender.has waived <br /> j ' ' the option to �ecelerc�ie provided in this paragraph 1 : and if Iiorro«•er's �uccessor in interest_ nas executed a writ- <br /> � ten assumptioen sgreement secepted in �vriiing by Len�ler, I.ender sliall release Borrow•er from all.obligations u3ider <br /> � ' this lYfortgag� and the Noie. , <br /> If Lettde.3 exercises suclroption to accelerate; Lender shall ai�ail 13oi•rower notice of acce3eration in Accoici.ance <br /> , s�•ith paragraph 14 hereoi. Such x3otice sltall ��rovide s period of not fess Ehan 30 days from ttie date ttie noti�ce , is <br /> � ' .`s - maiied .�vithira whieh Borrower ivay �;Qy tlie sums declared due. If 13orrewer �ails to ps5 s:sch sums �rior tc the <br /> expiration of such period, Leude- may, without furtiaer notice oi• demanci on B'orrowcr, invoke any remedies per- <br /> ,: _ � mitied by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> �tiox-LT�•:�aoa.�+s CovsnnrTs. Bot•rou-e�• and I.encler Purtl�er covenant and agree as foll��as : <br /> 28. Accalar¢tioa; Aemediea ExceE�C ac pruvicicci in � �:� r�grupli 17 ' liereof , upot� Borraa•er'� t>re:�cli of any <br /> " �' covenant or a,greemeni oi Borron-er i�� chis �fort�r��c _ including the covenanis zo pa,y n•hen due sny sums secvr�;d <br /> ,: ' hy ,tl�is \7ort�age; Lender ��riorx �o aoeeleratioii �l�sll snail no[ ice to I3orratirer as � >ro�•ided ic paiagrapli 14 l�ereof <br /> Fpecifying : ( 3) the brexdt ; (2 ) tl�e nciion requireci to citre such brexci� ; C3} _;� date; not 3ess tl�nn ''thirty dayc <br /> fr�m the date the 'r3ot:ice is roailec3 to I3orron�ec, hv ��'IzicL sijc6 brrt�ch �riu�L l�e: cu�•ed ; and ( � 1 thsc frsiIurc to cure <br /> such bTeach vn or betore tl�e d�te speaified in tl�e. naticc may resuit in acceleration of tl�e suzns sFcured by this <br /> �lortgage anc� sale of the Prt�pert��. If the breacL is nat cured on o!• Lefor� t }ie date npeciticc3 in tlie notice, Lender <br /> - at Lender"s a��tion ' may declare all oi tF�e sums secured tyi this \' ir� I ,c� ;mm�>�aigteh d•.:e s t� �.w:•:F.::c <br /> ' � it'r�o�i iuriner aemanci and ma� forecluse t{iis \lortgvgc by juiiicial �>i•oceedirig: Lendcr �hal€ be entiLl��ti to eo3lect <br /> in such pr�c�eding ail expenses of {orccIosure , ineludir:g, hitt not li�niteci ta, cc�sts of docmnentary evidc�nce, <br /> abstracts and -title reports. <br /> 29. Borroweis Right to &eiastate. luhcith�t:inding I,endea'. acceleration oS t:he �ums secured by thi� <br /> Mortgsge, Boarower shall have tYie riskit tv have any proceedings hegun by I.en:ier zo enforce this :liortgage �lis- <br /> _' caatinued at �ny time prior ta ea�try of a judgment eniozcing ihis ,\lortgiige if : ( a ) Borro�ser pays Lender sll <br /> sums n�hich would be then due under this �Songage , t � �e :�ote :tnd i7otes securing Future Asi�-ancer , if any, ha� no <br /> acCeleration c�curr2d . ( bi I3otro�er cure; ull t�rearla<�r ai ainy otl�er coi-rn�nt� or• x�retmter�� of I3oi•rower �on- <br /> � t93IICd 7R �.11'_S� �OI'Ce9aE � ( c) Bo�ro�ver ;�a}-s 3 �� TC9�C)^d3RJ1(• 4C�?c•7•cC31riCllC.^�7(� b�- !.endcr ir. c:: _o.*rlfl�i', ty2C {70�'C^opig � . . . <br /> `" and agreemen�is of Borrower eontained in thi� :\-lortgsige anci ia� eniareing t.c•nder', remedies as �irovided in para- <br /> gtaph 18 hereoi, inciuding, but not limited to; re�sonable :�ttorne}• 'e fee� : and td i I3orrower tnkes such uciion us <br /> + Lender may r=easonably require to .�Esure that the lien o( tl�is �1orf'gage. Lender's interest iu ttie �roperty a�;d <br /> . . ; <br /> �� ' Borrower's atr3igation to pay the �ums sei;ured hy thi� �IoxKga�e sliall eqntixiue unimpaired . lJi�on snch paym�ent • ' <br /> and cure by B+omower, this Diort,g�ige and i.t�e obli�ations .ecurec3 l�ereb�� <, 3in11 n+maii� in full iorce and zffect s.s if �`*'ti�r " `k� :' <br /> ' � - �_ _, <br /> . no acce3eratiQrs had occurred, t^ <br /> � ,. , : 20. Aess'gnmant oi Renls:: A�poi�atm+eat o! Rseaivsr: Leu=3ez in Posseseioa. :�� addixional security here- ""' ' <br /> * '.� � under, Borras�er 3�et+eby sssigns to Lender ti�e rents of �he Propertv: ��ro��ie3ed tl�2t Borro�cer s�all ; �riar to acce�er- ��� ' <br /> a#Spn uader Qaragrsph 1,8 hereoi rar aban3amneUt of c ��c� f?roperty, lisve t�-se ri�3�t to collect sncl retiain such rents x '' <br /> ` as thev beoo�+e due and payable: � � <br /> -., � �pan x►c�elera�ion under #wr;agta�ri� tS i�ereuf +�r .�i�ac,�iuiicxae��� �t tiit i�ro�et•i� . Leuurr_ iri �,rra�six, Lv a�enc ^ � <br /> , . . <br /> " �: b3 j�dicsa3,}' s���ted receiz-�x stiall 2:c cuLitic: iv entas u�.�n , ta�� } ios,r.t;;��� �i ai,d i.iai�a�r tl;� 3'ro�ri} � <br /> . , .. <br /> s3sd to collect the xents oi f,t�e Pivoperty, ia�cludinq t►a+ose past due. all re�t� coileetc�i h.• I,euder or t4�e recei��er � ' <br /> shaii be applie�si first. Cn psyment cr3' ths coscs of �nans�ement oi tlie Property and ro3lection oi rent� , includin�, uut <br /> nat iimitet9 #tt� teoeivei'x #�; j�rv*T.�tiuma rrn mr�ivPr'� 3�n��i- nn�j r��Acnnr�lslw ,attnrn�v '. f�•r� k n�i thnn r� thF� x, 3m� <br /> '. � se�;uaed by t3��is Mortgage_ I.ender �nd Lhe receiver s4zs �l 3�e tiat:�le io nrcouct c�nls- for those r�r:iF uct �.�sll�� receit-e�. <br /> ., _�___ � <br />