.. k�:. f�...
<br /> i * �
<br /> . �,... . ... �
<br /> INDIViI3UItL. .
<br /> ��� DUE ON 5SI►LE
<br /> 5AVINCiS FiJND
<br /> � � Foww Na.7'TA .
<br /> � �� � L��� Laan Number__ 33051------1_ _-- 188
<br /> ..c»�_ a..n<�
<br /> ' 77� �102817
<br /> .� M � R TG .4G E
<br /> �� Z"HI8 1vIORTCAGE;made and exec�s:ted this ::..... .-�'S._:___..... day of ...:...��t�l..':.............::.. A.LI., �
<br /> �' 19:._�:;,between the Mc�rtgagor,:.��?ard,C Croqis3e�, .a;aingle.pe�son, ....
<br /> ........�.-- --
<br /> ,-a , � � �. .: ..�..._ � _ �. _. _,......_ _.._..:..._�� �.
<br /> �.� :� .. �. . � . ..._
<br /> �� of..__.�ort_Dodge ._.__.__., County of ...- �ebster . ._ ..._.,Stute of,:.._IOT"��.: _....._.,hereinaft�er referred
<br /> to as the Borrower, anc� the Mortgagee, �'IRST FEDERAL S�VINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIUN L1F
<br /> ,.� LINC4LN, 123b "N" Street,Lincoln, Ne�1>raska 68.501, its successors and assi�,msr hereinafter raferred tv
<br /> :� as Leader. ' ,
<br /> � '
<br /> WtTx�sssTx: That- the saxd Bonowe�r for and in consaderation of the sirm of �HIRTY FOCIR THOUSAND
<br /> � ...TJebfk_.HJJi�AED;.AN�'_.�I�/.ZQA:_..-r..:. _... ....... ..........._ ....._..�oP.ara (LT��--34�200,Q9:: _ ..._... )
<br /> � paid hy said Lender,doe.9 hareby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, ifs successors and nssigns; the
<br /> ;-� following described prop,erty located in t.h�e County oF.----�1�.......... :... ...- ..., St�te of Nebr#ska: "
<br /> �'��
<br /> `� Block TY��ee
<br /> I�ot On� (1), (3}, Normandy Estates, zzi addition
<br /> ;
<br /> °'� to the City af Grand Tsland, Ha11. vounty, Nebrasl�a.
<br /> .¢
<br /> :� '
<br /> , :.�
<br /> c.'� . ,. .. � �. . . . .
<br /> "� 'I`ocaTx�with all the improvemen�s ❑ow or hereaftea erected on the property, and all easements,
<br /> �,-`;� righ��;appnrtrenanc�s, rents,xoyalties, mi�eral, oil and gas rights and profc#s, water, water r3ghts, rand � •';
<br /> `'�� water.stock;and all SxlFuresrnow or hereafter attached to the �roperty, ail of which; ineludi�g regiace- � � �
<br /> 4 ;� ments and adrlitions th�zeto,sha11 be deerined to be and reznain-a part of tk�e,property covereci by this
<br /> a , '`
<br /> �,�-� Mortgage; and.all of th+e foregoing, togetYser with said pro-�erty (or the leasehold estate in the event this "
<br /> ; 'Mortg�ge is on a leasehold) are herein r�ferced to as the "Property"."
<br /> F �' .. �:. �.. �.. .: . .:. � �. . . ': ,'�.
<br /> $orrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised a�the estate hereby conveyed-and�as the right
<br /> � 'to mo�gage, grant and.eonvey:the Property,tfiat the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower;will � ' ' "
<br /> � '� wums.nt and defend generally,;the title to the-Property against all claims aad demands, subject to,any
<br /> ,� easem�ents and restrictians listed in a`schodule of excepGious to coverage in a�y title insurance policy in- ' :'~ ' �, ;
<br /> �
<br /> suring Lender's interest in the Property, Qr {2) attornev's opinion of title from abstract af title eertified
<br /> , '
<br /> � � by boaded abstraeter. `� � � ��� � � " � �,_,
<br /> ,.� , ` ,
<br /> P�tovxn�p.Ar.wArs,and these presents are executed an.�d delivered upon tlae following conditions,agree-
<br /> -! ments,and abligations`o#the Bormwer, to-w-iC:
<br /> , .
<br /> � �S ' ,
<br /> �_ ��
<br /> ' � The Borrower agree�to pay to the L�ider, or order; ttae principal sum of �TRTY;FOUR;�yQUS�ip `
<br /> � .._. _..
<br /> : ' •--_Ti�0--1i�iJNDRED:..ANll_:3�t�/.IOD.=_-- : ._..:__.. ------Dollars (L7��-,=-�!t.:2.0.Q.S?A-`-- . ._.__:.. ) :
<br /> „ �� ...:.:::.. ..:......•--..._..---�-
<br /> ;, .payab�eias provided in a note executed and delivered,concu.arently herewith,t�e final paymen6 of prineipal,
<br /> q if nat sooner paid,on the.._...�;�� .. ':._:_. day of . �u�.e...:... . ........-.--+�- 200Ea `
<br /> iTxtr�oRM CavExniv�.Bormwer and I encier covenant and agree as'foilows:
<br /> , ; 3. Paymesit:of Principa#amd Iatarest �orrower shall promptiy pay zvhen due the-principal.of and in-
<br /> terest-.on the indebtedness evidenceci by t13e 1Vote,'prepayrr�ent and late chax�es as provided in the Note;
<br /> - and ttze princigai of and inteces�on any Future Advances s+ecured by this&Zortgage:
<br /> 2. ,Funds for Tmces.cmd Insur�ee. Stabjt�ct to Lender's oUtion under oaraeraohs 4 and 5 hereof. Bor-
<br /> ;` rower�nail �ay to Leader on the day,morathly;installments of principal and interest are pa,yable vnder the
<br /> - Note,until theNate is gaid in full,a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-tw�3fth of the yearly taxes and
<br /> -? asseRsr��ents which may attain priority over this Tv,€ortgage, and grouncl rents on the Property; if any �lns
<br /> z , one-tw�ifl,h of yearly pz�:mium:installment�, for hazard insuraace, plus one-twelfth of yearly {�t�a�uum,in-
<br /> ' stallm�nts far mortgage;insurance,if any, all as'reasonably- estimated initiali�*and from time to ti�ne by
<br /> Lender-on the basis of assessments and bills and ressonab?e�atimates thereof,Lender shall apply �he Func�s
<br /> �'' f tci p�°y'said taxi�.w,asse���nen�s;insurance premiums and gro-zind rents. Lender shaU make no char�e for so
<br /> � holdi� anri.a 1 ' th+e:Funds'or veri - and com ilui�said,assessinents and bills. fihe I;.end�r sha1L
<br /> ' . g PP 9�k �S"3n� P�_�
<br /> � = ��:e'-..: t:�a u:,...,wGr,vc;�hout cis�rge,an a.�nual accounting of the Funds shaw3ng eredits and debits to the
<br /> - Funds and the purpose fior which each debi�t to the Runds:was rnede:The Funds are pledged as Padciitionai
<br />� ,� secuti�y;for the:sums sec.�red by this Mor�gage.<The Sorm�ver agraes that t.�ie Funds may be h�3d I�y the '.
<br /> a ;; Lencler and mznntiixglei3•svith otber#uiads snd tlie Le.nder's �awn Eunrl�and t,he Lender may pay saicla items `
<br /> � -? #rom i��wn £unds and the Lender sha11�ot be tiabla for ianterest or c3ividenc�s on such Funds. ; .. ''" ".��`�
<br /> Zf the sau�vszt of t?s�Fvncls 3aseid by I.+�ndex.tvgether wsth the #uteue �onthly installments of Funds ?"
<br /> „ 1�Y�l�:paor�Go-�he due.dates of ta�ces;assessm�#xx, insur�nee;presnium�an�i�found,rents,s3�a11 ex�....�--d �
<br /> � � the am,o,unt required�u pay said�aaea,assassmes�ts,insurask.ce pr,emiums and g�'ound rents as tliev fall due, �'
<br /> such exce�,:aha11 be,at$orrower'�s+optiaa, either prompLlg�epaici to Borrower or credited to Baa�rnwer an
<br /> . -
<br /> „ ,:, mont�Y instsilaneats ot Funds::.Z#.the au�o�nt mf #ha Fun�3x i�e1d bv Lender sliali not be sufticie�3it to pay ,��.,.�
<br /> � ` taxes,�aSse�.sments,ins�r�tnce�ir�rn3t�ms<a�ci grvRx+td s'en�a aes t:he� fatt dae, #3cormwer shalt pa;v+�a Ler�der ��Mr
<br /> - axty$�oxazRt,a�rY.us mak.e:up ttte de�taeney�within;:xhi�tw,days aiier noi.i,c^e irejm Lender ici Borrerwrr " .
<br /> wt rc
<br />, reque��ng payment.the�eoE,�r Borrower,-�3rac11, by ait incre�se ia monthl,y ins�allmen�s o#Funds requix+ed.
<br /> repa:� the de&cdenay wi��in the Fuud ac�co�utting period.
<br /> Z..�1-�i�I�Y��ani�in fusl vt all,sxata�ss�c•�n'�1 by,ahix�Mortgage,i�encier ahall rnNply Fuiul�l�elai e.a a�c�<]it
<br /> � a�;aiast at�s�ms due,
<br /> a,:.. �
<br /> F
<br /> r'
<br />