<br /> ' ,..:.�w.°.
<br /> � �
<br /> �7� C�0 2�i 14
<br /> ESthi.l�it to Y+�o. Copy of G?ov�nants and F�estrictions for 5a�ndy
<br /> Beach Subdivisian as rc.�re9c3 in Book
<br /> at Page of the Offiae of the tiegister
<br /> ot I�1s Fo�ia].l Co�ty, C7eY�raska
<br /> �V
<br /> ';• I-
<br /> ; ALI lots in t�ie SANDY BEACH SUBDIVI.SION stzall be krrwn and descri�ed as residential lots.
<br /> ;` , ` Nra strueture shall: be erect�d, altered, p�ac�d, or permitted to remain on arxy lot other
<br /> than one det�ched modern single family dw�lling� not to exceed two stories in.he.igi�t and
<br /> `-� not 3ess than 'a two-car attac$ec� garage. 6nly one aclr3itional storage or accessoxy bi.ulciing
<br /> wi12 be-allaweci on a lot.
<br /> ,
<br /> I=�
<br /> ' The own�rs of each ,Zot sha11 be obligated to keep his Y3uildings i.n good.re��r,and appearance, .
<br /> � to keep his.property up in accordance witYz. the standarz3s of a Class A resiclential n�ighbor--
<br /> hood, ,to praparly m3intain h:is yard, lawn, shore line, bushes, trees, and to'otheYwise
<br /> care �or his got in such a manner that it shall: not be degrac3ing to SA�V(�Y BF'A�r? cr��Tcr�gy�y
<br />�.
<br /> >
<br /> III.
<br /> ; ALl buildings shall be set l bac1: frcxzt the fsont 1ot lina,side s Creet or fzom rhe side
<br /> ' ' lot line in cz�nformity to ,the County zoning and buildi�.g,regulations of'Fia11,County, _ .'
<br /> '~ Nebraska; or„'in the event said area is annexed to the city of Grand Island,'iJebraska, ',
<br /> ":. : ` then such set Jaack �y be in accordance wi�h the building �de and zon3ng regulations. ` '�;
<br /> � cif the:city of Grand Island, Nebraska:' . ` '
<br /> �;.' " ;
<br /> :.; IV.
<br /> s, y -
<br /> ; No c�elli.ng sYaa11 be.built on any, lot,in this subdivision with less than One 7�ousand
<br /> �, r F'our Hur�dred s<7uare feet .(1,400) of ground area enclosad in the sti-ucture exclusive of `
<br /> one,story open porches and atta.ched garages, nor less �an One Thousand 3tao H�srclred. (1,200)
<br /> square feet of ground area in the'case of a stoiy and one-hal� or two stoxy structure. �
<br /> � � All h�res will have brick fn�nt at least four. and one-half (4'�) feet up frcan the gxound.
<br /> ,':.i
<br /> V.
<br /> ��a noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carriecl on upon any lot or shall
<br /> : anything be clone thereon whici� may be ar be� an annoyanae or nuisan� to the nei�rhood.
<br /> � �'hat no swine, cattle, sheep, horses, or any other dozr�sticatEc3 animels atY±er +han pets
<br /> such as dogs arid cats, which rnust be kept confin�d to ttie indi.vidual t�mers property, not
<br /> bred or mai.nta�.ned far any Comne,rcial purpose, and not allaweci to nan at will: in the said ,
<br /> subc�.ivision:
<br /> VI_
<br /> 1�7o trailer, base.m�nt; tent shack, garage; barn, or other out-buildings erected on any
<br /> 1ot of this subdivision shall at any time }ae usc-�d as a residence te�rarily or pernr�nently
<br /> nor sn:all any structure of a t.�mporary ckiaracter be used as a residenoe.
<br /> --.rr
<br /> _. ........_.
<br /> ,. . . . .. . . � . 4111� . . . . . . � ..
<br />��., � :. . .. . .. . . . .. ..
<br /> �io worn out or discar�ded autos, machi.nery, or parts thereof sha11 be stored on any lot in
<br /> said.subdivisiom, and no port3on thereof'shall be used f�r the storage of autos, jun}c piles,
<br /> or anp;:otlYer k�nd of 7unk .and1'ar waste mat�rials.
<br /> ti: � „"-.
<br /> 7X. {; ,� a:�'F�
<br /> �� .
<br /> �_ Ia7o sod.. earth, sand gravel, or trees shail 3�e remc33v�d frotn said 3ots to the injury of the �,��
<br /> vd]-ue �ezeof. nor ta the t,;na,,,Pnae of the a�pearanc� of any 1ot, and rno unused bui3dinq
<br /> �ria:i-, J� �r rt�bisiz s.haii be leit e,�ed cyz any 1flt, �xcept durin4 actval buildina
<br /> anci ocsns�tvcticaz. v.
<br />�� �
<br />� , . �
<br /> E
<br />