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<br /> � ' L Escrow Dc�cuments : This cqntract shali be executed in
<br /> r ' �
<br /> ,
<br /> �ripiicate; one copy to be : retained b�r 5eller , one capy by Euvers , and
<br /> � the' thir�f copy sha11 be deposited in r�scrow with an escrorv agent to be
<br /> >�
<br /> ; agresd upon by the parts es . Tt� e' Abstracts of Tf tle , after �he same ; '
<br /> ;
<br /> ' ;: i i7aue bee� extendesf and � xamined by the tiu,yers ' attarney , shall be
<br /> r
<br /> � ' de7ivere� to the escrow agent . A.tl ir� stallme�t payments , together
<br /> � ,
<br /> ;: •
<br /> g
<br /> 1 � �ith any advances made by Selier as provjd�d for heretofore 6_y this
<br /> , •
<br /> � contract, shall be made by the Huyers t� the Se11er at a - lacation naersed
<br /> ,. � hy the Se71er . Upon pa,y€nent of the taa "lanca:� . due on the nurcPease price
<br /> ,:,
<br /> , :- ; hehein provided , ;said es �rotv agent shali nrovide the� �Iarranty Deed to
<br /> ,
<br /> ; ; ` th� Buyers and the Buyers si� ai 3 deduct: from the 180tn �ayment to the
<br /> r� f . . � . � . . . . .. . . .. . � � . . . � . � � . .
<br /> �;`•f SeT 7er the amount of` $ 121 . OQ ( Qne Hund �-ed TE�ienty -Qne and noj:3 �0 Do17 ars } , ">
<br /> �
<br /> _ ;
<br /> ? for doc�ara�ntary stamp tax which is understood to be the 5e11er's '
<br /> ;' �
<br /> , { - obligation . , . Fn addition , said escro�x agent shali turr� aver Abstracts' '' `
<br /> , � � �
<br /> �' � of Tit1e -�o -the Buyers . The charge af the sscrow .aqent , if a�ty , shall
<br /> F � . . . . . . � . . . . . � � . � � . � � ��� , , ..�'� . .' :.
<br /> �.: i . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . -
<br /> � Y . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> t be paid eQuallu by the -l�uyers and Se13er . Zf the' Selisr exercises '
<br /> � �. Se71er' s csption to declare the whole of the indebtedness ander this �
<br /> �
<br /> �� , contract , togeth2r with �ny advances made i� v Sel "I �r as herei n provi ded ,
<br /> � . �, ta 6ecome and be ir!unediat�l ,y due and p�yable t�y reasan of Buyers ' fa �ilure ; ,
<br /> s, �
<br /> � ';; to pay amount due under the contract , cr if Buyers sha71 abandon the rea 'i
<br /> .!' ,�
<br /> , .�
<br /> ' � estate , Seller sha17 , Svithin tf� irty ( 3f3 ) days of makirsg such exercise of
<br /> ` i Sei '� er ' s ept:ion , notify said escrow aqent and saic3 escroc,� agent ; ti4itti the
<br /> consent o� the Buyers , st�atl thereupon firQnediately deliver 'to the Se3ler
<br /> °� � tfi�e Abstracts of T� tle aerd the bJarranty Deed , herein ab�ove referred to ,
<br /> � '`t and the l3uyers sha11 ret�rn ta Seller tne Buvers ' cc� ntract for condi -�ional
<br /> } ` sale of real estate . If �uyers refuse to consent ta �" eliver�y of suck�
<br />� '. _
<br /> uiiC'u'1iiL"�Ylt:$ -c�iiG� �ii� a.E'� 11,}f� CS ` r,(�Y4i.i`ziC�: i(iY �.OY1Cili� a�t7d � Sd� C-' Oi 1"t_..° u 'l l?S�d �2 �
<br /> 'l ;
<br /> �`r" . tEser� tJ�e Se11er shail proceed to forec� ns� this contract for the conrdi -
<br /> �, _ � � � � � , � � � � �a
<br /> tiotaa3: sal �e af rea7 estat�e in t�e manrter prnuided far b,y law . , . ��, ; , . . : :�� :
<br /> ' r 2 . i?ut� es +af t�e Escrow A�en-t ' Uuon L�e �auit ' caf &uveY-s . li�scrn ' ' f` ._� ,'
<br /> ,� ; "
<br /> �� � . satisfacto�^y proo-F ot Buyzers ` defaalt �an perfu�sning E�uuer�s ' duties ar�d � � "�
<br /> � � � � F�,z,
<br /> � ��; . :
<br />�
<br /> uF�i iyatiax�.s as }�r�v � sie�i ia� tt� is contrac � , as3� 3 n acctrrua:nce ar i t+ i tite ri; ,
<br /> ��n;: .. .
<br /> a�rovis#ons of Paragraph 3, abqve ,„ in thi s Paranr�ph Vi F , cai d �sero�a a �tent > " '
<br />�
<br />�, . . . . . , . .t µ . � .
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