_ , � �
<br /> i :�.",:�'. _...i
<br /> . � c�uirc�' r L<<t ,,1er {,rnc�e'r � �
<br /> ,a,�l ., r� * m �e ('rr�}�� �tv a , ar � zlcs>t � .N���i�•t u�v b��ur�i:s �
<br /> EnrnrnS � ) a !' ^'o{urcc � , u :arr u��-ition b+ 1 � �
<br /> 1C uc�; 1���*�►txr� lb . st�r tc, t ii� x4t�� ,>t slu k rnt�t rcy- - r• c 1 � IortR � y
<br /> �.u,lc� k ui �� �e>cvr„ ixi• ti�k�
<br /> xkma3la�Kx}S' , TA° t���t ttcan mta�>+`� , tnt�nir c �<ic �Yi Yys� l.exi�ier
<br /> ±,,,�36y t.etsd+er a^ i..� t x��se, ui x�1,St �'..:•:�` n., u eracSit a�;a�a, t tiic rsyabie to
<br /> 9. �`�� Qi ���ta. 1's�S'+�"a u�ry�licat>tr 1:��+ F1rt�vula:, ot.herws� . alf � 'trE,ent ot �art ��utmt� F
<br /> u�eritu :'�otexttA ;a�ragraP k , s� r�bl�r on � 9 �c \�tc an�i on I�`�xtinre Acivancea� if
<br /> 3ttt I araI 'E $sereut alaall 1 ��� +�# +I+lsed lay 1 eti4lrr ttt. t sri ) 5"
<br /> T.�s�eticr �Y �arrowor uader Y�araSes►i,�L '= ��ereot. tliexi trr inte�rst t n ' ,
<br /> tu the �+ e�ments aad ath�r rh�rF��. fines nnd irnpoaitians attrib-
<br /> z�cxy, siui ttceu rinci}ual nf xhe \cr�.e anct to thr: 1�rincxT�n1 oi k'uture :'+�tti•:��ce,s, it �n}'. at Tlender's
<br /> 4. �'4'ai% �" �O�O�er at,�tt �uk n41 Laxes. a� w �e� u'ue , riirectly ta
<br /> ' � :�vhish maY ntt�ia a {>ziority ovcr t �lix �fortsuge, ar,d .�'ra1�Y menCt�. ; f :�+�Y,
<br /> essa�le to tEse Propex'tYsovided under C�arsgra{�h .3 here^E or bu Li4rrowes inakizng T y ts evi_
<br />'� t�3 ¢ptynn in the snannez p I furnish to S.ender atl noF,iees of ���y11fuc rish tnrLe�sder reoeip�A�he
<br /> � �'`' the payee thereof. Borr�wer shnll PromphY e ; ro-
<br /> ': C11 a�; .in 4he event Borrovwer sitall ttxAk� p�..yn�eni direetiy, �crzzoaer ahall pronz}� ree isti writing t4
<br /> Boerawer sbait �rotrptly �isclrnrge ntyy lien which hsjs S7riority ocer this �rfartqs.g P
<br /> ;: C7 d�xcing such �aymenY�_ ond faith aonf,est
<br /> uired to d"asclzarge any s��rl� lie�i{aiile to T e�er�rrr sha.li in �;
<br /> Q vid�d�that $atrower eha11 not bs req � ,vl�ich o�er�te to prevent tk�e enforcement of
<br /> �� � �, . >raCepc!ing�
<br /> a m�nt or defend enforcemen otts�el� l erx zm��teg,al i nmel aecep .
<br /> � auci3r lien 'vY. r}, Qr seaay l�uxt �ilereoE
<br /> the �ien or #o�e%urQamc�Qe Bor�i�Ower sti�ti keep �tic in��lras-ements no�c existin� or Iserea#ter ewee�ieci an the Prop-
<br /> M1 5. Haz�= haxards i.ncludecl withisi the term "extended covernge`', :�nd such other haz�rds s�-5
<br /> ainst 3oss Uy-fire, the sums seaured'�Y
<br /> erGy ihsured �8 e re�uiaeci to Pav
<br /> ire an� in such amaunt.s 3ncl for ar1etP�at �m*unt �f eavera�� r��uire : t>roe�ided , �11ai I..ender shn�ll
<br /> Len+der mav reclu e excesci Lender:
<br /> d
<br /> not aequire �iat the amc�unL �i such aovex-�+B I3arso�ver' subject ta apP�ayai by
<br /> this 1�lortga8e� recuiun� an insurance policies si�anil be paid
<br /> 'I'he insurance cuse�er proviciing Lhe insurance si�sit iae chosen �S' Borrorver snal:ing �ayyment� when dae,
<br /> e -
<br /> pravideci; that sueli apPsaual shail noL be unr�asona�b�ly Y�a ih��1�reoi or by
<br /> � c
<br /> '' at LNender's option in tlze snanner proti-sde� under p. g P � platew."t ,
<br /> ' ten days .of its exP�ation, the Lender, -
<br /> ii;rec�ty to tlze 2n$urAnc� carrier. such s�m sha12 become
<br /> lic is not renewed ° rovements, PaY the premiuzns and and shall be
<br /> In the event; anY 4 P�e insuran�e on #he irnp constitute a defauit
<br /> its ia�terest, may P , set forth in said nate until paed
<br /> ' 1 �a abie wit3i insjerent at ti�e raie at o tian of Lender, _
<br /> ��ediatelu due and _ Y BoTrower ta com�ly may, P
<br /> secuaea bV this �iortgage. Failure by
<br /> under the terttjs of thz:s Mortgage: olicies and .
<br /> * � o Le��des, Lcnder al�ail liave the ri�tztail}rec�P� �� F�id pre-
<br /> , ranCe olicies and renewnls t£'�ereof �h�lU i7e in ioriu �cce�� 'cnbl� to �.e���ei a a shall iraclxide u standard
<br /> ` :�liinsu P
<br /> ixaor�B b t1 iurnish to Len der a t l r e n e i v a t n o t�c n s
<br /> a e:claaise in favor o f an d i i i i o r n a a c G e F>t a
<br /> � rene�'a1s theaeoi; And $�rrowel shatl pros'�P Y
<br /> ��.. In �,�ie event oi loss, Borrarver sYs:a1� glz`� 7�r°nzl�� naL'ce La ihe insurancc carrier and Lera der, an d L e n d e r '
<br /> �Y �k� praoi of Ioss if not snad� Pro�Dt�Y" �� Bazro��cer
<br /> such restoration ar r4Vair is econofxiicn}ly fezj,si6lc �nd ��e 5�'��T��'y °t r
<br /> �' nless Lender and �orrower othenr'�e agree �n �i'rituig, itlsutarice �'�roeeeds sl�slf }�e upplied to restara.tion or
<br /> u ¢umaged , procide ��T �� I�ot econosnieally feasible dr if the security'
<br /> ` reps.ir of ihe Property -, �lied to ttze =uins seeureci �Y this 2Yloztgage; ;
<br />, '• e is not th�3eby impasred. Zfi such restaracinn oi rep
<br />, r, ��; �ZorFga,S aired; the insurunce ��roeeeds siisll b4 spS '
<br />�.. ". of tl�s �'Iortgsge �voutd be imP
<br /> e , he cxeess, �f any, paid to Barrowe�. �i the Propercy is abandoned ��y- Borrow e+r or if �3arro�sser fat an�eiEher tci ` �'
<br />� �vittt- t s aiter i�oizce b}• .�ender to $orcov%er thnt ihe insurnnce �aTr�er o€fers lo settle a ciaSin far ' {�
<br />�`^ to I,�nder 3vithin 30 ��y 1 - the ansurance proc�eds at T.ender's pP � ; :,
<br /> inst�ance benefif.s; Lender is au e��?o atrs4 he,snms seeured �S
<br /> tV1is �Sortg�ge: rinciPal shail ::�;
<br /> G ' rQ�,t�ra�ion erx repair oi ��e �'rop S a,i}' such sspP3icsstion af hs 1 a d 2�ereo# or chan�e 5��,
<br /> ; -�j�le�s Lender anei Iiorrus�'er othex�'�e a rea yn wricing ,
<br /> � ' nd or postpane i�e due daie o[ the mantlilV installments reierred ta n� �aragr A
<br /> nat �xte lments. "�
<br /> the a�aunt o# avch insts3 uired by I.ender, all righ�, title and 'snteres� oi Bors°wer in
<br /> , , 4, Tf under> Paragraph 18 hereoi the f'soP�rty is acq ricar co tlre. saie or '
<br /> ; � an�� insuranee pa� icies und in and �.a bge proeeeds -tizereoirQcn dssni g�e�tc� a�letl'ropert}Qy r�d by ttsis i1�Sort- ,
<br /> ; sg� to suen saie or x�equisicion) res»liin�
<br /> c gage immedisiety prior : f3orro�ti•er shai3 keep t�e Prop-
<br /> � acgts�eition shsll pass ta �ender. PropezrY% Leaseho2ds; Condomixssums- �d sha1S ;
<br /> - ffi. Presesvation mld Y`'itdateamzca .af
<br /> � . + ermit or conxmii cvaste, atTs�ai�eni, or dete'riQraiion oi the Z'r+operiy
<br /> � er.�,�, in good repair and sha31 no� P
<br /> � ; cam��Y wxmh the P
<br /> ro��isicrns oi an}* lease, iF this �Z�raa�ns urzder tige dt lara�ioxil vt cando�n niu_*n ar in s�ala ed
<br /> ' ' unit, Borrow�r slzail perforzn akl of Borra�cr's obiig
<br /> the b+�7'- � f Borso�:ver f eed ��hicl�i nater�ially n�e tssLender�'s in�tarest � f.he Prop- �
<br /> �aws �;n� re�uyations oi the condor��«ium Igr°j�'ct and consi.itueni docume�t�-
<br /> �. Pzateetion of Lezider's Security. } �S cornmen roceed- _,
<br /> this �s4ortgager or ii any; action or procecdi3sg n�s inake such
<br /> = i
<br /> but not Simited ia, emine�t don�ain insol� ezzcy , co3e eni otl ot cte ta I3orrover,�nr:sy r F
<br /> �rt�3'e includin;: t or decedent, then Lender at 3 �zidcr's ojYtion, u� rotecY, Lenaer`s interes�� inciuding� bnt + i
<br /> ings snvolving a bankruP so ma �e repaiss. Any
<br /> � � � t�+ees, * u on 'tha 3'ropercY
<br /> disburse suri� sums and take such act�nn ns �s ` it1�5i xter sa z ereon, �13iL1� LTecome a+�ditiosta3 indebE-
<br /> gP�� diskaurser�ent of seasonal7� e attvrr�eya l� 7 , Snd eccry P
<br /> �. . , � not i�mitRd #,a, � �, aragz P �
<br /> amo�nts dislsursed b�* Lender pursuant Lo I�i$ � es' Go Borrower request3ng ��ayment- tliereo[ , and 51xa11 bear inter-
<br /> ' ' bv thss llort,�age. lTnless Borra��ei• and l.ender agree ta ot3ier ierans o� I�syanent, such ,
<br /> edne�s of Borrower secur+ed I,end
<br /> s .. smat.nts shai3 be papabie uf>on noLlae �ror� ermissaole hy
<br /> ' t sucPi atfar�iinte sia�li bear int,exest si ttxe , �as�?�eYper�s or do any ae�
<br /> i�om tkae dsste oi tiisb��'seman� at the rate st�.tec� ln the :.tiote uniess 3��.YT�ent of int�erest �t su�� ra� +'�ould be
<br /> est in �vliieh eveu _
<br /> � ' aonzt'�Y'J' � �1�Plicable Saw , 1� ? shall a�enuira Lencler to isicu
<br /> upPii,seeahle !aw_ �iotd�ing contain�� in ttris �>uragrap
<br /> �:
<br /> liere�znder. � , 1�e. r�;aci4 rensortat,3c� ez�f,ries ur�aor� nnci ie�speciions of tl�e Prop_
<br /> r `. B. IxagP�:'�' Lender �nay inaka oz rau;e. to • ;o :�n�• :�g<•li insT�ec�ioii . +�c:cii.ing resso�+able cause
<br /> Q�;�, grm'ideii that I,encer sli31S gi�•e $a:-ao�•e��otis�c ; ria: diree� or can��3nenxir-si, in cau�ection
<br /> , ther��:�c reiat� to I,errccie�l> intere�t� in flse icra�e
<br /> i
<br /> �. ������, T�r �raceeds of .�nr�� asrar�i or claui: for c a.nsg�, y
<br /> raiz tiaereof • or for c�n� eva�ce in iie°3� bf conc3etnna'
<br /> wit� �na* coariertinaLion csr viher taicin� °; zo Les�der4rtv , or I , ;i�,i xo t1�e �ucus aecur� by this �ior4- T*'� ' '�
<br /> r
<br /> tiou>-.g+Te herei�} asagned and sYsaii lte �ai{3: eres . thc ��racc�d � �5�n;i tre a; P
<br /> of the 2'rop ai the 1'rop���• , z3nless Iiorrower
<br /> ` ` �n ti�e eti=enL oi a trrf�l taking ro or-
<br /> � � �ai�3 to Rorrc��ve�•: �n ti�e e��eni ot a ��artiai taicing L�iiG 1losiga�e suc� F P „ l,
<br /> � ' g�ge, n�ith t3ie exceas� it apy . '1 4 S �ecureci by this :�.1ort�sg� amme" �„�;
<br /> and �u�er. o�t�erwise ag�'ee in writing, t;ix� oriiu i*n hict� �ihe a.�oulnz of x 1 e cum.. b� , .;
<br /> ' g erc�?� ��nmeciiaxkly �rio3' to the dat,e of
<br /> �g � �s �quai to that �� ` "
<br /> , taot� r�f G�� P �eai� to tS�$ Sair iusr b;e4 �a �ue of the YFop :
<br /> , F dis�Y P�trr^�� #.Ixe d�te r�i tskmg eeds �a�d r.a Eorra�er:.
<br /> i� �,. taisin�� � � �'alsui;e ra# tine prc� s of tne date ,„ ,
<br /> `a}�ndansd bg IIbrrt�aeroz i��r_awer�ia-�IF �tn e�f�+�dlt��2:�zxier ,hit�int30 a Sdeuan�r oners
<br /> a , ; F� t�e P�Y � us as, 13
<br /> ' ", w nRtr.lca au Svrarri or s�"• te i� u"saun ior asa� g �t t >r<sceeus as Lend�r � optxon eulier to restvrstsan or
<br /> ui a�s.^-� �o�ac�a �u�rr ia xus,liari��i to c:.c�`t�aco a�►� ai:s# v �e � T s
<br /> secu� �'�y t�i� tilartg�ag�- hcatsu� of �roceeds io Principsl shali
<br /> t�epr�ii�' of the �'�S�Y ur '�ru id3e su��+s � r� an..,vzii'wg, ��3 sueh z�PF �
<br /> �nl+ess I,e4des' aad B�orrocs�er +�t1�en�as� � (
<br /> ..._...1
<br /> _..�
<br /> �. ,.. �
<br />�';�,,. _ _
<br />� -
<br />