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<br /> �����A� SHORT FORM Loan Numt�er_._33047 — 1 �-- SO
<br /> RI't PRQPERn IMPROVEMEPVT ------ei-.��n__"_'irv'.�
<br /> �L��COL� : �FORM'N0..2.1 Y iRcv.5-721 :. . � . . � .
<br /> � �.EAL EST�TE �1rIOR'I`GAf,sE
<br /> , �'�,�,U D 2~I�i i� K.I`TOW ALL MEN BY TH�3E PREEEN'i�
<br /> +� '+�. -
<br /> �; Y+���_ ,Rubert 7 S�3�midt and Carol 3. Schmidt� husband and wife�,:;�ointlx .and,each,in their
<br /> .......... ........
<br /> _....... .. ...... . .......
<br /> ? own r3ght,
<br /> hereina�ter called Mortgagois,in consideration of the sum of:.k'DLiR._TI�OII3�_.SIXTX..THREE__6N�::Db.l.100
<br /> ` ' (� 4,063:d6 ) I?pI:;LARS, the receipt of which is 3aernhq acknowledged„ do hereby MfIRTGAGE
<br /> �
<br /> ' 's and CONVEY an absolute titTe, including-all the `rights of homestead and inheritance, unto EIRST
<br /> ��k ,
<br /> ; Mortgagee, its successors and rissigns, the foilowine descri�aed real estate,situated in._...Ha11,_:, __..._„
<br /> ;r CountY,State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br /> f` j .. .. . � . . . , . � ��
<br /> Lot Five (5) of the County Subdivision of Lots Thirte�en (13) and Sib.teen (16)
<br /> and part of Lote Eigfit (8), Eleven (11)� Twelve '(12) and Fourteen (14), pf the
<br /> s` County Subdivision of-the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE'�SW'�)
<br /> of Section Sixteen (16), in �ownship Eleven (11), North of Range Nin.e (9)"
<br /> West of the 6th P.M., in Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> 't
<br /> i
<br /> p
<br /> �; TO HAVE ANIJ�TO HOLD the resi estate abave described,.witts all appurtenances thereuato
<br /> �„ belongiasg unta the saic3 ?tifortgagee,:forever, providerl always,and this mortguge is upon the express con-
<br /> dition:that if the aforesaid'Mortgagor�, their heirs, executoxs,arlministrat�rs or assigns ahall gay ox cause
<br /> to be gaid to the said MorCgagee,its successors or sisaigns, the principat,sum hereinabove sa� forth,'aik
<br /> � according to the tenor_aa�effect of a eertain ins#allment note of said Mortgagors bearing everf dttte with
<br /> this mortgage, and;shall PaY taxes and assesssnenta levied upon said real estate, and all other tases,levies
<br /> ° � anti assessments levied upon this mortgage-or the note which this mortgage is given to eecure, before the
<br /> same or any irestallment �hereof becomes delanquent, then this mortga�e tcs be void,otherwise to remain
<br /> � in full force.
<br /> � IT IS RITRTFiER AGREED (1) T�at if the said Mortgagor-she�l fail �o pay sucti taaea; the
<br /> Mortga.��ee may pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall Ue paid by ac+id Mortgagors,
<br /> , ,y" and#�xis mqttgage shall:stand as security for the same. (2} 'I"hat Mortgagors cavenant with the Mortgsgee
<br /> � y that thsy are lawfully aeizQd of said;real estate and covenant to-warrant and defend the said :real estate
<br /> , against the lawful ctaims of aIt pereons whoxr:soever. (3) T'hat in case of a foreciosure o£ this mortgage,
<br /> the plaintiff in such proceedings shall be entitled to takeposa ession of the premises, protect the same and
<br /> callect t�e renta, i�sues a�d pmSts thereof. (4) That a fai�urn to pa,y any of said rnoney or �ny install-
<br /> ment.t3�ereof cvhess tlte sarne i�ee:onze� due,ar a #ailure to cumply wit:lt any oi ine iuregoing a.�reements,
<br /> shall cae�se the whole sum of money herein,secured to becorne due and coil�tible a�once At the option of
<br /> the 1VIartgagee. :
<br /> ;� R- �� �
<br /> ; Signed this....:�-�..:day of...............•---.,..__....-.-.. %3`•���k _.. .....__......_...---- 19 77
<br /> f �
<br /> _ _��,�5.���"---
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<br /> _ (7n this.:.x5',�..:----- d°y'a't'--....._....�..'_���f'...._.......� 19._`L'7.before m�the undersi�€ned,a Notury Public.in xnd foz j
<br /> �r-`v n.„;.�! .
<br /> y �,
<br /> ' ,�g��,�y, ���y,�e �obert J„__$chm�r3t_and Carol L. Schmidt husband and wa.�e------ ` �.,
<br /> , . ......... .__...... ........ s__". . . ......_.. ,._..._...............""" ' +�
<br /> personaliy knoxen,tn me ta bB #J�e zdeatu.at Pe�+sons v�haee mames are aS:ed ta the above and fure�cung inx�rument. as '
<br /> �� mo:tgagertb,sad e�Rrh acknowiedged eaid iaatntment 4+o be Lis pa her voluutaty act and dee�L �'`k.
<br /> �, . . - � � .�Lwlciuras�.my hand.ai+ai�notsrini sesi.ax...� `'r�ud Isia 3 ..*debr3sc�a . �
<br /> .. .......... . ._....._...... . ..... ....,_..... ....... ....
<br /> _... f
<br /> .x.,
<br /> ...__..._ . ....._ , . . ,�;
<br /> the date �st a2�me writfra �^
<br />�:� � � .. � ROBEATtf_PLACZEK: �. . . � .'4 .� '�� ���-c-,� ������ `" . �
<br /> ....._........,.................. .._..... . ..-j.�.. .
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<br /> p�#�1,,�(p7J1Ny:gt�p at,rMpr r;�.r 2du��rx' Publia
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<br /> ` � Ia'iY aa�naieaiaa ' � ...�".'kAY.�4�ii�..�`r?��`........._..
<br /> � � . . � � kON.�6R8E.ti 18�.1fi98. .. .
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